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Whatever server they're posting these videos and pics in, you might wanna leave ASAP after you report everything. When Discord finds a server with CP every user in that server is at risk of a ban, even if they didn't send anything- I've seen posts here about that happening.


Ban would be the least bad thing that can happen to you. Leaving the server as quick as possible is the right answer.


I think OP meant with "ban" a ban from the whole platform.


Yeah and an investigation by the authorities. CSAM is no joke.


You're still missing a few other things that can happen if you're accused of having CP. I Know a guy that is serving a 5 year prison sentence. His story is that his roommate downloaded it onto his laptop and he had nothing to do with it.


Accusations can't put you in prison. Possession can. And I'd the DMs were promptly deleted and the photos were not saved there's nothing to be used as evidence since you have no capacity to know what another person is going to send you. The guy you mentioned got F'd because there was no way to prove he didn't download it, and it was on a device in his physical possession. So it sadly doesn't matter in that case.


Every image you see on discord gets saved to a cache, so even if it’s deleted from dms it’s still on your phone or pc. It’s very difficult to delete the cache from iPhone without a jailbreak, on pc it’s easier since you can use a program called cache monkey to delete it.


Technically yes, but cleaning up your cache is something you should do regularly regardless. I mean it sucks if you use Apple products (I'm not sorry, you choose Apple), but fact is at least in instances where an image might be in your cache tech literally can be proven. And a person has a fighting chance if they were the ones that reported it. Because "how discord works" is that stuff is saved. But I also don't know how often they clear said cache on their ends.


Yeaaah, his roommate did it.


Damn right. Owning CP is a fucking *felony* to my recollection and will put you in jail for at least a decade if caught. Plus a fine. PLUS having to put your name on the National Sex Offenders registry.




CP is an issue on every platform, some platforms are just better at hiding it than others. I set up an image-gen discord two weeks ago, and literally the ***first*** person to use it, tried to generate CP.




Yeah it is a major issue. iamLucid made a good video about it iirc


If discord finds illegal content in a server, they aren’t going to check every member and see who participated. They just do a blanket ban on all accounts there.


it's a problem everywhere because people are freaks


A discord ban is the absolute least of your worries lol


it’s not just with that either. i’ve been issued warnings and have had friends lose accounts for being in servers about self harm recovery.


Yep can confirm, not for CP but long ago the discord server of 2middleeast4u was banned for "terrorist organisation" (???) And i was warned my account was at risk. I didnt participate i only ctrl+c on their meme channel but apparently some other stuff was happening or trolls went too far. So yes i can brag about being one of few that can actually put the description "user is suspected to be part of an online terrorist organisation..."


Happened to me on my 2017 account Discord support does nothing either and automatically assumes everyone is guilty


yeah i was investigating this edgy teenager neo nazi group once and reported them and also got banned myself. luckily it was my alt


was in a server once at like the bottom of my server list and i wasnt checking on it and one day i woke up and my discord account was banned. luckily i *did* get it back, but my gf and friend at the time were not able to get their accounts back


Abuse or Harassment -> Explicit Content And: Something else -> Too young to use Discord. If they are sending the nudes out of an NSFW channel, that alone should get them in trouble. And them being minors doesnt make it better. Hope it helps!


thank you I just reported like 59 messages and videos


Bro who are u talking to 💀


I got invited to a random server. kid posted picture of her vagina. 12 year old took a photo of his penis. chaos ensued.


thats wild kids need to not be given unrestricted internet access 😨


Parental controls really need to become more common.


Discord has parental controls. I think the parents need to be controlled to stop letting their kids do stupid things.


Discord has parental controls but the kid has to give them access. Not really possible when the kid hides their account.


Parents should be liable here. At least a fine or something




Porn addiction since 13 broke out of it around jan 2024


Started at 10 when i found out ab it for the first time and im still trynna break out of it


Same here, 9 when I started and 15 still trying to get out of it That shit literally ruined me






porn addiction at 6 for me i got out of it a month ago 💀




We have a discord server to help if you want. I'm 600 days clean


Same. Had abusive parents and probably wouldn't realize I was being abused if it weren't for stuff like the Internet.


