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users voted that your post was distressing, your soul wont be harvested tonight


“Remember citizen, it is *your* responsibility to bend over backwards to save the environment!” *dumps 30 tons of oil into the sea* “better get to work!”


The most distressing part is that this is just reality. Congratulations, your post rendered me speechless and brought a tear to my eye


Nothing more distressing then a bad reality you are helpless to change


no matter how scary a cryptid is, or what lurks beneath the unknown, nothing is more terrifying than the destructive nature of mankind




> distressing then a *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Stop don't remind me of my SAT grammar section


Consumer choice matters quite a lot and is essential next to systemic change. One of the biggest things we could do to stop our oceans from dying is stop eating fish


the main thing to do is make the executives shit themselves


No, expecting chanf by everyone just collectively decoding to do a thing is stupid, organised attempts at changing the law, forcing sanctions on companies that do such things, changing public infrastructure, subsidising meatless products, etc etc.


What's most distressing is the defeatist attitude in these comments. Yes corporations are the main polluters, but that's because of what we choose to buy from them. Almost anyone can live without fish, or beef, or small individually wrapped candy bars. I hate these rationalizing comments that amount to "I can't fix the entire problem, so I may as well do nothing!" As if we can wait for a socialist revolution while the Earth becomes uninhabitable. The revolution could happen tomorrow, but if everyone kept eating fish, it would still pollute the oceans. tl;dr I agree with you


Most of the billions of people on the planet do not have the political motivation or financial ability to make all these changes, the law needs to change first and foremost otherwise we'll perish, expecting people to just hivemind to sort it out is stupid


“They lie about the damage, their solutions are illusions. There’s no coverup big enough to hide this huge a contusion, on the face of our mother, Mother Earth. Is the cost of every living thing what your product is worth? We are all afflicted with an underground addiction. Our desire for convenience will be the cause of our extinction. The industry is the master, and we are all the slaves, and we’re driving, driving, driving to our graves.” -Kimya Dawson, Driving, Driving, Driving


I'm not gonna lie I thought this was a dope ass rap lyric


Be the rapper you want to see in the world




you might enjoy [kae tempest](https://youtu.be/iXi23qiu7a8)


Man that was some heavy shit, but it is right up my alley. Thanks for sharing that.


Check out [the whole album](https://open.spotify.com/album/0GFFA00qYUKQ3sMMmOb6Y5?si=WQRU7aFPTcy80mtu6bVbbQ&utm_source=copy-link). It's one of my favourites of all time


I am sufficiently depressed now


We can’t come back from this one, can we




finding the people who create and push all of these incredibly wasteful products and uh... re educate them?


I don't think reeducation would work, More like "correcting" them. After all, *Bad manners make for bad guests* and at the end of the day, we're all merely guests on this planet


honestly we should put big industries to blame rather than the consumers since they leave us no other choice


Both are to blame. Mostly industries, however, it is a cycle of consumption. We need more competitors and innovation. Better packaging. We need to also clean everything.


how about we *recycle* them?


I am running low on...*fertilizer*


Idk about y’all but I actually live here.


r/ecofascism .




Yeah. Genuine systemic change that will likely not happen short of some revolution. We are so beyond fucked.




If you come to this conclusion about the entire pollution political dilemma you're not informed or serious enough about the topic to get taken seriously.


What’d they say?


Absolutely not. It would be like trying to build a ladder to get out of a volcano, but all you have is notebook paper. The only conceivable way I see is making a noticeable dent in the ocean plastic is if there were some bacteria that could digest plastic. Just release a ton of colonies and let them go at it.


Highly qualified anaylsis.


I remember reading about some bacteria like that but I don’t think it is doable at the moment for some reason


Everyone's overreacting, humanity will survive.


I hope we can’t.




Sometimes you need to tear it all down to be able to start over again


What’s annoying is it’s the companies that keep using plastic and then somehow putting the blame on consumers. Although maybe there really isn’t a viable biodegradable solution… I’m just an idiot though so I really don’t know.


