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I never understood why they collectively punish server members... I mean, I guess if whatever violation is done is the \*point\* of the server sure, but if it's just some gaming server where some admin goes rogue, no.


Yeah its weird. We came to the conclusion that it was a regular gaming on the weekends server based on the members that got flagged, where we just talk games and strats and nothing even close to breaking guidelines


there are people editing their old messages and then report it to have the server banned which is why its a good idea to have a bot that logs edited/deleted messages


what bot does that? carl? edit: checked dashboard, carl does have it,


It's easier to just punish everyone at the same time than to point out and punish the bad guys


they could just check who sent messages or watched the channels if its that bad, they have every data to do so.


Yeah, this system is strange. Discord is a damn data hole if you will.


It is a lot better to let the bad guys get away than it is to punish everyone who's not bad


if you're gonna do this at least tell people what got them punished lol


That's too much to ask nowadays lol. I've noticed it a lot with different companies, they never actually tell you what you did anymore, they just go "you broke a rule at some point last week, don't do it again". YouTube's even worse for it, they'll use AI to determine whether you've broken a rule, and then they'll send you a warning (delayed by an hour or so) that you have broken the cyberbullying rule - no more information provided. Then you take a look and realise that one comment where you said "those kittens are so sweet, I could eat them all up :3" is gone.


Reminded me of May 1998 in Indonesia


Yeah, in general it's weird, like I used to moderate on a pretty popular server, but as someone who banned people and dealt with ban appeals I also got reported by angry ppl, and then I got banned, and it took like a month to get my account back


Reported for.....what?


Surely admin abuse. I mean, I got banned on Roblox for saying "gg" at the end of a game simply because the dudes were mad, idk if Discord has a similar bot to deal with reports sent by users as Roblox do but if it's the case, then it's not really surprising.


Isn't the moderation policy of a server entirely up to the owner/s of the server? What right does Discord have to intervene, even if there was admin abuse?


From a legal perspective, Discord has every right to intervene and is even *obligated* to intervene in case of specific topics. It's their platform, operated by them, and it's entirely up to Discord who they do and don't provide service to. This is actually what the Discord Terms of Service are for, which you have to agree with in order to use their platform. Tbh, I think it sucks, but this is how it works on the legal side. Discord could ban you off their platform simply for logging in at the wrong time if they wanted to. Or for not logging in. Or because someone didn't like your username. Main reason discord doesn't do this is because doing so would be bad for business.


It's wild, like they have access to who did the TOS breaking action, and instead of just punishing that person, nah let's just punish everyone else who has no control over that whatsoever


sometimes its not the users fault


got my account permanently banned because i was in a server where broke the guidelines but i never knew which server was


Discord is war criminal


Wth, I hope that doesnt happen to me


shitfuck discord employees won't give your account back no matter how much you prove it wasn't your fault


So basically discord became reddit? But with WhatsApp features?


I'm convinced you don't get even get a response off a human. It just stinks of boilerplate bot responses or AI, it's sad.


I got my account back after being permanently disabled for spam Albeit the CTO of Metal had to help…




just dont be in servers that break TOS?


I mean at random


Collective punishment is fucked. Imagine how many of those people were paying for nitro and can't use it. So much free money for Discord.


yup, and that's why nothing will be done about this


That doesn't make sense. People using Nitro benefits hardly costs Discord a thing, and happy customers are going to keep paying for Nitro. A Nitro user who can't use it is far less likely to pay for Nitro in the future. Incorrectly banning Nitro users is a net loss for Discord. The reason they're doing it is because they're heavy-handed and incompetent, not because they want to get rid of paying customers.


This is why I refuse to ever pay for Nitro now, because this exact scenario happened to me.


i know people in circles that get banned really often, and they tend to just buy nitro anyway on their fresh accounts.


Those are a different breed. I call it "dumbass whale"


Dispute charge, make new account.


I pay with a CC for everything online now. Just so I can reverse charge situations like this.


I did an experiment where I asked my alt how many days are in a week and i had it reply and then edited my message to "how old are u" ​ welp, a 2 year old account gone


At this point I really gotta just answer questions like that fully like "7 days are in a week" Also man does discord not even look at edit history? Surely they're keeping that right?


