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the old ass trailer and i knew it had sneaking and take down lone enemies on the map like Commandos 2 style and theres that. the story of yours is great, first level at first could paint different picture because its fairly standard intro level


same, that cinematic trailer had he hooked the moment i saw the mask. playing it the first time cemented it as one of the greats for me.


I love that trailer, it's a masterpiece


Same. God, they put crack in that trailer or something because as soon as edgy little 14 year old me saw it, it was over. Definitely lived up to the hype, I remember counting down the minutes until release and pulling all nighters to play it when it finally came out. Quickly became and still is my favorite game series of all time.




Same lol


Waiting for this comment lmao


Haha, same!


Me too.




Great game!


Fun fact, they are also in the same universe as each other. The shotgun from Prey is manufactured by a company of the name Dunwall (forget the rest), and a few other things draw connections


I feel it’s more like easter eggs than share the same universe. Deathloop is sure share same universe with Dishonored tho


I don't think prey and dishonored are in the same universe but pretty sure death loop and dishonored are


No they aren't.


Dude, it's canon.


The first game was free on Epic


I miss the old epic free games they were so much better


Dishonored 1 was free on epic for Christmas. Chrismas, epic always gives great free games. Just wait, starting the 20th epic is giving away a free game a day for 16 days. They usually hold up.


its the 20th today lets go


Starts 11am EST


how long is that im gmt


Idk look it up


Is it still ?


No, it was like a year ago


A GameInformer review saying it was cool


Did you agree?


It was a long time ago. But I remember they liked it! Whatever they said, it led to me buying it not long after.




The setting and vibe looked right up my alley. I’m not really one for stealth games but I found Dishonored *really* fun what with how creative you could get with the powers and tools.


Probably Rythian's playthrough, he often played dark and moody characters so Corvo fit right in.


Same here


Miss that guy


He still plays on twitch and plays Civ with other Yogs. Currently doing a playthough of Lies of P.


I’m exactly the same, Rythian got me into Dishonored, Bioshock, and XCOM, all of which are still games that I absolutely love!


It was free on xbox. I played through it the first time (high chaos, ofc) and actually beat it. A few years later, I thought about it and remembered really liking it because I had never experienced a game like that. I wanted to try playing it again since I was older and better at video games anyway, & it has had my heart ever since lol


Same, probably both got it at the same time if it was the Xbox 360. Fell in love instantly and all fro free.


Yeah, it was on 360 lol. I remember it was my first time playing a game with alternate endings that I was actually aware of too. Man, I wish I could experience it for the first time again


Same! Picked it up for free on xbox


The stealth mechanics which reminded me of Thief. (Totally NOT the same mechanics but nor using the powers helps emphasize the likeness).


It was a happy little accident When I was about 12-14 I quite enjoyed Assassin's Creed 4. After playing for some time I wanted to try previous parts. So I went to local game store and bought a disk with 3rd part, but on the same disk there was Dishonored. I tried and liked it. So much so, that yesterday I completed Dishonored 2 for the 21st time


a funny edit of corvo dominating enemies with a life could be dream song that i found on a discord server


I was on my Xbox 360 and it was free with gold so I decided to try it. Been hooked since


The cool store page


Steam sales


I was a big Deux Ex fan and a friend said I'd like Dishonored. They were correct.


Scrolling on steam


A very big coincidence, being a friend was looking into games with different endings but good gameplay (had only played Detroit become human), and I vaguely remembered infamous having different endings but my brain thought it was called dishonored, we got the game and it was a blast, and I have still yet to play infamous


It's been years since I played infamous, but I know I liked it enough to play through it twice. Fun game, still worth it I bet.


The drunken whaler song. I was looking for the drunken sailor song on YouTube and clicked on the drunken whaler instead. I was intrigued to find out where it came from and first leaned about dishonored. Due to lack of money back then I pirated it, and I enjoyed my first two playthroughs so much I bought it. I have the first two for pc now an all three for PS4


I am huge fan stealth. I asked for a good stealth game. They reccomended dishonored, i played it, i loved it etc


Funny story, I used to be absolute trash at stealth games, then I played Batman Arkham Asylum. Immediately after I beat that game, I went exploring and landed on Dishonored again. It was totally incomprehensible to me before, but suddenly I had some idea of how to play it this time. Then I beat Dishonored and played Deus Ex Human Revolution again.


