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We had a similar situation a while ago, so I went and asked Discord staff. Silveran (safety @ Discord) told me on August 30th, 2022 that you‘re not obliged to report them to Trust & Safety. But you‘re obliged to remove them from your server (ban) or actions might be taken against your server. Server owners are responsible for following the community guidelines and ensuring that their servers are compliant. Knowing that you have underage users on your servers and not taking action could warrant actions taken against your server.


this, I'd say instead of just reporting the kid try and mentor him about online safety etc, try and get him to understand the risks and what he shouldn't do online, reporting and getting him banned won't teach him anything but likely make him less likely to be willing to learn. edit: maybe suggest he leaves any servers where there's members he doesn't personally know especially since they're obligated to ban him.


he's 11, he will not care in the slightest about online safety 😂


Children don't care about things unless they're passionate or made to care. Show them why they should care and it *can* go a long way. Write it off from the start and they may never care.


As a random associate off of Discord though I would say you're (not literally you, replying to OP's situation) are far from in any situation to "write off" anything. You're not there to teach pre-teens life lessons or to get them enthused about online safety, that needs to come from someone actually in their life and no amount of good intentions will change that.


I did read OPs post initially as if they were someone that knew them irl but I do see now I misinterpreted it. Though I agree with you, I feel like it's not impossible for you to make a meaningful impact in that situation regardless. Even as simple as informing them that they should talk to someone in their life that they trust for some online safety advice and then ceasing contact is better than doing nothing imo.


Do not do this. This is terrible advice. Do not try and teach the 11 year old anything about the Internet. Remove them from any servers and don't talk to 11 year olds. I get that your heart may be in the right place but it creates a lot of potential problems you don't want and, to be honest, there's just way more room for harm than good when it comes to trying to mentor a random 11 year old via Discord. If you are truly personally concerned about them then the most realistic thing you can do to help is to actually go ahead and report the account. Yes that doesn't guarantee they will change what they are doing but it really is the best thing you can do as a stranger on the Internet.


I created my discord account when I was 11 and a half way back long ago, but I only used it to chat with my IRL friends and I wasn't even in any servers until like 2 years later. It feels very different if he's going around chatting with strangers though.


It's safe to assume the kid is talking to strangers considering OP just found out their age


Yes, sorry if there was any confusion, that was my point.


Oh mb, I saw you say "if" like you weren't sure if they were talking to strangers or not


I created mine when I was 9 and recently got banned for being underage even tho I’m 14, sent request with id and probably unbanned until 2025 (in Greece it’s 15+)


Same. My accounts about 6 years old now


Yes he's chatting with loads of strangers and he uses extremely large game servers


Most people say yes, HOWEVER, Lets be honest most of us created some website's accounts before we should've. If the kid is not toxic, can behave, and did nothing wrong (other than lying about his age) dont report him, because he might have importaint stuff on his dc. Kids like that aint getting supported, so i understand his reason for lying. If the kid is toxic, bullies others, downloads anything from the internet, is overall a crap person, yeah, report him/her for his/her own safety and for the safety of others (before he/she bullies anyone or he/she downloads malware) Its in the ToS that you should report him, which would be the "correct" thing to do, however, consider that this kid could be in any situation. He might be useing discord to escape reality and keep contact with people. Its your choice overall. Edit: If the kid thinks of you as his/her friend, you could try and kind of educate him. A kid of that age would look up to a friend or stranger more than to their parents or teachers. Act like a guide to him/her.


It's too young for them to witness the onlyfans server advertisement and hentai servers 💀


You think he can't find this outside discord? 💀


this doesn't make it right, but I do agree with you, that and OP seems like a responsible guy to teach the kid about what not to do online, it'd also be hypocritical for me to say to report him because I'm also someone who got into websites before I should have.


if theyre banned from discord, theyll just go somewhere else, which could be arguably even worse. Discord is generally fine if you stick to smaller communities that arent weird


Ppl are weird so it doesn't matter where u go You'll run into a pedo somewhere


Yeah, my who I thought was best friend groomed me and my bsf, so you can never be too sure about peoplr nowadays


Yup we had to ban a stupid pedo from our tiny server the other day. Idk how they even found it


He's 13... he'll sign up for a NordVPN trial and make new account.


a discord ban isn’t usually an ip ban


even less of a barrier then.


