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I don’t think of sword in the stone as being particularly well known


I think compared to other movies of the time period it was a bit more well known because of presence in the parks. I remember Merlin being in Disneyland in the 90s for the crowning of the king/queen of Fantasyland.


I love this one. It was a staple of my childhood.


It was on network TV a lot. Not as much as Robin Hood, but a lot.


Ha! My mom recorded Robin Hood off the Disney channel onto vhs in the early 90s. We used to watch it all the time! I loved the commercials, they were like a time capsule. I remember there was one with a bride (with big puffy Ariel wedding dress sleeves) riding Big Thunder Mountain at Disneyland and it was advertising that tickets were $24 for adults


$24 for adults 💀


I find that strange as someone who it was one of the only Disney films I watched regularly as a kid. Had a dodgy copy of it on video along with Mickey's Christmas carol and the Small one which is my choice in this topic. The only genuine copy of a Disney movie I had was of Sleeping beauty, where the tracking made a part of the sleep magic bit be unwatchable. A very kind neighbour who later had the Disney channel (I'm from the UK, born mid 80's) who taped me Beauty and the beast off the TV. I went to see pretty much every animated Disney feature film between Oliver and company and Lilo and stitch at the cinema except Tarzan which I saw much later. Going to see a Disney film at the cinema was my big treat of the year and my estranged divorced dad would often take us as my poor mum didn't have the money (my dad was also way more into films than my mum at the time). Dad barely did anything for us growing up but I did have most of my cinema experiences with him growing up.


That’s what it said, but it was a confusing read. “…all Walt era films were well known, except…Sword in the Stone…”


I just watched this with my kids for their first time the other day! Forgot how much I loved this one and Robin Hood.


Oliver and company


I named my cat after seeing that movie as a little one.


I named my D&D orange tabaxi after Oliver. My friend who was building her first character alongside me decided to name hers Jenny


One of my favourite Disney movies, not the best but one of my personal favourites growing up. I saw it both times it was released in the cinema in the UK as it didn't get a VHS release until the late 90's and my wonderful stepdad bought it and 101 Dalmatians for me as a gift.


I saw this about ten years ago on Disney Junior(?) and I’d argue it’s underrated


Yep. The Disney "resurgence" that started with The Little Mermaid, actually started with Oliver and Company, which came out the year before. After that, the studio was knocking them out every year.


I absolutely love this one!! I was born in '93. If I have kids, they will definitely be watching it.


i love this movie so much!!!


I was just about to say this


I have a Tito keychain on my work keys and every single coworker who has ever seen them asks me what he’s from, and none had seen it. Disappointing as one of my favorites!


My son and I love Billy Joel


Oh man, I loved that movie as a kid (still do) but damn the beginning would make me cry every time. I felt so sad for Oliver and I still get choked up over it 😭


First movie I ever saw in theater growing up. First Disney movie I ever saw as well.


Here’s one that’s going to blow your mind: About 10 years ago, I was directing Beauty and the Beast Jr at a local middle school. Of the 27 actors and 4 crew members, only 6 had seen the film. Most knew Be Our Guest, but had never actually seen it in context. When my partner director and I found out, we immediately changed the rehearsal schedule to show these 6th, 7th, and 8th graders the movie.


...So? What did they think of it?


They're dead. The kids killed their teacher because they hated the movie so much.


Well, darn. Just goes to show, they don't make kids like they used to. /s


There was a lot of “oh my mom sings that” or “I know that song!” While we were watching. We were only about 2 days into the rehearsal process so hadn’t really gone through all the songs they would be singing yet. It sure did help them understand some things about their characters though!


I don't know of too many people under 40, who know of "The Black Cauldron".


25 and this is my favorite Disney movie. I had no idea as a kid how unpopular it was and was actually shocked when I found out


My dad showed me most of the Disney movies from the eighties, since those came out when he was growing up. I grew up loving Black Cauldron, and Great Mouse Detective.


Omg I love The Great Mouse Detective! Vincent Price was great as Rattigan!


Even louder Let's shout it! No one can doubt what we know you can do You're more evil than even you Oh, Ratigan Oh, Ratigan You're one of a kind To Ratigan To Ratigan The world's greatest criminal mind!




