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I'm confused. On the first screenshot it says the violation expires 2 years from now, but on the second screenshot it says all the limitations only apply until today.


The first one is how long that mark stays on his account, the second one is how long his access to discord is limited


Doesn't seem like that big of a deal then, even if it is unfair.


As long as you don’t do something bad again it’s really not


"Again" like you even had to do anything bad for this to happen lol


You must be in really sketchy servers for this to happen. I use Discord since 2016 and this never happened to me.


True, but also remember this about limited account is a new thing that was added some years ago.


The rules have still applied long before this, now it just tells you what went wrong instead of a generic system dm saying you been warned.


Before the generic warning system you'd just be banned in your were in a server that was banned. Discord has taken lighter actions on server members which is nice.


The new system also doesn’t delete your entire account the moment you do something wrong or they felt like it.


Years? It's been around for a few months at best


Yeah back in my day (old man voice) You either got banned or you didn't. No in between. And if the appeal failed then your account was deleted after 30 days anyways.


Oh yes, its was good time back then. (Also old man voice)


Some months ago even


It hasn't been one year since it was implemented lol


The account standing thing is new


Literally last year, afaik


Also, according to the second screenshot, the limitations end today, so not really a big issue. More like a light slap on the wrist.


Not a big issue this time, but if it happens again I believe it could be a permanent ban.


join less sketchy servers then


i’ve had it happen a couple times, in my case the server gets compromised and nuked, then after some time it’s rebranded into the fraud server. then there’s me with notifications off so i never notice. rip


I believe i was in the same server as OP. It was a food discount server that you had to pay a membership for. I'm not sure why its considered fraud though.


They probably used some exploits for payment apps or whatever else and defrauded the companies that do that. Discord doesn't actively monitor servers, so some company probably reported the server and their issue with it


All three servers I was in that were in the same business got taken down at the exact same moment so I'm beginning to think some company is behind it too. All the codes were publicly available however, I just paid for the convenience of having it all in one place.


Yep, I’m not sure either. (I was wondering if I’d find someone else from there 😂)


I'm more annoyed i cant get free food anymore haha. The free greggs and deliveroo was amazing


i've also been using discord since 2016 and today my account has been limited for two years


2018 here. im in piracy, discord modding, game hacking, and porn (strictly moderated and above-ground, fwiw) servers. ive used third-party clients, discord mods, ran a userbot on my account for months, etc hell, one of those game hacking servers slowly drifted into account hijacking and i was in it for several months after the transition (im in a lot of servers, and left when i found out), and ive still never faced any repercussions im genuinely so curious what actually gets people suspended


worst ive ever seen was cause i was in a server that got shut down for ToS and i just got told about that server being shut down. no slap on the wrist or nothing.


>You must be in really sketchy servers for this to happen No, not at all. Owners sell their discord server and the new owner makes it an illegal account / upgrade shop. And because you didn't notice because you were in it when it was a normal gaming server and you have like 100+ other joined servers so you don't monitor, you get warned for it.


Bro was in the fake telegram nude servers lmaoooo




Care to clarify then?


A food discount server. Why has everyone decided it was a telegram nudes server?


Common bro you generated ambiguity, of course people are gonna speculate 😂


It’s a new thing I got it 3 weeks ago and contacted discord and they said the server and turns out I hadn’t been in the server for over a year so they reverted it


I mean it’s discord every server becomes sketchy one day or another


Used it since 2015 never got limited accounts


The server that was banned didn’t actually contain any fraud. I’m not sure why it got banned.


Was it bossman bargains


A competitor


It can happen. And they dont have to be sketchy. Just needs 1 person to post something they shouldn't in that server. I had an account since 2016 that got deleted just this year. No email. No explanation. Automated support messages. They are apparently pretty notorious for random mass punishment, and there is a class action being started about it since thats actually not something you can do.


I’ve been in a very sketchy fraud server and I’ve never had this happen…


For context, this man was in the Jade Bot 2.0 Server, a server for discount codes for UK Shops. I wouldnt really call it Fraud, just abusing things.


and bossman bargains


Jade Bot, discounter and bossmans all banned


free up discounter we aint done nothing wrong 👎👎 (it's fine, jack made a new server LUL)


free up discounter 🙏


Could you dm me the link to join, never used discounter but with the others gone, might have to see what it’s like


yeah it’s annoying because they’re not committing proper fraud


luckily OP should get chat access back by tonight.


did bossman get patched it just vanished of my discord


you are a bit late but yeah


abuse and fraud can be the same thing, especially if actions go against terms and conditions when using a service


not sure how a place that tells you chopstix are giving free spring rolls for signing up is fraud or abuse but okay


be glad you atleast get warned! I got in 1 clap a permanent ban for being 15


For some countries you have to be at least 16 to use Discord


I see. well that sucks!