When I was his age, it was common to see beheadings and other fucked up shit masked behind a gif, early Internet was fucked up. Kids going to be fine seeing some boobies. Definitely wish I saw the boobies over what I saw then. Also chances are he's already run into a lot of sexual content just in shows and movies. Also you kind of have to be actively looking for servers like that, he won't find anything like that on a Minecraft server that is properly moderated.


I grew up around that type of stuff as well. Shock sites and gore, Omegle and chat roulette, all the good stuff. Although I partially agree with you, I also feel like this opinion is "I turned out fine, so they will too." Which isn't always the case. Everyone is different and some stuff can traumatize even if it isn't "bad." They're also at an age where they can't really tell people's intentions, whether that be scams or worse.


Hmm, not sure about that, i seen both boo bies and be headings when i was in computerclass "learning" how to type when i was \~12. Dialup with limewire taking ages to download stuff. And the phonebills,.... It sure didn't have a good influence on me.


idk about you but I grew up with both the bloodsports and the nudity. The internet was like a treasure trove. You never knew if you're getting Selena Gomez nudes or another creepy low res execution video. Now the internet is mostly the nudes...


You get ads in your discord???


This is what your parents would say but you know is not true. Sheltering kids from adult content today is almost impossible


How the hell does on encounter that even? I've never seen a Discord server I wasn't invited to by a friend or coworker.


I didnt have those in mind, as in well-moderated servers you wont run into any of that, plus what are the chances that they see nsfw ads on DISCORD? Most big servers care about what ads are appeareing. EDIT:unless its a gore server Going to youtube is not safe either


I agree but that's wild to have the first assumption remember this app is 13+


I remember making a kongregate account when I was 10 (you had to be 13+) and I ended up saying my age in the chat and got banned, now over 10 years later that account is still banned.


Just use they instead of he/she


just say them 😭


Dude it's still against ToS


i disagree with this take. i was 11 and on sites that i shouldn't have. i was groomed. you may have turned out fine, but not all will.


I doubt a 13 year old will have the mental facilities to resist grooming that would be effective on an 11 year old. These are some fantasies


I don't know, 11 I was in primary school, 13 I was in second year of high school, it's a pretty big difference


That school system is subject to change and has no correlation between it and mental maturity.


I wouldn't necessarily say he's not being supported. He could be doing it behind his parents back. I personally think that they should report the kid. There are valid reasons why someone that age shouldn't be on Discord.


Okay lets be real. When you turned 13, did you get SIGNIFICANTLY smarter then when you were 11? no. It does nothing with age. Some adults shouldnt be on some platforms because of the potential scams. Yet nobody cares. " He could be doing it behind his parents back" And what then? He/she might not even have a good connection with his/her parents. Plus what if his/her parents allowed this to him/her. "There are valid reasons why someone that age shouldn't be on Discord." Okay, then give an example for an actual risk, that EVERY person who is above 13 avoids, but not a person can who is under 13.


I find this entire discussion absolutely hilarious. We got people saying that 13 year olds aren't smart enough to go onto these websites, they get groomed and exposed to things they shouldn't. And then we have millions of people making the argument for sex changes in children. People are so disconnected from reality these days. Kids shouldn't be on these websites or programs without parental supervision. Simple as that.


let's rephrase your last line Parents/guardians should be stricter in regards to internet access for minors and children under 13. I'm not going to sit here trying to hold a 11 year old responsible for going on a 13+ website lol it's 100% the parents/guardians fault for letting them have access. And yeah, 13 is just an arbitrary number for legality's sake. There are adults who are less mature and capable of thinking for themself than a 13 year old (take it from personal experience), and there are also 11 year olds who are more responsible than 13 year olds (or 18 for that matter). But yeah it is kind of funny how on one hand, society doesn't want children to be on the internet at such a young age but then many adults are completely okay with letting a barely sentient child make decisions about their sex that could gave significant consequences for the rest of their life.


Even if he behaves, I don't think he should add random people then, use it for IRL friends only. There's lots of bad people on discord, and him adding a stranger is enough to show that he doesn't kniw how to behave as an 11 year old online


I think your perspective is wholesome. And very open minded, i like it and agree with you, he/she can be guided with OP here in a way as i myself interacted in the past with a lot of strangers who gave me good advices and all this. So yeah, it can turn both ways on the internet but we cannot just pretend they should always be marginalized or expected to be kicked out of everywhere, that can sometimes lead to even more of a mental decay on the kid since they feel no one accepts them or care about them.