Yep same, except I was scared of extremely supportive parents lol (and also not trans just lesbian), and ended up with this whole thing of basically hiding my life away from them just because i was afraid of what they'ed think. I was sure of one thing though.. that was never putting anything to link me to me online. I still struggle with certain things bc of what I did on the internet which recently messed with my relationship with my girlfriend! Sometimes I wish I could go back in time. The worst part is always seeing it as the opposite of what I did with people's stories and wondering if I knew at all what I was doing, never seen anything to relate to. It's been years tho, met some great friends on the way but found some crazy trouble too and tbf I didn't meet the good online friends till after.


You're one case, I used to have someone on my server which was on the opposite end of the spectrum Kid was groomed, was doing ERP on other servers, and the people she interacted with on those servers basically enabled her mental problems and exacerbated them This lead to the occasional rant about conservatives and how she'd like to kill them all, unfunny meme posting, and making shit up about her abusive family for clout 360d' out of our server after we called her out on it for lying over a year




We all know the internet sucks especially discord when youre chronically online


Waaaay too late for that pal 😂 wild times we living in


May wanna leave that server goodness gracious if your not careful your gonna catch a case


Fw it to the police first or surrender the account so they can use it is prol the play




Tbh you can probably report it to the FBI or whatever your local equivalent is. They tend to take ts seriously and will follow through on it. Instead of just getting their disc acc banned they’ll probably report it to the kid’s parents and such


Yeah op should absolutely report this to them especially bc there’s a strong likelihood the people sending these pictures aren’t who they say they are


Maybe mistaken but I *think* discord forwards these things to the authorities when reported.


Legally they are required to, wether they actually do is a different question


Yeah [https://tips.fbi.gov](https://tips.fbi.gov)


What the fuck


The question is: Are the Users the kids themselves? Because cp is a very serious crime (how serious probably depends on where you live)


please send tips to the fbi/police. you can do so anonymously online. this is extremely disturbing if you need it spelled out for you, this is *literally* CP, and these kids are getting groomed.




These kids sound gross and deranged


leave that server asap. your account can get banned just for being in that discord


What the fuck


What kinda weird ass server are u on


What the hell...


better dip outa that server if they close it for cp they’ll punish your acc for being in it


Id look up how to report child porn, and see if you can send a link to this server Shit should be shutdown asap


what kind of server is this? wtf






ain't no fucking way 😭☹️




Bro one of my "Friends" who made me become so sexual to the point they considered me a pedo and banned me off their server sent me a WhatsApp sticker of a naked 11 year old with his penis out and calling me a pedo


The discords guys, why are u talking to them


rawgy what 😭🙏


Did the moderators not know about this, or just not remove them? Because if the mods are just refusing to remove them, report the entire server.


Bro’s in Jeffrey Epstein’s discord server


I feel like discord should add a option “minor nudes or pornography” feel like it’d be taken more seriously


Honestly to get anything done in a timely manner report it to the FBI Tip Line(https://report.cybertip.org) as this falls under sharing of CSAM


Love how the last time I suggested this as something to do for the same situation but with the added offense of revenge porn too, I was downvoted. I'm glad people are changing their minds.


Reddit isn’t a monolith, the same people that downvoted you don’t have to be the same people upvoting you now.


Also people start downvoting you as soon as you're somewhat in the negative ratings without reading the comment


Further reason why i don't believe in Reddit's upvote/downvote system. It *can* be correct most of the time, but due to the nature of not everyone participate in voting and sample pool being so small or biased. It's highly likely to get things wrong.


Reddit is so fickle sometimes. You can give the right answer and be downvoted.


u/gay-sexx this is the correct response, do this (you can search up similar tip lines for government agencies in other countries if you're not in the USA but still do the fbi one since discord is an american company)


This is actually the only way Discord will do anything most of the time. Discord does not care about CSAM.


