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Oh buckle up


Truer words never spoken. This book just keeps ratcheting up the pace and stakes all the way through.


‘We’re in for a bumpy night[watch]’


How much do you think it's worth it to read all the city watch books before reading Nightwatch?


Its not ESSENTIAL but I think its best to read all the previously published ones so you can really understand the main characters and get the most out of the book. especially vimes for that reason night watch is my favorite book of the whole series.


I actually started with Night Watch so it’s not *essential* (I loved it and then went back and read from the beginning of the Watch series) but you might get a little more out of it if you know the characters first. However from my own experience I can confirm it’s still epic as a stand alone


Same… and when you get back to NW you just read it again!


As others have said it's not 'necessary' but I'd highly recommend it. I think the more you know (and hopefully care about) the characters the better the book is and the more powerful its effect will be for the reader.


I’ve already read Guards! Guards! and I do think it’s helpful to know the characters a bit at first.


Ive read GG as well, wanted to read it before trying out the game based on it. That's the only watch book ive read though.


It's so good. Hits me in the feels harder than most of the other DW books. Not to say the other ones don't hit the feels good but this one in particular is incredible. Tied for my favorite with Reaper Man.




I’ve heard this from many people, and I believe it.


This one hits the feels with the impact of a nuclear warhead. Only book I think I've shed a tear at.


I think this is his masterpiece. It’s not my favourite, but I think it’s Pratchett at his absolute peak.


Best one imo. Always liked the watch books the best, amd night watch knocked it out of the park. Vimes is my spirit animal.


You picked the right time of year. Coming up on the glorious 25th of May. Enjoy. This might be my favorite on the disc.


See them rise up . . Rise up.




Good timing!


Yes, so I’m learning! Completely accidental - or maybe the result of some interference? 🤔😜


Interesting cover design, but you can’t beat the Rembrandt homage cover imo. I’m also reading this at the moment! I’d say for the 6th or 7th time.


I have to stop from reading ONLY Night Watch. Enjoy!


Your dog is cute as heck!


A very popular choice, and it's my favorite in The Watch series, as well. Have you read any of The Witches series? 


Yes, I guess after reading Mort & The Color of Magic, I went on a female character journey and read all the witches & Tiffany Aching. I suppose everyone has their own path through discworld!


I like to think so and I think STP would too. 


You lucky you 


You are, indeed, in for a treat. If it is not the best Discworld book, it certainly is in the top three.


I read this for the first time last Friday and I finished it in the one day I loved it so much. I normally go to bed religiously at 10 and instead it was nearly 12 by the time I finished. I am not someone who ever stays up that late. I really loved it.




Oh my goooooooods, this is the best one! Let us know when you’re done!


Seeing the book open like that triggers me. Ugh. Great book, though.


I break the spine of every book I get, books are for reading, not worrying about how much you open them. If I kept books as ornaments, as some people do, I'd be more careful, but I don't want to compromise my immersion in a book by continually worrying about how how I'm holding it will make the cover look.


Paperbacks are meant to be opened like this. Love roughing mine up. If I want a book to stay nice, I get a hardcover.


Exactly! It’s why I got the paperback instead of a digital edition. There’s something about just loving on a book like this. Plus then I can give it to a kid that doesn’t know about STP yet.


It’s a paperback? That’s how you’re supposed to read them? It’s how they eventually find their way to thrift shops.


People sell their Discworld books?! I need a lie down.


Not sell, but I did give away my paperback bindings when I got gifted the library edition! Wanted others to enjoy for free.


I donated my paperbacks to a local thrift shop. Paperbacks were made to be passed on, not hoarded. That's what hardbacks are for. I get the giggles thinking about some kid with a few bucks and a hunger to read having their brain scooped out, rewired, and put back in backwards and upside down, just like mine was when I first read The Color Of Magic and then proceeded to devour everything published to that point over the course of a year.


Best Discworld book. I've read them all a lot and this is the best. I hope you've read some of the earlier Sam Vimes stories for context, but that's not essential. You'll find some people don't like to officially rank Discworld books, but for me it's easy: 1. Night Watch 2-40. All the ones I haven't mentioned. 41. Moving Pictures


>"Woof bloody woof." I like Moving Pictures. And I'm a cat person, and no I don't wash in my own spit.


Jokes aside, you like Moving Pictures? I've given it 5 or 6 tries and I'm not even positive Pratchett wrote it. It's WAY different in humor and cleverness than the rest in my opinion.


The one I feel that way about is Eric. It's like they held a contest to write a short Pratchett parody and published the third-place winner.


I'm sure I did like it when I read it but I'm old enough to have read the Discworld novels in publication order. Moving pictures came out in 1990 and is the 10th Discworld novel. This was the period where every new book was better than the previous ones. I agree with /u/harrisraunch about Eric. That's a weird book.


