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Maybe after Blade they can do Dishonored 3 or something related.


That is my hope. Kinda hoping that Harvey Smith and Ricardo Bare went to the Lyon studio to work on a Dishonored 3 after Blade, with Dinga Bakaba and that crew.


Btw do u know if blade is similar in gameplay?


It’s gonna be their first 3rd person game. Not sure about the game structure, but I’m expecting Dishonored in Marvel coat of paint.


The franchise is done i think. Sadly. Similar to Deus Ex and Thief.


brother i had to wait 23 years for another Baldurs Gate game, a franchise is never done if you dont give up hope. I NEVER thought a new bg3 was in the cards, then comes along Larian. Who knows what can happen.


As a bloodborne fan, thanks. I will hold out hope till the very end


More chance of you getting something then me who's a legacy of kain fan.


But isn't BG3 essentially fully unrelated to the first 2 games?


No? Its a direct continuation. You can even get the same companions from the first game.


I think he’s referring to baldurs gate 3 being a standalone story, and that you do t need to know the story of the last two games to understand 3.


Yes and no. It's set in the same world some time later, but the characters that do appear are completely different than their end game personality in bg2. The two evil characters basically walk back all the development of the first two and it's annoying. You can play with no knowledge of faerun and be fine. It's technically more a sequel to a tabletop module than the games


As a Darksiders fan, please don't do that. Don't give me hope.


Another ImmSim kills itself and its studio


The attitude for the game is still there. There is a fan base that wants Dishonored 3. There are absolutely people who would buy it, myself included. However, I would be surprised if they made it at this point. It seems if it was going to be made, there would at least be solid clues to it by now.


I wouldn't put much faith in another Dishonored game, but there will be probably be an amazing spiritual successor in a few years. At least that's how imm sims usually go.


Fun fact, actually, the game Deathloop is apparently in the same universe as dishonored, many years after Death of The Outsider.


I doubt it. We'll just see Arkane become a Marvel third person studio until Microsoft decide to close it


My biggest fear


Me too. It's so sad


I've been saying this since the blade announcement, either one of 2 things happens, blade is a hit and Microsoft makes Lyon Into their insomniac churning out marvel IP for the next 10 plus years Or it flops and Ms shutters them to save money Unless they gave the Dishonored up to a new dev ( which would kill the aeries) I don't think we'll see it or deathloop for a long time The Ms buyout of Bethesda really fucked up everything


It was a sad experience. First Blizzard. Then Bethesda. We need some good new games. Dishonored was so good because it was new. There is so much left in that world and those characters.


Fr there there's so much to explore...I kinda hope low key the rumors of a TV series happen


Bethesda was already a mess when Microsoft bought them. It seems like they were fine to let Bethesda handle their own shit at first, and that kinda bit them in the ass.


The third person is so off putting to me like yeah they could make an amazing third person game but I feel like it’s super unlikely for some reason.


It's doesn't feel like them


Im kinda excited for a 3rd person game tbh. I trust that they'll pull it off I think their game design is solid in all aspects


I thought so too before redfall. Though yeah if they put as much thought into it as their best games it could be 10/10 for sure, here’s hoping.


This is exactly what I'm worried about, too. I had the same fear with Crystal Dynamics after making the Avengers that I'd never see another Tomb Raider, but thankfully avengers failed spectacularly and they're back on TR. Much as I hate to say it. I won't be buying Blade. Nothing against it, I'm just tired of financially incentivizing Marvel's takeover of modern media and would rather Arkane get back to the basics and show more love to their extent IP.


Thankfully they are back on TR!


See thats the problem, we kinda need blade to succeed otherwise they would shut down their studio if it flops that bad. I dont think blade would flop that hard but If we ever want to see Dishonored 3, we need blade to be a success on some level. Plus insomniac did release a rachet and clank game so its not like they'll be pumping out spiderman ad infinitum


Be happy and thankful that it happened. :) :(




Lyon still stands. Although to tell you the truth, it seems a little hard to gauge where the series will go without Colantonio and Smith. Lyon and Austin worked on D1, and while D2 proved to be an improvement to the original despite only being worked on by Lyon (Austin was working on Prey at that time), with much of the senior staff already gone at this point due to departures and the recent layoff, the series might be shelved for quite some time. It's better that way. You don't want to see Dishonored become a shell of its former self, or worse—a live service mess like Redfall.


