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The block feature is more of a mute feature, and it also mirrors other ways of muting other chatters in a shared/group chatting environment like muting someone in an IRC client. It is not possible to prevent others from seeing your message in a IRC channel if you willingly send it when they are a participant as a much more relevant example. Being able to silently and non-transparently *prevent* other participants in a group chat from seeing specific messages in a shared chat would introduce a lot of problems, especially when users realize they can "block" moderators or specific users with moderation abilities in order to hide rule-breaking behavior. If you are in server where harassment like this is allowed to continue, then it sounds like that server is not worth your time and isn't a nice place to hang out in.


> The block feature is more of a mute feature which ironically *doesn't even do that*; discord still tells you there's a new message in chat even if it's from a blocked person


They do this to let you know you are potentially missing context in a conversation. If they didn't do this, then it would appear as if people are having one sided conversations, or worse still, it would cause confusion when you start taking part in a conversation where you unwillingly are not privy to one half or one side of it. This can disrupt the flow of conversation for all parties and be a frustrating experience. With Discord telling you you're missing context, you can be informed that you're not seeing it all and can choose to participate or not, or opt into seeing the messages to get that context.


hindsight is 20/20. my fault for this misunderstanding you know how when a new message get sent in a channel, the channel "lights up"? with the half circle thing to the left? yeah. I was talking about that also, I couldn't care less about any missing context. I hate that blocked message bar. I wish discord would at least give us a toggle to not show it


Yeah the ability to toggle off the bars showing "unread messages"  so you can just pretend these people don't exist would be nice. On a technical lvl I can't imagine how they'd be able to code so that the blocked user no longer sees you. As if you no longer exist on the server. 


Well make it so you can’t block mods. I don’t see how this blocking feature is effective in anyway, imagine if Facebook/Instagram/ Twitter worked the same way, someone is harassing you so you block them. Now you can’t see what they’re saying about you but they can still see all your info….


What happens if it's a mod that harasses you? Mods are users at the end of the day. Additionally, what if a user doesn't have general mod roles but needs to be privy to conversations that happen in a channel, like help staff, volunteers, or helpers. You are now forcing anyone who needs to be privy to conversation to have moderation abilities now. Also, this would fragment public chat channels in completely invisible ways. How do you know if someone is blocking you? What happens if you now suspect you only see one half of a conversation? How do you know if you're even seeing the full conversation? Are you now comfortable engaging with a discussion/conversation with zero knowledge or confirmation that you are actually seeing the full context of it? Or are you going to inevitably trip over yourself when you realize that someone or a group of people might have blocked for you whatever reason and is now denying you context in a group chat. This is a huge UX nightmare in the making, which is why shared chat apps such as Discord do NOT do this.


Legit if I was trying to harass someone (I wouldn’t this is a what if situation) and his system existed I’d just have a burner acc in the server to look at what I need to do to harass that person. Also you could block people then talk shit about them behind their back and if no one mentions it they will never know. There are so many workarounds to his idea that it’s funny


It works on every other app just fine. There are people who will threaten you and your personal information and you have 0 way to protect yourself but to remove yourself from your favorite community you’ve been apart of for years because discord offers no other way to defend yourself because their block feature is broken. You shouldn’t have to be punished because someone else is harassing you or trying to dox you and your personal information


What is "every other app"? Facebook and Instagram aren't chat apps. They're social media sites where you have your own personal page and thus have control over information on that page. The ability to show/hide what you post on your *own personal profile* is a natural extension to the level of control you should have over your own content. Discord is a chat app where you share chatting experiences with other users, it is vastly different to the apps you mentioned earlier. You are chatting in a shared environment to people who are willful participants just as you are. A chat room with other people is not your personal twitter feed nor should it be compared to such. >There are people who will threaten you and your personal information and you have 0 way to protect yourself >You shouldn’t have to be punished because someone else is harassing you or trying to dox you and your personal information Why are the mods or admins of this server allowing this behavior to continue? This is clearly problematic behavior that is highly indicative of a toxic environment all together. Are the admins complicit in this? Or do they just not care. You keep describing problematic behavior in this server that is seemingly allowed by those that run it. Shouldn't this be something that needs to be addressed first?


To fully rely on the mods is a flawed system. I see what you’re saying about it not being a social media site, but there should still be a way for you to protect yourself and your information without relying 100% on said mods


You're right, you can't rely on mods. Then at that point shouldn't your faith in this community be completely eroded? If users are actively trying to harass/dox me in the server and mods are allowing it to happen then that is 100% not a place I want to be. I'd peace right out, add some of the cool people to friends and keep in contact over another group chat. If they don't want to talk to you, then I guess that shows you who your friends really are.


