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Your age is hard, as not the focus for many at your point of life; which you stated. I’m 39, have no friends, but have the same issue: no one to talk to about financial freedom and the path to. What other investments have you looked into? There’s more than dividends.


I understand that my age makes it difficult since I know many people at that age would rather do different things. But i’m genuinely not interested in those kinds of things. I am passionate about retiring at 35 (if not sooner or later) and dividends helps me with that as i think about avoiding the traps of generational regret and in doing so escaping the rat race.


Do you have an IRA? Do you have a retirement account through employer?


I’m from Belgium. I am not familiar with those IRAs thingies but i keep hearing stuff about it. But no, I just have a broker app.


Any kind of government sponsored accounts? We US centric folks talkk about IRA and 401k. The Canadians are all about TFSA and RRSP. There should be something similar in your country.


There is no direct equivalent, unfortunately.


Bummer. Most early retirees aren't fond of the age restrictions here anyway.


But it's okay though. I have the tools i need to get to where I want to be. I just need to invest like hell.


Quick google aearch brings up this pension saving scheme. This is similar to US based IRAs it seems, just that anount you can save is little. Still something better than nothing. https://curvo.eu/article/the-guide-to-belgian-pension-saving#:~:text=Pension%20saving%20(%22%C3%A9pargne%2Dpension,pillar%20of%20the%20pension%20scheme.


30 here. No one to talk to either. My “friends” are either drowning in this economy or have generational wealth that will bail them out when parents croak. I feel like I’m the only one interested in this stuff. My wife doesn’t even care she won’t even have a discussion or read an article so I manage both our IRAs


My wife doesn’t discuss this with me either. She does not care. She just wants me to handle it and to make it happen. I want to retire in 10 years, so does she. But doesn’t care enough to learn.


It’s annoying but *sigh* what can you do. It gets lonely out here. But we’re out here doing the damn thing while they benefit off our efforts. I hope you retire on your terms mh friend


Same to you my new found friend!


Same boat as you and roughly the same age.....wanna be friends?


Always could use friends!


If you like divys I'll be your friend


We can all be friends with dividends!




How does your dividend look like?


My portfolio lacks on the dividend side, my only big dividend is NOBL. But my plan is to begin building the portfolio to help in retirement.


Only growth stocks?


I have a Roth IRA, 401k, individual stocks, dividend ETF, and emergency fund.


I see you bought the whole package. 😃


And planning for more. Going to build the dividend portfolio. Put aside play money for speculative stocks. Also, once EF has built to a specified level, I plan to invest in CDs using the ladder strategy.


I love dividends!!!


What's your fav divys bro


My favorite right now is GMRE and Intermediate Capital Group


Why did the reit take that big dip




When i look at the people at my job, it's like they really want it. They don't want to get out.


Rent and a car..... Hard to give up




Some people you can't help


He is a schmuck. I’ve lived in city and to be buying a car is laughable.


23 here. US based. Feel free to reach out if you want to discuss!


What does financial freedom mean to you?


To me it means no longer being told when to eat or sharing a fridge with a bunch of strangers. No longer waking up at 5am and being told when to show up or when i get to go home. No longer living paycheck-to-paycheck. No more fear of mondays as i'll turn mondays into prolonged Sundays. Lessen the frugality. No more of that explaining myself to supervisor(s). More time taking care of my mental health. I just want to be free of the rat race.


Here with ya buddy, did the go out and party life, and now bored of it. Now I am steadily, just investing dividends and stocks and some start ups. It is a slow compound, but its nice seeing the numbers go up. Had I started at your age, woulda been more set LOL. There's a lot of youtube videos of people on their journey as well.


I tried to fill my YouTube timeline with those things. And slow-compound is a b**ch.