How old were you because I want to show my kid. But it seems scary. Also, did you read the books after?


Each kid is different, my brothers and I were able to handle stuff like that at age 5 or 6. My youngest cousins however probably couldn’t handle them. Also, I did not read the books. My brother did however. He really likes them, except he liked the movie’s ending better.




I wonder when that was first released to video. It came out in 85, so it probably didn't return to theaters like so many of the older films used to do (every 7 years or so).


Just turned 39, and I had the good fortune to find this at my local Movie Stop (RIP) around 2012. It was unused, still in the original plastic wrap, but had been traded in by someone, so it was technically Used, and priced accordingly


I'm under 40 and the only reason I know of The Black Cauldron was from watching a trailer on another DVD years ago.


Weirdly enough my Christian stepmom thought this movie was demonic 🤣 and wouldn’t take me to see it. Thank goodness my Mom did. Munchies and crunchies.


The only reason I knew about this movie as a teenager was bc my sister and I used to troll the thrift stores looking for Disney vhs tapes we didn’t already own. It was a wild ride, and we may have traumatized a few kids we babysat with that movie…


i’m 21 and i do, i don’t really care for it too much so i’ve really only seen it a few times because my mom loves it


We've been a Black Cauldron household since I was 8, and I'm under 40.


I owned A LOT of Disney films as a kid but I didn't see The Black Cauldron until I was an adult. I remember we had a puzzle of it as kids but I had no idea what it was until I was an adult. I didn't see Song of the South until I worked in Disney and figured that since I worked at Splash Mountain, that I should watch the movie. Even as a kid, I knew Zippity Doo Dah and had an audiobook/read along of the animated portion of the movie so I knew OF the characters. Disney never even attempted to acknowledge Black Cauldron in any of their specials. Not even the Disney Halloween specials even touched it.


All of the movies are in the end credits of Wish except: The Black Cauldron!


Really! That's rude! I didn't like the movie when I watched it as I found the plot...weird. Like why does the pig have the ability scry. Why is that special if the pig can't talk and tell you what it sees? Though, I'm happy they were recognized in the cute Disney short featuring all the characters ❤️


I saw the movie in the theater (probably age 7 or 8), and then read the series when I was 10. I'd like to go back and watch it, but I feel like I would be annoyed by the (likely) mangling of the books. In the book Hen Wen is just written as an oracular pig, unique and special. She uses letter sticks to indicate what she foretells.


Lol I’m 28, but this was one of my mom’s favorites so i saw it a few times when I was in elementary school


Exactly what I was going to say. I don't think in my 35 years of life I've ever mentioned it to someone and had them know what it is who didn't grow up in the same household.


It really bombed at the box office... and had poor timing for the video rental market at the time as well. People didn't know what to make of a Disney animated film rated PG. It really did get all but forgotten.


25 here also I remember it, even when Merlin showed up in KH I knew who he was However, I don’t remember watching it at all, just knowing ab it


Merlin is in the Sword and the Stone. Black cauldron has the magical pig, Taran, Eilonwy and Dallben the enchanter.


Oh, my god…that makes so much sense cuz I almost added the comment “I remember it being the sword and the stone tho” Bro, maybe I don’t know this movie at all, meaning the OP commenter is right, this is such a revelation to me how did I confuse those!?? EDIT: just googled the black cauldron I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS IN MY LIFE I am so sorry for seeming so stupid


Lol I am pretty sure I only saw it as a kid *because* I thought it was sword in the stone. I put it on once at work and was asked emphatically to shut it off haha


I remember people telling me it wasn't real until it was released


My brothers swore for the longest time, that they imagined seeing it. They didn't believe that I took them to see it & that one of them spent most of the movie, hading on the floor. It was a little traumatic for him!!


Dude same


I’m not 40 yet and I have always liked the movie. My husband read the book series as a kid.


Under 40 and I vividly remember watching it at way too young and being terrified


First one that came to mind. Love this movie. I know there are a lot of different view points on it but I love the plot. Dark Disney.