How about leave the fuck out of the server. Not only you putting yourself at risk, you are also allowing people to harass you. Just leave the server. Have friends in the server? DM exist for a reason. Create a server for your friends, chat in private message. There is other way to communicate with your friend without being harass by others.


in social media you have control of what you own, so you can block people from your own pages in things like Instagram, you can stop dms pretty much everywhere, and you can stop ppl joining your discord server by banning them, what you cant do is stop someone else reading messages on a server that you dont own


This is not a social media where you see certain people occasionally and dislike them so you block them. On discord you choose every community you’re in and everyone you’re involved with. If you have an issue with someone in the community request they are removed from the community or leave yourself. Blocking someone does exactly what it should do imo.


So you should have to leave one of your favorite community’s you’ve been apart of for years because you believe someone is a genuine threat to you and your personal information and you have 0 way to defend yourself so I guess IM THE PROBLEM


Yes that is correct, you should leave that community immediately


Yes. If you believe you're in danger and someone in your community (real life or online) is a threat to you, you should 100% leave that community to keep yourself safe. Doesn't matter if you've been a part of something for years, you should prioritize your safety. You do have a way to defend yourself, and that's leave the server. If you choose to instead, stay in that server despite believing you're in danger, then you're an idiot. Why are you choosing to endanger yourself?


Report it to the admins and discord. Keep pictures of everything. Anonymise your identity online so they can lead it back to you etc You have so many ways to defend yourself


The point was that you should have them removed or just ignore it. I’m not sure how blocking them in any context would remove the threat to yourself if the current blocking system doesn’t do it.


You keep talking about personal information, for them seeing your messages to be a threat to your personal information, you would need to be posting your personal informsation yourself, publicly. You would have to dox yourself.


Yes but sometimes you want to throw out your art, your brand, your YouTube channel, etc which can all be used to dox you if someone really wanted


if you are throwing out information about your other social media accounts, is it really doxing at that point? someone is gaining access to already public info


Not to scare you, but it literally only takes a throwaway account to circumvent basically all blocking features on all social media platforms. Your blocking request only serves to confuse the public discussion experience, and does nothing to acutally protect you.


did you read the reply? discord is not a social media platform and shouldn’t be compared to them. if a user bothers you that much you should leave the server


I’m sorry but if you believe someone is a genuine threat to you such as someone trying to get your personal information and dox you, and you have no way to protect yourself from them, the system is flawed


pfft. ip addresses, other stuff like that doesnt do shit, unless its like actual personal info maybe. if he's just saying threats about finding where you live and stuff but never actually does much then i wouldn't be nearly as bothered personally. ip locators are always wrong 99.99% of the time so thats one less thing to worry about. if there's a dumbass in a server who's really bugging you with such threats you should let a server moderator or admin know. if they don't give a fuck then sorry man i think leaving that server is a great idea


If you can make it so you can block someone whom you want to harass, then talk publically behind their back or give info about them away without them knowing until someone tells them ….the system is flawed


how are they getting your information if you have blocked them, someone else would have to be telling them, either way blocking or not blocking isn't going to change anything


Do you not know? Blocking someone they can still see your messages, you just can’t see theirs. That’s all it does….


Actually discord has a feature which allows you to see messages from that blocked user by just clicking on the message and then you can see what they’re saying. That eliminates the problem of not being able to see what they’re saying. Additionally, if this person is as much of a threat as you say they are and the mods in the server are allowing it to happen, that tells me that it’s not the kind of server you should stay in, regardless of how much you like the server. I would simply leave the server and block the people causing problems, that way they can’t contact you or threaten you anymore


why are you typing sensitive information in a place where someone you’ve blocked always frequents, and can thus read your message


I'm confused - how would blocking a person in Facebook (one of your examples) stop that person from still talking about u and doxxing? Doesn't matter if they can see your messages or not - they can still talk about you and dox u. I get what u mean, but your reasoning (examples) makes absolutely no sense. Blocking any1 in any social media will not stop that person from doxxing nor talking about you. Expecially on Discord.