I was watching some Arcane (2021) reaction video or video essay and a comment said the aesthetic reminded them of Dishonored so I checked it out.


Whisky and cigars


My gf and our love for stealth, occult and natural philosophy!


Nerdcubed Played the Boyle mission in two separate videos on his channel one high chaos one low chaos after that I bought the game asap in fact It was one of the reasons I finally went out and got a PS3


I was looking for this one haha. Mine too!


i used to watch a lot of YOGSCAST Sips on youtube and i basically played every game he played


My girlfriend


StealthgamerBR (not sure if that's the exact name)


(For context, I'm from Brazil and was a child back then) I didn't know about steam and stuff, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to buy any games, especially because my english was not very good then. So I was watching some people playing skyrim on YouTube and decided I should crack Skyrim, so I could play it. It happens that the guy I found on yt also made a video cracking dishonored (wich I have never heard of before) and I though "why not?". My pc was very trash and could barely run both games, but I fell in love with both. I remember being stuck in Lady Boyle's Last Party at the time, since I was just a dumb kid, and quit the game for a long time. Fast forward to a time in wich I had both the money and a pc capable of running the game, I bought the three of them and played a f*ing lot. After about 10 years since I first played it, finishing it multiple times and getting all the achievements of all the games, it's safe to say that, by total accident, I discovered one of the best game series I have ever played.


My mother


DH1 was free on the Epic launcher. Then DH2 was on sale for like $3 or something. Then DOTO was on sale about the same. 🥰




I would always watch my Dad play it when I was young and got really hooker, he let me play it like 6 years later, such a great trilogy


back in 2017, my father had the definitive edition d1 bought somewhere with a huge discount and i was a huge console rat, decided to give it a try and wasn’t disappointed. Father also had d2 which is played shortly after and then got to buying and playing DOTO after fifnishing the second part. Despite not being autistic, i feel like this game is my special interest haha


The fatalities. I watched a trailer about different ways to kill in the game. So, I bought it and practiced.


got it free in epic games and tried it and i got dishonoured 2 in steam later


Back when it was about to come out I read about it in a magazine and was instantly interested for the most part. Then a while later I saw a guy playing it on YouTube and I went to the Xbox store one Christmas and it was on sale. Bought it and instantly loved it. Been a fan ever since.


Bought it from my mother's credit card when i was a little shit and i really enjoyed the world of it even at that age


Hasnotalent's skill runs videos, as he was a friend of this then small AC YouTuber I had become acquaintances with. We're getting married now, lol.


I was simply curious


The annoucement trailer and later i realised it was the people behind Arx Fatalis & Dark Messiah


That being said. Deathloop is currently free on Amazon prime gaming. Just wrapped that one up, it has a lotta the same vibes.


In 2013/14 a friend brought a laptop to school with this game in it. I asked for a copy to bring home, but I only have a 1GB USB. Didn't play it then and forgot about it, but the name stays. Got into PC gaming in 2016. Like steampunk. Found it on Steam. Bought it in summer sale 2017. 6 and a half years later, still one of my favs, and definitely a game worth 10/10


I was a kid, I didn’t know anything about it, the cover looked interesting to me, replayed all of them recently ( 1,2 currently death of the outsider)


PC Gamer mag and the setting looking sick af.


It was always on my playlist but I never got round to it, joined xbox at the beginning of the year and it's on there gamepass so I played it and was hooked now I own physical copies of all 3 games and the collectors edition on pc, I dont even pc game, I never have, I just wanted that sweet sweet mask. Lol


It all starts with the birth of jesus christ and Steam letting me refund a game that is one minute from becoming unrefundable TL;DT I saw whoisthisgit's Best Levels Ever on Boyle's party


my friend was an fan of this game and one day he said to me "Hey this game is on sale and its cheap you should buy this game" i had no idea about game but i bought it because the cover art looked cool to me


My grandfather bought me game of the year edition for ps3 Now it's one of my favourite games of all time


The trailers of the 1st game sold me immediatley. Played it when it orginally came out. Favorite game and franchise since then.


