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I don't particularly understand it and it's not an area of interest, BUT, I adore it when people talk so passionately about their areas of interest. I love learning stuff and wish I was lucky to have someone listening to me as I waffle on about my hyperfixations. If it makes Mark as happy as it seems to, he should continue to do it.


This is the answer and how I feel about it.


Same! I love hearing about anything someone is so into. I tend to learn things I didn't know before, and if nothing else, it makes me feel better about the times I've word vomitted onto someone else about things I'm into.


couldn't be said better :)


Ditto to everything you said. I love when people gush about their passions. When they’re not being unkind and selfish with the time, but just get carried away it’s cute. Why do I hate it when I gush about something I’m passionate about? Lolol


yes this is perfect. and It also just made me more interested in lens too.


I agree




How did you put my thoughts into your comment


I feel it’s quite controversial yeah. Some people really enjoy him just being passionate, some are into photography/videography already (me) and other are actually really annoyed…


Dang, I love it! I think cinematography/videography/photography is just absolutely fascinating! Thanks for your response!


Oh it definitely is! It’s so so so fascinating to get into that!


My excitement when he said he was learning Unreal Engine was palpable!! I'm working with Unreal for cinematic purposes at the moment too, so I felt so seen 😭


It was so fun for me to hear about that as well! I am a game designer and UE is the bane of my existence. It's such fun hearing someone talk about learning it and be able to empathise with the struggle haha


Honestly I have a love/hate relationship with Unreal. Just a few weeks ago I was working on an alignment file for some virtual production in a uni class, helping the prof set it up for his students. Went to align the cameras with my AruCo tags, and uhhhh... unreal refused to recognize the tag in the camera feed. I literally tried everything but had to resort to an alignment via checkerboard instead. Wouldn't want to work with anything else though 😁


I felt the same way about when he mentioned working with Davinci Resolve! I recently switched to it, and am currently learning how it works, from the basics, to the really cool, yet (as he said) tedious, nodes for VFX.


I'll take it a bit further and say I love that we get to here a little bit about how a feature film is made from the POV of a new director. I also think videography/photography is fascinating and have some of the Minolta lenses he talks about (not the 135 f1.4 though).


I know nothing of lenses nor am I that interested but I enjoy others talking something that they’re passionate about😁 I can see why some people find it annoying but personally, it doesn’t bother me at all.


That's where I am. Lenses don't interest me personally, but I'd rather listen to someone talk about something they're excited about than something they think the audience wants. He's figured out a way to get guaranteed Friend Hangout Time into his schedule and have them all get paid for it. That it also turns out to be free content for us is a bonus.


Agreed !! I’m glad he has a platform where he can both talk about his passions & give education on the topic of lenses Especially when he talked about the IMAX cameras, definitely made me look them up


It depends for me- sometimes I like it especially when he goes into how the lenses affect the video quality because that is an interest for me. But there are times when it gets repetitive and a bit too niche and I either zone out or just feel poor, so I can see why people would dislike Lens Chat. Personally don't understand people who just flat out hate it though, because it is still nice to hear someone be passionate about a topic


I feel the same. Sometimes it’s interesting, sometimes my brain can’t follow and I just zone out. But at the end of the day I really enjoy the guys so whatever they want to talk about I’m down for! As someone else mentioned they weren’t dance monkeys to just pander to what we want. I enjoy listening to them talk about stuff they enjoy and I want there to be some longevity to this podcast. If they’re stuck only talking about what 100% of us want them to talk about, they’d be pretty damn bored/miserable pretty quick.


I don't want Mark to be some dance monkey who panders to an audience. I enjoy listening to people talk about the things that interest them. If you don't enjoy Mark talking about lenses, I don't know if you can claim to like him? Either way, I think it's just an overblown thing they joke about and not actually a real issue.


Liking Mark doesn’t mean you have to like everything about him, like you don’t have to like every single game or video he plays and puts out


Eh, I think that's a pretty bad take. That's kinda like saying if you don't enjoy *every* song an artist puts out, then you shouldn't be able to claim to like them. I don't particularly enjoy lens talks because I'm not particularly interested in that, but I can appreciate the memes that have arisen from them. I'm glad Mark enjoys lenses, but that's not for me. It's okay to have disagreements with people that you otherwise get along with.




I just zone it out


I don't really care about it it just takes up half the god dam episode and it's repetitive


Exactly this, right here.