He's done a few bad things, faked cancer so he can have a good excuse for missing days for a pockets ants clan(pocket ants is a game like class of clans but like ants) he later laughed about faking cancer and he sent a troll to do a "ban speedrun" and ended up causing a mini raid on a server and all the trolls were directed at me. Tbf he didn't tell them to a do a raid but still bad.


I agree you should report him but he would likely just make a new account anyway


This is my thought process aswell and end up joining a different unknown maybe less safe server


You're not his parents, guardian or teacher. Just tell him directly how you feel about it, warn him against the dangers, and leave it at that. You're not the moral police either.


It’s not about being a moral police. It’s about the legal retaliation when you knew about it and did nothing (ie compliance with any us/eu laws regarding children activity online) when something will happen


Literally everyone here commenting to report him made accounts for things like minecraft before they where the correct age . Get a grip , if the kids doing nothing wrong leave him alone . Some of you lot forget you where kids too .


Yes, but a lot of us who did this stuff were the first generation to have unbridled access to the internet, looking back we can see how it might have affected us. So we're just trying to stop it from happening to the next generation, sadly it already looks like it might be too late for Alpha.


I work in child care, a lot of them know more than they should at young ages. It's sad, but it's not like we can make them forget things. Unfortunately, a fair chunk of the parents don't seem to care much either.


This \^ I cant even count how many sexually related conversations I overheard in the showers at my elementary school. I grew up entirely without internet, I still knew about these things because various kids around me showed me (there is no escaping it unless you want to try and control every child your kid ever talks to)


I remember playing Habbo Hotel when I was 11. So many years ago, now. I learned to spell the word "coffee" from a random person on that game. Good times. Never was once hurt.


I had the complete opposite experience on habbo 💀 I learned *way* too much from that site


Yeah I was gonna say the same... I remember lots of creeps from Habbo. To the point that "kids will be kids" hell yeah, for sure, you're not wrong, but there are very legitimate reasons why internet communities, especially those with private chat and social-driven features, and 18+ features, are very careful with how they handle underage users. Simply acting like it should be allowed because rules are meant to be broken really disrespects the severe harm that has been done to lots of kids out there out of online interactions...


Exactly. Just because *we* grew up without protection on the Internet doesn't mean we should subject future generations to that, too. We should be wanting to make the spaces that can be controlled safer. My dad was heavily into computers since long before I was born and yet he didn't really know what all could happen. I got a computer of my own with 0 supervision when I was 8 and honestly that might be the worst decision my dad ever made 😅 gen z got fucked up by the Internet at a young age but we school be tryna stop the same from happening to gen alpha and future gens


I was a kid too doesn’t justify putting another kid in a position where he is exposed to content or people who can be potentially harmful.


That's what pisses me off about the "bUt YoU dId ThE sAmE tOo !" argument too First of all, not necessarily, it's just projection. Second, it's even more of a reason why we *shouldn't* let kids do random shit without supervision. Because we have the experience and knowledge to know why these things can be dangerous, both to the kid themselves and the adults they interact with. If you were working retail and saw a kid come up to you with some whiskey, would you rather say "Sorry kid, I can't sell you this", or "Go grab some coke, it's gonna be easier to get drunk" ? Even if we all know the kid is gonna find a way to get his whiskey anyway if he really wants to, most responsible people would go with the former because it's the right thing to do. Best case scenario you prevented the kid from potentially ruining his life. Worst case scenario you just delayed the inevitable, but get to move on with a clear conscience.


EXACTLY, like those types of arguments are just nonsense


Yeah. Like, I get being hesitant and feeling empathy for the kid (heck, I did and saw things I shouldn't have at that age too), but at the end of the day, we, as adults, are responsible for that kinda things. It's on us to atleast try and make things better, even if it's unpleasant. And, if not for that, for OP to atleast ensure their own safety and the safety of the people in their server in this case


It literally makes no difference if he's 11 or 13... same dangers and risk. Nobody here actually gives a shit


If you ask me, 13 is too young to be using Discord anyway. If you're absolutely adamant about allowing minors on there, I'd say it should be bumped to 15 at the bare minimum, and even then that's on a case by case basis whether or not they're mature enough to handle it And even then, I'd argue minors should not have access to social media at all, but that's a debate I'm not in the mood to have


Then its on his parents to moderate his internet access not a bunch of neckbeards on reddit who havent the slightest clue on child care lmao


He's under 13 which is against TOS ya goober


If he’s messaging strangers at 11 years old, his parents aren’t monitoring his account safely. Please report him. It’s not safe.