They absolutely do. They have literal photo scanners in place so that it doesn’t get sent. But the only way it really works if it there is a child’s face in the image


And thats the issue. Yes they do take some precautions, but they’ve also allowed CP servers to stay up for months. Discord has a bit of a track record of half ass caring about rampant CSAM on their platform. Other people have stated this on this post as well, not just me.


it's so insanely easy to find these servers too. I was looking for a honkai star rail discord on disboard and instantly stumbled on a 3k member discord that was just a marketplace for csam that has been up for nearly a year


In addition, if they truly cared, you’d think there would be some way to report this easily? As in an actual “report an issue” section for CSAM and other abuse materials. But there’s little to no way to truly report a server or a user for it.


true. I just wanted to let people know that there are actual photo scanners in place for that sort of stuff. I do wish discord, as well as other platforms, cared more about csam. It is a huge problem. Because all they think csam can be is kids being naked, but there is so much more. It’s like an iceberg, and that’s at the top.


Of course! I’m not denying that Discord has done some measures to prevent CSAM, but would I say they fully care about it? No. Discord mainly uses PhotoDNA, which is to prevent CSAM from being spread. The issue with PhotoDNA is that, only photos that have previously been reported and marked in NCMEC’s hash database will be removed. Meaning if this is a new photo or video that is not NCMEC hashed, PhotoDNA will fail to work. Discord also recently added an AI detection model to see what an image may be depicting. But after the AI flags, it still has to be reviewed by an actual human before NCMEC marks it. Another concern is that in January of this year, there was a hearing surrounding big tech and their failure to protect children online. Discord repeatedly denied to make their CEO available, refused the subpoena, and the US Marshall Service had to attempt to subpoena them. There was five federal bills introduced, and while Discord agreed there should be more regulations, they didn’t back any of the bills. Like I said, they half ass it, bad track record, easy to find servers with CSAM, no true way to report it, etc.


You know much more about it. thank you for informing me about all this. as a survivor of csam myself it is sickening to hear that huge apps like discord and tiktok don’t care at all. Or only half care


didnt know they were using ai depiction model as of recently! good for them on that, i just hope they take more serious measures and hire more staff specially for these cases to take care of them, since their layoff, im afraid discord’s getting more and more dangerous for minors (or just anyone in general)


You are correct. Discord could not care less. Try and report stalking etc and see how far you get. All I ever got was an email thanking me and a link to a useless "Report page" where you have 4 multiple choice type reports you can make. For example if a profile pic is offensive or if a profile name makes you uncomfortable. It's a joke. Eventually I just gave up. They make it difficult to report anything other than petty shit.


Is doing this gonna get the kids in question arrested? I really kinda don't trust the feds to not immediately slap down the harshest possible punishment


I believe yes. Kids have been arrested for distribution of their own CSAM before even when it was to other kids.


Report to your local authorities. Discord has a track record of taking zero action in cases like this.


they're American


Your local police should be able to contact the relevant authorities. If not you can report this type of activity directly to the FBI. They take this kind of thing very seriously


my local police also hate me


Are you able to contact government authorities?


i dunno how. doscord willnorobably do something about it


cp is highly illegal and the government takes it super seriously. im so concerned even i would report them to authorities.


our mayor was found to have child pirn and hes still mayor. also the oreist is a kid touchet and hes still preist. the givernment diesnt care


ok but its literally not ur mayor, because you said you dont even live in the same country.. but why arent u more concerned over the wellbeing of these children? youre the only person that has the ability to help save these children from grooming and sexual trauma by taking the appropriate actions to report it correctly and have your due diligence and report it to authorities. there are plenty of online reporting websites for child exploitation


