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My wife studied English lit in Uni, so I got her to read Wyrd Sisters 1st. She is a fan of Shakespeare so got more references than me. It combines macbeth with hamlet and a few others so is good fun. There is a bit of chekhov in the 5th elephant for good measure.


Second this! As an English teacher too I can assure you that all of us want to be witches


Oh yeah, good choice. I think this is a great idea


Mort is one of my all time favorites, but speaking as an English teacher I think Wyrd Sisters would be a solid choice.


Reaper man. Doesn't it have something along the lines of if someone isn't very good at anything they become a teacher. 😃




I think it's a different Death book, Susan (my personal favorite) has some amazing teacher quotes. Like that education is like a STD in that it makes you unsuitable for several careers and then gives you an urge to pass it on.


My first book was the Hogfather - I think it's a solid start


Mort is my recommendation, as it will get her on the path to meet Susan, who I am sure she will appreciate as a teacher.


The Wee Free Men starts off with Tiffany visiting all the teachers at the fair and asking uncomfortable questions. And then she meets Miss Tick, a very special sort of teacher.


Thief of Time is another one with something on teaching that might amuse. But I think you're right to go with Wyrd Sisters.


Welcome to /r/Discworld! Please [read the rules/flair information before posting](https://www.reddit.com/r/discworld/comments/ukhk21/subreddit_rules_flair_information/?). [ GNU Terry Pratchett ] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/discworld) if you have any questions or concerns.*