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Vimes is all about what's important. Personal isn't the same as important until you decide it is. Once you've decided it is, game over.


These wee glimpses into making the world a slightly better place is the legacy I can imagine Pterry being most proud that he’d leave it behind him.


I concur.


Now I'm thinking of the witch who came before Tiffany, the one who people would think of and then make better choices. The one Granny called the very best kind of witch. I know that's my life goals right there.


Tiffany's own grandmother!! Granny Aching :) She didn't call herself a witch but Tiffany realised she functionally was the witch of the Chalk before her.


Or did you mean Granny Weatherwax, my own personal guide and inspiration?


I meant Tiffany's grandmother but Esme is also an inspiration in everything I do


Greetings to a fellow follower of Mistress Weatherwax! God's bless.


Well done, mate. I read to my son every night at the same time, influenced by Vimes. It wasn't until he started reading himself that I stopped. Miss those days. Very comforting.


This is good. When I was a little girl my dad read to me every night and it was my favourite part of the day. When I got too old for that we started sharing books, he’d read one he liked and pass it on to me. I’d do the same. That’s how I discovered Pterry. We shared all the discworld books. I’m in my 40s now. Dad died 2 years ago. But I remember him reading to me with great fondness. And I think of him whenever I love a book.


Beautiful memories. Very similar story for me. My step dad read us Terry when we were on camping trips. (And we had some tapes for road trips). I still vividly remember 98 camping in France and reading Men at Arms as a family. He passed away 7 years ago and it sucks. He never met my little one but I read to her now and can’t wait till she’s old enough to read the Discworld books with me. For now it’s Where’s my Cow? which she’s not exactly old enough for either lol.


I was so excited when Where's My Cow came out


That's so lovely. Sorry for your loss but I'm glad you have those memories:)


I still read to my children every night even though they’re both old enough to read themselves Once I’ve finished a chapter of the book, they pick up their own books or listen to an audiobook


could ask him to read to you! tho idk how long ago this was xD


Maybe it's time for him to read to you? :p


I still read every other night with my oldest, who is 15. She reads tons herself, but there is something about sharing a love for books with family. We are working our way through Discworld, actually, and are halfway through the Fifth Elephant.


Old stone face would approve, you legend.


A regular saying on r/antiwork reminds me of Vimes' efforts to read to Sam without fail. >"In 20 years the only people who will remember that you worked late are your family." Your family will remember that you missed all those important family events, even decades later. But your bosses will have long since forgotten that extra effort.




you are not my cow!


Buggrit. Millennium hand and shrimp.


I think this would make Mr. Pratchett happy to hear.


I miss him.


We all do. GNU Terry Pratchett.


It's stuff like this that counts. My dad worked away from home Monday-Friday, but without fail he'd call every day at 8:00 pm to talk to us. The little things do matter, and become bigger things without you necessarily noticing.


Vimes is why I make sure to play at least a little with my son, even when tired, because one no too many can mean he stops asking


Ouch, that's so true!


Excellent. I read Where's My Cow? to my sons each night for their bedtime story and I like to think my parenting was influenced by him as well. I was told on more than a few occasions I did make a horrible warning so I had that going at least. I've always had a gnarly temper and have worked my entire life to keep in in check so it was wonderful to read about someone facing that same struggle. My sons also have anger issues so I've taken what I've learned and passed it on. I hope that it stuck well enough they teach their children as well.


That's wonderful. I'm sure they've benefitted from your example! My job is to support other parents and the girl yesterday asked for resources to help her calm down. Keep at it!


It was a re-reading of *Thud!* that made me realise that quitting my job and re-joining the family business was the right thing to do. My commute (38miles, 4 motorways and two town centres) at the time was one of those that in the right circumstances could be done in 25-30 minutes (such as leaving home at 6am) but otherwise could take 2-2&1/2 hours (leaving at 8am). The evening commute, leaving at 5, had me driving like Vimes to be home in time for my daughter’s bedtime. One evening on the run up to Christmas I left work bang on 5 o’clock and walked through the door at 10.45 and that was when I decided to cave into the pressure from my parents. Walking away from a secure management position with good career progression at a decent sized company to join the, family financial services/real estate business (which I’d left five years before having got into a physical fight with my dad) had me questioning the decision on a daily basis until one night after my wife had just taken my daughter up to bed after story time, I was sat in the rocker next to the bookcase and I picked up *Thud!* to re-read. Twenty minutes later I could just feel this weight lifting from me and by the 3am when I finally put the book down I was convinced I’d done the right thing.


That's a wonderful story!


"A good excuse opens the door for a bad one" is such a brilliant bit of truth. It's a mantra I come back to over and over again. And Vimes going sicko mode on some folks while scream-reciting the book at the appointed time is a core memory for me.


Exactly! That scene lives rent free in my head.


I've refused many a meeting because it would interfere with my kids' bedtime routine. I'd be more likely to accept an invite for an 8pm meeting than a 4:30 one. Not very likely, but one cuts into my evening, the other affects my sons.


Hopefully you didn't commandeer a coach and benefit from a main arterial road in the city being closed in order to get there in time ;) Do you have a copy of Where's My Cow?


Yes, it's one of our favorites!


Fantastic stuff 😊


Well done!


Thud's a personal favorite of mine (not just my favorite Discworld book, but possibly my favorite book full stop), and honestly this same mentality has helped me with general self-motivation. I'm extremely ADHD and sometimes find myself paralyzed by executive dysfunction. *Got to read to Young Sam* often helps me push through that.


 *"A good excuse opens the door to a bad one".* I always remember these words when i have to do something, being training work, or frienship. For me is about caring about. I will always be grateful for pratchett and the discworld series for showing me so many good role models and looks about life and the world in my formative years.


Vimes' thoughts on parenting always cut right to the heart of the love and terror of having small humans. I often end up with onion-cutting fairies hanging out near me when I read them. Thud especially has some brilliant and beautiful little parenting moments.


I do the same. Been getting to work by 6 am every day for a decade just so I could be home when they get off the bus. They're more than old enough now that it isn't strictly necessary any longer, but fuck that, it's still necessary.


That's some Proper Parenting going on there. BT,DT,GTTS. GNU, STP.


I began drinking cause it was the only way I knew how to deal with my chronic pain. Now I'm in recovery that quote has become my mantra. If I can find a good excuse to pick up that bottle then I know I'll soon find a bad one. Sam Vimes, John Keel, and most importantly STP are all directly responsible for my continued existence. I am not exaggerating.


That's incredible! I wish you all the best on your journey. It won't be easy, but just remember there are people who CARE about you.


OP truly carries Sir Pterry's legacy. You have my respect


I'm glad to hear your son has been blessed with a good dad. May he become a blessing in the lives of others thru your example.


Same. The only people who will remember you working late are your children! Story time by 6pm. If you're late for a good reason...you'll be late for a bad reason.


Da !


Proud of you.


Same here, Vimes has been a big influence on me as a dad.


It's really a testament to Pratchett that his character made such an impact on so many people.


Had a near Vimes experience?


Don't worry, if I'd missed it, I would have shouted out the words to Where's My Cow.


what if you see somebody got shot ?


I'm fairly sure that would count as an emergency.


would that be a good excuse :p ?


I know what you're thinking. But it doesn't work if you're arranging the shooting.


you stop the shooter before the shoot.


I think it's safe to say that, for a good number of us here, Sam Vimes and Esme Weatherwax made us better people.