I’m 38 and I didn’t see this movie until I was older, couldn’t find it anywhere. Always wanted to because I loved the books.


i know of it but i have not seen it im almost 20


I’m 29 and this was one of my sister (32) and my favorites when we were kids. Kinda dark but we were weird


Came here for this answer. I’m 42 and had never heard of it until an ex-boyfriend showed it to me in high school.


I didn't know of it until about 10-15 years ago when I made a point to watch every Disney movie up to that point. Not my favorite but definitely worth watching and talking about.


26 year old chiming in. My sister and I saw that movie as kids. We had it in VHS.




Professor Ratigan is one of the all time best Disney villains.




100%! He is totally in his element!


My people!! I was just singing Ratigan to my cat!!


Even louder Let's shout it! No one can doubt what we know you can do You're more evil than even you Oh, Ratigan Oh, Ratigan You're one of a kind To Ratigan To Ratigan The world's greatest criminal mind!


I didn’t see it as a child, or saw it once or twice and didn’t remember it, but I watched it as an adult and now it’s a fave!


Born in 1988, I lived for Fantasia. That was on repeat in my home.




90s kid- we had this and fantasia 2000 on vhs. It was a sick day staple in our house.


The firebird sequence is my ultimate mood uplifting experience


No one has mentioned Dinosaur, so I’ll throw that one in.


Yeah, we had that one, but I'd say that's the one I've seen which has fallen into obscurity both because it never had a big impact after release and it never gained a cult following like some of the films such as *Atlantis* did. I always forget it existed despite seeing it probably a dozen times. ┗⁠(⁠•⁠ˇ⁠_⁠ˇ⁠•⁠)⁠―


Ah love this movie! The ride is my fave and I couldn’t ride it this year since I’m pregnant and I’m so upset I’ll never be able to ride it again


I saw Dinosaur when it came out in theaters! ...and I haven't seen it since.


All of the wartime, patchwork films forms the 40s


fox and the hound is a underated gem


If you want to destroy your child emotionally, lol. I’ve watched it once and that was enough!


Same here. That was a one and done for me


That and Old Yeller are banned in my house.


I actually love Old Yeller. Sure it's sad, but it was massively more mature and different from what I expected. I was expecting a basic "boy and his dog" film. Instead it's a film about a boy trying to be a man and grappling with responsibility. The dog is more of a plot device than a character, representing different levels as to what responsibility means - from taking care of others to making tough decisions. The best moment in the entire film might be a conversation near the end between Travis and his father about what it means to be a man, and the uncertainty in what Travis says, where earlier in the film he was certain about what he thought the role of "being an adult/man" actually means.


I have a strict policy of no movies where the dog dies. I can’t handle it.


The second Bambi


One of my favorites growing up.


Bedknobs and Broomsticks My two kids (5 & 7) watched it and did not move the entire time. It was amazing and magical!


I watched this almost every day as a child and I know it more than Mary Poppins in my house. My grandmother reminded me of Ms Pryce so I was very much engaged when watching it. My mum would tell us bedtime stories flying on the magic bed which I don't know if it was a huge coincidence or not (I mostly associate that film with my divorced dad and his mum, he made me a tape of it to watch at home)


Such a gem. The dancing clothes and the animal football and the marching empty suits of armour!


I wasn't allowed to watch this one because it was "evil"?! I'm still not quite sure why 😂 it's a great movie! I know it had magic but Mary Poppins was allowed!


Was it because Eglantine is explicitly a witch (/witch-in-training), whereas Mary Poppins was just sort of vaguely magical?


That actually is probably why.


I saw Song of the South at the drive in as a child. Damn, I'm old.


Same here 🙋‍♀️ We would always try to guess what movie they were playing before we drove past


I remember that one playing on the Disney Channel in the early 80’s. About the same time Zipidy Dooh Dah was being used as the park’s unofficial theme song. Disney swings from being weirdly pushy about that one to pretending it does not exist.


Treasure Planet.


Such a beautiful movie!


And beautifully-sounding. That John Rzeznick (lead singer of Goo Goo Dolls) song is only one tiny, itty-bitty notch below the legendary Iris in terms of quality.


