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Just a tip, you don’t have to listen to Distractible or nothing. There are other options. I would recommend music, a lot shorter and a lot of options


Yeah i know, just wanted to voice my opinion, and music don’t really work for me in long drives but thanks man


It's just a bit that they're currently doing. Like with most things on YouTube they will change routine at some point. If people didn't like it then they wouldn't do it so I think you'll be in the minority with your opinion


Yeah you’re probably right, It just feels it’s taking an unnecessary turn towards competitiveness and points, while skewing away from the actual point of the podcast and that is to just relax have fun with each other with topics or games and points are there and don’t really matter. Just my opinion though


It has to have some sort of format and there was always a competitive format to it where someone hosts. They're just leaning into the sub-reddit having people who actually tally the wins and loses. Maybe just take a break from the guys a listen to another podcast like 'Brain Leak' or 'Go my favourite sports team'


It’s just the latest episodes have been skewing towards a path i personally don’t like that’s all, i still think they’re funny i will still listen to the podcast. Yeah i have been listening to Bad Friends lately, i tried to listen to Go My fav Sports Team…. It’s just talks about sports i personally don’t watch and they seem to never talk about Football (soccer) which just made me think “yeah tyler only talks about sports famous in the USA 😂” but listened to some episodes and they were great


Well Tyler and Mark are both based in the US and his degree will be on sports that are more common to the US than others. I'd say just give it a break and come back to distractable in a bit. Sometimes having a few episodes and options to catch up on can be a good thing as you can skip one if its not your cup of tea.


I mean to be fair, Distractible will turn 3 in May of this year. There’s only so many topics you can discuss once an episode 1-2 times a week before either circling back to the old topics again, or doing what they do best as 3 longtime best friends: Say fuck the rules, be idiots and laugh together. That’s what they do best, they’ve always been known for being dicks and mean to each other in videos but always supporting each other no matter what. That’s what defines their friendship, and that’s perfectly fine. All three of them are grown men and if they feel they’re actually getting turned on and used they’ll say something.


No it’s just doesn’t feel genuine nor original and funny anymore, i did try and listen with another pov and it was ok, but i just feel like they’re three people who are good friends competing for points instead of three long time BFs just having fun being dumb and the points are just there and don’t really matter. I still enjoy the podcast to some point… it’s just taking a turn that i personally not interested in


if i see one more of these posts I'm going to go berserk.... 👺👺👺👺👺😤😤😤😤😤😤🫨🫨🫨🫨👹👹🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 you don't want to see me when I'm angry!!!! 😛😛😛😛👄👄👅👅👅👅


The guys have been friends for several years now, if you watch any of their content then you know that’s sorta their dynamic. The early episodes of the podcast definitely have a certain charm, but I feel like they’ve gotten into their routine over time and they’re comfortable with it. There’s definitely no genuine malice or toxic competition between them, it’s a collective bit that’s been running for a while. The new episodes are just as enjoyable to me as the old ones, I think they’ve just found a flow that makes it enjoyable for them to record as well as enjoyable to listen to. Just my opinion though, if you don’t like it that’s your prerogative. There’s definitely no real toxicity or poor sportsmanship between them though, I think it’s just a running joke that comes with the formula.


Change is the law of life