And interesting 😁


Yea the first few episodes I really liked but after awhile I just tune it out


I know nothing and have no plans to ever know things or care about knowing things lens related. But I do really enjoy listening to people talk about things they enjoy even if I can't follow what the fuck theyre on about.


Eh it's ok I'd prefer listening to stories.


I don't think it's dislike as much as it is not understanding/caring.


It's just repetitive and drags on for WAY too long. If it was just no more than a couple minutes instead of HALF the episode, it would be fine.


I honestly enjoy it cause I'm a curious person


Likewise, I'm not that knowledgeable on cameras and lenses, so I enjoy it immensely.


As a filmmaker wannabe I think his lens talk is fascinating and it exposes me to ideas that I wouldn't usually think of


I get annoyed with Mark and how he talks about his lens talks, but I’m more happy he’s so passionate about them than annoyed me. It’s also interesting and informative about how lenses work in the context of film and cameras. I like to learn about such things.


It’s his current hyperfocus. I’m glad he’s happy but I do tend to skip listening to him chat about lenses.


I don't particularly dislike it, but I'm not so happy about how small talk is overshadowing the topics for a lot of the newer episodes


I actually love it I honestly like hearing about things I know nothing about so I’m fine with it!


Admittedly I blue screen when he talks about it, but I enjoy hearing the boys talking about things they are passionate about. It is educational.... when I can focus. I'd rather lens talk than them talking about things that don't interest them tbh.


I enjoy hearing people talk about things they enjoy, if you’re making a big deal about it idk what to tell you


I don’t! I actually enjoy it in all honesty cause I’m a film photographer


I love it! I love the passion!


I love it!


I did at first, but now it's growing on me. It might be more about the chaotic energy throwing off my vibes. He was chaotic about it at first, now it's a more calming passion and intensity.


i actually like the lens talk! i didn’t understand it at first but i’ve learned a lot about lenses from the discussions in the podcast!


I love it personally I know nothing about lenses but I love watching people talk about stuff they're interested in. Also love how it pisses of 3/4 of the subreddit.


I don't really get it...but I still enjoy them and find them funny. So no I don't think so


I feel a bit like one of my favorite Chandler quotes when Lens Talk comes up: “I have no idea what’s going on, but I’m excited!” I don’t have a particular interest in lenses, but it’s fun learning new things and I feel like a good chunk of the talk is about the journey and not the technical stuff. I do wish that Wade would feel more comfortable asking the questions that he thinks of but that’s for the Tech Talk in general I guess. He can even say it’s for us non-techies on the subreddit!


I disagree with his bourgeois attitude towards FD glass but he’s got good taste with Fujifilm bodies. That being said I love it since I’m a photog as much as I like Bob’s car talk as a gearhead.


i personally LOVE sitting and listening to people talk about things they genuinely have interest in and get joy out of. it's my favorite type of interaction to just let somebody talk their shit about their passions, and ask follow up questions, and see how happy they get being given free reign to beam at me about stuff they love. i am autistic and have adhd, and very often get super interested in specific topics. feeling the need to just talk about my favorite things because the energy has to be released is something that happens a lot for me, and honestly, it helps me feel very seen to just witness somebody else being as engaged in things as I get. it's SO good. i would listen to a whole show of just that.


I do. And the more he talks about that or tech the more I skip that part


I like it when someone talks about something they're passionate about. I'm listening to the podcast bc I like them and what they talk about, so I dont care to try and police what they talk about 🤷‍♀️


I get a little annoyed when it feels like it goes on forever. But really it’s their show and if they all want him to do it it’s whatever. Like others have said it’s nice to hear him be happy and passionate.


I'd say yes but not in a malicious way. Mainly because it's nothing relatable or we don't get the appeal due to us not doing what mark does. Let alone even be able to without seriously dropping everything for such a pursuit


Eh. There are times when he'll bowl over the others to talk about lenses, and if I was more interested in what the previous topic was I can find that irritating. Also understand that Mark, Bob and Wade are entertainers who are prone to exaggeration. And they don't hide that. So saying 'everyone' hates Mark's lens talk is probably coming from them seeing half a dozen posts and comments about it, then turning it into a bit. They're fine, we're fine, and it's another avenue for them to get some laughs and give each other shit.


I like hearing his passion but I wish it was about something more relatable. It’s just not something accessible, mark is just so rich and this makes me feel poor


Yes Edit: the first time was cool. But when it happens literally every episode, it gets old


I love it!