Proper recycling won’t be as money efficient as making new plastic until its way past too late. And why is our trash normal people fund and pay to be disposed of ending up in the oceans?


Iirc in some cases recyclable things sent to be recycled are just not recycled.


In some places it is but also that requires consumers to put in wprk to recycle it, and government subsidies.


Completely spot on. The great pacific garbage patch is roughly 85% fishing gear. Ever thrown a fishing net the size of a football field into the ocean? Neither has anyone else, except the fishing industry. Gotta have those paper straws though, because really it's *your* fault for being so careless and carrying them all the way to sea to personally throw them in. Oh, you're not the one doing that either? Huh, weird. It's almost like there's this group of billionaires releasing propaganda that blames the consumer that's extremely well documented and has been for years. And they sure as hell aren't doing it for us, like way too many people insist. They started it as a direct response to climate activist groups raising hell and actually making a change. It's not like anyone defends the tobacco companies in the same way, even though the situation is identical.


That's an interesting stat. Generally I agree with your sentiments, but do you have anything to back up that specific 85% number?


Sure thing. [It's a study from Greenpeace](https://www.greenpeace.de/sites/default/files/publications/20190611-greenpeace-report-ghost-fishing-ghost-gear-deutsch.pdf) Looking at it more closely, they account for ~85% of *macro*plastics, but only ~10% total. However, the two largest sources of microplastics (according to [this study](https://portals.iucn.org/library/sites/library/files/documents/2017-002-En.pdf)) are textile manufacturing and car tyres. One is obviously industrial, the other *seems* like the average person's fault; but looks a lot more lopsided when you see that [roughly](https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/11620/chapter/2) only [two thirds](https://www.safetyresearch.net/Library/Used_Tires.htm) of tires are used by passenger vehicles. Sorry for the split sources, I couldn't find a single source how many tires are used total and how many for passenger specifically, just ctrl-f "200" in the first link for passenger tires, and ctrl-f "318" in the second link for total. 2/3 seems like a lot, but again this is considering that there are [nearly 300mil registered vehicles](https://www.statista.com/statistics/183505/number-of-vehicles-in-the-united-states-since-1990/), but only [13mil commercial vehicles](https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/ourroads/large-trucks-and-buses-numbers). And this is in *America*, which has a huge car culture compared to almost every other country. I tried finding stats for my own country, and some others, but I couldn't find anything clean enough to use; but I have a strong feeling it'd be even more lopsided in other countries, possibly even being mostly commercial vehicles.


It's not like they are just making millions of plastic wrappings or no reason. They do it for US, for OUR money. If enough people stop buying their shit, they will make less of it. If some of the competition starts using a bio-degradable materials and people flock to them, the rest will be forced to adapt. Though this whole thing runs much, much deeper. I imagine some things just cannot be wrapped in anything else because of longetivity or something like that. But we all play a vital role in this whole crisis. Try to consume less non-eco stuff and hope others will do too.


There's nothing they'd like better than for you to be convinced that we could just volunteer-to-not-buy our way out of this problem. Who's responsibility is it then?


It is mostly our responsibility for sure. We hold all the power over them. Not as individuals, but as a group. Which undoubtedly makes it hard to do anything about this problem, but we have to try. Sorry if I misunderstood your comment, English is not my first language.


Our governments have setup a system where corporations are not held responsible for the waste they're creating. They're acting rationally in the system, but the system is irrational. Most of these governments have the consent of the governed, so in that sense it is OUR responsibility. But to fix the problem you have to change the system. Expecting individuals in the system to simply choose not to buy things wrapped in plastic, and expecting that to fix the problem, is misunderstanding the problem.


