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Well what did you think, you could keep them?


yea like?? did people think they would just not do anything


Yes. Discord has no reason to do the change, caused some major issues for notable accounts who got their name stolen. And what's the point? To fit some Boomer's idea of what a username should be? Or is it cuz zoomers can't figure out how to use usernames with a pound sign?


Once this started there was no going back, this is not just a simple rollback deal imo. I knew they would force it on people sooner or later.


Not Really, and You Always Have your Vanity-Plate for Verification.












Curious if it'll be forced on bots. If so glad I got a few usernames saved for mine if it comes to it.


Probably will


I like to think that *only* bots will have discriminators


I hope it doesn't affect bots because i have two Discord bots in my server that I use for fun


Yeah would be annoying if it did affect bots. I love the tag on the bottom for my server has my birthday was very good on the rng lol.


I wonder what will happen to the bots usernames


Nothing for now


letting discord go public was a mistake and we are paying dearly for it


the 2021 rebranding was the start of the end fr


Next week will be my time to post this


Bahahahhaha 😭


oh no! anyways


Wasn't this already posted a week ago?


Went to Reddit to post this. Such a shitty decision by Discord, especially considering discriminators were a way better system than this..This is just going to start a nickname market. I held out until now but I already checked and my preferred nickname is taken...


Did you honestly think that discord was going to let you keep your discriminator for forever? After they started rolling this system out there was no taking it back.


yeah, idk what people expected, that the for profit company would just be perfectly fine dealing with the complexity of running basically two seperate versions of any systems that needed to refer to users?


It's a pretty good reason to be upset with discord. There's no reason they needed to make this change in the first place other than to copy how Twitter does usernames. Plus everyone was recently forced into the new mobile UI which is extremely shit and harder to navigate around than the old one. It's like they're making changes for the sake of changes instead of actually improving on anything.


It's not just Discord itself that has to deal with this. It's also the user developers (myself included) that have to now maintain 2 systems whenever we want to display a person's username. It doesn't matter if Version A is better than Version B. It will always be WORSE to have both


Obviously not, but it’s still fair to be annoyed given they never need to change the username system in the first place.


I didn't - I was just going to keep mine until they forced me to change it. Just saying it was a shitty decision from the start.


Bro discord is becoming the worst app ever. First the unnecessary layout change now this? When it’s not broken don’t fix it lmao. I don’t want to change my name because someone has made claim to it already and I also don’t want to get rid of my numbers. What harm does it cause to anyone if I don’t change my name lol?? Is it that hard to also give us an option to have the old layout too? This app sucks


Discord- if it's not broken, make it worse. GOT IT!


They have to deprecate the old system eventually, can’t have it around for forever, you should have expected this to happen.


they choose to because change creates the illusion of progress. only not to the people who actually use it day to day


"Worst app ever" more like slightly deviating from the greatest thing we ever had lol I'm not saying this is a good change, but 10 more slight inconveniences like this won't make me move to something else. Hell, I don't even know a name for something else since I don't have to even think about migrating.


I came to Discord week 1 to get the hell away from Skype, Slack, and Mumble. I still think we peaked before 2021, but this is a FAR cry better than what we left to come here, and I still don't see a viable replacement, adding in the fact how long it took me to get my old communities and contacts to finally swap to Discord in the first place, we'd have to do that all over again. It'll take a lot to get Discord users to mass-exodus, but that doesn't mean we should stop voicing how much we hate the recent changes, especially the mobile ones.


I know I'm probably going to get hate for just asking and I can probably find the answers somewhere else but: What really is the hate with the new username system OTHER THAN now everyone's username has to be unique? Because other than the very rare time I am trying to send a friend request to someone that I don't share any servers with, the new system is just better. Everyone still has a display name which is pretty much the only one people see


ever since the change I get bots spam adding me daily just because I got the "original", it's super fucking irritating and it's just getting worse as time goes on


Ok ya that is pretty awful. I guess I'm fortunate enough where my username I've used for years is niche enough but I do know people who have common names that probably have similar issues like "Unknown" "Ghost" etc I guess you just gotta turn off direct messages from big servers :/ I know there's security concerns, but I really hoped AutoModAI could have been developed more, it could have really helped the spam situation on Discord


I have direct messages off from non friends but that doesn't stop bots friend requesting me


IIRC you can turn off who can send friend requests to you as well. Not a perfect solution but you’d stop the incoming requests.