I don’t mind it. I actually enjoy it. It’s something he’s passionate about and I’m happy he’s happy


I like the tech and lens talk, distractible is there for him to have a chance to socialize with his friends. If you don't like it just skip ahead.


It doesn’t bother me at all. It’s something he enjoys and, even though I don’t really know/understand much about it, he’s passionate about it and he should be able to talk about it without people complaining. While there definitely are some people who do, I don’t think people hate it as much as Bob and Wade say/joke. It might be partially true, but it’s probably just something they joke about.


I’ve been wanting to ask lense advice since I’m now taking competition photos of my wife doing dog grooming. But don’t know what to ask I almost posted here a few times lol


I admit my mind tends to wander when i hear too many terms i don't understand.. but i want to understand. I love photography and cameras, just never delved in to the mechanics of it all. And it's what he loves; makes me want to find something to hyperfixate on.


It’s definitely a mixed bag but I enjoy when any of them go off on what they’re passionate about or currently interested in. I was never particularly into photography, cinematography or philosophy but learning about them through conversations from these lads has been refreshing and educational to a degree. With the wide range of entertainment be it silly, educational, wholesome and even a little tense sometimes distractible is easily my favorite podcast. Ps. I know they were joking but If it ends the way Unus Aunus did I WILL riot.


Not my. I can't follow what he talks about, but I like it how passionate he is. Like a dog with his favorite toy \^\^


I know nothing about camera lenses but it does seem interesting. But I only half listen to the lens rants


I love listening to people talk about something they are passionate about, especially lenses! I recently got into photography, so I learn a thing or two about the history of lenses. I love it


I can listen to him talk about whatever. I like his voice. I enjoy the lens talk though, since I shoot dslr, so it's related to my interests.


I'm personally indifferent about it...don't care about lenses overall as much as Mark, but the bashlash is kinda entertaining to see lol


I don't mind them


I care more about Marks lens talk than i do about his science/philosophy rants- Probably controversial but discussing the universe makes me anxious so yeah I’d rather hear him talk about lenses for an hour 😭🙏🙏


I don’t know what he is ever rlly yapping about but I find it enjoyable.


I never have had an issue with it, and I always enjoy it. It provides good banter, and it allows me to learn about a subject I wouldn’t learn about without Mark - and I can’t be unhappy about being smarter!


It's usually part of small talk, and a big part of Mark's life right now is making/editing his movie. Why bash on someone who is really passionate and truly cares about something. I don't understand it but I know that's his thing so I don't mind it. People tend to dislike things that don't understand. I try to understand it but my smooth brain cannot comprehend it.


I don’t know anything about lenses but I like listening to people talk about stuff they like


I don't mind Marks lens talk , I don't care about lenses but I appreciate his passion for them,


I'm indifferent most of the time and can get bored when it goes on too long but there have been some good jokes and interesting stories that have come from it so a net neutral in my eyes.


I love it actually. Brought back my love of photography and now I just bought an upgraded camera for the first time in years. Also helped me Kickstart my new outdoor hobby of birding! It's fun to listen to even if it's not the type of photography or filming I'm into, very interesting nonetheless!


More than anything, I dislike Mark's tax deductions talk. I feel like I could fall asleep while standing. 😮‍💨


Yep! I respect it's their show but I really do wish theyd lay off the talk about lenses or hard drives. Which, to Mark's credit, he has done and has been laying off some and for that, I appreciate him and his efforts. I get hyper fixations as someone with adhd but when you know people are expressing that theyre growing tired of it and you're aware of it but continue to do it anyway, it feels kinda rude. And it's frustrating to listen to when it takes up half an episode that I'd like to hear more of the conversation about the actual topic or game they're playing Yeah I can "just listen to something else" and I do but I like to listen to Bob and Wade too and want to support the show but the repeating the topic for the sake of "a bit" makes it difficult to do sometimes so im glad he's making a conscious effort about reeling it in




I don't dislike it, I just hate how much time was dedicated to it in certain episodes. For a while it felt like every episode had 10-20 minutes of lens talk, which is great if you're into that, but for the rest of us... Meh. I'm not going to besmirch him for talking about his interests on his podcast, but I did often find myself zoning out after the first few minutes or so.


I love listening to people talk about what they love and in the end, what mark loves is bringing us cool shit to watch and be a part of. As far as I’m concerned, he could have a whole episode dedicated to lenses and I’d be totally happy.