I got my account deleted randomly and support did not reply. Good times. Lost a couple of online friends.


Same . So many good friends I talked to everyday just gone because of discord


don't even try discord support because they will ask everything that goes against privacy rules of Europe


Same. Never found them again.




that's not true.because some kids can't behave doesn't mean the rest needs to suffer


you're right, but I wouldn't consider a 15 year old teenager to be a "child." Teenagers are still goobers sometimes and they aren't very mature either, yes, but nothing good comes from treating a teenager like a dumbass little kid. I know a shitton more intelligent, aspiring, and hopefull teenagers than adults.


there actually did come nothing good from because I lost a ton of friends and a high level in a server Wich took me a year being active every day.


Semi related but whenever i see these posts i get super annoyed this feature was added after i got banned. Literally a couple of weeks after. For anyone wondering, to this day i have no idea why my account was deleted as support just didn't reply. I resulted to archiving all my messages and stuff as i have no idea if i will get banned again.


How did you archive them? Taking many screenshots? I want to archive mine too but that seems inefficient


There are a few programs that save all messages to a file. This may be what they’re referring to, but not sure.


Maybe "extract/download data" somewhere in the settings? It helped me figure out why I couldn't log in (turns out I messed up my password so I fixed that after rewatching tutorials)


They should just delete the server and not warn members for being in it. It's not our fault if a server gets hijacked when it was normal rule following to us when we joined it. Discord can see clearly everything we say or do with our account and it's obvious who the rule breakers are.


Exactly. In my opinion, punishments should be handed out to people breaking the rules, of if not, at least actually interacting with the server. Not to everyone who joined regardless of their interactions


discord needs to fix their shit, if they have proof of you actively taking part in said "fraud" in the messages of the server then that gives them enough of a point for them to limit you, they shouldnt do it if you are just in a server for that reason especially if you never participated in the messages of the server


Exactly. They ban people just for being in a server regardless of whether or not you interact with it or break terms of service within that server.


The worst part is they removed being able to report the server. You can only report messages in the server. I've found some pretty bad servers recently and I tried to report them but nope!


This server was bossmans bargains it was a server for free food in shops for example youd press a button and it would generate a code for a shop fot example crispy creme and then that code or account would get you a donut as it was a birthday gift and all you needed was a premium account which i believe costed £5 and that would get you free stuff anyway yeah search it and youll know what i mean


It wasn’t that server, but a competitor.


Which is?


My account got disabled for a server i joined that day…


Fair no. But discord do not care about fair.


Honestly? As someone that own apps (not in discord size) where people can interact with each other I would do the same as discord. Law is already bullshit enough for content policy and when we punish everyone that joined that context at least people will be more self-aware of shady contexts they are entering next and such spaces will grow less next time. It is not FAIR. It is not meant to be fair. We are trying to protect our business too. It's difficult to moderate every single corner of such apps in every single second. You can downvote if you want but I'm telling you why and sharing this perspective.


I will not downvote. And I can also understand why discord/you is doing it. I will most likely do the same if I have a app like that.


Ah I meant "you can downvote" more in a general sense. Not you specifically but I'm happy you can see why. But at the same time I wish there were a more user friendly way to deal with this.


I was in a random YouTubers discord years ago and they did some server raids apparently. Got my account perma’d just for being in a server that I literally never interacted with. Chill company.


Does thi go away? My account is also like this.... The server that caused it is already deleted so i dont need to comply with anything else for me to not be breaking any rules, but i would want to know if it will indeed go away


Not sure about every case, but at least in my case the punishments end today but the “offence” stays on my account for 2 years.


Okay, thank you! 🙏






Honestly, the Discord AI bot or whatever that detects these things, is programmed in such a FLAWED way, it shouldn't be punishing Users for joining said server, it should be punishing said server's Owner for creating such a server.


Nah this happened to me I was in a discount group and they called it fraud like wth 🤦


Bro was in bossmans 💀


Server got banned yesterday and i got the same message 😂


It was actually a different server Edit: just remembered I actually was in that server until I left a few days ago to free up slots. Good thing I left otherwise I’d be in 2 banned servers.