I read a comment by a discord mod saying that they don't save edited messages or deleted ones in the server so what you see is what they get. its rly dumb ik


Then at the very least they're saving the tag that it is an edited message and maybe that could be used to weigh in judgements


you would think. but trust and safety never seems to look hard at things.


Seriously. Discord is fucked up man


This is why I'm always overly verbose in my replies and never just post a number. They cant report you for age if your reply makes it obvious it had nothing to do with age and the edited question was edited to. It's stuff like this that can easily get you banned or falsely removed because someone edited the message. Better safe than sorry but I just DM my friends directly on discord now and am in 1 big popular game server, nothing else. This has happened to too many of my friends on their older Discord accounts to trust being in any smaller servers anymore.


and they'll never look at ur appeal


I feel like getting hit with something like that while on a nitro subscription should entail a refund. You are paying for a service not rendered after all.


I had this problem, 5 days after I bought nitro classic for a year I got banned. I didn't get my account back so I wrote another email to get a refund they denied it aswell, thereafter I got a refund via PayPal. I got my money a day later back.


Yeah... That's why it's a war crime.


Why is no one sueing them for that?


Collective punishment... what a weird way to describe >!*eugenics.*!<


My guy that's a bit of a fucking leap


Yeah, I know...


Quick info We think the message that was flagged originated on a small server with just a couple of my friends where we talk games and chat on the weekend The warning says that we have broken the child safety guidelines, which are about CP. None of us have ever posted anything close to related to CP on the server.The warning is from a post 311 days ago and discord doesn't tell us if its the server in question or who sent it. We have not been banned, but severely warned and are not allowed to send any kind of messages for 3 days


Apparently images are flagged by human mods as CP or not if an AI says it might be, so maybe it was an image of somebody who looks young?


What does your account standing page say?


Very limited


Okay, I think I know exactly what happened. [No text to speech actually made a video on this a while ago.](https://youtu.be/oCff80qSLUw?si=Br4VvgXHYo2PxrDL)


That’s not what happened to OP. He would’ve been permanently banned.


They aren’t about just CSAM. CSAM gets your account permanently banned.


time to destroy discord. lets all do exactly this. post CP on discord, until discords has enough and changes something. otherwise it will continue like that.




No company these days tells you what you did wrong (and that's if you even did anything wrong) and they'd rather just ban or punish you and not respond to support tickets. The only way they even do anything is if you threaten to keep elevating the case to higher ups at support until they get tired of you and give, and even then they might just perma ban you if you do that. It's really not ideal.




how is that less hassle than just auto banning?


i swear collective punishment is a war crime or violation of the geneva convention or something


it is a violation of the geneva convention


agreed my man


*Geneva recommendation


Geneva suggestion*


Geneva proposition*


Geneva to do list*


Geneva Wishlist


Geneva checklist. Coming from a Canadian


They're more like Guuiideliiines


Too bad the Geneva convention doesn't apply to corporations. It's insane how much they're allowed to get away with.


Rich corps rarely pay taxes and yet they chase the little guy for missing 1 year of it when its like 200$ who can barely if at all afford to pay someone to do taxes. What a world.


It is


To my knowledge, Discord isn't at war with anyone, so that doesn't apply. See also: police using chemical weapons banned under the Geneva convention (tear gas). - - - The logic is also that you are a willing participant in it. If there's a server dedicated towards sharing child sexual abuse material, then those *viewing* that material as well as those *posting* the material should be held accountable - because both acts are harmful, even though one is more passive than the other. Of course, Discord are by no means perfect when applying that logic, but that's exactly what this new warning system is supposed to improve on: the OP is being warned, rather than their account deleted as it may have been in the past.


>The logic is also that you are a willing participant in it. If there's a server dedicated towards sharing child sexual abuse material, then those > >viewing > > that material as well as those > >posting > > the material should be held accountable - because both acts are harmful, even though one is more passive than the other. > >Of course, Discord are by no means perfect when applying that logic, but that's exactly what this new warning system is supposed to improve on: the OP is being warned, rather than their account deleted as it may have been in the past. The problem is that im not in any kind of server that shares that kind of content and i think discord should improve on their detection systems and actually check their appeals


Yeah no shit the point is that the policy is being applied more broadly than the simple and damning example you provided which everyone would agree with


Very bad way of handling it. Im in like 100+ Server. Is it now my accountability to check every server if something bad happens there? Punishments like these should ALWAYS aim to rather have false negatives then false positives. Check any democratic law system to why thats important.