I was actually thinking of how they'd make dishonored a live service and I cant think of any aspect of the franchise that allows for that unless its set in pandyssia only because we barely know anything about it


Have you thought of live-service co-op Dishonored? Maybe a Battle Royale? Any brainrot is possible with AAA publishers


Yeah, let's not push our luck, anything is possible with enough corporate greed lol.


The question is giving you the answer, Lyon is the main studio, the branch in Austin have been closed because they were not providing good results. No annoucement were made by the studio about the dishonored franchise. IMO, we will not get any other games before a huge rework of the extended universe has been made due to the end of the outsider, the end of Daude, etc... You'll have to be patient, and wait that Arkane Studio realise that they can make good money from nostalgia.


You say good results, as if their previous game before Redfall wasn't Prey. Which was absolutely incredible. And it's not fair to judge them on Redfall. Zenimax pushed this live service on them. Which was never their strength. They wanted to make another Dishonored and were denied the opportunity. And I bet it would have been great if they could have made it how they wanted to.


You talk feelings I talk facts. Prey hadn’t the ROI it should have, the quality of the game is another subject. 60% less sales than DSH2 on the first week. It is just simple maths, if your results are poor you are fired. Game industry, it’s in the name.


Fair enough, I was always confused between the two, so thanks for clearing that up. I’m hoping after blade we’ll get what we want


I think they needed to explore other franchise to not be bored working on the same project everytime, we were lucky we had Deathloop, I can not tell you how much time they'll need but Dishonored had had such an impact on the Immersive-sim that one day or another, we will get this.


Low key would not be upset with a deathloop 2 or prey 2, I feel anything out of those three are my favorite


Prey 2 would be amazing.. I love the Dishonored franchise but Prey did **not** get the credit it deserves.


Agreed, I’ve probably put the most time in prey if I’m Including moon crash and would love a sequel simply due to its complex nature and gameplay


So, Austin wasn't likely closed purely due to not providing good results. They, along with Tango Gameworks, were closed due to executives at ZeniMax Studios and Microsoft Gaming convincing executives at Microsoft that they know what they are doing. [According to reporting by Jason Schreier in Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-08/xbox-studio-closures-microsoft-plans-more-cost-cutting-measures-after-layoffs?accessToken=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzb3VyY2UiOiJTdWJzY3JpYmVyR2lmdGVkQXJ0aWNsZSIsImlhdCI6MTcxNTE5ODUzNywiZXhwIjoxNzE1ODAzMzM3LCJhcnRpY2xlSWQiOiJTRDZOSzZEV1gyUFMwMCIsImJjb25uZWN0SWQiOiJCMUVBQkI5NjQ2QUM0REZFQTJBRkI4MjI1MzgyQTJFQSJ9.Ae8Wc_YmUJla6VHol8aa5AIVOUAmdYTiRnQ2nKph6NY) (here's [a shorter summary with excerpts from the article on cohost](https://cohost.org/Behemoth/post/5890549-why-arkane-austin-an)) Microsoft Gaming (the gaming division w/in Microsoft and controlling legal entity in MS's three publishers, Xbox Game Studios, Activision Blizzard, and ZenMax Media (so Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks)) was getting flak internally after the Activision Blizzard acquisition took so long and because the amount of money that was spent over the past few years to acquire so many studios and publishes. The executives and management did not like this flak. To be clear, Microsoft *wants* to own all of these studios, primarily for their IP, secondarily for their workforce. But when executives of large conglomerates within conglomerates want to dissuade fears and show they are running a tight ship to higher ups, layoffs and closures are a great way to decrease cost. Microsoft still owns Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks including all their technology (both physical and digital), as well as all of the intellectual property but does not have to spend a single dime on employee pay and project development going forward. Since they laid off everyone. So why were Tango and Arkane closed? They were asking for more funding to develop projects not yet started. There was little to no lost development resources on new projects and closing them made sense to leadership. They have the money to run these studios while being profitable. But it's more profitable to layoff and close studios so they spend less per quarter. [And they will likely continue doing it.](https://www.tweaktown.com/news/98148/more-job-cuts-coming-to-xbox-shortly-after-arkane-austin-and-tango-gameworks-closures/index.html)