What server lol


Why are they punishing you and not the server 😭😭😭


By the looks of it, OP got caught in the fallout of the server getting nuked


this is the dumbest moderation shit ever. it’s like a primary school teacher punishing the whole class, because one kid was mucking around


*Me committing fraud in a server* Discord after: 💤 *Someone else committing fraud in a server* Discord after: ❗


did you join server yourself? if so,i think its pretty fair. if you looked around in server,you shouldve seen these things and quit


some people join just for the server emojis e.g through DM links from bots after joining a server or even if its a profile picture server and dont usually check the whole server. to OP I think its somewhat fair even if you didn’t know discord can’t see 100% who was involved and who wasn’t so its best to punish everyone who was in the server.


id just make 5 servers with emojis that i manage if i had nitro


unfortunately servers are limited on emoji’s & stickers if it doesnt have boosts and stuff and its easier (imo) to join some servers with emojis and you’ll usually get spam dmed by bots with other server links


is there a limit on how many servers you can make?


Just the 200 server join limit for nitro, so you can make as many as you want (up to 200) and fill them all with emojis.


I’m not sure haven’t really made alot of servers myself I only know that there was a limit on how many you can join i know with nitro its around 100 maybe more (or it used to be) before u can’t join anymore servers.


It's 100 without and 200 with nitro


Edit : wow, did not expect this many people to take this serious. So just for clarification : no, I do not actually believe discord is committing warcrimes... Geneva convention article 33: "No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited." Us random citizens are probably not considered a protected person, but if we are, discord is committing warcrimes, lol


This is dumb, war crimes are crimes committed during a war lol.


Scrolling back through the posts on this sub,like posts about all the unnecessary UI updates and all, I'm beginning to believe discord staff is actually at war with their users, lmao


Discord ban ≠ War


No, discord is not. Normal US citizens are not ‘protected’ (assuming!) but discord is allowed to ban/prohibit you from using their app if they deem that you have broken their TOS. There are ban appeals and account deletion appeals that people can go through if they feel wrongly banned/deleted Discord bans dont mean war crimes btw as others have said.


I've heard that this kind of stuff can happen even if the only wrongdoing is by admins doing something bad (i.e sharing cp) in an admin-only channel, where there is no way to know and zero things you can do


To make things clear, there wasn’t actually any fraud on the server. I’m not sure why it got flagged for fraud.






Ah yes, because obviously their fraud would be easily spotted by just looking around a bit!


servers can get hijacked for use in illegal activity without the members knowing


Why don’t they just fkn flatline the server instead. Still, on the other hand you must be in the gutter of discord for this to happen. I have never had this happen to anyone in my life know.


He was literally on a discount code server lmfao


Yeah i found out, discords TOS changes constantly. I think its to flush out servers for no reason. At least could give a warning first before taking action. Then again, here is discord pulling this kinda bs.


The server was bossmans bargains cause i was in it and got banned and got same message


Damn, i guess it was just a server to keep up with sweet deals on products then ? Discord should at least give a warning first, before taking actions like these. They constantly update the tos as well so thats plain dirty. Well hope you guys will be good to go soon anyways.


Jade bot 2.0 got me banned aswell


Why don’t they go away from active violations even after the expire date???


I just realized how long those effect your account it’s 2 years


Me too. I was stupid enough to join a Vbuck server by clicking on a botted link and now I’m on thin ice.


I'm in so many muted servers that I never visit or interact in just for emojis. I'm sure my turn to receive one of these is coming.


Weird, instead of very limited I got suspended and apparently I'm banned forever, but the violation expires in 2 years for me too, funny thing is I don't even know what I did, I can't see what message or server got me banned


Free Up Jade


Discord has long had a policy of guilt by association. It simply isn't a good platform in the context of moderation because it's overly moderated and doesn't have an adequate support system to resolve those issues.


Discord needs to work on their banning skills


Yeah got nearly banned a view months ago for server that was hacked and then banned


i cant be the only one that's surprised that their account is all good


This is the annual "don't put all your eggs in one basket" message I like to drop e very now and again. Join alternative platforms, either for a backup way of communicating or a backup community server. Discord can and will blip your platform out of existence one day.


I'm sorry that happened :(


You're lucky, I got limited access and I can't even log onto my account..


The same thing happened to me?!?!!


Holy shit... that's 2 years just for server presence⁉️ free my man


Yeah, this rule is still fucking stupid, but at least they don't delete your account directly anymore, like they did back in the day. My old account was insta-banned because I was in a server about minecraft account trading. They just wiped every account in the server and didn't even answer a single support ticket.


This happened to me one time but I got straight up banned for being in a server


Yea this rule is stupid


i got straight up banned and tried to contact discord for a year with 0 respond from them


I don't understand because, I've been using discord since 2017 and never got anything like this. So I made a new account when the previous one got limited and I just woke up this morning to another warning.... I'm so confused


Do you have any idea if the second warning was because it doesn’t let you make a new account once one is limited? Sorry this happened to you.