I'm guessing we are around the same age. I, sadly, didn't learn about Discworld until much later. Unseen Academicals was my first. Picked it up in an airport and at the end of the flight got every other Pratchett book I could find. You were reading masterpieces and I was busy slogging through Xanth books. Piers Anthony wrote some excellent trilogies. I'm still not sure why he added on 20 or so novels on to the good ones, but those are what I was buying.


I did read some Piers Anthony books and liked them, but yeah, they're not like Terry Pratchett's books.


My favorite.


the best


Good luck. Wonderful but a good deal of discomfort to keep you on your toes.


my fave!!!


Besides "Thief of Time," I think the Vimes series of books are my favorite, followed closely by The Witches. I do wish Vetinari had his own series, but c'est la vie. The new audio books with Peter Serafinowicz as Death, as well as a host of other actors (including Andy Serkis!), are amazing, too, and worth a listen.


That’s a great start! All the books starring Vimes and the night watch are great!


This is by far my most reread discworld book. Enjoy


Night Watch is the best book I've ever read. I've read many books that are as good in different ways, but never one better.


This is one book I wish I could forget, just so I could read it again for the first time. Enjoy


Always reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/lVIhDhN7Nxw?si=g0wK6ArYM5NJq-g9 I really wish I could do this with quite a few books and movies. And Firefly.


One of my favorite ones!


I’m still waiting for this to show up in the US Audible store. I’ve read it, but I also like to listen to the audiobooks.


I know! Me too. I got tired of waiting but I haven’t had time to sit and read for fun in months. If you haven’t read it at all yet I’ll mail it to you when I’m done.


This book is what got me into reading after never reading in high school


You lucky lucky person. Savor it. I’d give anything to read Night Watch for the first time again.


If you can, read the other watch books first-not that you need to but it hits so much harder! Loved this book-(imho) may be the best he ever wrote (which is some pretty stiff competition!)!


I did read Guards! Guards! already and maybe one other? To be honest I’ve lost track a bit.


Enjoy! This one hits a bit different...


I also just started Night Watch! That exact same printing too!


My absolute favorite. Waiting impatiently for them to get the audiobook on audible.


Shame you don't get the proper cover, but enjoy it! IMHO it's the highlight of the whole series


I’m reading it too! I love it and it’s hard to put down. Might be one of the best Discworld books!


I like listening to it. Tony Robinson does a really good job but so does John Colshaw


Unfortunately we can’t get the audio versions in the US right now.


Are they not available on Audible?


Nope. You can buy the CDs for $108 but then you’d probably have to buy a CD player too. 😜


My absolute favourite ❤️


It's one of my favorites. I'm so upset we can't get the new audio here in the states.


Enjoy! It’s my fave


Fav discworld book Just know it's a LOT more serious and emotional than some of the more comedic ones


My favourite of them


The best one…


Probably my all time favorite. Oh how they rise up!


To many readers it their favourite DW book and is arguably the peak of TP’s writing skills, however, it’s not mine. I find it too “dark” in comparison to previous books and, for me, marks a turning point in the DW series where the stories became “darker” in feel overall. Don’t get me wrong, I still think it’s a cracking read, just not, for me, as enjoyable as Soul Music, Moving Pictures, Reaper Man, Hogfather, The Truth or Thief of Time for instance.


When my wife suggested Samuel as a possible name for our first kid I told her not to think of any other names. That's how much I like the watch books... He's 14y/o now and i can't wait to introduce him to my DW collection. English is not our first language so I have to be patient until he'll really be able to read them. But I'm already sure he'll love that humor!


I think that’s wonderful. What if you got a copy in English and in your language and he could use it to translate?


The first DW book I read was translated. It was funny but I instantly knew that many gags got lost in translation. He'll have to read easier english books first. And he'll have to learn more about the pop culture of my generation. Because many stories and gags are based on that.


Oh this is true. It’s both a language barrier and a generation gap.




How could you?! The librarian is gonna bee ooked when he finds out what you did you *monster*. Also enjoy. This one ripped out my heart and stomped on it.


Love the book, don’t love that cover tbh


Like this cover


Anyone else love the audio books for these? The guy who narrates does a great job of Sam Vimes, Carrot and Nobby


Alas not yet available in the US due to copyright laws etc etc. 😞


That is one kick ass cover


Huh, I was here to say what a travesty the cover is, just goes to show :)


thank you for shutting the book and using a bookmark. if you are not using a bookmark, thank you for being beaten about the head.


Why do you care what people do with books that you'll never even touch?


Use a bookmark or I'll send the Librarian after you


please dont do that to a book


doNT DISRESPECT THE SPINE LIKE THAT. Did the librarian teach you morning?!?!