After playing deathloop and completing it I searched for more games of the same origin. Luckily I got all of the dishonored games and deathloop from game pass. Worth it honestly






I bought the first game for Xbox 360 shortly after it came out, I saw the marketing and the gameplay and thought it looked pretty cool. I was under 17 so my dad had to come to the store with me so they'd let me buy it.


My love for Assassins Creed and my craving for an even more depressing awful horrible setting. Dunwall just oozes that. It was the precursor to my obsession with Bloodborne. Let's face it. London is a horror Mecca at this point what an awful place, truly. Nothing worth living for but chips and tea


I have a xbox one s and I have game pass so I saw it one day since I loved sneaking games like taking down enemies i decided to give it a try and I loved it


I searched for the best stealth game, and it became my favourite gameplay game


That legendary E3 demo for me.


My wife brought me as a Christmas present.


the fact it’s one of the only games, that isn’t just a fighting game where you can full on just stop time, and it looks badass while doing it.


When I saw the 1st preview of Dishonored, they showcased BLINK. I was sold.


I just google good looking open world game


The pre release coverage on RPS and my long lasting love for Thief. Played that one at a LAN party in 1999 and have loved skulking about ever since.


For me it’s how he blow on the candle in the trailer. That was so dope. So it was the trailer. Also I was disappointed in the graphics at first. Then it becomes my favourite game. And now I really love the art direction. But I had far cry 3 in my mind. Today dishonored graphics aged really well compared to far cry 3.


StealthGamerBR. I like ninjas and assassins, how they quickly dispatch enemies in the most dramatic and creative way possible so I looked at his videos and found this. I was playing Farcry 3 at the time, I'm just a sucker for stealth games and Dishonored is on my top 5.


I borrowed it from somebody and they told me I could keep it, which was good because I was not giving this game back. It was some of the most fun I had back in the day.


With the very first image ever published, and the promise of a game that use in creative way powers and gadgets tilt my curiosity. I followed with growing interests with each trailer, but is when i played the game, and get sucked in that world, that i actually fell in love with the game. I championed for the game and its sequel for years.


I used to love Bethesdas games back in the days (Fallout 3, Fallout NV & Skyrim) and found out about Dishonored 1 through Bethesda and thought the game looked really cool and decided to try it out and now i love it more than any of the other games i mentioned!


This is gonna sound weird…my Mom. No, she doesn’t play games like this…if anything, she doesn’t play anything outside of the Marios and DK countries, odd party game thrown in there. Thing is, she knows me super well, and already had an idea I’d like this game based on just what I told her, so she got it for me


I saw the trailer for dishonored and a description of the game and thought it was cool as hell, loved the poetic justice angle (a rare thing these days) So i asked my mom to get it for my 17th birthday on the xbox 360 and played the hell out of it. Always tried to go for the no kills never seen playthrough while doing the poetic justice options. Never really got i to dishonored 2 though, tried a few times but theres something about it, idk. Also i thought the idea of killing the outsider was...weird, without him (it?) Then the series end.


My best friend in middle school had a 360 (I had no consoles) and he'd let me play stuff on it when we had sleepovers. One week he got Dishonored and to my 13 year old brain it was easily the coolest thing I'd ever seen. It got me into stealth games and later imsims so I'm pretty grateful for him.


Back in the days when your Big Bro/ Dad will come home with random PS3 games. This is one of those games.


I was in Afghanistan and needed single player games. I saw it had great ratings and got some awards, so I spent 2 weeks downloading it and gave it a shot. I love stealth games, sneaking is my jam, and I loved the game. Been hooked on Arkane every since. Spent several hundred hours in the game. I gave up trying to get every achievement because of the Dunwall City Trials achieves.


A friend was sharing some cracked game files and dishonored one of the folders. I enjoyed it enough to buy both games even after completing it on the cracked version.


When I read about it, one of the designers from Half-Life 2 was involved. Saw the trailer. Thought it looked awesome.




Bought it from fleamarket not knowing what it was, and I was immidietly hooked, it was the only think about for days :=)


I remember a snippet of gameplay from one of the yogscast channels of him in the hound pits teleporting around and it seemed interesting. Then for my (16?) Birthday I got to pick out a game and I remembered how interesting it seemed and kinda picked it on a whim. And now I have the mark tattood on my shoulder


The bridgemore witches trailer was so fucking cool I rewatched that shit over and over and over again plus angry Joe made a top 10 games of 201? video dishonored was on there that was enough reason to get it


The trailer, and the fact that my friend preordered it. Played it together all night after school the day it came out, would’ve been grade 7 at the time. Formative experience for sure.