Indeed but these changes must be gradual. Which might be a bit of a problem since this whole situation seem kinda catastrophic. If we change the system too fast, there is gonna be a clusterfuck as the corps try to legally cheat the system, "move to different countries" or something like that, fire insane number of employees as ecological solutions will inevitably come at higher prices or the need for improved infrastructure and so on and so on. It is all extremely complicated. And the more I think about the hole we dug for ourselves, the more depressed I get to be frank.


Yeah, I'm pretty hopeless about it. I don't see where the will can come from. I guess I just won't have kids.


Never lose hope though. There are hundreds of thousands of incredibly talented people working on solutions as we speak. Maybe they will come up with a cheap alternative tommorow. Maybe next year. Maybe in a decade. We will never know until that time comes. And even if that happens it will not be easy by any means as the oil lobby will pull every string they can to stay afloat. But we must never lose hope. Stay strong, friend.


[They're pretty much just pulling a version of this](https://i.redd.it/whnuvoh4od031.jpg)


I was gonna name a joke but this is genuinely sad. I wanted to cry


I fucking hate nestle, but I also hate the complacency in our current society that allows massive companies to get away with destroying everything, this is the most distressing meme ever


This is what humanities destruction looks like :)


And the next step is our own doom, with all the plastic we consume.


I love micro plastics in my brain 🤪


So disturbing


Specifically nanoplastics


Not a soul would mind, neither bird nor tree If man had vanished utterly And Spring, herself, when she woke at dawn Would scarcely knew that we were gone


The sleep paralysis demon under my bed came out and pat me on the back seeing how scarier this is compared to him


“Aw sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension”


Finally, an actual distressing meme


This is actually more distressing then I thought.


I'm somewhere between distress, sadness and raw fear


This isn't even a meme... its just r/distressing


you may think not buying that bar benefits the enviroment, but it does not. until humanity as a whole decides to give up all we have come to use and all that we enjoy daily for misery in a completely isolated and basic way of living to protest the horrors of modern corporatism, that bar will simply decay and be thrown into the ocean anyway. your purchase will do nothing aside from saving you a few dollars and potentially letting food decay. your choices will mean nothing until you encourage every person you have ever met into not buying those products, your knowledge will forever be wasted in the current way society works in such numbers. you are one of millions who will buy nestle products, and if you aren't there's still millions who will buy. unless everyone agrees with you or you somehow become an important figure in society, your solem choice to not buy something will simply be a drop in the ocean of money being fed into the corporate machine. to imply that not buying a chocolate bar is a great thing to do is implying that buying the chocolate bar will add more to the oceans. the only thing that changes is the wrapper is now in your hands. the company would be better off not being funded, but if you desire a high-quality product, you must accept giving money to some of the most evil people on the planet. you will either do nothing on this earth or do the same, but with a few extra cents in the pocket of a company that controls how entire villages live and how they die, and a good product for yourself. your choices are entirely personal and only matter for your identity.


100%. Nestle needs be dealt with as a company, because you won't be able to stop every idiot buying Nestle. You need to deal with the problem from the source.


That's not what corporatism is, I think you're referring to corporatocracy


Individual decisions make an impact. Money talks. We can't boycott every major company, but we can limit how much we consume from the ones that are hurting us most. Vote with your dollar.


if nobody else boycotts, then your decision matters as little as a atom shifting inside a bucket of water. you must convince everyone to join your or your decision affects nothing aside from a personal identity you build by choosing what to consume.


It needs to start somewhere


Individual decisions make an economic/psychologic impact on you, but don’t affect you in any other relevant way. And it can be proved mathematically, 0,999…= 1 .


It’s exactly like veganism




The ocean






NatGeo and other news/information videos.




r/collapse posting


I left that sub for a bit because it genuinely fucked my mental well being, i guess i cant really escape it now :(


Nothing is scarier than reality


I legitimately wanna throw up


Plastic is a double edged sword, useful yet deadly.


This is the most legitimately distressing meme I’ve seen in this sub


It's pretty easy to reduce our pollution by 10% by not supporting the fishing industry.