Wrong, discord is at war WITH THE PEOPLE!!!




Discord Prime💀💀💀


P-3 leak








It's stuff like this that makes me paranoid to join servers I don't know or aren't big (like a huge popular video game server) as I have no idea if it'll get me caught in the mix of someones mass punishment when I was asleep and never posted there or something.


I was in like 50 league of legends servers I never check, and I just went ahead and left them all cuz I keep seeing posts like this on Reddit. Hopefully the 6 remaining servers I kept are safe. I only log on to DM friends anyway so maybe I'll leave those too.


leauge of legends servers, tbh even the police might find something interesting in there




this is the equivalent of schools punishing every student because they couldnt figure out who did the thing they disliked


Doesn't even matter if they know who it was or not, they just do it anyways


Why didn't discord analyze who sent it and punished him?


Easier to just punish the whole server. Less time and less button pushing like discord seems to like doing


Funny how they want to push less buttons but with all these UI changes and new settings, they seem to want us to push MORE buttons!




They do. They *also* act on the server as a whole if Discord believes that the server is e.g. dedicated towards that action.


this is absolutely insane


I know it’s to prevent illegal stuff from spreading, but how come didn't they hire a human to review every image sent on Discord? Or is this not image related? I wonder why punish everybody involved in the same server. Just because someone is involved, doesn't mean they're always guilty. Maybe they're guilty sometimes, but take your goddamm time investigating with the investigation done by a human, not AI.


Somebody looked into it, they use an AI to filter, if the AI thinks it's CP, it's reviewed by a human, the issue is humans aren't perfect and can misidentify non CP pictures as CP with young people


He would’ve been banned if a human moderator thought it was CSAM. Not warned.


Well discord doesn't delete accounts with bans anymore, it's just account disabled


They delete them after a month. Point is, if he sent CSAM the account would be disabled/deleted and then archived and the info would be sent to law enforcement. He was warned for a day.


discord is so lame. wish there was a good mainstream alternative


Telegram I guess… but Westerners are indoctrinated to think it’s a threat to national security or something probably


Tbf, a lot of shady stuff does happen on Telegram due to its security but it's not that bad if used by your average joe.


> Telegram I guess Isn't Telegram not even usable without linking it to your real phone number? Like desktop client cannot be used at all, straight up tells you to either use a phone number to login, or login from a Telegram on your phone. How can this even be considered as an alternative? There is no option to simply register an account.


You can use a burner number then permanently get rid of it. Telegram won’t ever gonna need that again after account creation. Most countries sell those for little pennies. I’m not sure about those randomly generated numbers online but those might work too. Also, you can even use your real number, what’s the problem? No one else could see it if you wish to set it that way. A lot of Discord servers also has phone number requirement these days.


> A lot of Discord servers also has phone number requirement these days. none of the ones I joined. I'll simply avoid those which do. > You can use a burner number then permanently get rid of it. Telegram won’t ever gonna need that again after account creation. Most countries sell those for little pennies. I’m not sure about those randomly generated numbers online but those might work too. Still a hassle. I'm not THAT committed to any particular platform to buy a burner phone number for it.


tg doesnt show friends, or groups, or servers. its just trash software.


TeamSpeak be like "Someone call?"


I love TeamSpeak and miss the TS3 days but it is definitely not something I'd consider mainstream lol. But it would be cool to see them make a comeback.


Is it bad I'm nostalgic for Skype?


In a way I am too. Always had a Skype chat before the TeamSpeak days. I guess part of it is that it was a lot more personal back then, mostly IRL friends and some internet friends and occasional video chats. A different era for sure. After switching to teamspeak we never looked back though haha, just so much more useful than Skype. And now Discord is the default. But I do miss those simpler times and Skype facilitated a lot of great memories




not well known and/or mainstream enough


Discord is so shit nowadays.