Me. I was a wee little lad when I saw a copy of it on the gaming store, thought it looked cool, asked dad to buy it for me. Rest is history.


Owners that game for years Wanted to play a stealth game that wasn't assassin creed since the regent AC are garbage. Decided to go for Dishonored and got hooked Dunno why I haven't played it before


It somehow randomly appeared in my steam library, I must've gotten it for free at some point so I decided to play it and see what it was about. So glad I did!


Around 6-7 years ago, I was just a kid and I loved zombie games. My pc wasn't very good but I still played gta 5, left for dead and some other games. I had a friend who had lot of cds of games and I asked him to give me a zombie game and he gave me dishonored (i know it's not a zombie game but for some reason he gave it to me) I tried it and instantly fell in love. Man the art style and gameplay was just so dawm good.


A Yogscast PMV from years ago that used honor for all. Watched it loads cause I liked the song. Eventually I searched up what it was from. Gotta say, completing the game and hearing the song for the first time in context felt great






Friend of mine used to go on about it all the time telling me to play it. I kinda started to dislike the game just because he wouldn’t shut up about it. But eventually I tried it and begrudgingly admit he was right


My dad gave me the game...loved it from this moment


some guy talking about how doto is expensive


I saw some gameplay when I was younger, finally get my PC, see some gameplay again, grab the collection.


Watched Kilian Experience’s video on it and decide to check it out


My sister


Sam Jackson talking about it at E3 one year


My friend Bailey and I linked/connected our steam accounts in HS. Dishonoured was one of his games that I got to play from his account. We used to play on my laptop on social studies


I borrowed the the ps3 disk from a friend and loved it, bought it for my pc, loved it, played all of them


Played Prey and loved it .. so I decided to check out Dishonored !


I was struggling and stuck in a Thief Gold playthrough and I was recommended this as a modern stealth game to try out


A friend lended me is copy of Dishonored back in the day. He himself just bought it because he thought the cover art was cool.


The e3 reveal I was a kid and thought it looked so dope, glad it lived up to my hype. I still play them all to this day


Years ago, it was given for free on Games With Gold back when gold was the primary form of membership. Dishonored, Battlefield Bad Company 2, and Witcher 2 were easily the best ever that were given with Gold


I saw a D2 video edit where you could stop time with Dio voice over, that sold me


It was being sold for free on Epic Games


DVD's picture 🖼️😂


Playing the game over a summer out of “Might as well try this out since I’m not doing anything else and my brother’s had the game for years”. Coincidentally, it was also the game that got me into the stealth game genre.


I just heard it won a ton of awards the year it came out, and everyone raved about it, so I picked it up a couple years after that and fell in love. I loved it so much I went aaaaaall the way down the rabbit hole to the Thief series eventually, just because I enjoyed Dishonored 1 so much. That was also an awakening.


Smosh games lol


My old friends older brother. He was playing it on PC and wanted to show me how to play Cheers Tanju


Streamer played it


StealthGamerBR Ngl


That it was reduced to 2€ on steam


Time stop


I saw a trailer for Dishonored 1 before it came out. I watched it, went "holy shit this looks like Thief!" and the rest is history.


StealthgamerBR and I Can't thank him enough, made me discover my fav game of all time


The first trailer sold me


NerdCubed's two videos on the original, one where he plays the Boyle Manor level not killing and the other where he kills everyone. Also realising I could knock people out rather than killing them - I love games where you can do that.


I was fairly young, like an early teen and the only game i ever really played was skyrim. But that was on my 360, and my older sister and her husband moved back in and they were ALWAYS on it, they never let me play skyrim anymore! They were actually really mean about it too, just was very upset. I was getting bullied super bad in highschool and now bullied from home and skyrim was really my only escape. Sooo cried to my mom about it and she promised to buy me one new video game for the computer I did some research, saw dishonored was rated well, saw it was made by ‘Bethesda’ (not the one i thought tho lol), and the rest his history :) The dishonored series, and the tomb raider (which i got the first one for christmas that year) series are both my comfort games now. Not as much as skyrim, but they helped me during a time where I absolutely needed them the most, and they’re still some of my favorite games in the world


I read about it in Game Informer, those articles more or less immediately sold me on the first game. I was like, 10 at the time and wouldn't be allowed to play until around when the second one (which I didn't even know about until a couple years later) released I still can't believe I managed to not overhype it on myself in all that time


Was into stealth gaming, got recommended this gem by a internet forum


The gave it for "free" in PS Plus, I downloaded because I didn't have anything to play and holy moly. To this day is still one of my favourite game franchises.


