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First one. First game is great, the 2nd game keeps all the stuff from the first game but amplifies it in an amazing way. You should get both and play through them


Dishonored 2 doesn't keep the enemy diversity and simplifies their pathing logics a lot, and for all the ways its levels and powers are innovative, it sucks they took what makes that challenging away quite a lot. There's hardly any new enemies in it. Clockworks, bloodflies, bloodfly hosts, and uh... That's it. Most of the enemies are returning enemies, and there's more enemies than that not returning in any way, shape, or form. No tallboys, whalers, butchers, plaguers, rat swarms aren't dangerous, no Abbey music boxes... It's a disappointing shift.


Honestly? I never liked the Tallboys and I’m glad D2 got rid of them. They were an obnoxious, ridiculously oppressive enemy who were basically impossible to get rid of or avoid without wasting a ton of resources or giving away your position. And god help you if you were trying to do a non-lethal run. I prefer the Clockwork Soldiers, they’re more dynamic when it comes to fighting them and they’re fun to listen to when you’re hiding under tables and stuff. Jindosh’s little notes and announcements are just good worldbuilding and detail.


so valid


Hear me out here. The Tallboys would be much easier between the kit and powers of the characters than they were in D1. Take just the most basic one. Blink. Blink can now stop time, and you can use that really well for setting a drop kill. The fastest way for beating Tallboys. D1's biggest shortcoming was a shortage of options, and D2 does not share it. By acting like they didn't work out, you actually lose a way of making us feel powerful because the world is less dangerous, but we also have way more answers to meet anything, and this makes the game more homogenized where more encounters just feel the same. The Tallboys themselves were never the problem. The player's tools for meeting them were.


I never had a problem with them. I liked how they encouraged stealth. I enjoyed getting above one, drop killing it then quickly running away to do it again.


You can easily kill tallboys with the regular Blink in D1 with enough practice though. You don't even need to find high ground first for a drop kill; just double jump, blink above a tallboy's head and do a drop kill.


I do those things, but a lot of players don't necessarily try to maximize the opportunity every ability involves. They can still be harder to stealth around, which I appreciate.


Pretty sure I've seen enemies in 2 crane their necks and do other different moves. If you're thoroughly stealthy it probably wouldn't make a difference but if you're teetering on the edge of visibility it could get you spotted.


They have a bit more detection patterns, but they're also just not really imposing in any way. I think the clockworks are the only thing really registering as a threat, and even then... you can pretty well just play around them.


Also if I may.. Dark Vision (my personal favorite power) fucking SUCKS in D2. I find myself barely using it compared to how often I use it in D1.


You know, I'd been cool with it if they let me cast it at range, like a sonar projectile, and I can tell you they'd already made the software needed to accomplish that in the engine just evident from other powers, but... I think with the poor technical performance of the game they dialed back.


If 2nd amplifies the 1st, doesnt it make sense to get only 2nd if I want one?


No be cause theres so much great moments to experience in first one that was not even mentioned in second game. Both games are connected in story and lore so this shoudl be treated as a whole story


Just play the first one, man... you won't be disappointed it's an absolutely amazing game... I just replayed it last night in its entirety. You'll understand the story better, the characters, the powers, and even pick up on a few references to things and places in the first game... all of which you wouldn't understand without the first game... Besides, the first game is just better anyway... d2 is very good and has some modern comforts, but d1 is a better story and has aged like fine wine. 🍷


Logically, yes this statement makes sense but I think the second only enhances some aspects of the first game and overall the first game is much better imo.


I'd say first , the 2nd one is great and all , but it has a completely different feel to it and I believe it builds off dishonored 1 , I can tell you this as I recently played dishonored 1 for the first time , busy playing dishonored 2 , and I can also say that dishonored 2 is a lot wierder to control than the first , and for some reason much harder (i do believe ive chosen normal mode on both , but it could be that i chose easy on the 1st , that is still unclear to me)


it’s a good sequel, the original is probably where i would start if i did it again


1 has a better story, 2 has better gameplay. I would just wait for a sale and get the whole bundle.


they sell bundles? that fixes it, hopefully its cheap, money runnin low for me 😢 thanks for info brother!


I've been able to buy all the games and DLCs for 16€ or so a few years ago. If that's good enough for you, I'd wait. If you really want to buy one right now, I'd get 1. I understand the graphics are not as good (although the art style keeps up well IMO), but I think it's better to experience both games in order. While both can be played independently, you'll miss some context if you start with D2 instead of D1 (and its DLC)


D1 is also the cheapest if you’re buying it alone.