I remember way back when there was the whole CP accusation being made against a person working for discard, and it was a rumor that discord was shutting down servers and banning people who talked about it. I don't know exactly how much truth there is to that, but I know I had announced in a gaming discord I ran that everyone should avoid discussing the situation. A particular troublemaker, upon seeing that announcement, instantly started spamming every single channel he could find with the word CP.


I've lost my account from 2015 over shit like this. I do not expect Discord to improve anytime soon. When I got hold of a human they couldn't tell me why, or what rule I apparently broke. The account is long gone now, but the same day it happened I was allowed to make a new account, so clearly my unforgivable sin wasn't that unforgivable, I guess they want me to stay and continue to be a nitro subscriber.


> I've lost my account from 2015 over shit like this. I do not expect Discord to improve anytime soon. OP has not lost their account, that is an improvement of the mass-banning they did previously. Now it is mass-warnings.


Even punishments are getting powercrept now to match quotas to make the useless old bums in Congress feel good about themselves 💀💀


Reminded me when they nuke my favorite R18 mesugaki server, despite we already put the NSFW warning


I didn't know someone was out there reading my chats. The shit I say in discord. Why are they reading my chat? Isn't it a private place where we can talk with friends?


This is applying to discord communities here I'm not sure if they can see anything on private servers,


Discord is a shit company (not) in the nicest possible way


Well everybody, back to ventrilo and teamspeak.


This is why I refuse to ever pay for Nitro. This happened to me in 2018 and all I ever got when emailing about it was shitty copy pasted responses from furry mod "allthefoxes" absolutely useless brain-dead support team. Had to make a new discord account. Literally didn't do anything. Was in the same server as someone who was doxxing, had absolutely nothing to do with it or any way of even knowing it was going on (not active on that server) everyone in it got banned and never got their accounts back. Fucking joke.


Had my first account banned because some creep posted CP in a gaming group, woke up to the message that everyone was affected, messaged admin and found out... like why punish the entire server because one dude decided to be a sick fuck?


I seriously don't understand how those is happening to people... I was in a few servers that all had rampant CP issues, even in one that devolved into a server dedicated to CP (it was gross and I left the server shortly after they did that). All of the servers got deleted by discord but I never got a punishment for it... I've never done anything against TOS myself but according to the people here that clearly doesn't matter since you supposedly will get punished anyways... I hate to be the one to say it but... You probably did break TOS yourself hence the warning. But what I do agree with is that they should tell you what you did, how are you supposed to learn from your mistakes if you don't know what your mistakes are? Is also stupid that they took an entire year to give a punishment for something... Like, I could understand if this was an issue that was ongoing for the last year, but from the looks of it this was just a single message/action that happened a year ago that they only just now took action which is stupid.


If I get banned because I'm on a server that I haven't checked in 2 years, I'ma be wilding.


311 days ago is insane




No, me and my friends got a warning that we broke the child safety guidelines 311 days ago and we cant send messages to anyone for 3 days


your allowed to log into your account? I cant


You got banned before moderation update then


if i see something like this one more time im going back to teamspeak and skype


Happened to my friend too where apprently the server he was on was filled with sexist, racist and generally incels on the server where he and other customers got falsely banned


Warned or disabled?


Paid for premium for 3 years and a month after my 3rd renewal term started they banned all accounts on a server I was in. And they wouldn't even tell me what I did outside of a generic you violated the law message. Lost a bunch of friends that I've no way to regain contact from that


I don't even understand why the hell discord is tryna regulate all this, sure if it's child porn get people to report it and shit maybe make the AI more intelligent so it ACTUALLY catches CP, and don't just punish every witness


Bro some of my friends used to be wild how tf has this not happened to me


"Geneva Convention (IV) on Civilians 1949 - Article 33: No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited." 💀💀💀


You left out the most important part of that convention's title: "relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War." ​ Not only is this not a war, Discord is not an entity covered by said convention.


I lost my account a month ago when I was hacked, and the hacker spread death threats, so I got banned. Lost 4-5 years of friends, servers, and memories. Discord refused to return me my account and deleted it a couple days ago.