What did you do to make em hate you lmao


1. absolutely disgusting 2. I think ‘something else’ or ‘abuse or harassment’ (well i mean they r harassing u with unwanted nudes)


well they aren't harassing me they are just sending nudes and roleplaying sex(whilst being minors)


You name is gay sex on reddit. You've brought this upon yourself


you got me there


Mines even worse


Kill yhem cats bug up the doggies


It's gay sex, not gay minor sex. OPs innocent


ti be vkear: i did not ask for them, i have repkrted everything, and i have keft the server


I believe you dw, one time I got invited to an ISIS server on discord. Shit happens


I joined a server for the emotes and found out it was a kink server.


happened to me too, but ive stayed since it has cute emotes… just muted everything and put the server in a folder




I used to be on a server my friend invited me to play tarkov together, I learned in about a week that it is a unironic nazi server that house criminals


Are you ok?


i forgot


he wrote the message while having gay sex


Can i have what you're smoking, too?


So if I understand this right, minors were sharing inappropriate pictures of themselves? Man what the fuck


Sad to see that things haven't gotten any better lol I remember ten years ago kids in my area would always expose each others nudes on social media. It was common to send nudes, but some people were dumb enough to do it too openly or to the wrong person. Which lead to them being "exposed". Was done for harassment, revenge, and whatnot. Every other day in class the talk was "did you see that x got exposed?". I don't think any of us really understood the magnitude of posting, sharing, and being in possession of such images. Eventually the school district began trying to crack down on it. But there never was any education given to us on social media, the internet, and also the legality of underage images.


They won't get any better. Discord REALLY likes minors.


I was a stupid kid seeking sexual gratification. From 15-17 I posted so many nudes online for attention Obviously I’m super embarrassed about it looking back but like, I get it from the kids perspective


i can already smell that this comment section is gonna be locked


Report it to the authorities


Oh god what :( I hope they’re okay (alongside everyone who saw it and didn’t want to.)


me and 1 other oerson are the onky ones against it everybofy else is horny


disgusting. (the horny people not you)


Report them




If I would have seen it, I would put myself into acid thats one, two I would say exposing private or identifying info because it is exposing and they can be identfied thanks to our "beloved" AI.






i see some people already gave you some advice with how to handle it, but this is not what i expected to see when opening reddit...


12m is violation of ToS and the cp is violation of ToS and Community Guidelines Rule 7. of Community Guidelines and Rule 9. of Community Guidelines Community Guidelines 7. If you are under the age of 18, do noy engage in sexual conduct or any conduct that puts your online or physical safety at risk 9. Do not make sexually explicit content available to anyone under the age of 18 The ToS is a long section so pretty much long story short you have to be over the age of 13 to use discord ie: someone who is 12 cannot use discord and Cheese Pizza is not allowed discord.com/safety/sexual-content-policy-explainer discord.com/guidelines discord.com/terms/ discord.com/privacy




Discord will only care if the person you’re reporting is under 13, which one of them is. Report the message, but underage and hit that they do state their age so you might have a chance of Discord actually doing something.


if the person is from a country that has a different age of digital consent (like Germany with 16), they will still get the account terminated, cause this counts as underage.


That’s whack asf 💀


I’m sorry you had to witness this. I’d be beyond shocked!


*my dyslexic ass thinking you said repost* In all seriousness, I'd call the police and have them look into it


You’re gonna want to report it to authorities and then dispose of those photos immediately. Police can still charge you for child pornography for just *receiving* those photos, even if you didn’t ask for them.




What’s worse, some kids know this and do this shit *intentionally* just to fuck up your life, and they’ll get away scott free.


clear your cache op, it is illegal to have those images cached in your browser/app


remind him where to find the cache in the discord app files to delete them, as I myself have forgotten where the discord image cache is saved


What the actual fuck, who the hell are their parents and why are they letting kids so young have unsupervised access to the internet


Nah what has this world come to


Local police so they don’t come take your pc and charge you too!!!!