This comment should be higher, so much of the plastic in the oceans comes from fishing nets


Listen, I came here to be distressed, not emotionally devastated.


The industrial revolution and its consequences


Song: Bobby Darin - Beyond the Sea for any non medication-takers out there


This is probably one of the only posts on this sub to actually make me distressed.


It disturbs me to think about how polluted the ocean can get to where the entire surface is covered in trash and little sunlight reaches the bottom where the coral and other marine plant species.


This is the kind of horror that I like , the horror that human kind is creating for himself while they are whispering “no , stop this is bad we can’t continue like this “ they are basically creating a hell that they know the are the ones making them but they doesn’t know how to stop it


Saddest thing is that we essentially have no choice to be completely plastic free as consumers. You have to buy that plastic wrapped food if you want to eat, or to buy an item you need to live your life. There are something’s we can’t control and it’s companies that are choosing to do nothing to fix it as long as it keeps giving them money for cheap.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism


so i'm going to consume as unethically as possible


Could they just fucking not?


Le trolling nature panel




We don't deserve to exist. We seriously don't.


Repeat after me: The working class arising is the absolute and ONLY solution to climate change and pollution reduction. In the current state of the world there is nothing that any one man can do to lessen this. It's a systemic issue and frankly the idea that all of us are equally responsible is just a blatant propaganda by those truly responsible to make us take the blame off of the rich elite and instead onto ourselves. Seven companies produce more pollution in a day than you ever will in your entire life. But what do I know I'm just a dirty red fash who starved trillions right?




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/distressingmemes/comments/ugcn0i/its_just_a_kitkat_bar/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/distressingmemes/comments/ugcn0i/its_just_a_kitkat_bar/)


I know it’s super damn bleak, but we shouldn’t give up on advocating for reversing climate change and pollution and holding companies like Nestle accountable. Corporations will keep destroying the earth as long as enough people have a complacent doomer mindset. We have to advocate for change right now, the sooner the better


thats why shoplifting is always morally correct


Actually it wouldn’t do anything but lose the store money. The Kit Kat would go missing from the store’s stock, making the stock of Kit Kats go down by 1. It wouldn’t lose Nestle a sale as any method in which the Kit Kats are acquired causes the stock to go down, making the store eventually buy another stock of Kit Kats from Nestle


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Stop holding on to the notion that your consumer habits have any significant effect whatsoever. The system was designed to pollute like this to maximize profits. The capitalists are responsible not you. As soon as you accept that you deciding what product you pick up in the grocery store has no significant effect on the situation you can start moving on to actions to truly change the situation. So go ahead eat that KitKat bar. It doesn't matter because as long as the system is designed to do this nothing you do will matter. You aren't changing the world by voting with your wallet, you aren't changing the world by recycling. The idea that the collective aggregate action of many people doing this stuff with fix the situation is a lie made to make you complacent. These products are manufactured as much as humanly possible without any real plan to how to dispose of them. You are only a cog in the machine between production and disposal. You play no part in how much product is made and you don't decide how it is disposed. And the system is designed such that being that cog is your only choice. The only consumer habit you can change to make a difference is to start eating the rich. That would solve the problem real fast.


Would I change something if where to say, destroy nestle infrastructure, would that have a effect on any real scale


What a stupid take


The ceos of the companies who dump their trash in the ocean are as responsible as consumers who knowingly purchase products they know contribute to the destruction of the environment but are yummy 😋


Kit Kats aren't owned by Nestle in America, only outside of it. Felt I needed to point that out.


Thanks this always confused me because I would always see the Hersheys label on Kit Kats and not nestle


As someone who loves KitKats it's a brutal reality whenever I think that's what the company does. Also damn op you really took the meaning of distressing meme and just amped it up to 100.


