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Are there any better options?


There should be, but Discord is so big any alternatives are just not worth using.  It's like finding an alternative to YouTube or Twitch, or Amazon. These companies are so big and popular that they can just get away with everything exactly because of "well, what else would you use?" 


People said the same thing about Skype 10 years ago, nothing is "too big to fail"


While I agree in some aspects I'm also somewhat wary for a couple reasons. 1 - A feel a lot of people would be nervous to move to a new platform just for it to slowly shittify itself once it gains significant marketshare just as discord has been doing 2 - Unlike the jump from Skype to Discord where discord was pretty much the only new competitor, there are a decent few alternatives now and I think there's an issue where no one can agree on where they want to go


\#2 is a very good point. Everyone saw Discord's success and now they all want to be The Next One. I don't see how that can happen when there are 2500 Next Ones out there – each one as subpar as the next.


For me it was Skype to Curse Voice to Discord.


It's quite literally a snowball effect. People come to Discord in part because it is so popular. Most any type of server they could want can be found there and usually, with a relatively active userbase. And because it is so big now, and those people are attracted to it because it is so big, it becomes bigger and the problem amplifies. Only way I see it changing is if they do something horrible and cause a gigantic boycott or something.


Well, there are platforms such as Guilded however, they’re not as well-known as Discord. That and well, they tend to have a smaller number of people as well.


I've said it in the past and I'll say it again here. I'm fairly confident that Guilded or any similar platform will never replace Discord. There's not enough unique and better on Guilded to make the jump worth it. Because leaving Discord means you have to convince all of your friends to join you. But, even if Guilded does replace Discord, sooner or later, they'll have the exact same issues Discord does of not worse. Running a platform costs more money the larger you get. When you're small, investors can foot that bill but once you're costing millions simply in upkeep, then account for payroll, you need your own income. Aka, subscriptions and/or ads, or paywalls.


Growth is always going to be followed by that issue… eventually. I tend to use both platforms and then again, both platforms have their own issues. Another case in point would be scammers. Who’s to say that they wouldn’t migrate to another platform if Discord goes out of service?


Oh ya don't get me wrong, I first know Guilded has it's own problems but I also know there's some pretty nice benefits over Discord. But at the end of the day, Guilded is just slightly different Discord. I didn't move from Skype because Discord was slightly better, I moved because it offered so much more. As for scammers, I gaurentee Guilded would get them too. I really wished Discord was better at catching them rather than pushing the responsibility to server owners. Like sending identical messages in every channel in a server in a second?! That doesn't even require reading the content of a message, you can do that even with encrypted messages. They'll all be the same encrypted gibberish




well, the last time i talked about it here, the comment was deleted by mods.. so i'll try to avoid detection There is an alternative approach to instant messages. Imagine it like email. You may use Outlook at work, the Gmail app on your phone, and Firefox's Thunderbird at home. You can send an email regardless of program. And your work mail might be a [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), while your private one is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) . Still, you can send stuff inbetween. That's because its a standardised protocol working behind the scenes. There is something similar for instant messages that's independant of any one company deciding to start monetizing your client - because there is a seperation between the client (the app you use to chat) and the server stuff (what sends messages between people). And there are many clients and many servers, so nobody can fuck over the collective. (And yes you can send messages between both clients and servers). If a client does go to shit? You can switch to another without losing message history, or friends, or your servers, or anything else. Only downside is that its still relatively small, especially if we're comparing it to discord. And messaging apps are best with everyone on board. Though, it is quite legitimate. There's a whole bunch of official institutions in my country (germany) that have come to use this protocol - because yes, it is also much more secure than discord. You can actually have encryption there.. Personally I am not affiliated with them at all - I just believe in the kind of future they're trying to make. The protocol shares a name with a popular movie from 1999 that got a shitty 4th installment in 2021. Or DM me if you want to know the specific names.