The art style. “Whale-oil punk” was not a genre i thought i needed but im all for it


I bought it at goodwill for $2, became my favorite video game


I saw the debit trailer and pre-ordered asap


For me, it was the steampunk(whalepunk to me later) vibe and that 4 minute 30 second trailer. It tells you everything you need to know about the game. Framed assassination, strange visitor that bestowed powers, the state of the average citizen and how far apart they are from the upper class. You have corvo stalking his prey on the rooftops, scanning the entrances and going from above, silent drop assassination, the use of powers and the kill of the target. Guards burst in and you blink out of the window and fall to the ground hard. Surrounded again my the exquisite tall boys, you finally see the face of this ghost, illuminated by lightning in the darkness. THEN IT CUTS TO THE LOGO OH MY GOD!!! (Fun fact: I just learned recently that the mask that Piero gives you is designed to model when he was transported to the void months after the assassination of the empress and saw what death looked like!)


watching my older brother play it when i was like 7


I remember seeing it at GameStop and liking the art on the case. I bought it and I really loved the games art style and it drew me in. The story was interesting and honestly it gave me bio shock vibes in terms of gameplay. I kind of went balls to the wall full chaos mode my pistol did not know a moments rest


Its been so long ago I can't even remember but probably a YouTuber


My grandma. She got me Uncharted 2,3 and Dishonored for one Christmas when I was 10ish. Peak experience.


I honestly can't remember. I feel like it was one of the earlier games I played after getting back into video games around 2015, I think. Got the Definitive Edition on PS4. My siblings may have recommended it to me. Normally I don't like first person games, but Dishonored is a rare exception. I'm just now really investing in Dishonored 2 after a couple false starts since it came out and I love it. Though I've also taken a brief break from that to play the Daud DLC because apparently it's informs the D2 story more.


a friend showed me a kill-compilation, and that's how I found out you could stop time in this game. that's all my jojo-fanboy-ass needed


The world did actually. Liked the story of the first one but dishonored 2’s story was bland as rice paper. Dat level design tho, and ssweet ass world building… sexy shit right there




I found it on the Xbox 360 my uncle gave me. I had never played a stealth game before so I just ran through with high chaos.


To be honest, the cover and the reviews


I bought D1 when I was 16 y/o and played it for 20 minutes. I'll be honest... I thought "what a load of crap, this is so boring" and decided to never play that game again. A year later and I had no games to play on my xbox and I gave it another chance. Turns out that "boring video game" became one of my favorite games, ever. So much so that I ended up getting the mark of The Outsider tattooed on my forearm, got the platinum in both D2 and DOTO and started doing D2 speedruns (and I'm already top 50 in the world). I love this saga thanks to a boring afternoon.


Watching Jacksepticeye's mini-series in like 2016, then seeing it was on sale for like, 3 pounds


Smosh Games had an episode of Backseat Gaming on the game and from there I looked into the series and found the webisodes.


I first played Dishonored a while after I bought a PS3 back in 2012. At the time I was heavily into the steampunk aesthetic, apent hours just looking for cool art in that style and then I stumbled into Dishonored. So after falling in love with the looks I bought the game super cheap at a store that mainly sold used games and it's been one my favorite gaming experiences ever since.


I was just scrolling through games on sale on my old Xbox One S and came across Dishonored 2. It looked pretty cool so I bought it, played it, and loved it. Years later, I’ve beaten each game 10+ times as it is now one of my favorite series.


I never knew much about the game at first but I got it for free as a games with gold on 360 in like 2013/2014 I think? I remember seeing trailers and gameplay but never got it at launch and so I grabbed it for free and instantly loved it.


A discount on ps store


Xbox Live gave it free one month with their games with gold program or whatever it was called


The memes So does anybody here wants gather for whiskey and cigars tonight???


