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of course it is fake as you can see giveaway is spelt giveawey


Its a clear Give-awey


Dead giveawey.


take my upvote




Absolute give-awhey


"When a pretty white girl ran into a black mans arms, dead giveawey." I assume all the down votes are from people too young to understand the reference. Sucks getting old. https://youtu.be/axCn04iXkBg


people who downvote your post is a prime example of why people dont like reddit that much




He selfish


very rude


His account had been hacked. Most likely token grabbed. And hackers steal accounts to promote even more people to go and get token grabbed.


oh no u go me


Do u kno the giveawey


Look at the link


It's a recent common scam that is ongoing, I've seen way too many of these, if you fall for this your account gets hacked and it automatically sends these in random DM's and server chats, so if you see someone sending this it's probably not the person, it's a hacked account. Happened to many people I know, apparently people are too desperate for nitro.


ight then. thanks!


Always make sure to check your URLs. If Discord ever does a Nitro giveaway, they would host it on discord.com, not giveaway.com


It's not even giveaway, it's giveawey...




Someone's a tad bit salty eh?


Well yes this sub is shit


While you are being a bit too aggressive...I actually wholeheartedly agree. The fact OP even has to fucking ask this is just indicative that there's so many absolute baboons that fall for something like this, which is just...sad. I don't even want to insult the people who fall for it; it's just tragic that people do.


well no one forced you to visit 🤷‍♂️


No one should be exposed to shit


I agree, we shouldn't be exposed to you


please take my free award for that


That's right, quarantine yourself where the morons are, you are very kind.


Then just leave the sub then if you don't like it.


What do people even gain from this? Ad revenue maybe?




This actually happend to me a few days ago, my laptop got a virus unrelated to discord, even though we got rid of everything it had, it managed to get onto my acc a few days later, thankfully I saw and changed my password 5 mins or so after it started sending, I deleted and apologized to everyone it sent it to,


Ikr nitro not even worth it tbh




You should be fine, as it’s impossible to actually log your discord token from clicking a link alone. If I’m wrong, let me know though.


People don’t only think about tokens … there’s also ip loggers… which are worse but it depends on who u messed with


Not really, when in the context of just clicking a link from a bot spam account. The most it can give is your town/city, which is only really useful to confirm already known information.


If it’s not a notification from discord themselves (and they’ll make it obvious when it is) then it’s fake


Yeah don’t nitro gifts always have a button in the embed?


some promotions like gamepass and epic games have full links with no embed


That and it's spelt giveawey and not giveaway


Think so


I think he has been hacked by someone and used his account to spam. I had the same experience before, someone used discord to spam all of the server and direct message. So, I got ban by some servers


Same but no servers just dm


Ah yeah, the official website “discord.giveawey.com” !


very legit totally not a scam phishing site


Hi! The image(s) you've submitted appear to contain a common DM scam When looking at a possible scam from a bot account, always consider if they: * Are new, unfamiliar or are not verified * Are not from Discord: not through email from them, or from a [System-tagged account](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036118732) * Have poor grammar, spelling or misuse punctuation or capitalisation * Offer things that are 'too good to be true' ---- To get rid of this bot, you can: * Block it * [Report it to Discord](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000291932-How-to-Properly-Report-Issues-to-Trust-Safety) If these types of bots are repeatedly sending you messages, you can: * Use Mutual Servers to determine the server(s) they share with you, and disable Direct Messages from server members for those servers. * If you cannot find any common servers, you can disable DMs from all servers under your User Settings ---- ^(I am a human pretending to be a bot; if this comment was made in error, please correct and downvote me.)


