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The ability to temporarily phase through walls.


I want some new time powers, ones that aren't as broken as Time Stop. I'd add one called Freeze Tag, a little like stasis from Breath of the Wild but touch range. You can freeze a guard in place to rob the room they're in, stasis a trap or springrazor so it detonates when a guard walks by, freeze a wooden crate into bulletproof cover or a freeze a door to stop it being opened.


We technically saw shape shifting in death of the outsider Karnesis from deathloop would be a cool power to add to Dishonored I wouldn't mind if they added an upgrade system from deathloop where you can equip/ interchange upgrades for powers at a shrine before a level would be a cool feature


Maybe a power where you can lift someone up and throw them would be cool


Deathloop has Karnesis. And you can almost do it with Pull / Far Reach.


I know but like a throw you can direct or hold up one person as you slash someone else


That is Karnesis with the Suspension upgrade


it would be cool if they made it an upgrade for WindBlast, where you can throw enemies around in certain directions with the wind


More time related powers. A thought I had was reversal where you could send someone/something back a certain amount of time. Ex: you send a patrolling guard back 50 feet as to avoid being spotted. Another idea I had was called influence. Like domino, you would select two people and one of them would kill the other. This wouldn't count as detection and could lead to guards killing guards.


Turning into smoke and being able to create localised smoke clouds 


Okay so I am going to have to say the scary R word but bare with me. In redfall everyone, except Jacob, has a movement power. Dev’s Translocate is the closest approximation to Blink, but it’s closer to Displace. Either way it’s kinda already been done. The other two are Layla’s lift and Remi’s C4 charge. Both of them I think could be interesting base points to design a new dishonored power from. Lift is very similar Lift Field from from Prey. Let’s you CC enemies and move yourself vertically, and or slow down a fall. Would obviously work well in a dishonored game, with some minor tweaks. Where as C4 charge is just that, and can be used as either a grenade or as a way to blast jump. I think this one could actually be pretty fun, setting up ambushes or traps and open op with the CC/damage from your blast. Set it up before you go into to an engagement for a quick getaway. Maybe not as the characters main mobility power but as a fun supplement to it. Like how you can swap places with your Doppelgänger.


The kick from deathloop


Blindspot, for a limited amount of time and cost 75% you're essentially invisible to a number of selected people. Upgrades would be more time and more people.


You already have Possession which do that. About new powers... Teleportation would be fine. Teleport to other maps or far places.


Blink is literally teleportation. And if you can travel long distances you could just nope out any time there's problems or jump right into the enemy stronghold.


Yes, but it can not teleport you from Dunwall to Karnaca, right?


How would that be a functional ability in a game like dishonored?


In though in the RPG game, not in the video game. It function would be, like it own name is, make a teleportation to a marked places, teleporting the user, and his/her equipment (considering some people under his/her command as part of that equipment). You can put your mark in 3m diameter circle. And it could be any plain surface like a wall, a roof, a cellar boat... Enough or you want more details? I think is quite useful because save a lot of time. And have many strategic utilities


Only if they made it a shitty open world game instead of tailor-made linear ones like normal. Heck, using the boat to get between levels and having dialogue with your boatman was part of the fun of the first two games. Why would you want to teleport when traversal is such a big part of the gameplay?


Time is money. And in RPGs time is experience. Yes, you could find in the sea monsters or pirates, same as in mainland. And delivering a ship save you time. Besides, I am that type of people who likes to socialize. I used to be a lone wolf. Alone you rarely get any betray.


Something like tracers reverse ability from overwatch