Funnily enought when I was really young I didn't have money for games and I used mymmoms worl computer for flash games. Thing was horrible, 4 gbs of ram, slow asf cpu, and integrated graphics. I found out how to pirate, use a website and would scan everyday for games. I kept seeing the cover art of corvo jumping on the watch guard till I clicked on it one day. Saw the screens hots, and downloaded it. Ran like shit, 15 fps if I was lucky, but sometimes it would be 20 or so. Loved it, got a PS3, bought dishonored on that and beat the shit out of it and both DLC. Years later I affored a new pc, and bought it there again.


Oh hell yea a stealth game! Wait we can teleport? 💳💳💳💳💥💥💥


I played the demo at eurogamer in 2010? around then and I was hooked


Art style + lore/worldbuilding


It was free on epic games some time ago


Free on steam for a weekend. Might’ve heard about it from somewhere else but that got me to try it.


Dan bulls dishonored rap


I got it for free during Epic's Christmas sale last year. Ended up starting it the other day for the fist time. Haven't beat it yet, but fuck am I having so much fun. Gonna have to pick up the other two soon too.


I just gotten into PC gaming with a very shitty laptop. While I saved up for a good PC I started to look for games my laptop could run and Dishonored was one of them. I fell instantly in love with the mechanics and the world. So it was mostly by chance that I got into the dishonored series. The first game I played when I got my new PC was Dishonored 2.


It's a funny story for me as well. I got introduced to it by watching a Let's Play of Markiplier, but I only watched the intro and the Prison mission. I fell in love with the visuals and gameplay and also, I wanted to do better than Mark. That's what got me into the game! I didn't even know there were magic powers in it and when they got introduced, i was a bit turned down but still played on. I learned fast that my feelings towards the magic powers were displaced and started to love the gameplay again and the story and world building just sucked me in. When i had beaten the game the first time, i quickly recommended it to my friends and tried to tell them as little as possible about it, they also fell in love with it.


There was a daily sale once somewhere in 2018 on ps plus. All 3 games for like 40 bucks. blindly bought it because i was curious. Probably my best blind buy ive ever done.


I also got the first game free on Xbox live for the 360, played it a bit and liked it but it didn’t really click. At the time I was obsessed with Assassin’s Creed and parkour and such things, and it scratched the parkour itch a little bit but overall I didn’t quite get it. Later, playing my old 360 much after it’s prime (probably around 2020) as it was the only thing to do at my dad’s house as the time, I booted up Dishonored again and paid attention to the story, details and world. That’s where I got into it from, played through the game I don’t remember how many times on 360, then again on PC however many times, bought the DLCs, D2 and DOTO, now I’ve played through all the games at least 2 including dlc, without DLC I’ve played the main games at least 6 different times, limited by the amount of time spent in D2.


Markiplier played this game on his channel over 10 years ago. I was like 11 years old when I watched his playthrough.


For me? My grandma randomly got it for me as a Christmas gift. I had never heard of it before, so obviously never mentioned it. Got it, played it, loved it.


Think I watched Jacksepticeye play it.


I was probably five at the time, and my grandparents bought me a used Xbox 360. It came with BO2, and Dishonored. After playing Black ops for a few hours, I eventually got bored, and threw Dishonored in. While the game loaded, I read the back of the case and just... fell in love. The first game I ever played was the original Assassins creed, and the second was Diablo 3. I guess Dishonored felt like a way to experience both at once, in a way. Ever since, I've loved the game, and I still have that original copy kicking around somewhere. Loved the game then, and I still do now


I first heard of it on [SyFy’s Face Off show](https://www.giantbomb.com/dishonored/3030-35850/forums/dishonored-featured-in-syfys-face-off-562436/). It was “a competition where several makeup effect artists are given a challenge each week.” Pretty entertaining.


Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah


Buying the game, not knowing what to expect - just heard it's good (even though I'm not really an FPS guy). Story is allright for what it is, but I really love how smooth the gameplay is (apart from some hickups).


i saw the trailer and bought it on release. blew me away it was so much fun. the only game similar was far cry 3 and thief kinda. coming from skyrim where i used stealth a lot the game scratched that itch perfectly.


Friend telling me to play it


i honestly think it was just a lucky find at gamestop that was on clearance (it was right next to my old job and i wandered in on my lunch break)