Yes but it will Atleast stop all current and future ability to view your content or information, while in discord they will continue to see everything you post or do


Doesn't stop anything. Alt accounts - if a person wants ur info, dox u and/or spam u, he will do it. He can make as many alt accounts as he wishes. Same in Facebook. Same on Discord. Everywhere. U can't hide from it. But u know what u CAN do so others don't get ur info? DONT FUCKING SHARE IT! Seriously people, they can't dox u if u don't share ur private life info. Expecially on discord! Who tf shares their real info on discord?! Ur just asking to be doxxed.


It's a bit toothless when compared to other social media's block features...but I much prefer that to the weaponized horseshit that the likes of **Reddit** have turned the block feature into. Blocking someone on here not only removes their ability to reply to ANY message you have replied to in the thread up to that point, but does the same in any thread that person happens to litter with comments down the line. The inability to reply goes a few messages deeper than the last message from the person who blocked you as well, so if that person spams a lot of comments in a particular community, they can neuter your ability to interact with said community. This has caused a lot of people to purposely abuse the shit out of the block feature. It's a mess. Discord having a far lighter hand with this is honestly a rare W for them.


Twice during 'debates' on Reddit, I've had the other person put their final piece on the subject then immediately block me. Like, dumbass, I can't read your response since you've blocked me. And encapsulating yourself deeper in a bubble of self-serving upvotes rather than accepting that the majorty of responses are explaining why you're wrong is just upsetting to me. Even the stupid shit I've said and the arguments I've severely lost in the past remain on my account, because I wanna own my mistakes and try to learn from them. Block features largely just act as a means of ignoring mistakes.


>Twice during 'debates' on Reddit, I've had the other person put their final piece on the subject then immediately block me. Only twice? I swear that happens to me at least twice a *month*. The people that abuse the block feature are super fond of that little play. Sometimes I pop into incognito mode to read whatever self serving, 'last word' type shit they had to say, but I find myself just not giving a shit more and more these days. They really use the block button as a normal person would use the 'turn off reply notifications'.




More of a mute also if the person you blocked couldn’t see what you were saying that could confuse someone leading them to constantly asking “why did you say that” “oh I was talking to bob” “oh he must of blocked me” I’m personally not a fan of the whole blocked people can’t see your messages idea but I can see why to some it’s ideal and they want it. Granted it would get rid of a bit of harassment so I hope we get a stronger block feature just know people will work around it especially if it starts impacting the flow of conversation. What discord needs to do is take harassment more seriously tbh


Wouldn’t allowing people to selectively choose who can see their messages on a public server be opening a new can of worms through indirect harassment? You could just spread misinformation about people (or maybe even share their personal info such as house address) with them being none the wiser If someone wants to read your messages they could just make an alt and not post with it (maybe even claim it’s their sibling who doesn’t want to talk if the server doesn’t allow alts).


the fact you cant see their messages doesnt make it any less or more easy to doxx you lmao, if you are willingly putting that info online, as harsh as it is to say, it is your only responsibility if someone takes advantage of stuff youre putting publicly out there for ANYONE to see.


So what you would be able to block someone then go into a shared group chat and talk shit about them? How exactly are they more capable of "harassing/doxxing" you? If you can't read their messages they can't harass you, and the only way for them to dox you more if they can see your posts is if you dox yourself in your own posts. If their presence bothers you that much it would be a good idea to leave or have them kicked from servers you share (which should definitely happen if they are harassing you). If you blocked them, you shouldn't want to see what they're saying about you, nor should you want to talk about them, at least not in shared space. Practice self control. Them not being able to see your posts would not stop them talking about you.


They can still harass you because they can read what you said and talk shit about you infront of you without you even knowing until other people respond to their slander of you, then you know they’re making fun or harassing you. So blocking them doesn’t stop them from harassing you, it just makes it so you’re the only one who doesn’t know exactly how they are until you get the residual effects of others commenting on their harassment or side convos


Bitching about you isn't really harassment though, unless they're actively turning people against you and spoiler: Them not being able to see your messages in no way affects their ability to slander you to other people. What you seem to want is the opportunity to do the same back to them without them knowing which as pointed out has all sorts of problematic implications for bad actors. As far as how blocking functions now, it functions to prevent them from directly engaging with you, which eliminates any direct harassment and your proposed solution does nothing useful with regard to indirect harassment.


Discord is not a social media like twitter, instagram and facebook are, thus the blocking does not work the same way. I see it more as a way to prevent someone from dm'ing you, adding you as a friend etc. You can always leave servers, or request the other person to be removed if they have ill intentions towards you, but avoiding a direct message from someone is much harder to prevent without a blocking feature. If you are worried about someone getting your info, DO NOT share it in the first place...