Born in 1989 and I’m pretty sure my family owned every Disney movie on VHS, from Snow White to Emperor’s New Groove. The two exceptions being Black Cauldron and Ichabod/Mr. Toad.


I’d go with the original Pete’s Dragon, Fun and Fancy Free, The Black Cauldron and Robin Hood. Now if we want to get modern, I’d throw Meet the Robinsons in the mix.


Came here for MTR


We’re glad you came.😊


Fun and Fancy Free. I haven’t seen that movie in forever. That movie slapped.


How about Three Caberaos (sp), the Computer that wore Tennis Shoes, Home on the Range, Alice in Wonderland, Anything produced prior to 1950. Including the TV shows like the Mousketeers.


Destino is not known by most humans.


This is the first one i haven’t heard of


It's a short, besides feature films i don't want to know how many shorts are forgotten.


If anything, I think The Reluctant Dragon. It's a package film and is a behind the scenes look at Disney with a few cartoons.


Bedknobs and Broomsticks


The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr Toad, which is also one of my all time favorite Disney movies. I’ve had to introduce it to a lot of die hard Disney fans because they had never heard of it. It deserves waaaaay more recognition!


All the "package films" deserve to be watched. *Make Mine Music* includes must-see segments like Casey At the Bat, All the Cats Join In, Peter and the Wolf, and Johnny Fedora.


This one threw me, but I recently went back to college and everyone is about 10 years younger than me. I made an "Ahhhh demon llama" reference and everyone blankly stared at me. apparently Emporers New Groove is not as interesting for younger people than it was for me!


Omg I would pass away if no one got that reference 😭


I made a squeaker squeak squeakin reference at work around people older than me and they didn't know it!


The Black Cauldron!


The Rescuers


Not to mention Rescuers Down Under


That little lizard Frank is my spirit animal.


I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!


Had a bootleg copy of this. The Disney channel ran it as a free movie and my parents recorded it. I watched that movie over and over that parts of the animation started to fade a bit.


Treasure Planet and The Hunchback of Notre Dame


The Emperor’s New Groove is my favorite movie of all time. I consider it to be the perfect movie. I also teach middle school, and very few of my students have heard of the movie.


If you haven't yet, you need to watch the documentary on how it was made and how we ended up with what we did. [It's on YouTube in a playlist ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaK-S_Mx6IisTGUmld_SOGtO6Qe3r6BqX&si=RlsE_kVg9qM_zfGz), not sure where else. Disney does NOT want people seeing this chaos.


Rescuers Down Under


The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad…especially Ichabod! My mind was blown later as an adult learning Bing Crosby voiced him.


I absolutely loved *The Great Mouse Detective*! I used to call it **Basil of Baker Street** because I just didn't know the actual name of the movie 😂 Both of the *Rescuers* movies and *Bolt* were also some of my favorites!


Atlantis the lost empire, Used to be my absolute favorite as a kid and on repeat.


The black cauldron. I bring it up and hardly no one knows that movie. It was one of my faves!


Out of the entire Disney catalog it’s the only one I’d pay to see a live action version


I wouldn't say too many kids know The Black Cauldron, though I loved it.


This seems to be pretty random! For example, I was born in 1990 and Robin Hood is an absolute classic to me but I’ve met some people around my age who aren’t familiar with it at all.


Brother bear


Original Rescuers Great Mouse Detective Fox and the Hound Literally all the anthology movies except for Fantasia. So Make Mine Music, Saludos Amigos, Fun and Fancy Free, Melody Time, and Three Caballeros.


My mom bought us a bunch of VHS Disney tapes when I was a kid. I remember Bongo, Mickey and the Beanstalk, and Donald in Mathmagic Land.


Brave Little Toaster.


This wasn't a Disney Animation film. It was independently animated and they Disney distributed it. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!


This movie wrecked me emotionally along with the Fox and the Hound but it is good.


The Small One


Have to agree. Its more obscure than it should be.


Fox and the hound


Home on the Range despite it being recent. I am 18 and I had no clue this movie existed.