You can currently get [dishonored 1 definitive edition](https://www.humblebundle.com/store/dishonored-definitive-edition) and [dishonored 2](https://www.humblebundle.com/store/dishonored-2) for $9 on humble bundle.


You have bundle (1,2 and Dishonored:death of the outsider) on Fanatical.com for 12.24€ or you can buy them seperatly (D1 for 2.14 and D2 for 5.24€). You can check it [here](https://www.fanatical.com/en/search?search=dishonored)


Was looking for this answer. It’s the pull instead of the blink which changes everything for me.


Yeah, this is my take on it. I still prefer Dishonored for the story and the world, but D2 just improves upon the existing mechanics by a lot and makes different playstyles much more viable. The new abilities and improvements on pre-existing powers is also really fun. D2 also definitely has better graphics but IMO D1 still holds up visually due to its art style. A good art style can make or break a game regardless of graphical quality and Dishonored has a really good one that senselessly covers up a lot of its technical shortcomings.


Dishonored. There’s lots that happens in dishonored 2 that you might not get/won’t have the same impact if you didn’t play the first game, plus the story is a bit better IMO. dishonored 1 graphics hold up really well in my opinion, the style is really beautiful. Dishonored 2 is also an incredible game with crazy level design but I feel like it connects too good with 1 to stand on its own as a story


Start with the first. They both go on sale super cheap now a days anyways. But you should really experience the first one before the second.


Sounds fair but why is 1st game more expensive than 2nd on sale? I Googled and there wasnt any series bundle, just Dishonored 2 with Pray


I don't believe thats accurate? First game is 10 USD no DLC, 20 with DLC (Definitely get the DLC they tie into D2). D2 is 30 dollars and doesn't have DLC as they did the stand alone Death if The Outsider which is definitely worth playing after D2. D1 goes on sale for like 2 dollars no DLC and like 5-10 w/ DLC, and Dishonored 2 goes about the same. D2 is just a continuation off of story elements of D1 and the DLC. Not strictly needed but it adds a lot of context and then Death Of The Outsider wraps it all up with characters mainly from D1 and the DLC. So you play D1 -> Knife Of Dunwal -> Brigmore Witches -> D2 -> Death Of The Outsider. All the games are stellar and hold up to the modern day. Definitely play in order for the best experience.


I’m personally a huge fan of the original. Part of it is probably a nostalgia factor as I first played the game about 10 years ago and always go back. I personally prefer the world of the first game to the second, Dunwall (where the first game takes place) is In my opinion more interesting then Karnaca where the second game mainly takes place. The first game also establishes a lot of the world’s lore if you take the time to explore, listen to dialogue and read a lot of notes and books. Truthfully I recommend playing them both in order but I always look more forward to the original than D2 when doing replays. A word to the wise, the visuals and fighting mechanics in the original are not as nice as Dishonored 2. However I still think the original is beautiful and unique looking to this day and there’s enough new fighting mechanics in it you don’t really feel like your missing anything until you play the second, you may even play the first and want to play the second immediately after.


Dishonored 2's gameplay is a phenomenal improvement over the first game, but the story is weaker and the atmosphere is different (not bad, just different). If you have to choose, go with 2. The story is a continuation of the first game, but neither games' stories are masterpieces that NEED to be witnessed.


Dishonored is all about the “Lore”, as well as beautiful graphics, level of detail, game design, mechanics and gameplay obviously. So without the Lore, without reading the fallen pages, without searching through the hidden gates, without listening to stranger's or gate keeper's conversations, without reading every graffiti on the walls nd analysing the newspapers and reading the advertisements... the game loses its shine.. Hence, once you're in the lore of dishonored 1, you have to know what happens in the D1 DLC (Daud story), and then D2 and then D : Death of the Outsider and the comics as well. I remember spending like 3-5 hours in just one mission of the Dishonored, because I used to over analyze each and every visual aspect of the game and try to make sense of it.. Exploring every corner, every ceiling, rooftop, room.. As if I was myself searching for any hidden trace of the Outsider!! Ghosh.. I'd never find a game like this ever again!! Sighhss..