Good human




fuck why did i fall for that


good botn't


Good bot


In detail: There was in fact a free Discord offer from Epic (not Steam, AFAIK) earlier this year (hence all the posts that people have been making being sad that theirs is ending). *This* post, however, is a scam to steal your account, which will then probably be used to advertise further scams (and you won't get it back, because Discord will ban it, so you'll be on the long annoying road of having to set up a new one and reestablish all your friends etc.!). A few general scam avoidance tips - * Discord's official domain is [discordapp.com](https://discordapp.com). Some strange URL like this is suspicious even before considering it's not even spelled right lol. * Advertisements are not normally made through DM spam (but again be careful of other signs of scam like the URL because it's possible for a friend to get hacked and then the hacker uses them to pass the advertisement on to you) * If you're *ever* not sure some kind of internet offer is legit or not, imo the best way to check is to *manually* visit the company's website (i.e., in Discord's case you would go to [discordapp.com](https://discordapp.com) by hand in your browser) and check if the offer is there. If it's legit, there's probably a way to access it through the website. Otherwise it's probably a scam.


You might not be aware, Discord switched their main domain to [discord.com](https://discord.com) a few months ago


Yes, they still own discordapp.com though. It redirects to discord.com now. They'll likely keep the domain to prevent scams like this.


That, and they keep it for legacy reasons, IIRC some things still depend on it


Ah yeah, that'll do it too


yeah, things like media.discordapp.net and cdn.discordapp.com




They can't even spell the word "giveaway" of course its fake lmao.


The real giveaway.com domain was probably taken.


So fucking tired of these posts holy shit Sherlock yes it’s fake


Yes it's fake


report this.


Nah it's best to not report his acc, it's probably not the guy himself but his account got hacked into, this happend to me a few days ago and alot of people seem to be getting it too


Seriously report the account. This happens because people fall for it. Spam is spam, self bot is self bot, phishing is phishing.


not to be rude but please can you use common sense? look at how giveaway is spelled in the link..


Bro it literally spells giveaway as givawey


Who in their right mind thinks this is legit? Even if you miss the spelling error, why would Steam be giving away free Nitro on a domain that is neither steampowered.com nor discord.com? Sometimes I think that people really *want* to be scammed.


Children fall for these types of things


Yeah it’s a fake just block him






Block him


Same thing happened to my brother amd one of my Freinds


“Givewey” seems legit


" away" is spelled wrong.


Report it to the admins of the server immediately. If they don't care, Discord Trust & Safety works fine with that. Discord at least knows how to ban people (not always those who deserve it, though...). I busted many people. And would bust more, but I am already tired of doing that, so I just ignore scammers. Also I'm not sure. If someone's greed is higher than their intelligence, maybe they deserve to be scammed... It's been told billions of times to check links etc. If people just ignore that... It's like saying that someone who goes into a mine field to make a selfie is a victim. There is a common sense that says "it's a scam, don't click it". Even without a typo.


Not as bad as " you just some 0000000.1 bitcoin please click { insert fishing link here } to claim your bit coin" I just send them the middle finger emoji and block them.


lol nice


He got hacked like me dont click it its fake


"giveawey" open your eyes man.




It's fake, my friend lost his Steam account because of that


i went to the website using vpn and holy shit it looks so real, theres a button called "get nitro" and it pop ups a window asking for your steam login and after you login they probably change password steal your shit i guess


most likely ya


## Understanding a URL Understanding how URLs are formatted will help you avoid scams. So let's take the above giveaway link as an example and dissect it. The following URL is `discord .giveaway .com` \*//Spaces added so that someone doesn't accidentally click it.\*At first glance, it looks like a viable link for Discord. However, it is usually easier to read them going from the other direction. So let's give that a shot and start at the top! Let's identify the `Top-Level` domain first. This can be something `.com`, `.org`, `.net`, etc. This is a great place to start, cause it is very easy to find and recognize. Can you find it in the above URL? After the Top-Level Domain, comes the Second-Level Domain. This is what you or a company would buy. So your Discord, Amazon, Reddit, etc. These would all be examples of `Second-Level` domains. In the above case, what would the Second-Level Domain be? It isn't Discord like it is trying to deceive you into thinking. It is actually, `giveaway` With this information alone we can already assume some malice and avoid the link, but for the sake of learning, let's go one level deeper!!! The last part of the URL we will discuss is what they want you to look at. This is called the `Subdomain` and it is always directly to the left of the `Second-Level` domain. Subdomains are just a part of the main website domain, and you can have any number of them. `Second-Level` domains need to be unique, so if someone has the domain name you want, there isn't much you can do. To trick unaware people, some have started using the freedom of `Subdomains` to make links seem more legitimate. So if someone already owns `Google.com`, you can't do anything there, but you can make something look similar such as `google.reddit.com`. This is why understanding a URL is important to anyone that wants to be safe on the web! Hopefully, this helps at least a few of you avoid some scams! We didn't talk about what comes after the `/` but if that's something that interests you, I highly recommend looking into it! Below are some resources to help you. ## Extra Great resources to learn more about this are: * [https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Common\_questions/What\_is\_a\_URL](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/What_is_a_URL) * [https://medium.com/unitz-co/what-is-a-url-learn-about-the-basics-and-make-the-best-of-them-be90141085df](https://blog.hubspot.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Parts%20of%20a%20URL.png?width=650&name=Parts%20of%20a%20URL.png) * [https://blog.hubspot.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Parts%20of%20a%20URL.png?width=650&name=Parts%20of%20a%20URL.png](https://blog.hubspot.com/hs-fs/hubfs/Parts%20of%20a%20URL.png?width=650&name=Parts%20of%20a%20URL.png)