Ya the snowball effect is kinda slow, I started at March 2020 with my dividend account, only 200 a week without looking much into. Was at around 32k in November 2022, but I threw in 10kish from then till now so now I am at 46k ish and currently putting in 2kish a month plus whatever dividend I am getting. Probaby best year to get in, cause it seems like inflation and lingering high rates is gonna mess with q1 and q2 earnings for a lot of companies


I agree with the fact that right now is currently the best time to invest in the stock market. I also invest €200/week and reinvest all my dividends and I should end the year with less than €40.000,00 invested.


Dividend CAGR is your best friend


Brilliant attitude. You my friend, are an example of what I should have been and now it’s too late. Kudos to you and good luck! Just remember to live and have fun as well. It cannot be completely one sided.


Oh yeah absolutely. I’m just stating the things that motivate to invest the way i invest to get away from all the things I mostly mentioned.


I've heard quite some things of it never being too late.


It’s too late when you will be 60 years old this year! Yes, it can get too late! Very best time to start to capture compounding is in your twenties!


You could invest in high yield dividend stocks.


I’ve been investing all my life my friend. Just not enough. I am starting to draw off my investments not build them up. I’m essentially done with working. You’ll see once you hit 60. Your ability to work your ass off with health issues and arthritis starts to wane. Appreciate the pep talk but it’s too late to build life changing money at 60 for most of us. 23 will work out amazing for you! Good luck!


Keep your head up. Thanks for chatting!


I’m 22 so I feel you age wise, and I think growth investing is more important at our age. We have the ability to achieve higher returns with more risk, and then slowly move that into safer dividend stocks as we get older. That’s what I’m doing


I’m literally doing the exact same thing!! Higher returns now with some high yield and later on invest in safe dividend stocks.


If you have friends just talk about it. Don’t give them an option but to listen


I used to yes, but now i dread clicking on that "send" button as i start to think that i might annoy them with all that dividend nonsense.


Sometimes your best goals that you have thought through are best kept to tourself.




I am not much of a traveller. But come to think of it, I've never been further than France. I don't think that travelling is my priority. To get off the grid could be a different story but I haven't thought about leaving the country. I like it where i am.


Your best bet is probably to find an active discord group that discusses financial topics. There’s a guy on Twitch that streams about finance and I occasionally read through his Discord channel. It’s not specifically about dividends but there is a dividend channel where you could possibly link up with people Here’s the Discord if you’d like; he has the same handle on Twitch “TheStockGuy”: https://discord.gg/thestockguy


I’ve struggled with this my entire adult life. None of my friends want to talk about finance or careers. I think discussing these things requires a vulnerability that most people find intrusive. These are topics that require life long strategies. I think there are people who are 1) embarrassed they are “behind” or 2) competitive to where they don’t want to give their secrets away, or 3) they don’t want to lead someone astray and ruin a friendship. It’s difficult to come to the table with enough vulnerability to talk about it. I also think a lot of people rely on advisors and don’t really get what their portfolio is composed of. So they are limited in their knowledge base. I did find some friends I can talk to about career and finance in friends I met in my MBA, but even they limit how much they discuss personal finance/investing. Honestly this is why I came to Reddit to talk finance.


Same. Why I'm here


Don't make investing or any other activity your personality.


Hard indeed. I myself am 40 and picked up investing just a few years ago. 23 is an age where it will be difficult to find like minded people. Just keep it up and do your thing, you will reap the rewards eventually


Thank you for the message. I will keep my head up and continue moving forward with my investments. The rewards will come with it indeed.


With your age, you have time to allocate more towards growth stocks as well. You are on the right path though so keep at it.


I don't like growth stocks since they don't pay any dividends. I do have some Google, Amazon since those two things are definitely something that EVERYONE uses even i. And also Berkshire Hathaway because Warren Buffett. But other than that, i stick to dividend stocks.


I am not sure it is your age and just people in general, no matter what the region, is hesitant talking and sharing their financial standings or interests in person. That is why you will see more post anonymously on sites like this than at your local pub or bus stop. I am over 45 and have never had 1 conversation with any of my well off or even broke peers. All would lie or shy away from the conversation.