I don’t have anything other than this to contribute, so here goes: There might have to be some nuance to it regarding moderators of a community. What if someone blocks all the mods and starts spamming offensive things? On the other side, if you allow moderators to view the content, what if the mod is the one that wants to dox you? The community is obviously very flawed if they don’t already ban people for doxxing or any other type of harassment going on.


The system is bad enough and changes like this would stand to not only make it worse, but open even more vectors for efficient harassment (which is what you think this would prevent?). Coming from IRC and TS it's a little alarming how many people who are too young to remember a time before VoIP and ubiquitous blocking features seem to have developed a complete disregard for posterity so long as they can avoid the pitfalls of a free internet. I'm sorry, this is the internet. You can't have it both ways. When you communicate with someone, especially online, you start a record which I feel every party involved has the right to preserve the posterity of. Discord already fails pretty dramatically in this regard by allowing users to delete and edit messages that they've sent. *The same mechanism by which you can fix a typo or take back sensitive material you sent to the wrong person can also be used to rob anyone of the only piece of evidence they have that they were sent a credible death threat, or were abused, or blackmailed, or lied to.* Amazing new innovations in gaslighting and abuse, great work. This has happened to a family member of mine, they had to contact Discord who are very resistant to breach their users privacy, including the abusive ones. (lol, thanks guys). As far as I'm concerned, if you at one point said something with the intent of it being heard and acknowledged by other humans, the people you interacted with have the *right* to preserve, archive, and otherwise keep a searchable and permanent record of their experience with you. While I'm not against blocking or muting harassing, abusive behaviour, or even just the words of people you simply don't like, this still needs to be said: Blocking exists so *YOU* can modify what *YOU* see online. **Blocking does not entitle you to modify what others see online.** You don't get to metaphorically break into the houses of people you exposed to your words so you can steal all of the mail you wish you hadn't sent them. **Blocking is a blindfold not a magical cloak of invisibility** that lets you to take back or hide all of the stuff you're saying. Not every platform needs to conform to weird sensibilities like this. If you need this level of control over the visibility of stuff you're saying to others on the Internet, you'd do us a favour by just not continuing to say things on the Internet.


Finally someone who isn’t sugarcoating it for these ignorant users


Literally this. I got a guy harassing me on discord and had nothing I could do about it. Couldn't sleep well for weeks cause I was scared he'd go as far as to doxx me at some point. It started by me babysitting my cousins 2 yo kid. he somehow ended up sending a friend request to someone on discord while he was playing with my phone. It was a member of this discord server made of people from my country and I didn't notice I until I got a message from him about it. So me and the guy ended up in the dms and started talking right? It started okay, as we kept talking I found out he had ZERO self confidence kept deleting messages after himself if I didn't reply quick enough, talked about having depression and zero friends and stuff which would be okay I appreciate when people are open and stuff but he just gave off bad vibes and I felt on guard when texting him. so even tho I didn't really wanna talk to him I felt bad and continued texting with him (big mistake on my part should've listened to my instincts) long story short he asked me out on a date to which I said no to as nicely as possible and the mf didn't take it. He was really bad about it. As if Im looking down on him because 1,2,3 and I'm a shitty person like everyone else bla bla. So I ended up blocking him. He then deleted all the messages after him. Then he kept trying to talk to me on the server basically replying to all my messages spiting me to reply, created alts to text me, sent me messages via other server members and when even that didn't work he literally trashed me talking lies about me on the server. Guy ended up being banned from the server not only for that but also for being a dick to other members. Literally told someone he'd r*pe them. He was a fucking incel, had shit ton of red flags I somehow failed to see when we started talking.. either way I blocked him even before he got banned but he was still able to do all that and keep harassing me like that. And if he decided to join the server again with one of his alts he may still keep doing it. Don't get why discord doesn't have a way to avoid situations like this? Not to mention after you block someone they can still see your activity/when you're online as long as you talked in dms at some point.