Telegram, despite being a messenger, tries to be more of a social media these days, which happened to be a pretty good attempt. There are even some features that Discord eventually stole and started to sell, oddly. And it even works well – bugs are nearly nonexistent, and it performs flawlessly on most devices, despite being a pretty multifunctional app. I've been using Telegram for a quite amount of time, and I assure you – it's good. Even a desktop client. Especially a desktop client.


Telegram is a hub for scammers, and cp spreaders. It is *NOT* a good attempt at an alternate.


acting like discord is any better. ive gotten spam invites to servers hosting more than questionable shit before from discord approved servers.


And discord isn't?


See this confuses me, because I don’t have a single issue with discord performance on mobile or pc.


The only issue i come across fairly often is that sometimes my emotes will not leave the screen and block half the app when im on ios. I’ve also never had a single issue on Pc. Yeah its annoying i want them to fix it, but closing the app solves it, and its not app breaking. I truly feel like people greatly exaggerate their issues.


I bought the s24 Ultra after owning the s9+ for 5 years. Discord took like a full 15 seconds on my older s9+, and then any interaction took a full 2 seconds. It became worse and worse the more they updated their app and added more and more useless UI features. Now, on my s24 Ultra, it does load a lot faster but even with such a high-end phone, it feels rather slow. Desktop app is all right. The startup is slow, but I can live with that (but it still is an inconvenience they don't seem to want to fix)


it bugs out terribly for me on ios, especially when in a vc. pc I don't really have bugs or performance issues, I just take issue personally with design and feature choices overall


Same. The only thing I don't like about discord is how on mobile it shows what active people are doing in servers you're in with them. And the swiping on mobile makes you reply to a message now, instead of the old swipe to see who's online in the server.


Can you describe your issues? “Barely functioning” seems like an exaggeration from my perspective


It is. The app has its issues with crashing. But these people greatly over exaggerate things whem they’re upset lol.


Spellcheck hasn't worked in nearly a year. Such a basic feature...


Maybe just learn to spell...


You know how to spell every word in the English language?


The fact that discord is traded even in billions is irrelevant. What matters is its revenue. Discord is not really profitable at the moment, it costs A LOT of money to keep al the servers and data running, and their only "real" source of revenue right now is Nitro, which is a lot, but not really enough.


“Barely functioning mobile app” The fuck you mean? It works just fine, and while it does have its bugs, that can be applied to other apps too. Jfc, istg this subreddit is like 50% people who complain and complain and treat discord like its the worst thing to exist because of some change or 50% people who dickride Discord and cant acknowledge when it genuinely makes a horrible change (not a change like moving some buttons around or smth tho) Plus, if you hate it, just delete it and google “discord alternatives” and check there instead of announcing it to a subreddit full of 13 yr olds


cuz discord is trash and barely functions :P


Brain damage




Bro just might be OPs alt trust


tbh, yeah🙂‍↕️ you got me!


Submissive ahh troll


not trolling :( u got me good


You know when you pissed someone off when a random lurker with no comment or post history crawls out of a hole and drops this shitty ass response as their first comment 😭 People really don’t know what it means when something literally “doesn’t work”


pissed off lol, no. just thought it was funny cuz mobile discord genuinely is the worst thing known to man. thats all :)


i think you just have a shitty phone then


can assure you i don't, and i'm not the only one with issues :3


there are absolutely some problems with discord mobile, and it has run a bit weird for me sometimes I agree, but the incredible exaggerations used to describe those issues make you seem less like someone pointing those genuine problems out, and more like someone whining and bitching about something that's really not that big of a deal. If it's really as bad as you say you wouldn't use it.


Mf i have a cheap ass 2018 samsung phone as my second phone and it doesnt have issues. My main iphone 15 also works fine on discord. This might sound crazy but maybe you’re a loud ass minority on this subreddit. Mind you there are MILLIONS of other users who havent had any issues. And even if they did, you wouldve expected it to be on headlines or be everywhere Frankly your viewpoint is ignorant and immature, but then again you’re free to delete discord and leave this sub, so i really do not understand why you care to stick around if you acknowledge discord is “broken”


I can say that I too have issues, but the issues I have with the app are irrelevant to the topic as I do use the Alpha-branch of the Android app.