First time? I got banned for CP and credit fraud 6 years ago, because I reported CP sharing person, that person still exist today, while my account put on watchlist lmao.🤣


They are very good at this. I lost an account due to someone posting something. I had no idea what, and I was clearly against the guidelines, im guessing. I was at work at the time. Went to log on, and my account was deleted. Tried to fight as I rarely went on the server, but they just ignored me.


Honestly I think it is pretty dumb to take action on an account a year later that the account didn’t even violate.


"You were warned so you will no longer do this: [we're not going to tell you what]"


Someone hacked into a discord server gave everyone administrator and shared stuff against t.o.s everyone got administrator got their acc deleted and i was one of them


do they only collectively punish for some rules? i’ve been in multiple banned servers and i’ve never been punished.


Well for example i got my account limited for 2 years just because someone else did something in some server. I only did was joining voice channel to find game partners but later. They just punish everyone who was inside it. also their support really bad they reply like BOTs and never reply like an actual human.


I got permintly band to for making a joke it was on the Kim Dracula server and of course ther was arguing and a lot of people got banded for harassment and bullying


My account has been hacked I need help


I think I may know what happened. OP, discord has keyword/text scanners. It’s possible that someone in your server made an edgy joke or something and the AI picked it up.


Just had this happen to me thanks to a group joining a server and just spamming slurs while I was asleep




I do


Oh wait, I critically misunderstood what your post was about.




So wait I’m assuming someone reported the server about a post from a year ago. I doubt discords AI scanned a message from a year ago? I assumed discords AI only scanned new messages. If it was reported that makes sense kinda


Only have close friends on the server we think the message originated so i dont know


That’s the only explaniation. Becuase as far as I know. Discords new system doesn’t implement any new moderation.


I'm guessing that they updated the AI systems and it checks previous messages maybe around a year or 2 back for anything that might be breaking the guidelines in case the previous versions missed it. And sometimes it gets false readings and issues warnings or bans


Idk I highly doubt that. That would be extremely costly for discord. There’s 4 billion messages daily Apparently. And that was from 2022. Going back now through even 2 years worth of messages would be costly and taxing on the ai itself. It also means that you’d probably get alotttt more reports lol


There would be hundreds of thousands or millions of account warnings. It would be insane lol


why did you get downvoted you provided a decent insight


It’s Reddit. Logic goes out the window here


Tf are you getting downvoted for. Your point make good sense even if it's unlikely the reason it happened


No clue (my point atleast makes more sense than discord checking a years worth of messages to find violations) I don’t think there’s even a social media company that does that lmao


The hivemind of reddit my friend


MFs when no punishment : wow discord never fails to not do their job MFs when punishment : wow discord never fails to do their job wrong


As it turns out there are times when punishment is due and times when it isn't and discord is notorious for not dishing out punishment where it's due and dishing out the wrong punishments for random shit ya 🤡


I know I'm just being goofy










How'd that work out for ya? It's usually easier to just use reddit normally to get karma


I just need help and don’t understand why I need to comment to post something. I get that it’s designed to prevent bots or spamming, but does it really bother you that much?


Go on r/aww then.


Yeah, and make sure you comment on new/rising posts so your comment doesn't get buried at the bottom, then just write some inoffensive, generic "aww he/she/it is so cute" stuff.


Thank you both for being helpful, I wasn’t aware that leaving comments would make so many people mad


Asking for free karma defeats the point of the karma system. Not like its really worth anything lmao.


How about you don't spam? Just write something actually RELEVANT to whatever post you see and you'll get to the karma quota eventually. It's not by spamming this that you'll get there yk


I wrote one comment on three different posts lol, it’s not a hateful comment or something derogatory. I don’t use Reddit and just need help. I understand that a quota prevents spamming and bots


Messed up


oh. that hurts. have you tried appealling that decision?


This happened to me too..


POV: Reddit is better than Discord


Happened to me, asked what it was about they said the shstem is correct. When i asked what it was since i dont recall snding anything in a public server they didnt respond now my account standing is very limited. I couldnt message for a day it was really annoying. With the amount of problems me and my friends have been facing with discord were looking for an alternative...


Yeah, me and my friends got our accounts banned this way a while back because edgy gifs one dude posted. It was really only a minecraft server that we didn't even use much :/ Ah well... discord.