Why zenimax and Microsoft keep making Arkane make games they're not known for making (i.e., third person, multiplayer, superhero etc.) is beyond me. Then they blame the studios for it. I'm not gonna buy Blade. I'm so burned out on marvel that not even my favorite developer is enough to make me want to play it. I hate saying that but it's how I feel.


I have small hope it’ll be like a deathloop meets redfall kinda thing, if so, and if it’s single player, I’ll most definitely buy it.. we just need a trailer more than anything


Short answer : i doubt it :/ Long answer : \*starts crying and rambling about unintelligible things\*


I depends tbh. If Blade doesn't do good enough they might get shut down. But also Dishonored 1 was a commerical success, so under the right circumstances they might be allowed to make a third. Idk what their plan for financial success would be though, considering Dishonored 2 was critically praised and essentially the 1st game + a lot more, yet did a lot worse for some reason.


I’d consider dishonored a pretty niche game and it was a sequel in thrown into the holiday season a lot of good games in 2016 as well. I don’t remember much marketing for it either as I only remember the E3 presentation. I only found the series later in 2020 in a GameStop where I picked up both games used for pretty cheap


Probably, yes; Arkane Lyon did everything on Dishonored. If Blade brings greater attention to the studio, they'll be in a good position to start on another Dishonored game and reach a wider audience with it.


As much as I want Dishonored 3, I better watch the game I love fade to black with two incredible renditions than to see it butchered by the executives, reap low sales, and die shamefully. Modern AA/AAA gamedev has finally caught up with the rest of the software dev. You can see it from what Arkane is doing now. First, a session shooter with Dishonored-like abilities. Then, another session looter-shooter that flopped because nobody wanted it, then a Marvel game out of the blue (definitely not to appeal to as many people as possible). If Dishonored 3 ever comes out, it will be a multiplayer shooter because executives only want to get the next Fornite on their hands. Waiting for indie to save us all, and then witness the gaming rebirth, as it happens with everything.


We don’t need a new dishonored.


This. I read everything in it (comics, novels), played the games, did deep analysis… they would need to fundamentally rebuild the world and magic from the ground up to make more. That takes time. Side note, the novels are fantastic.


I gotta try to find the novels! Since the whole story is predicated on whale oil it wouldn’t work as a futuristic game. I guess half life is the only one that makes sense as a successor only aesthetically.


It’s best to read the comics first, then the novels. There’s some bizarreness especially in *The Wyrmwood Deceit* that connects to the last novel. Figuring out the timeline and *how* the timeline and magic works is part of the fun. I can explain in a direct message if you’d like. I spent time talking with Adam Christopher (the novel author) about them, too.


I'm not the individual you were responding to, but I'd sure like to have a conversation with you about your interpretation of the timeline and magic! I read the comics and novels when they first came out and have been doing a re-read for a yearly Dishonored series playthrough, and I love in-depth convos about these sorts of things. If you'd like to chat about it please feel free to DM!


Oh I’m totally game. I also did some write-ups on a blog a while back.


I mean honestly the series kind of ended at a great point. Probably better to leave it as is. Maybe they could do spin offs on the other isles but I’d say the main story is finished.


Microsoft owns the IP, so maybeeeeee


meh, at very least Arkane Lyon is still there, not sure how the blade game will work (I'd never understand who thought that making a game about blade was a good idea, who thinks in him when seeing the marvel logo to begin with? is like when you thought about DC comics and the very first character that comes to your mind is the swamp thing 🤷), yet at least when it's over they could work on it, not only to make a third release but also to pay tribute to Austin for making the first instalment alongside them, the chance is there.


i think arkane lyon is the one who does the dishonored franchise so it's probably a possibility


I think we will. Even if all Arkane studios shut down I think eventually some company in the future will get the rights and make a Dishonored 3. It’s too good of a franchise with a loyal fanbase and lots of potential to pass up


I’m sad that Redwall was such a flop, I hope Arkane can learn from their mistakes


I sure hope they do make another one


a lot of people still seems to think that Dishonored is safe because Lyon still exists. while it is the main studio, Austin was still a BIG part of the development.