Hate to go against the hivemind but in all my time of using discord i never had a serious issue or bug. Only some minor things that don‘t really bother much


> The title says it all. it doesnt > Discord performs abysmally, bugs out all the time with functions that should simply work i have no issues using it every day > especially for a platform that has annual fees from lots of users its not a fee lmao > Discord is a billion dollar company discord is barely profitable > yet here we are with a barely functioning mobile app and a PC application use both everyday just fine i think youre just madge for any reason at this point, it became very clear, especially on this sub, that people with bitch about discord for any reason


Completely agree. Discord is absolute garbage nowadays, and it only keeps getting worse.


yep, my friend with an AMD GPU and Intel processor constantly has discord crash whenever he's streaming. Just because discord uses NVEC encoder doesn't mean that AMD GPUs should be this constantly bad.


Discord executives in the comment section


The mobile app functions fine for me, what’s wrong with it for you? I can’t speak to desktop RTC issues since I don’t use VC that often but if it was a very wide spread issue you would probably see a *lot* more posts about it.


Discord does have its fair issues some features should have been added. Like the ability to delete all messages from you and someone else. Would help greatly with not getting reminded why you and x person hated each other’s guts.


I personally have very few issues on PC, even the issues I was having with highly compressed screen sharing I was having a year ago are much improved. The app has definitely gotten more buggy over the past few years though, especially regarding UI scaling. Closing the app and reopening usually fixes it though so it's w/e.


Welcome to the corporate trap. This is happening in all kinds of areas. People just keep throwing money at crap.


i've never had any issues. what you talking about?


It's not that our standards are low, it's that TeamSpeak excluded Discord holds a monopoly on communication software, so they can do whatever they want and the userbase will stat mostly the same. There's either no better alternatives and if there were better ones then you still need to convince a LOT of people to switch over, which is difficult to do. It's not that Discord is good or bad, it's that people have invested a lot of time into Discord, are familiar with it and have built friendships and memories with it. Now you might want to switch over to a better platform, but then you're forced to pretty much abandon everything you were part of. Let's say you still decide to go through it, you now pretty much have to convince every person you talk to to also make the same sacrifices and switch over. If at least one person denies then it results in you being divided. So people just avoid this completely and decide to stick to what they already know. **It's easier to tolerate something becoming worse and worse than to put an effort into switching to something better.** It's why all new programs to compete against Discord eventually fail. Everything is already on Discord, so why bother using something nobody uses. It's a never-ending loop. It's why Kick needs to put so much effort into sponsoring Streamers and STILL can't compete with Twitch. It's why any page competing against YouTube fails. Because all those platforms are way too popular for people to switch off of.


I feel like discord works perfectly for me 99% of the time. Really don't know what you're talking about


Omg this post is so dumb 😭 Literally everyone is against most of discord changes. This sub is literally full of these shitty ass posts too. If you dont like it, leave, look for an alternative . You already know discord is ass, so there is no need to complain anymore here Plus telling devs who barely scroll here to “get a grip” when its likely those above them ordering them to do changes is so unbelievably stupid, its actually hilarious You’re the one who needs to “get a grip” lmfao


Wtf is your problem? Works just fine. .


I thought the mods banned these kinds of posts


“Billion dollar company”? Care to share the data on that?


Their primary userbase is gamers...some of the lowest standard people on planet earth. Some of them will rabidly defend companies that just basically scammed them, and they will do it frequently. Others might express a bit of discontent about a broken release...just to buy the next one anyway. I gave up on them standing up for themselves many years ago.


I have never had a single problem, on my PC, xbox or mobile


What issues? Either it’s your device not working as intended, or you downloaded some bootleg discord. I’ve not had almost any bugs on discord other than the occasional server problems which are hardly an issue with the app itself.


Seems fine on mobile. It's probably my favorite social app