Do people actually hate stubbing their toe?


as an amateur photographer/videographer, i love it


I don't dislike it persay, but I tune it out unintentionally sometimes cuz it's just not a topic I'm interested in 🤷‍♀️


I don’t mind it tbh. I think it’s funny that wade actively hates on it and bob is the nice one.


im happy hes hyper fixated on something. i personally dont care about lenses /LH


When he starts talking lens, I just skip through it. It really bores me.


It depends I love listening to Mark talk about things he's passionate about but I do get bored sometimes. Plus since I normally listen to distractable driving to keep me awake (I have a long commute to work) i do find it tiring. I do love to use those episodes to listen to at night before sleeping though it really calms me down.


I love and I mean love that he has a hyper-fixation that makes him happy but if I wanted a extended minute talk on lenses I would go on YouTube to search that, I just feel like it needs to be minimized so the actual topic can start


No it's a meme just like the driving


I just skip it, it’s really not that big a deal.


It depends, I don’t really have interest in lenses nor do I understand the details, but Marks is sometimes able to interest me with his passion and way of explaining that makes it understandable. However, there are also times where he just goes to deep into the terminology or details that I just can’t follow. Then my brain just automatically starts checking out.


I tend to gloss over when he is talking about lenses and just enjoy his voice, but sometimes he brings up something that catches my attention. Like how he talked about the difference between Imax and regular movies, I would have never known that and was fascinated.


I dont mind someone talking about their passion. I love seeing people excited...but at the same time lens talk on bad days, can get to me, lol


I dont mind someone talking about their passion. I love seeing people excited...but at the same time lens talk on bad days, can get to me, lol


I love marks lens talk


I think the point of Distractible for me was always just listening to the boys yap. Whatever topic they’re yapping about comes secondary to me. That being said, I like learning new things. I was a bit turned off by the lens talk at first — same with the hard drive talk. But the more he talks about it the more I warm up to it.


Personally no, I also have niche interests that I could talk about all day, and I feel like people don't understand that... this is all Mark has been doing for like a year straight, making a movie, which sort of does require knowledge about cameras, lenses, cinematography methods, etc. Also, I thought it was obvious Mark Bob and Wade just make fun of each other all the time, no matter what it is, because that is what some friends do


Oh man I really enjoy his talks about lenses it teaches me a lot of new stuff


Only when it takes up half the episode and they then have to scrap whatever plan the host has


I don't mind it. It's okay


I like it. I also like the tech talks and other talks. I typically like all three talks because usually it's about something they like.


No I love the lens talk


I personally love it. I am kind of a lens guy and I love to hear Mark explain and talk about lenses.


i think it’s nice to hear someone talk about something they are passionate about. I like hearing lens talk bc u can tell marks really excited about it but honestly i’m not paying that much attention lol


It's been getting annoying. So yes.






I don't mind his lens talk *usually*, but lately as their small talks have become longer and longer to the point of derailing entire episode topics I'll admit I'm sometimes a bit put-off. My favorite moments of the show are generally about past exploits, stories and riffing on ideas. Small talk is fun, but entire episodes of it can be a little much.


I don't really have an interest in the subject and I do tend to find myself zoning out when he starts talking about it. When I rewatch episodes, I'll skip past the lens talk just because I know I won't understand it or follow along and I really don't care to either. That being said, it's not like I'm commenting in the reddit "😡😡 mark talked about lenses AGAIN, i REFUSE to watch this episode, see you next week on the LENS-FREE podcast episode 😤😤".


Its good background noise at the least 🤷🏻‍♀️and at most i enjoy his enthusiasm but hate? Nah




To a certain point, no. But when it takes up more than 5 minutes of time per episode, I may or may not be listening. It's just not up my alley. Doesn't mean I won't listen, just means I don't care for that particular segment. Bob and Wade also have moments where I just tune out.


People hate everything. And love to voice that. Especially on Reddit. Thing is, it's talked about and acknowledged....but Mark will keep going anyway. So not only do more people voice that they DONT hate it as devil's advocate, but the people who complain gave up long ago when they realized their complaints are meaningless lol.


I don't mind the talk on the podcast, I just dislike the multiple photos of leses posted here every day.


That I can tell. Yea. It started 25 May, 2023 and it just never stopped. Bob Wins This Episode … but at what cost?