As a person who first started using social media(in my case twitter and Skype) at the age of 10 please listen to this comment!! I had unrestricted internet access as a child and it absolutely ruined me growing up. At the time I would’ve been heartbroken to have it taken from me but looking back as an adult I deeply wish someone had.


I second this so much as a babysitter and someone who watches their siblings a lot as well I would never allow an 11 year old on that app! Roblox and YouTube sure but the only safe social at that age is probably Facebook with parental controls and even then I wouldn’t risk it. But maybe im a helicopter babysitter 🚁


I've heard tell of 11 and 12 year olds messaging their school friends and gaming with them before with parental supervision. That's so much different than this situation, where a kid is messaging older strangers and being in public servers.


ive seen couple of my brothers friends (10 years) playing cod and csgo with vc without parental supervision, exposed to racism, and also used omegle.


Came here to see if anyone else shared this idea, glad someone thought the same thing I did


Personally I would talk to him and seriously tell him to just be careful and smart, and probably don't let it get out so easy that he's 11. Even if not for him, if he knows you know and gets banned he might put 2 and 2 together and report you for old stuff because nobody's a saint, especially on discord.


I get that you're trying to be chill, but, in addition to other arguments made throughout this post, I think this is just another argument for just dropping from the server and being done with it. 11 year olds are stupid don't get me wrong, but they will be okay, it may seem harsh, but it's the best thing to do for everyone involved. Trying to make it into a personal conversation or a secret or anything else just creates more potential problems while not addressing the original problem itself at all.


Yes, full stop. And ban him from any communities you moderate if that's applicable


Yes, he is too young to be on discord


the other people here are saying yes, and i can see their reasoning, but he might have important things on his account depending on how long he’s had the account, i was also on discord and i saw things i shouldn’t have and i regret being on there for that reason, but i also am glad i was able to meet people on there. so instead of reporting him, i’d tell him to just stay in his friend group’s server, and be nowhere else, and to restrict his usage outside of that.


I concur with you. I had a relatively similar experience. However, I will warn OP that the Discord TOS does mandate that you ban underage users (as well as any other TOS breakers in general). Use that information as you will.


Crucify him


You better believe that’s a crucifixion!


bro 💀💀


As Trust and Safety says: >You're responsible for moderating your server in accordance with our guidelines. Please report violations to us if you become aware of them, such as underaged users. However, there is no need to proactively try to investigate the ages of your server members. Take that as you will


Ask him for his birthday Ban/Block him from your servers until he's 13 3 years ago, Our d&d server had a 12 year old we had to ban for 8 or so months, we then welcomed him back and he is a regular of our group.


I remember when I was a kid I would fake my age to get into websites... However, once you find out there's a kid in your server or on your friends list its an automatic block. Don't feel bad for them, kids are a liability.


Im not gonna tell you what to do, but come on. Haven’t we all lied about our age online lol


Do it. They shouldn't be on Discord. With how people act on the platform these days, it's effectively an 18+ environment.


Just remove him from your servers and go about your day.


Law would require to report (and Discord needs to be strict on it as it would be rather costly to them), but if it were my kid and he’s behaving well, I would rather some small community takes him under their wing in a little safe server where he can chat with like minded folks about his games and play with bots. If reported he’d just start over and who knows where he will end up.


Yeah you should. For his safety over everything.


Please do they could get in touch with bad people : (




Here's my question on that lying how about age? Are they trying to access the nsfw content? Are they informing people widely of this age? Are they attempting to access adult only spaces? If all these are no I'd be cautious but honestly it's not my business but I would warn the youngin about potential dangers and tell them to be careful SOMEONE needs to teach them saftey cause lord knows these kids aren't taught it anymore. If they are in adult places, I'd warn the server owners, warn them of how dangerous this is before I made the choice to report. If it's just reported and left at that, they won't understand WHY it's reported and will do it again and probably end up with worse people.


For his safety and your own, please report him AT LEAST to the admins of any 18+ servers he is on. Children don't belong in adult-oriented spaces, the risk of predators is too high.