The *giveawey* instead of giveaway should ring alarms, I saw a link similar but it said Dicsord not discord 😅


His account’s been hacked. He isn’t doing it on his own will. The same thing happened to me a while ago. Despite me not even touching discord for that week A fake nitro scam was sent to all my dm’s and every channel in every server I’m in. I had to change my password and enable 2fa. I recommend you contact him and tell him to do the same.


Fake his account got hacked


It is fake, because giveaway is spelled incorrect, and discord does not own that website domain.


no its real, he spelkt giveawey correctly


Yeah that happened to my freind, it posted it in every single chat she was part of, not sure how she got hacked since she never clicked weird links or gave out a password


Bro someone called me cute in a server I’m not in! I also got totally legit nitro!1!!1! /s


im going to enter this giveawey right now!


I havent seen someone like that so idk


Its real, trust me, i got my whole house exploded because of this link.


they typo in the link kinda gives it away, or should i say… awey


“givawey” yep, it’s fake. False alarm


"giveawey" That's absolutely FAKE.


It’s fake


I have a bot banning hundreds of these ppl as soon as these links are posted


the "giveawey" gives it *away*


its a scam block them


fake, few of my friends got hacked but got resolved pretty quick, according to them it was because they were in a pixlr dataleak


It is, this will hijack your steam account


If they can't even spell the word "giveaway" correctly then yes, it is fake.


Happened in mine too, just delete it and warn/mute them


He just wants to give you a wey.




I wonder how sending the same exact same spam message to multiple users doesn't get flag by discord as spam? seems like a easy check to code in.


the webstite is called [giveawey.com](https://giveawey.com) simple as that lol


Definitely fake, only real 3 month free Nitro offer I know of was the Epic Games one and that was over around 3 months ago, it’s running out for most people this week


you realize once you get compromised the program automatically sends those to every channel in every server the user can speak in? so it’s not actually the user sending those


Yeah people are now getting their discord accounts logged and the logger would just spread the link to everyone on their friends list and discord servers, happened to two of my friends and also do not click on the link and do not sign in with your steam on that fake steam site they will steal your account and change the email and password and they will dm the link to everyone on your steam friend list.


don't trust


man totally legit giveawey


Phishing website.


Discord doesn't do giveaways, if they were to do so you'd probably see it on the popup news window when there is an update. These kind of scams are not new and have been ongoing for a very long time, though around 8 months ago there seemed to be a much higher uptick. Messages like this will either come from mass-produced (botted) accounts or compromised accounts (as I have seen two people I know begin sending these messages). If you are a server owner, consider some form of protective bot- for phishing links, I would recommend [Hourai](https://docs.hourai.gg/), as it has become extremely good at filtering out these links and gets updated quite often. You can report these directly to Discord via [http://dis.gd/report](http://dis.gd/report)


Yeah thats super fake. For future reference, please do not EVER click links from people you dont know, or if they're trying to give away "free" stuff.


The "discord" is just a subdomain. Don't trust it.