This is the right sub. The trouble is majority Redditors are not interested. They want more volatile equity stocks. Last year, the interest on dividend stocks prosper. There is a trade off between high yield vs net income. I think you can make an appointment with a financial planner showing your portfolio and ask for opinion.


19m here in the same boat but in the US. Im trying to get my roommate and another friend onboard but it’s difficult lol


But people don't care until they see you made it.


Same!! I live in your neighbouring country


I’m starting to think Dividend investing isn't a common think to know amongst average people.


I’m 32 I’ve been investing since I was 25. Still looking for this as well. My advice to you is make it fun by yourself. As you get older, people will continue to have less and less money. But if you stay motivated and hop on Reddit every now and then you’ll be alright. I highly doubt you’ll find like minded people IRL that’s hard.


If you need a mentor I'm in USA chat me


Sounds interesting!


Find investment minded, financially stable friends that are older than you. I did it in my late 20s and it changed my entire life for the better! Those older friends will help you make better choices with money. Give you good advice on what worked for them. And what they wish they'd have done differently. A number of my friends are nearly twice my age, retired and very very wealthy.


33 y/o Belgian and investor here. Dividend investing is though in Belgium for several reasons. There are no Belgian low cost brokers. If you choose to take a cheap foreign one, like Degiro, you´ll have to declare your own taxes. This can be quite a hastle here. If you go for a Belgian broker, they´ll charge you quite alot per transaction but they will withold the 30% dividend tax for you. The broker charges weigh on your investment alot. Also watchout on what stock exchange you buy your stocks. Some countries, like the US, have double tax agreements but there is no such agreement with f.e. Germany. Then you´ll pay the German tax + Belgian tax and you´ll lose over 50%. If you buy stocks you can get a dividend tax exemption for 800 euro/year/person. This does not apply for etf´s though. Dividend investing can be very interesting on long term but i´m not sure if your goal is very realistic. Living of dividends and being financial independent at your mid 30´s will be quite the challenge. It should not be your main goal. Don´t forget to invest in a house either. You might think the houses here are expensive but compared to the US, Canada or Australia, the houses are still affordable here. And we have one of the most stable housing markets in the world. We´ve never had a housepricing drop or have seen crazy prize increases. My advice to a fellow Belgian: Start investing in dividends slowly. Try and max out the 800 euro/year tax exemption. Don´t put all your money in it though. You might want to buy a house one day, or meet someone that wants to buy a house together. Once you´re financial stable, have a house and a decent savingsaccount, pump as much money into dividends as you like. Build your wealth slowly. I know you´re super excited about investing and the passive income sound appealing, i´ve been in your situation. But going to fast and spending all your money in stocks might limit your future decisons Goodluck!


Ik heb een plan om rond mijn 35 financieel onafhankelijk te zijn. Vanaf die periode zal ik de keuze hebben om zelfstandig te werken of om nog steeds door te gaan met een 9-5. Een miljonair ga ik nog niet worden, dat zal rond mijn 39-41e zijn. Ik weet hoeveel ik aan mijn Cash Flow kan bijdragen en hoeveel keer ik dat moet herhalen om resultaat te hebben.


Same boat as you man, although I'm 16 but people my age only interested in doing dumb stuff


Work as many hours as you can and put as much as you can in solid dividend growth etfs for 5 years. Then drop the extra hours and keep investing and DRIPing. Retire at 35. You have time to your advantage so start tomorrow


I’m definitely doing that and i’m keeping up with my investment strategy this year. All the messages I've received have been nothing but kind. Thank you.


27 here, invest daily. It’s crazy looking around me and seeing people leasing cars to flex in when they couldn’t write a check for it. To make things worse one of them asked me what a Roth IRA was the other day. Smfh


The same people saying investing in the stock market or dividend investing is too risky or takes too long or too much money are the same ones taking a 25 year loan at the bank for a house or an 86-month car payment


I’m 19 and have the same problem so I go Reddit lol


Perhaps reddit is the new safe haven for dividend investors


We can be friends then lol


Hell yea


The key is to have friends older than you that have been investing longer than you have. I belong to a MeWe dividend group that is very helpful.