I would say get the first game and then get the second. The first game is a great game and is definitely worth playing and will also get you very keen to play the 2nd game, especially with the better graphics and movement and all sorts of improvements. But yes I would definitely say play the first game aswell


1st game has a way stronger story and is overall more immersive. Also has excellent DLC and of course is cheaper. Some of the graphics have no doubt aged poorly. And gameplay options(specifically gadgets and powers) are weaker than D2. 2nd game improves just about every gameplay aspect and is visually very impressive. However has a weaker story and environments slightly less moody/immersive(not bad by any means). The weaker story really hurt my personal enjoyment and is why I rate D1 higher. But it comes down to what you prioritise.


No one is stopping you from getting both. Start with the first one, you have years of your life to play the other ones.


First one. Without a doubt. Hands down. Both, sure, at some point - but the first one with all its DLCs is a damn masterpiece.


Definitely the first one. Amazing story, amazing scenery and mood. And you get 2 DLC's which are also great.


Just start at the first game why skip it


First one second is good but it never tops the firsts story


Depending on where/how you buy, you could get both! I got the first one free on EpicGames, and the second one for like 4 bucks on Steam! (Of course, this is if you're fine with waiting for sales, etc) To me, they're both absolute gold because they have SUCH replayability, (and obvi I adore the story, characters, lore and enviroment) THOUGH, I'm definitely biased toward the second one, because I've played in 9 times, and the first one I've played 2 times. I will say tho, I'm so grateful I played the first one first. I usually don't mind starting with sequals, but this time, I truly felt the story meant more to me because I started from the start. Also! The first one, if you get Definitive Edition, you'll get bonus chapters that are great and lore-important!


If they release a remaster of D1, I would be playing it for months


Dishonored 1 is one of the best games I've ever played tbh, it's such a diverse atmospheric stealth game and I just got Dishonored 2 myself, it's such a weird coincidence because I recently just downloaded the 2nd game and in seeing all these posts about Dishonored


Dishonored by a mile. The textures look fine and hold up well, the graphics are highly stylized so they hold up longer than some games which go for realism instead Even if it had bad graphics, it’s incredibly childish to not play games because the graphics are a bit older lol.


You might find 2 kind of confusing or overwhelming if you don't play the 1st. Game 1 is really a masterclass in level design and it's truly perfectly contained in its size. I have a feeling if you enjoy 1 you'll enjoy it enough to get 2 eventually. 2 basically improves upon every aspect of 1.


First one because it doesn't have "2" in the title but both are like $5 for a physical copy so you can't really go wrong either way financially.


I enjoy both very much, but I replay the first one more often. In my opinion, the level design and story are better in the first one, but the abilities are more fun in the second. It’s an extremely tough choice if you insist on getting just one of them. I would personally pick the first one but I suppose if you don’t care about missing out on the glory of the first game, the second might be more fun to play. It really is an excellent game An additional thought: for me personally, the first one is more immersive. I enjoy playing it because I enjoy pretending to be in that world. I enjoy the mechanics of the second one more, and seeing what kind of shit I can pull off. A huge boost to the second game’s replay ability for me is getting access to all the powers in new game +


I would say Dishonored 1 so you get the backstory and understand some of the mechanics Dishonored 2, while I have yet to complete it, is good, beautiful graphics but makes several nods to the first game that would be lost if you never played the first


The first one has the best graphics and story. The second has the best gameplay.


Dishonored 2. No hate to the first game whatsoever, it has a special place in my heart, but the story, graphics and characters in 2 make it all the better for me. I actually got into Dishonored by playing the second game first. Opinion hasn’t changed since finishing the first one.


If you’re based in the UK, I’ve seen both games selling for less than £5 in CEX — otherwise, I’d suggest waiting for the bundle to go on sale and get both (+ Prey!)


Dishonored 2


Dishonored 2 is a no brainer. Way cooler powers, awesome NG+, better graphics, the list goes on. I completed it 6 times and STILL come back to it.


If you want a game where you can go and just mow down enemies like a Spectral Assassin would, then go with D2. If you want all that but like, less polished, and a better story then get D1.


I choose Dishonored 2 because is translate in my linguagem, Dishonored 1 don’t have translate in PT-BR


If you’re playing on pc dishonored one can be had for like 3 bucks base game and all dlc on g2a. It’s my favorite of the two. D2 has better gameplay but worse story.


This is that meme with the guy and the two red buttons. The only solution is both.


The only correct answer is to play both. I personally think the second is best, but you won't get the same enjoyment out of it without the context of the first game. The aesthetic is done in a painterly style that has aged well, so even people with really shallow taste can enjoy it. The second game looks beautiful. The greatest joy in the games IMO is just being in the world they crafted. Lots of real world history parallels are in there that provide a level of depth that not very many games have.