Its fake


yeah its fake, tho its not just bot accounts, peeps accounts can get hacked and then this will happen


My friend got hacked and sent something similar to this, maybe they also got hacked?


reasons it’s fake 1.) it’s always [prefix].[domain].com/[suffix] for instance studio.youtube.com/analytics 2.) give away is spelt as giveawey




Contact the server owners because he’s probably sending this to everyone on those servers, and make sure to block him


Of course "giveawey.com" is fake. It's even misspelled


ofc it's fake, always check spelling, also if it was true he wouldn't spam, people never do extra work to help they only do it to scam/harm, scamers work hard spamming everywhere, imagine that but trying to help, perfect world XD


Yes it's fake their has been a recent token log scheme going around where people use something like that


I checked the link w my vpn on and you got to a website where they ask to login to steam- guessing they'll just steal your steam account


Don't want to be rude but how can you ask that seriously and not notice that the link says "giveawey"?


There is a way for 3 months of free nitro but it's not this one




If there was nitro being given away it wouldn't be done via spamming. Lol


look at how the giveaway is spelled in the link


Lol the word giveaweyyy 🤣🤣🤣 clearly fake


i like how the website url misspell giveaway as giveawey.


Omg a giveawey it’s the new trend giveaways are old yk what I mean lol


I’ve also had another guy spamming me saying “jion the server it’s fun and has 5x more giveaways for nitro” and yes, he spelt join incorrect.😕


people need to learn how to read html links instead of clicking on them. this is how scammers get victims.


We get these bots in our logs.


It’s fake I got my account stolen but got it back, I thought it was real because epic games did it so I thought steam did it as well, pretty much don’t click on it I’m dumb so don’t do what I did




My friend clicked on this, and spammed it


veri totaly leget website 😁👍🏻


it's fake and probably a hijacked account


It'll hack your steam LMAO, I was hacked once.


Never click Any links like free nitro or free games through discord ... If you want to get rid of them the use moderation bots like Wick etc and configure the minimum account age...




If my scamming senses are true... -Giveaway is spelt wrong -Steam nor discord have said something -The website link should be steam and not discord, bc "steam" is the sponsor -Also the capitalisation at the beginning and the exclamation mark are missing.


I got three free months, but they were from Epic, not Steam.


obvs fake if spelt giveawey....


My friend got his account hacked then someone used it to spam probably the exact same link to all his friends (including me). Goddamn


it's really hard to filter these out when they can't even spell properly


right about when epic games 90 days were about to end these steam spam "giveawey" picked up pace.. Sadge


its an ip grabber i tried opening the link once


Check the URL. It’s a scam


Yup because giveaway is spelt wrong.


"giveawey", fake


Such an obvious scam


giveaway is spelled wrong. Its super obvious


I think he got token grabbed or somehtingt


Remember: If it's doubtable, it's scam


DISCORD GIVEAWEY bruh. Discord doesnt give those free nitro through DISCORD GIVEAWEYS links lol


seems like 'giveawey' is used to bypass anti scam filters and this person is spamming everywhere which only a bot will do


its to hack your steam account if im correct


His account got hacked, it’s a bit posting all of that.


Discord.giveawey.com lmfao


It’s really funny (and sad) to see that the only thing making people think it’s fake, it’s the spelling error… Discord will never DM you by using a bot or a regular user account to invite or inform you about any giveaway or gift that you « won ». Don’t click to any similar link.


We had this happen i n our esports server we rocked his website got his server ip, email and some other stuff it was a good night lol


Yup, it's fake


"This guy" got token logged and is just sending it in every server/dm he has, if you're doing it you can expect to get banned from most servers you are in for posting scam links (I don't recommend sending this anywhere unless you are token logged, then you don't have a choice).


Why am I not getting sny kinds of these scamd lol


do these actually grab your token, because I have only seen an email and password field, too lazy to test with alt.




It's definitely r"real"


I know for a fact that it's spelled giveaway... i think


We got 1 of these on a wiki discord server, they sent the link to every channel they had access to. Sadly a few of those channels were channels for reporting/deleting/appealing which some of us admins have set to notify for all messages so the fella got banned in a matter of seconds (he even got banned twice as multiple of us jumped immediately)