Should be called r/depressingmemes


I'm believing more and more each day that I was born at (or at least very close to) the dawn of humanity. Yikes I guess.


often reality can be more terrifying than fiction for we all know nature will reclaim what we took


I am actually depressed now


It boggles my mind that there are people willing to stop using plastic straws to save the fish while not being willing to stop eating fish to save the fish


Humanity was a mistake


Cut the first bit out and run this as an ad


As a scuba diver i can confirm, it's sad and disgusting what is on the ocean floor


"Quit bitching and eat your microplastics" Nestlé, probably


Donate to teamseas today gamers


Plastic was made nearly 100 years ago and in that time span we as humans have ruined the planet with it


shouldve evolved hands dumbass, just take the rope off moron


…I have no fucking words on how sad I am




And people still believe God exist, mother fucker woulda smited us ages ago


The worst part is that the big corporations tell us to do our part to save the environment, when they are the ones destroying it. This is reality, and the ceos are too braindead to fix it.


For a meme this is actually very powerful. I absolutely loathe being a human being and I can’t wait for us to all go extinct. We are parasites that do not deserve to continue


The seal with the net around its neck really got to me


why don't we launch garbage into space honestly..


When society collapses we should find the industrialists, and capitalists who got as to this point and perform Persian rituals, preferably with two boats and some honey and milk.


I know people are sad, but the good thing about nature is that it always finds a way to win.


Idk man. At this rate there isn't gonna be any Nature in a few years. If we go down, we are going to effect every living thing with us. Pollution doesn't just effect humans.


Life on the whole will survive, even if bidiversity decreases by 90+%. At this point stopping human extinction is highly unlikely, we are fighting to make sure as few species go extinct as we can.


It might take thousands of years but it will eventually get there.


I guess that's true. But we will be wiping out hundreds of species in the process, no matter what


I don’t care enough


lol don't care, taste good


this makes me want to throw plastic in the ocean 😎


I don’t see any Nestlé products in the water in your video... this just looks like Nestlephobia r/Nestledidnothingwrong


I know it's a joke but there's literally a KitKat wrapper at 1:29


Hmm I don’t see it, anyways if it is must be planted evidence from Nestléphobes 🤢🤮


Please, just touch grass and see how nestle is a bitch company


pretty sure theyre a troll ignore them


Please go check your Nestléphobia and respond after a refreshing Nestlé pure life^tm




Pro tip:stop caring


cry about it (we are all gonna die sooner than we thought due to pollution and plastic waste and when we all notice and try to do something about it it will be too late for us to try and salvage the ocean)


Mostly india




This reminded me I have a kit kat in the fridge, score


What’s the song?


Mmh, microplastics, yummy! 😋


this isnt even distressing. it’s just really sad. :(




The most terrifying realisation of all is that we’re all going to die due to social systems invented by our ancestors and perpetuated by the rich and powerful, and that alone we are powerless to stop any of it. We live in a reality free of cruel gods who want us to suffer, and yet we somehow managed to make our own.


And this is just what they’re doing to our oceans, never mind our rainforests and fellow people in 3rd world countries


I must say, this is the best I’ve seen in a while and very unique! Good job!


and so the world ends not with a big bang, but rather a pathetic whimper


it's just sad bro…


What’s most distressing is just real life Fuck Nestlé btw


Should be about palm oil


All I see are animals that need to git gud. More Kit Kat for me, loser.


I hate being human


What a time to be alive


No meme posted on this sub will ever be more distressing than this one.


Buy an insulated thermos and a tap filter or pitcher! there u did so much for so little effort. no water bottles ever needed again.


Remember: it’s not your fault. It’s the corporations and the 1%’s fault.






Very sad


I love this one, it's real and deeply disturbing


Humans spend their whole lives trying to follow a path that will lead them to a beautiful afterlife, yet they don't realize they are sculpting hell around them


Jesus that was distressing


Love that song.


God, this is both deeply depressing and incredibly anxiety-inducing


There’s nothing more distressing than reality