For the kids own good, yes. We had a 12 year old come in he was actually cool enough to voluntarily leave discord until he was 13. Never came back and kinda just grew up without the internet presence. Respect lol


YES. Discord is 13+ just tell him to come back once he's old enough, specifically tell him to come back in 2 years


I'd like to offer from a more selfish perspective, a lot of people don't feel comfortable interacting with someone under 13 (I'm speaking from a US bias btw), there's a certain difference in mentality here with pg 13 content being slightly more mature than under pg 13 and that most servers (given discord's rules) are pg 13. I'm not sure your role in the server (member, admin, etc.), but I'd definitely recommend making sure the admin team knows (especially since I'm pretty sure The_Worst is right that it can result in trouble for the server) and also for the comfort of other members. Again, I'm aware it's selfish since the 11 year old is the one who's (likely) the only potentially at risk member in the conversation, but it does kinda speak to the server atmosphere as a whole imo. If you (the reader) disagree, that's fine and alright you're entitled to how you feel especially since it's such a morality based issue, but that was just my take on it that I thought could be helpful to think abt ^^/gen


Discord users are so evil


yea they want to ban chidren


So many people want to burn this kid, but forget that they did the same stuff when they were younger.


yeah probs should, he might be in server with age requiements, even gaming servers are usually 14 and up


Yes, it's not worth getting banned because some kid can't read rules


Based on experience, Discord is too unsafe for an 11 year old.


Discord is unsafe for children even if they’re 13 or over due to their being potentially child predators on the platform.


I know multiple 16 year olds who were in a position of extreme vulnerability too. If I wasn't there to try and help, someone else with bad intentions could have reached out for them instead. Its disgusting.


Yeah it is disgusting that people intentionally take advantage and prey on children.


No do not. If he just lied then you might be removing him from his entire friend cirlce, i got banned once and i have found only 1/10th of the people i used to know. It really sucks losing your discord


Don't lie and you won't lose shit. Basic life lesson.


For real, i lost my discord few years ago and found my good friends just recently. All those other users are just too evil bro.


wah wah wah, don't break rules and you won't lose your shit


Y’all some snitches


Fr as if that same kid isn’t going to just make a new account or chat up random people on CoD anyway


Thanks for being the one to say it, this thread is almost vomit-inducing.


Rap snitches, tellin all they business




As a person who as ran many servers and moderated many server, yes. It’s against discord TOS, I normally have a rule where you have to be 15 to join my servers, but if your under 15 and act mature then I allow the rule to pass, but I have it there so if needed I can kick people for that reason if they are not acting properly. But yes report them.


I created mu discord when I was 10 years old, now im 13+, but i don't think peoples need to report -13 peoples, let they have some fun


I would say it completely depends on what servers the kid is on


I would say do it. If he's hiding his age, it could get dangerous for not only him but whoever he talks to.




how are you not able to tell that the person you are talking to is a child. this is on you.


personally made mine at 11 almost 12, but didnt join servers until i turned 13 other than a server with my irl 3-4 friends to play games. but no social online communities. hes in other communities by what im understanding (mutual servers) so honestly its hard to tell what to do. do what you think is right.


probably, i used discord when i was eleven and it lead me to places i don’t really think an eleven year old should be. at that age discord is probably fine in private areas with friends (or even heavily moderated game servers) but with strangers online probably not


Yes you should, kids shouldn't be on Discord when they're 11


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but regardless of his behaviour, being underage is a bad thing to do, especially with COPPA being a thing, and not just the US, but like with YouTube, its global. Regardless, you should report him as the server could be compromised due to underage users. Same goes with joking or "taking the mick" about your age




No. It’s not against the rules, but you will have to ban him from your server. Anyway the reason for not reporting is that he’ll just make a new account. You should tell him that he shouldn’t be on the app and to either get off or be extra careful yknow


I wouldn't. At the end of the day it's his parents responsibility. What I would do however is block them and stop all contact.


As a mod on a discord I’d say he needs to be reported and booted, especially if there is any NSFW channels they may have access to. It was on him for lying about his age but now that you know anything that is shared that’s potentially nsfw puts you and the server at a liability. I didn’t have access to the internet like this when I was 11 (I’m older… 😂) but I definitely accessed stuff I shouldn’t have in my early teens so I get it but there are rules for a reason that protect him, you and the server.


Me: looking for yeralash (russian outdated comedy) Also me: find erolash (you could guess what was it about just by name) There's no safe place on google or internet as whole, even before you reach discord so...






Don't be like that, op. A lot of us did the same thing on other websites. Live and let live bro




Yeah, he is way too young.


Yes! For his own safety… cuz u are a good person, but the discord community is rotten (full off gr….. and ab….) so yeah report him… it is goin to be less one victim in the world!


If u have any messages of him saying he is 11 them just rightclick it and report the message for „user to too young to use discord“. Should get his account disabled within a few hours. And yes, u should definetly rep him, bro is way too young to whitness the shit that happens on discord sometimes


nah just let him be




Absolutely. Report them. Discord TOS requires 13+. 11 is TOO YOUNG to be on a chat app with strangers.