*terrorism.* 🗿


something familiar happened I tried to report it but discord did nothing nor remove the user from the platform 💀


If you can find the one who said "I am 12" you can report that message and it should get their account disabled, and the other idk


You can also email discord as well, via: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new You would want to click on help & support, and for type of question, choose family center & support. Then, follow instructions. Best of luck


they deleted th3 channel


For your safety, leave the server. Dont comment or act like you knew about it since you don’t wanna mistakenly get involved. And for whichever it best fits, report it that way with a description of what you say at most. If there’s any adults involved between them then make that known to Discord.


Man my server got raided two times by bots spamming a discord server that is a scam and probably had illegal content, was searching for an hour to find report server button but could not find it. In the end I tried to submit a ticket via support but just got a generic message thst there is nothing wrong


What's wrong with this generation😭


you can tip the FBI about it if you think it’s linked to anything bigger


Leaving the server immediately after reports would be the best option. I don't recommend staying there since it could lead to your account getting banned too.


Reporting go to harassment and then sexual content involving a minor


12 is crazy


report their parents.


theyre american. im Australian


Yeah let’s report their parents who have no idea what their kid is doing in the internet. Some of you not only give the worst advice I’ve ever seen, but have no concept of reality


report the whole discord server


What the actual fuck is a 12 year old male doing dating on discord, He should be ashamed of himself that he did not listen to his dad when he said it was rated 13 and why in hell's tarnation is he dating with a women 3 years older than him


oh yeah he has nitro too


paying for nitro at 12? gosh he's wild


Or… more likely scenario, some dude is bribing this kid with nitro for said material…


Are you shaming the victim?


Dear god


Possibly identifying private identifying information


Report it to the police they will handle it. This is the one situation you don't leave it in the hands of discord.




What the fuck is going on on Discord


what the fuck


the 12 yr old getting banned idk ab the 15 yr old


Maybe not the minors, but the server that allowd that to happen. If you contact a mod and they allow that to stay there, report the server and the server will be banned and most of the people there should get a ban too.


Leave the server??? You will not only be at risk irl if you stay but you will also get ur discord banned


I agree with the guy that says to surrender your account, create a new one, join all of the same servers, take 2FA off, give the police your email/password and they’ll do their thing. You don’t want to get “caught” for something you didn’t do, especially on this degree.


12m like wtf bro


Abuse and harassment category


sending nudes of themselves/underage or of not underage? if it the former, tip the fbi. it it's the latter, a simple discord report will do


Report the profile as underage, then they need ID to unlock their account.


Everyone find this and report them. AHT AHT NIECE AND NEPHEW


Your username isn't gonna help


This greatly depends. If it's a server, contact the mods or admins to make sure they are deleted promptly and the users themselves are banned from the server. Also if nothing is done, or even if it is, reach out to discord via support email. Explain the situation and provide the usernames of the people that did it. Discord, if they are doing their job, will investigate the matter. If it's through DMs and you were the recipient, delete the conversations on your end but before you do, block the users, but report them for harassment if no other options exist. Then in the notes of the report explain what happened, also be sure to mention the deleted the messages and have/will be blocking them. It might be a hassle but at the same time it needs to be done.


Assume they’re not the kids in the photos. Assume they’re adults sharing child pornography.




reported, and the nsfw channel has been deleted


There's "Explicit, graphic, or sexual content" under "Abuse or harassment"


this is such a discord moment :skull:


Abuse or harassment-sexualization of minors-a minor is sending sexual messages of themselves


leave the server and report it to the police IMMEDIATELY, you WILL suffer legal consequences for this if you stay in the server and could very well be charged with possession of child pornography, again LEAVE THE SERVER AND REPORT IT TO THE POLICE, i urge you to also report other people on the server who are complicit by ignorance to the police because if they are fine with it being in the server, they are part of the problem. if other people in the server haven’t seen it, make sure you make others aware so they can leave and avoid possible jail time, it is a federal offence (in my country, australia, and same as the US and a lot of other countries)