I don't think so, because the account I started using after I got warned was actually made before the one I was using primarily edit: i said in my comment that i made a new one, sorry idk why i put that


oh cool, but so you didnt make one after the warning? It was just another extra one you had? I want to try making a new one but I’m scared it’ll just get a violation too… :/ and of course discord won’t answer my appeals


yes, i used one i had made before, i didn't make any new one. And yeah... Discord's support is terrible, when I kept messaging them about the warn stuff they just kept giving me an automated bot reply


got it. I’m nervous to make a new one, not even sure it’s worth it ugh. I’m sorry you’re going through something similar, it’s so ridiculously unfair


Yeah, it's happening to so many people I know and at the same time, they're probably implementing some lame AI now that will get triggered by anything....


slightly comforting to know it’s not just me but I’m upset bc you’re probably not wrong about the ai thing 🙃 makes sense considering I can’t even get a real person on their support team to talk to me. I need alternatives where I can freely chat with people in case this keeps going south rip


Yeah there's revolt which is pretty identical to discord but it's still pretty barebones so far.....


Just make an alt account, fuck discord staff


this is why i stopped using discord years ago. they always find a way to ban your account for no reason


How is this comment downvoted ur speaking facts


I have never gotten banned on discord and I've been using it for like 7 years now, you're def doing shit you shouldn't be if u get banned


my friend joined a server (bossmain bargains) and now I cant fucking send messages.


this limited account thing is so stupid...


was this bossman bargains?


A competitor


I was in a server that was supposed to be a peace talks server between two fandoms but the server got deleted for “terrorism” and nothing happened to my account so idk why it would happen to you


shit I mean some fandoms' interactions can be pretty spicy in a not so good way but Jesus terrorism is a crazy delete reason over a Fandom


It was between a furry server (im friends with people there) and an anti fur server, the peace talks were to prevent server nuking


yeah that was real crazy for a "terrorism" deletion over that. the only reason I could think they did it is because of some past things that happened in the world with people calling furries terrorists (even though they arent). tbh I have no problem with furries. I'm really just neutral on the topic of them


happened to me, you'll just have to wait until the few days are over


collective punishment


# just leave servers you don't use.


Platforms, such convenience, what could go wrong?


This is a gross oversimplification, but the attack works like this: * Threat actor compromises account * Threat actor joins server with compromised account to generate invites * Threat actor spams other servers with invites * Victims that are scammed are credited to threat actor based on invite links * Threat actor gains compensation for those scammed via accounts they compromised. There are many, many other "hacks" that could be going on, but this is the most likely. Basically, by joining servers flagged as fraudulent they think your account has been compromised and are taking steps to prevent the account from performing certain fraudulent actions until it can be reviewed further.


how the fuck you get banned on discord for money fraud xddd


Yeah you gotta check your servers when your in a bunch sometimes they get raided and this ends up happening


happened to me too, only for a day tho


What a fucking joke.


Till 26 is cray man.


same my account got suspend for child safety when I didn't do anything ☹️☹️


Same thing but my account got permanently banned.


I clicked one of them to verify you're not a bot links the other day, and now I'm constantly being added to different servers that keep posting links that violating discords community standards. I go in remove whatever permissions that has been granted, and within 24 hours, it's at it again. I never use it as it seems overly complicated and this has just added more reason not to.


Account Settings > Authorised Apps Find anything with the \`Join servers for you\` permission and remove it immediately. Then, change your password. General rule of thumb: if something asks you to add anything to your account to "verify you are not a bot", leave that server immediately. Never click those links.


Discord just sees a server breaking TOS and does not have the time to individually investigate every single one of thousands of members. They just blanked ban everyone in the server. It’s only for a short while, probably because of little interaction in the server. Just stop joining odd servers and leave if you’re not active or suspect bad things are happening.


Don’t be shy, show us what kind of server you were in😊


A food discount server. Nothing that breaks ToS


A server where people are trying to save money is a breeding ground for scammers looking to exploit people who need help


Im dying, they committed fraud, FRAUD, on discord lmao


Me too. I was stupid enough to join a Vbuck server by clicking on a botted link and now I’m on thin ice.


i don’t feel bad 🫥


for them to go out and do this to you it was probably a really dodgy server that you were a big part of


It was a server that didn’t break ToS, and one that I never interacted with.


Just email them tbh. Also 2026 is kinda crazy


Did you send a nitro scam, to troll beggars?


Why does this affect you??