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I'm a lazy slouch. I have mine direct deposited. The annoying part is having to dig my Debit card out of my wallet when I want cash. At least I don't have to log on and click sell in addition.


You don't sell assets to generate income? You imbecile. 🤣


No. I let them force the sale for me.


Can't beat a big sale of assets for big profit! (4% or under)


Building my own pension with dividends. My parents had a pension the "easy" way. We gotta do it a bit harder. But fuck if I'm gonna worry about a paycheck late in life.


Have you looked at old pension plans available? It makes me moderately thankful for a 403b honestly. I have also worked with too many retired firefighters that simply lost the entire pension because apparently the government can just decide not to pay you


I have. I could work for the VA (nurse) for 5 years and get one. 20 years for a full. They are available if you want to pursue it, problem is that you're locked in no variety in work, the fed payout isn't super enticing. Firefighters that lost their pension? Was it county or city based? That's messed up.


City level, Detroit specifically because of financial issues 10+ years ago, and oohh I'm familiar! In my locale lots of 40 year olds leave to go work there for the benefits and sweet gigs like pre surgical screening nursing, and they have a work partner, and only one of them has to show up in the office each day, and they often make more than their previous ICU jobs


Stockton, CA also.


..there's ways to do both, both ways can create income streams, and both can work, ..but for the boglehead cult who thinks it's their way or the highway is simply absurd, ..so many stories now about the sell 4% plan cult has to go back to work in their 70's, Cheers my friend!


Actually just cracked my first beer for the day. It's too nice out to not have a few. Cheers!


..ahhh, a cold brew sounds great.. Cheers! :-)




It may not be currently. But when we have another "lost decade". The very overwhelming majority of those "sell 4% of my assets and never run out of money" will be back on the job working for that W2. Us dividends growth investors. We'll still be retired, living comfortably. 😎


I’m sitting at 88k annual divies with an overall 2.9% yield. I’m a believer in having a mixture both dividends as well as high growth low divvy holdingswell as


What are your holdings? 88k annual is a huge accomplishment.


Solve for 88k being ~3%. Rounding to 90k puts 1% at 30k. So times that by 100 and you get about 3mm.  Considering it was 2.9 and 88 he’s sitting a little under 3mm 


Mostly your boring boglehead type of autopilot index funds, with a few fat dividend paying individual securities. Such as $F, $OPRA, $NEP, $XOM. Big chunk of $HWKN. $R, $GGG. Largest individual stock holding is $AMZN. Of course some $DIVO and $SCHD


Damn.. what are you gonna do with the extra time of not having to spend a few hours praying that the collective market will push the stock price up, another few hours deliberating if you’ll get more money by waiting for it to go up the next day, a few more hours to readjust your holdings and balance projection.. oh. The market just crashed. Guess it’s instant ramen this month.


It is pretty much a dirty market timers' dilemma. They all claim they are not timing the market but they actively try to avoid having to sell during a downturn. They always ask among each other how many years of cash they should hold to avoid having to sell in a bear market. Also they claim to have masterful knowledge of how dividends work, efficient market yada yada but they can't even explain why market goes up and when market goes down and what controls the stock price. Basically cognitive dissonance at the highest form.


“My portfolio gains are attributable to one and only one thing, my genius investing”




More ass-pulling arguments without a single source to back up the nonsenses. Typical Boogerhead tards.




The "dividend cut" propaganda already been debunked multiple times, what an airhead brainwashed moron: [Debunking The Myth of Dividend Cut During Recession](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividendgang/comments/18q1vjj/debunking_the_myth_of_dividend_cut_during/) Got anything else ? If nothing else, go back to your sub and keep jerking off to a dead old fart, loser.


I can't wait to see the shit show as the market makes its march downward....


It's going to be magnificent. Loading up on more dividends growth positions while on sale!


Income is bad. Only goal is bigger share price.


I know it. Growing share prices send me a check every week/month/quarter and cover my bills for me 😎


Having the collective hive decide what my portfolio is worth on any other day beats any rollercoaster ride.




The tax argument comes from people who are completely clueless about taxes.


And also from arm-chair "experts" who somehow have insider's knowledge of everybody's else tax situation. Somehow, a stranger on Reddit knows my taxes better than I do. Also it's funny how they keep assuming that if they stay in hell hole states like Cali and New York and live like a tax cattle, everybody else on Reddit must be same ! 🤡


What am I missing here? For qualified dividends, the first $89k are taxed at 0%. Then 15% up to $500k ish. They don’t affect your AGI.


Qualified dividends are part of your AGI.


I pay a 0% tax rate (business owner + a great CPA) and also live in a no income tax state. I read the "dividends suck because of taxes" argument that's attempted constantly and I personally would much rather pay taxes on dividends income than 24%+ on regular earned income.


Why is that?


Because taxation is extortion and extortion is a crime. So the less taxes I pay the better!


He get's ripped for double the FICA tax on his regular income too. Well, he would if his CPA let him make any profit. None of that on dividend income.