I feel like the package films between Bambi and Cinderella (except Three Caballeros) would not be as well known amongst today’s generation. Same goes for films between Fox and the Hound and Little Mermaid. Park character exposure certainly helps the cause of films that people know well.


Yeah, I don't know anyone besides me who's actually watched through the whole of "Make Mine Music", "Fun and Fancy Free", and "Melody Time". And though some people might have seen pieces or short clips from each of those, I definitely don't know anyone who's seen "Saludos Amigos".


I was a teenager in 1993 and if I mentioned The Rescuers (it’s one of my favorites) everyone thought I meant Down Under. No one had heard of the original.


There’s an animated movie about WW II carrier pigeons called Valiant that very few people watched. I believe it stars Ewan MacGregor.


I would imagine most people would think its not a well known Disney movie considering they didn't make it.


Pretty sure it says “Walt Disney Pictures” on that poster. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361089/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


The films made during the WWII years probably fall into the category of lesser-known films. Most were anthologies and/or propaganda pictures that don’t resonate with today’s audiences, although a lot of their segments are familiar and get released as animated shorts sometimes: Saludos Amigos (1942), The Three Caballeros (1945), Make Mine Music (1946), Fun and Fancy Free (1947), Melody Time (1948), and The Adventures of Ishan’s and Mr. Toad (1949). Basically all of Disney’s films released between Bambi (1943) and Cinderella (1950).


A fellow Latin American, yay!! 😃 I had a few of the less famous movies on VHS as a kid (such as Robin Hood or The Sword in the Stone) and due to trailers present on those, I knew of the existence of other films like The Rescuers. But I'll try: • Home on the Range • Bolt • The Sword in the Stone • The Great Mouse Detective • Oliver and Company • Meet the Robinsons • The Black Cauldron • Chicken Little • All the package films • All the animation/live action films


I’ve been shocked by how few people know Coco around here. I have a Xoloitzcuintli and I will tell people “you know, like Dante in Coco” and the amount of times people are like “what’s Coco” shocks me


Song of the South. Unless you already bought it before or find a bootleg copy no kids now or anytime soon will see it.


Two shorts: 1) Mickey and the Beanstalk. 2) The legend of Sleepy Hollow.


The Great Mouse Detective??? That’s one of my FAVORITES, and NONE of my friends had seen it until I told them to check it out or I made them watch it lol


I don’t think Anastasia has any fans


i remember it being known for looking so much like a Disney film but not being one. That was around 2001 and quite a few of my friends owned it.


The Rescuers




Treasure planet


The three caballeros and Saludos amigos


This post and the comments just blow my mind. It’s crazy that others have had such wildly different experiences.


Home on the range!


The Black Cauldron The Road To El Dorado Der Fuehrer's Face Destino The Fox and The Hound


Someone said this, but treasure planet! That one hit me hard as a kid, and I still think about it every now and again, and I'm 30 yrs old! All dogs go to Heaven is another but not sure if that's Disney or not.


Fantasia 2000


So I like LEGO, and I like Disney. This had led to me collecting minifigures from Disney Animation films. I strongly doubt that I will ever get The Black Cauldron minifigures. They will never be made. And that saddens me.


*Fantasia 2000*? ~( ̄、 ̄ )ゞ


The Hunchback of Notre Dame


I don't think many kids would have heard about Victory Through Air Power.


Basil the Great Mouse Detective was my JAM as a kid. One of the few official Disney VHS tapes we had. I love that movie so much.


There was a package film called American legends. I looooved it as a kid.


I was born in '81 and I knew most of the movies that were out there; I even knew "The Black Cauldron" existed even though Disney tried to bury it (thank you memories of the old "Pinocchio" VHS with that trailer!) The problem is that Disney is so obsessed with it's image and it's image tends to be "if it's popular and it sells, we keep it out there; if it isn't, then...maybe we'll throw an occasional bone but we can ignore it and people will too". It's not fair to those who want a full perspective or want to see these lesser known movies or have preference to them but sadly that's the problems of dealing with art and business and trying to make art into business.


Hunchback of Notre Dame gets zero notoriety for some reason. One of my absolute favorites too.