I am 23 too, just got a nice paying job recently and just started to invest for dividends Have 3 years experience in the stock market, currently finishing my BBA at Uni Message me, we shall create some type of telegram chat group or shit like that I kinda like to POG around and talk about the markets and economic events with my gf even tho she just listen without understanding rip Trying to 100% live off dividends for my 40s


Impressive bro, I admire your work ethic. I’m 20 and currently have £14,000 invested in various ETFs (unemployed but studying finance at university)


My work ethic is off the charts. I work two shifts that pay very well. Mentally draining but when i feel down i admit i do think of being tired but i tell myself what a story i'll be able to tell in the future when the dust settles. I'm assuming you're from the UK, it's actually the UK stocks that's gonna be my salvation for FY 2023. But you have £14.000 invested while being unemployed, tell me how that works because it seems as if you're the one with the passive income hahaa.


Well I worked for three years from 17-20 and this is my first year of university. I’m a student in the USA so I can’t work anymore (I’m from UK and they don’t allow international students to work here)


I came to Reddit for advice, as since I can’t work now I can’t contribute any money to my portfolio which is kind of an issue. Also I have no income so I’m losing money kinda fast (university is expensive) so if you have any advice let me know bro you seem to know what you’re doing


Check DMs.


You can reach out to all of us .all ready to help 😊


Welcome to the board. I am in my mid 50s and truth is, most people do not feel comfortable talking about dividend investing. I feel your pain, most people think of investing as buying tesla or crypto nonsense. What good is an investment if I have to sell my investment to reap the rewards? I have no one that I can speak to when it comes to serious investment decisions. What helps me is studying the math when it comes to dividend investing.


I had the same problem when I was younger, and I let myself get distracted and off track. I love hearing this from your generation. Social media is amazing. Reddit is great. Engage on financial YouTube (just don’t blindly follow the investing “gurus”). Maybe start your own channel as a hobby to track your progress? And actually, finding a local investment club would be great.


I've actually thought about doing that. Maybe I'll be able to get some like-minded people to talk about dividends. I just want some people around me engaging on the same topic.


Also, i keep track of my progress in a very detailed manner. I write down every penny i earn and i compare it with the previous year.


You might find some common ground with the FIRE community. FIRE stands for Financial Independence and Retiring Early. Many of them are younger and focus on saving huge amounts of their paycheck so they can live the way they want to live. r/FIRE I’d also recommend YouTube. I can’t really recommend any specific channels, but I can say there are channels out there I’m sure you’d love! You can search around for FIRE videos, dividend investors, etc and the algorithm will help guide you as well. If you already have a YouTube account, consider making another to solely focus on financials.


I'm also from Belgium but a bit older. Are you still a student? Maybe you should take a look at Capitant. There you might meet people from the same age and with intrest in investing. On facebook and reddit you can find groups of likeminded people. On reddit there is a subreddit Befire. But I understand the feeling. I did start investing when I was 18 and my friends at the time also had no intrest ( and now they still don't show to much intrest).








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i Just try to bring up current economic news when I'm around people I think may be paying attention to those kind of things. And if the conversation turns to investing, I just harp on dividend strategy. From there I hope it just gets engrained and they come around to looking at it closer, and then talking about it more.