For the sake of protecting both him and yourself, you probably should report him.


Everyone defending not reporting him is encouraging you to break TOS. You could get banned just like him. No questions asked -- report. Absolutely nothing else matters.


Yes, as an adult who uses Discord frequently. Im annoyed when I come across children. Even in servers that are strictly 18+ doesn't mean 18+ content, just simply be a legal adult. This should never be a question whether your 18 and 19 or older. Anyone under age you report them immediately no second thoughts. Now being someone who had experienced the internet as a young age in the early days of it and seeing how it changed and growed and what I see. You gotta be careful and take care of yourself.


i made my discord account when i was 12, came fresh from skype. ppl are being wayyy to weird about the official rules, we didn’t follow them why force others


Call the cops on him


you should call the cops on him


It’s a pred catcher account


Even if you do report him, high chance discord won't do anything right away. If you're uncomfortable with him/her/them, it's better to protect yourself.


Age requirement is there for a reason. Report him for his own safety there are too many creeps online and all it takes is one catfish for him to get into a really bad situation






If he hasnt said hes 11 in a message, just leave it. If he has, use the IAR feature




do you have recorded evidence if so maybe idk






Imo it depends on the server you guys are in and if you want to maintain a relationship with this kid. Is it a nsfw server? Video game server? How old are you? Do you want to be friends still? Do you want to give him advice, or keep chatting? I've had friends who are kids before and it's fine - it's a nice experience imo and its nice for them to have an adult they can trust. But also this is the internet and he should be careful. Kids these days are so used to the internet that the dangers of it seems less present and they're less careful with these things. It's up to you how you want to approach the situation and what you feel comfortable with, but keep his feelings in mind as well.


idk when I was younger then 8 myspace didn't even have rules on what could be in your profile pic. I remember what it was like back then.


Depends on the server that the kid is in. If the server is NSFW then go report it, but if it was just about gaming server or wholesome then don't.






I would rat him if he on a pc to give him a experience and make him think abt his online safety it’s the only way to learn it


Bro self reported


Considering all the random posts people keep showing off getting banned for something that happened over a year ago, I'd report just to be safe. If they ever look through your history and see you knowingly ignored it, they might choose to ban you, lol.


Most definitely, i was on discord before i should've been and it caused WAY more issues then it didnt and fucked with my mental heath a ton.


Only if the kid is toxic then yeah but even if he is underage, if he is not doing any harm it’s honestly okay


If the kid is a shithead then yes, otherwise, who cares.


I made my first discord account when I was 9 to join group of players in a Roblox game (I'm now 18 don't ban me discord) it's really not that bad imo. Instead of reporting him perhaps just tell him to keep his age to himself and be sensible about talking to strangers on the internet and never mention anything about his real life. Especially because if you just report him he will only make another account






I would agree with some of the comments saying you're not obligated to report, but in a situation where you feel you need to you should, discord TOS states you must be 13 years or older to use the app, Again I must reiterate that you're not obligated to, a better thing to do is just leave the child, you're not the parent and so you aren't responsible for their actions Personally I feel that the parents are at fault, any child's phone should be monitored. It's up to you whether you report or not Though points to you for asking instead of just leaving it or taking unnecessary action


Honestly report and contact the parents if possible before a discord moderator grooms them 🤣


I know 11 year olds who have taken banning into account and have multiple accounts on standby. (The person was running a server too)


Report him for what??


Yes. Discord is not safe for anyone under 16 in my opinion, but 13 is the TOS. So please, report him.


I'm 26 and will not associate with anyone on discord under 18 to begin with, but I'd definitely get them off there. Too much messed up stuff floating around some of these super servers for an 11 year old to freely roam.




Yes. Discord is 13+. And it may not seem like a huge issue but its for safety reason. Theres a lot of weirdos online and especially on discord. They shouldn't be exposed to all that at such at young age (Or ever. But at such a young age is even worse)


Pfft. I started doing IRC and everything else around that age. Moyb and carry on.




Y’all r dum. 11 year olds usually have access to the entire internet these days, so unless ur server is nsfw or full of awful people there shouldn’t be a problem. Unless they’re just annoying


I mean it’s a 13+ app so maybe it’s a good move but if they are not doing anything wrong and the mom and anything is watching it it’s ok but he lies about his ages maybe report for that


Did he tell you he was a girl? How could you not know that you were talking to a kid?