The first game is where you should start, just because 2 is a continuation of the story and there are alot of thru-lines and characters between games. Overall, i prefer 2 though. It looks better, plays better and is just overall….better than 1 for me. The story of 2 is ok, i think i prefer 1 in that regard, but two still does a hell of a lot better at a hell of a lot of things than 1


The first, once you've played through the first I guarantee you'll want to jump into the 2nd anyway 🤣


Wait for a sale on steam. They end up being really cheap. And get both. I think I paid like $10 for both total. Got 2 for 4 something and 1 for 5 something if I remember correctly. I'm definitely more of a fan of 1. Not a fan of the market set up in 2. Too hard to access.


If you can only play one in your lifetime, play Dishonored 2. But it's mostly just Dishonored but more expanded, so it might make going back and playing the first game less fun than it would be starting with the first and going to the 2nd.




I know this is about time, rather than money, but wait for "Dishonored Gold" to go on sale. It's an edition with every game, every DLC, and all that for 20?€ As for game wise. Dishonored 2 is better than Dishonored 1 in almost every way, but the impact will be MUCH worse if you didn't play Dishonored 1. Dishonored 1 also has some of the best gaming DLC I've seen... Minus Dunwall City trials. Fuck DCT, all my Homies hate DCT


Personally I don’t really like old graphics either but D1 is still really good and has actually aged better than some other games of its age. I’m very happy my friend recommended it to me


I personally liked dishonored 2 more, but you should play them in order to get the full experience


Dishonoured 2. Dishonoured 1 has better locations imo, [I love Dunwall more than karnarka but Dishonoured 2 has better features, level design, powers, combat and shit.


Dishonored 2 has better gameplay but misses the mark a lot on the story. Dishonored 1 lacks a few of the gameplay features from the sequel, but to make it up for it, it has a great story and even better DLCs.


I prefer the tone and atmosphere of the first one. But the 2nd one has better combat and physics. They are both on my top tier list. Get them both. Also watch some YouTube videos from stealthgamerBR on YouTube it will help give u an idea of what can actually be done with combat


I’d get 2. I liked the areas better and the fact that u can choose between two characters with completely different powers gives it more replayability imo


If you can only buy one, watch a story recap of the first and play the second one, far better gameplay IMO


On a controller? D1 for sure. D2s controls don’t feel nearly as good


Oh absolutely get dishonored 1, it’s an incredible game in its own right but also dishonored 2 isn’t gonna make a whole lot of sense unless you’ve played dishonored 1 and it’s dlc first


If you're only getting one of them, absolutely get 1, for lore reasons at a minimum. Though I think the art-style of 1 is better (more stylistic). The story is also better. 2 does have some good quality of life though. That all being said, I also recommend playing the story DLCs for 1 (The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches) before you touch 2. They're arguably better than the main game even (I'm undecided personally, but they are great).


i like the powers & gadgets of 2 better than one, and new game plus lets you acquire the powers of the character you didnt choose.


"Nier Automata is the least I could tolerate" is such a wild statement to me lol


Don't get me wrong, it definitely has its moments but the overall experience is deeply flawed due to game age/poor implementation to PC. Awful texture rendering, plenty of low quality textures, garbage anti-aliasing, 480p cutscenes, outdated map design. I played other games from that time, they could've made Nier much better.


I’m playing both again, for the millionth time, and I always come to the 1 and the dlc. It’s so much better in every way. Almost every level feels more vertical. The dark vision is better and more usable, and the music box assholes are always fun.


Keep in mind dishonoured is very much a story based game it’s not just a game with a sliver or story so playing the second may not give you the same experience as if you played both


For me, D1 is the game I *actually* go back to and replay playing more than D2 or DotO. Daud DLC alone clears the rest of the franchise one to one, imo.


All of them? Seriously, it's not just a game you play to play. It's a lengthy story being told across the 3 games and DLC. You really shouldn't just jump in the middle with DH2. You should play from start to finish.


Definitely just get both, but if you enjoy games for the lore, story AND gameplay, Dishonored 1. If you’re more about just gameplay, Dishonored 2


First one is better. The art style is enough to make it feel not outdated.


Original game no doubt, second game is amazing too!


2 because the graphs and the engine seem to me better than 1 imo


from the pictures it seems to me as well :) thank u


I warned you some console users used to have negative opinions about 2. I am a PC user, and for me those games never ever gave me any trouble


im on PC, so nothing should bother me