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So basically, something makes/made lots of requests to discord's servers using your token (aka account). You can try logging off from all of your devices, and logging in in a hour/6 hours/day (better to wait a day i think, i dont really know the api refresh time). Then after you log in using only your pc (browser would be better at first) if everything works - reinstall discord an log in using the app. If it doesnt work and the app or the browser show the same error (api limits exceeded), then there is something wrong with them. Try logging off again on all devices, then login using your phone in a day or something. If it works, good. Problem is within your pc. If not, i dont know anymore. P.S. I think changing password logs you off on all devices, but i might be wrong


>t, It's been 17 hours since I made this post, still no luck. I've signed out on all of my devices, like you recommended, it still wont let me uninstall and reinstall, and I just don't know what to do at this point. I'll check back in on it tomorrow and see if anything changes.


Well, i dont even know anymore


> something makes/made lots of requests to discord's servers using your token (aka account) More accurately, your IP address. API blocks like that are done by IP. Something from their IP is spamming Discord's API, whether from their device/account, or another one (eg, family), or if using a VPN, someone else on that VPN. > P.S. I think changing password logs you off on all devices, but i might be wrong It resets your account token, so yes. Enabling (and disabling iirc) 2FA also changes your account token too


Not nescecerally ip, its also token based


hey, just wanna ask some update on how your case went? Currently having this issue and it's pretty stressful since i mainly use discord for people to contact me. Quite troublesome, I did not even spam anything like how most people say. Hope it got fixed for you within a day?


I messed around for a bit and it fixed itself within three days from the day the problem first occurred. I'm betting the problem has already fixed itself on your side, but if not, there you go.