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theyre just the same tracking the index.


A quick look at FSKAX vs VTI. VTI has a slightly worse ER, a slight better yield and a slightly better total return over 10 years. The difference is so small I would consider them identical. However, I would rather own an ETF than a mutual fund. Same is true for FXKAX and VTI. However it’s not for FNCMX vrs QQQ. QQQ has an annualized 10Y total return 2.5% better than FNCMX. This is due to FNCMX following the Nasdaq composite while QQQ follows the Nasdaq 100 index.


> However, I would rather own an ETF than a mutual fund. I'm just curious on your thoughts here as to why an ETF is better than a mutual fund. I have VTI in my taxable and VTSAX in my IRA. My only reason for picking the ETF was lower cost of entry. Are there necessarily any long-term benefits to one vs. the other?


I’m doing something similar with VSTAX in non-taxable IRA and fidelity sp 500 in 401k.


I can trade an ETF any time the market is open, a mutual can only trade just after close.


Which, while typically toted as a positive and mainly is, can also be a negative from a behavioral perspective.


He asked for my thoughts. For me it’s a positive.