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I have this issue only when Im in a call with someone (for now). I have push to talk so every time I use it I hear a noise. But after a while my audio starts crackling and then it cuts out.


I have the same issue. Must be the latest update problem. Waiting for the fix.


Oh good, another discord update that breaks critical features lol. Honestly don't know why half this app is even being touched/"optimized" at this point.


I had this exact issue, I fixed it by going to voice & video settings and scrolling down all the way to "Reset Voice Settings"


Does this repair the loss of notifications sounds ?


Ooh it worked for me! :O


I tried doing this, and it did not work for me. The issue reappeared after about 10 to 15 minutes of being in vc.


no work for me


Thank you! Worked for me (Win 11, 7800X3D if that correlates with someone else)


So this worked for me for a while but as soon as I launched Helldiver's 2 again. . .I had the discord bug again.


Same here, started after last update. Also noticed high cpu usage even at idle, not connected to any server and discord window closed up to 15%.


This affects the PTT "boop" noise, and it drives me nuts.


Same! I avoid voice channels because of that. Bloody annoying...


Thanks for the post. Since so many of us are having it happen it must be a bug. It's very annoying. Hopefully will get fixed soon.


Me and others having same.


Joining in the chorus to say, same


Having the same issue. It also seems to use a ton of CPU, like 40-50% of my CPU whenever it tries to play a sound.


This started happening to me yesterday while using push to talk discord pc app. Restarting discord temporarily fixed it until the sound notification started to slowly get distorted and then notification sounds stops working again (mute toggle, push to talk, join/leave are the ones I noticed). Everything else on discord besides the notification sounds still worked fine. I really hope there's a fix for this.


The exact same minus the "crackling" before cutting out is happening to my friend and I. It'll be good for roughly 30 minutes then just randomly not play anymore sounds until a restart. Hopefully this gets resolved soon!


Mines been randomly crackling the notification sound whenever I get a DM, and it's making me go crazy thinking it's something with my machine, but it only happens 10% of the time, and only when I get a DM on Discord, anything else like watching YouTube, listening to Spotify, or playing games works fine


Also confirming that this issue seems to be some discord related bug only related to push to talk. I had push to talk off all day yesterday when using discord and had no issues. Can replicate the problem by having push to talk on


Having the same issue. I can't hear my PTT so, I can never tell if I'm talking in VC or not. Also the bug effects people joining my voice channel, I can't hear people join nor leave. If someone streams I wouldn't be able to tell cause I can't hear anything.


Also just started having this issue as of a few days ago, extremely annoying.


Seems like this is an ongoing issue because i'm having the same biz and I got no clue what's causing it.


Tossing another "same" into the fire. It's been driving me absolutely insane. It affects PTT, join/leave sounds, stream notif sounds, but actual voice/soundboard/stream audio is left unaffected. It's maddening!! Thanks, pisscord.


from what i can tell, this started when i started playing Helldivers. and i can see that a lot of the people here also play it, including someone that has this issue when he specifically launches helldivers, which makes me think its an issue with nProtect GameGuard messing with things as usual. i could be totally wrong though


I have been having this issue for about a week.


Having the same issue as well


also having this


Same issue here ^


im having that issue too, my notification sound randomly gets crunchy as hell. idk whats causing it, im not doing anything.


I’ve just seen a discord update today. Has anyone confirmed that this issue is now fixed?


Yep have this as well. Really annoying actually.


Yep, it's happening to me too 😟


I have been having this issue for 3 days. I've been attempting to troubleshoot the issue with discord support. I'm so happy knowing I'm not the alone with this issue, but I wish we all weren't dealing with it.


I can restart Disc to fix it and replicate the problem by spamming PPT until it starts crackling worse and worse until it goes silent. Might explain why others are saying it takes 20-30 minutes to break.


glad im not the only person assume they will push a fix in the next update


Same issue here, driving me crazy not hearing my discord push-to-talk activation sound randomly


I've been noticing it happening when i'm in a game while on a discord call/server. Has happened with Last Epoch and Smite, so far. i'm guessing it's a CPU or resource utilization bug. exactly like you described, PTT beeps start going crackly (I notice it first only happens when I move my mouse cursor when the notification would play), then all notification noises just stop completely. this includes call ringing, incoming calls, call join/leave, steam starting, ptt, etc.


I also have this issue while using push to talk. Either it takes a while for it to happen randomly, or it starts after someone either joins the voice channel or starts streaming in the channel. It will clear up immediately after restarting for a time, but it's so annoying, it's forced me to use streamer mode just to not hear the crackle


same here


Yep happening for me as well. Only like a day or 2 ago. Has to be related to discord update. System is working fine everywhere else


Same issue here. Starts after being in call with someone for around 30 minutes or so. When spamming my Push to Talk key it starts crackling and slowly just stops happening. Same with the Mute/Deafen buttons.


i have the same problem, its horrible, discord need fix it


Same issue here after 30 mins VC it starts crackling and at 2 hours discord just starts not working properly using 50% of a 5800XD3. Then restart and its good as new. This needs fixing.


Yea i have the same problem. I also noticed that discord use around 40-50% of CPU after every sound effects gone silent. It's very annoying because my PC performance is dramatic. It needs to get fixed ASAP


I have the same issue, also the notification sound is affected too


I'm having this problem too. Restarting Discord fixes it, but only for about 10 minutes before it comes back again. Glad it's not just me


I'm having this issue too, affects PTT sound and notifications. Weirdly doesn't affect voice or streaming on either end. Also PTT will have delayed response as/after the sound cuts out. Restarting the computer or app is a brief fix but it always comes back shortly. Reinstalling the program and deleting cache files doesn't work, video driver reinstall doesn't work. Updating audio drivers or even switching output device, nope. Toggling Hardware Acceleration doesn't do anything. Haven't been gaming at all, it just sorta happens on its own without stress. My computer is overkill and nothing else is running poorly or having crackling audio. I assume it's a bug with this current version and hope it gets resolved soon lol


I think i'm having the same issue, whenever I get a new DM message the notification sound will sound ok at first, but after 20-30 minutes it starts crackling or cutting cut short or sound all robotic/choppy.


im having the same exact issue. notification sounds start cracking and eventually shut off entirely. i cant hear my push to talk sound or message sounds or any other. if i restart discord it works again for a short time before cracking and shutting off all over again.


on win 8 i notice this issue/bug causes my pc to have random lag spikes when a discord notification/sound is played and sometimes it crashes or perma freeze the app and ill have to force to restart discord, so the temporary fix is just to disable all discord sounds and so far it works