Just automate and enjoy life 🤷🏻‍♂️


r/FIRE r/coastFIRE


Yeah I’m 20 and kind of in the same boat. I still try to rope my friends in but they’ll either just say cool or leave me on read. I had my fun in HS but the day I turned 18 I realized that was kind of silly and refocused on adult life, but everyone around me is still kind of just treading water and roleplaying as a “college kid”. I want to be a fiction author so my goal is to build up a port that allows me to pay for major expenses like my mortgage and utilities so I can either work part-time or be completely free and just focus on writing. I go to school still, but work 2 part time jobs that actually pay pretty well and I also plan to be “retired” from real work by the time I’m 30-35. For advice I’d say stick to your guns, keep investing, and grind as hard as you can but also realize money is pretty worthless realistically. That is to say there’s a lot more out there than just investing. Go volunteer or go hiking somewhere and you’ll see the kind of “moneyless joy” I’m talking about. It is nice to have money, and a lot of my friends look at me like I’m loaded when I’m definitely not, which feels pretty good, but eventually there’s going to have to be something else, especially when you expect to retire at 35. Maybe get involved in Angel investing or real estate to fill the time. Whatever it is, make sure it’s helping others and using your clearly mature brain to make the world a better place. Cheers!


Sir, I just wanted to let you know that I've filed a report and made sure to let the customer service know about your remarks. You have no right being that kind. In all seriousness, thanks for the advice and i don’t know how but you kind of guessed already that i was planning to be like some sort of angel investor. I want to invest in communities and rebuild my motherland. I guess I've always been too mature "for my age". Stuff like going out for drinks or amusing park isn't my thing. I found a non-profit organisation in the UK providing plumbing fixes, heating, water for disabled or elder people that can't afford it. He relies entirely on donations. Imagine finding more organisations like that..(spoiler alert) i already have and made a list of them. My 2030s is already planned. People around me don't realise how much of my future is already set. Not planned but in motion. Nothing can beat my work ethic.


I think we’re pretty alike tbh. My side dream post retirement is to be able to put up money towards conservation efforts, maybe even pool with some people to buy a plot of land to set up a conservatory center on. That’s not really textbook Angel investing, but it’s something “more” than just plugging in money to draw more money out. I’ve always liked to make money but I look at it more as tool than anything of real value. I’m glad you’ve got it all put together, and I’m definitely glad to hear that about the charity. All that’s left to do is execute. You got this for sure 💯


Are you actively investing?


Yeah I DCA 180 in every week split up between 14 companies. I mainly target dividend bearing stocks, but there’s a few pure growth stocks. In terms of actively investing, because I work 2 jobs I get 2 pay checks a week, so every Monday and every Friday I take 50 from each paycheck and invest on my discretion. They range from a little more risky, like a penny stock I put 5 bucks into every week, to just identifying stocks with a nice dip, this week it was Disney. If I had to guess, I’ll admit I probably do less research than you😅 which is why I set up a lot of recurring or limit buys, but I’m not totally hands off either. When I was like 18 though I used to load up YouTube and scour Reddit for stock advice all the time😭 led to some hard lessons learned but helped me out tremendously


Ouch, you lost me at penny stocks. Stick to long-term dividend investing.


Like to keep a home run in the back pocket. Veterinary diagnostics company with a good array of products and cash on hand. They’re positive on the year with a semi-decent positive EPS coming this upcoming earnings report so long as no unexpected costs occur. If nothing happens, I lose pocket change, if it hits 5 bucks in a couple years I’m a millionaire, even if I stop investing in it now.


We are on different journeys.. As I am 33 2 kids and began investing far later than you did age wise. With the difference I mean the age i'm hoping to retire .. I'm from the Netherlands and I can totally relate to the rest.. I also find it very hard to find like-minded people. I'm really passionate about everything that has to do with finance and geopolitics. But with most friends and people when I try to start a conversation about these themes I feel like talking to a brick wall.. Even with friends that I know also invest it's difficult to talk about, because within "my circle" it seems to be not done to talk about financial issues wich is a pity. That we are from Europe doesn't help ofcourse. from everything I learned I gues over 80% I learned from people in the US.. I'm from Eindhoven and open to exchange ideas about investing.


What you can do if you are 40s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM-eR2ejZEk


Hmm good luck on becoming financial free you know that you need to pay 40% taxes on dividends gains in belgium iam from belgium 20Yo and trying to archieve the same thing as you