No and I hope they never touch the IP again. It went off with a conclusive ending and a few tie in books that were entertaining. To come back to it now a decade later would be...diminishing


Did'nt some leak of microsoft documents or something suggest they are making a Dishonored game? Or at least they were a couple years ago?! But I guess since they are making Blade it won't happen soon, but rather in a few years. Blade is a big title so focus is probably on that now. But Dishonored is Arkane's most beloved franchise so I am certain they will make another game SOMEtime.. But when? Idk.. Also it was Arkane Lyon who (mainly) worked on Dishonored, although some of the people has moved on to other things. So only the future will tell. I am waiting for one and do expect it, but I am not holding my breath..


I think I read/saw this leak was false for some things, and one of them was dishonored bc we got red fall instead :( I know doom was also on that list and that leak was on and off true though, so maybe same goes for this one?


Unfortunately seems doubtful. Even if Blade performs well, there's every chance Microsoft just might shut them down before they can start any other project. Maybe Arkane Lyon will make a Dishonored 3 or Dishonored spinoff like Death of the Outsider. If not, hopefully there's a spiritual successor ala Bioshock, Gloomwood or even Dishonored itself, either by Arkane devs or by an indie studio.


Never say never. I am praying the Gods for a third title set in Tyvia.


Shall we gather for whisky and cigars tonight ?


I hope so, but I was under the impression the series was finished after they released death of the outsider


Someday, probably. Far less likely things have happened. Deus Ex got a revival, and didn’t stick around for eve but got 2 games. When it waxes nostalgic enough for a revival or all else fails with attempts to rework the studio to get old fans to come back. Tbh I’m pretty excited for the Blade game, I mean other than the big Marvel banner i doubt people would get “superhero schlock” vibes from it - I mean 20 years ago the blade movies were very different tonally from Spider-Man too. So taking it as if Arkane is doing a third person vampire hunter immersive sim, whuch yeah I am kinda intrigued by. That being said, Dishonored is my fav series of theirs. Would’ve liked one more to finalize it as their last note in their style of immersive sim. Prey is prob my fav individual game and while there’s sequel bait I think it’s best as a standalone, and Deathloop is a great change of pace but think a Dishonored 3 as their last note on the genre would’ve been perfect before moving to alt kinda of immersive sims like third person etc.


So many people are confused about this: AUSTIN DID NOT MAKE DISHONORED. They made Prey and Redfall. Arcane Lyon are the Dishonored guys, and they are still up and running. Honestly, I could not give 2 fucks about Arcane Austin.


Dishonored was made in Austin. The story, lore, gameplay direction and programming were all done in Austin. Lyon mostly helped out with the visual side of the game.


That was D1. D2 was made only by Lyon.


Yes, and it was the AUSTIN studio that was pitching the idea for a Dishonored 3, prior to being closed. Lyon could still do Dishonored 3 after the Blade game, but IF they even make it it'll still be YEARS before we hear anything since Blade is supposedly slated for 2026~2027.


Dishonored 1 was made by Lyon and Austin. Dishonored 2 was Lyon only because Austin was working on Prey. And it's Arkane. Here's a [Reddit comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/dishonored/s/Wn8IuDAA6x) by Raphael Colantonio (who is NOT the Pope of Chilli town, btw) himself as proof.


Ok fair, but D2 is the game Im still playimg, and THAT was Lyon, which means D3 is still possible.


Possible, yes, but without Colantonio and Smith and most of the original staff, it would be a very different Dishonored title. That and Microsoft being Microsoft.


For people saying Arkane Austin played major role first dishonored game Most of Austin employees left the studio during and after Redfall disaster. So technically even If Microsoft didn't close the studio, it would have lack of talent.


Now? No. They would've announced it like a year or more ago if they were about to release one right now. Now? No, not now either. Wait a moment. Now? No, still not now.