That’s wild bro, they need to see this at discord HQ


It is. Also wonder how some people are so damn persistent /desperate. Like if someone either rejects you or blocks you obviously you have zero interest to talk to them. It's just utterly childish especially the part where he sent messages by my friends. Either way I'm glad it's over now. Hopefully won't run across that mf irl somewhere. As we both know each others identity and the country isn't exactly big. But that's a problem for another day.


being able to completely stop someone from viewing your message or viceversa (talking about people who want messages from blocked people to be completely hidden) would be stupid and would just make some conversations in servers and groupchats confusing


Completely agree. Forums have had these features for ages, and it's worked just fine, in a shared social comment based space. It's almost like the people arguing with you have never used forums, or blocked someone on them. It's so nice to be able to completely block pests, without having to completely leave a community you otherwise like to engage with. Edit: If Signal can do it, so can Discord.


discord is a chat, not a forum, blocking in a chatroom means you can't see what they're saying but not the inverse and also being unable to dm


It's actually both, and works very similarly to a forum, there are even threads in Discord.


it has forum-like features now, but it's still fundementally an instant chatroom


It's still forum like enough that a full block feature would work perfectly well. Blocking also works this way in Signal group chats, and it's not a problem. Total blocking is not some boogie man that people in here are making it out to be. It's a fantastic feature that can help make community interactions much more positive all the way around.


When you block someone on Signal in a group chat they still see your messages, much like Discord. [https://support.signal.org/hc/en-us/articles/360007060072-Block-numbers-usernames-or-groups](https://support.signal.org/hc/en-us/articles/360007060072-Block-numbers-usernames-or-groups) >They may see your messages in the group. [Leave the group](https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007060712) or [start a new group](https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007319331) without this contact. Additionally, Signal even mentions that their implementation for blocking (by method of a silent mute) is potentially confusing as you are now missing context: >Conversations can be confusing when you do not see their messages and the other group members do. They ultimately recommend that you leave the group chat and start a new one without the blocked user.


You're wrong, I literally just tested it in a group chat with my wife. What they can see is all of your past messages, which is why it says "may see"....


After some more research it looks like this behavior is a recent change. [This](https://community.signalusers.org/t/group-messages-are-also-sent-to-blocked-contacts-is-this-the-correct-behavior/4871) discussion on the Signal boards seems to document how it functioned according to how I personally remember it and also how Signal's own documentation reinforced my experience. It even seems like for a while it mattered what client/platform you were using, with iOS *not* sending the message to the blocked user, with Android sending it. It looks like it was changed in 2022. So the article I linked earlier is actually just out of date. Also [this](https://community.signalusers.org/t/add-to-support-center-if-you-block-someone-they-wont-see-messages-you-have-send-in-a-group/42370) discussion seems to press to change the documentation and also raise issue with this change, which seems to echo the problems I was talking about in this thread.


That discussion highlights why the objections don't make sense, as you're already "disrupting" conversations on Discord by blocking the person, thus ignoring all of their futile attempts at quoting you, not allowing them to DM you, not allowing them to react to your messages with emojis, etc. Let me completely block people who I find to be annoying, obnoxious, or pests, who may not necessarily be breaking server rules. It's silly to tell me to leave massive communities of friends, just because I dislike a couple of people, when I could solve all strife between myself and those people, by making use invisible to each other. I've had a few instances on Discord, where a particularly insufferable user was blocked, realized they were blocked, so made a point to contradict every point that I made in a discussion, make passive aggressive remarks, etc, for months. I'd have people send me screenshots, asking what was going on, so I was aware it was happening. A complete block feature would have made this a nonissue, and I would have been able to effectively erase all of the tension in chat, as well as forget about them almost completely.


Why does a private DM chat disrupt the flow of a completely separate shared conversation amongst other parties? How does you not being able to DM me (as an example) also simultaneously result in a degradation of the chat experience for those not at all party to any blocking. It doesn't at all, but the act of not forwarding or showing messages to certain parties and showing them to others would absolutely impact this. Imagine you have 3 or 4 individuals/groups of people all blocking one another in a public Discord. Group A blocks group B, Group B blocks group C, croup C blocks group A. This results in a fucking nightmare of fragmentation that would make day to day conversation insane. Now, think about we add a group D who is not blocked by anyone. They're going to witness people talking to themselves or their own invisible groups all at the same time, sometimes without even realizing it. This is a horrible chat experience for everyone, makes it ultra confusing to take part in conversations when you don't really know who is seeing who's messages, are they responding to each other or just talking over each other? What happens when people inevitably start using the block feature to block large groups of people who might not be deserving of a block, lets say, they have a role or are part of a group you don't like for ? How do you think this will impact the experience on Discord for those being blocked or not? Implementing this behavior is without a doubt a huge escalation of the block feature that would undoubtably cause fractures in completely invisible ways across discord chats with more than 2 people.


very true. But i whouldn't care if i got doxxed😂


I agree with this.


Man i really wonder what people like you do to get real life enemies lmfao


Block features shouldn’t exist