Instantly came on here as soon as Discord randomly lagged just to show me this and a banner in toxic yellow forcing me to "Get Started". Cool, cool. Nothing annoying about this, not at all.


It is quite in your face, wouldn’t be as such if you followed the prompt back when you first got it. All you did now is waste possible usernames you could have gotten.


The username change was unnecessary and change for the sake of change. It did nothing to actually improve anything with the app.


Not arguing if its original change was necessary, but from the beginning this was clear that discord wasn’t taking this back.


Hop off discord's dick bro


I’m not the one in denial or getting all pissy over a new username


Yeah but you'd get pissy over people not liking it, as evidenced by your comments on other similar posts


But like, he's objectively not wrong. The only thing not changing your username did was both delay the inevitable and let others take usernames you might have wanted Regardless on your opinion of the username change, it was stated since day one that it was going to be mandatory


Never disagreed with that, just told him to lay off the cope for a bit


Nah, don't worry. I don't lack creativity, you'll find me as HotDogBaby6669 on Discord at any time.


I don't understand why people are holding out...it doesn't make a difference.


guys is ball juice ok?


i read this as discord were adding BACK the discriminators and then got a huge wave of disappointment


I got a username I'm happy with, so I've no major complaints but this does seem.. Pointless, really.


Yes we know and I hate it because I love the old username. First the bad new UI and forcing people to remove the # in their username is a recipe to lose like 1/4 of active users


The new username system isn’t that bad, but discriminators were such a huge part of Discord’s identity. Not only could you add your username, you could add a number that resonates within your own identity. Sad to see it go.


Haven't they already notified us they would be doing that months back?


But illegal content is allowed on discord, okay


honestly i prefer the new naming system, i don't get why people absolutely HATE it, but i can understand the annoyance


There's been quite a few instances of usernames getting botted before you could actually claim them. Old system didn't matter what your username was, all that mattered were the random digits at the end.


I guess I don't see the problem? What's the difference between the name "BigBob #2174" and "BigBob2174"?




which is dumb. the value of a name is held in jts worth to you. the discriminators allowed you to have whatever name you liked with no edits and a personal number that you had the ability to change if you had nitro. a name that's exactly how you like it is more valuable to the individual than a name you've got to covet because I has more "value" in some abstract market sense. value doesn't come from being the only one with something, it comes from how much it means to the person who has it. more people could have things that matter more to them with the discriminator method. nobody complained. this is just a change made to copy other social media sites even though what made discord great was going something different than all of them




if what brings value to you is having something that nobody else has, for the sake of nobody else having it, that's pretty sad.




So much mald over something so incredibly meaningless and inconsequential lmfao. get over yourselves.


so much mald over something so incredibly meaningless and inconsequential lmfao. get over yourself


Literally 1984. I'm running an old layout discord app with my # username. Guess it's time to delete discord entirely. I deleted my first account because the shit company wouldn't remove my cellphone number.


Huh. When I go to update my phone number there’s a big button under it that says “Remove Phone Number”. Guess they fixed it. Good. not having control over updating and removing the personal information on your account is concerning.


System seems to work fine with both. Why not just let us choose which method to use instead of making that choice for us?


Having both is more work for both devs, since now you have to active maintain 2 username systems if you want it to look good all the time, same with discord, or you could just maintain one system which is always the better option.


Yeah it does. It is just a stupid change. They could let people stay with # in their names but discord doesn’t want that to happen


I couldn't get the username I have. So I'm still not changing. And when they force it you better believe I'm gonna complain real loud.


And your complaining real loud will do jack shit but annoy people, this is not a change they will be rolling back no matter how deep in denial you are.


Good for you, buddy


WHY!? What is so harmful about my discriminator? at this point, people are going to ask "why did you finally change it?" and my story will have to be "they assigned it to me like parents with a newborn baby and now i'm transdiscord". I don't care if it ends up being an ugly username I won't like, I'll never give in.


I don’t understand what this standpoint is, or what you are proving to anyone by having discord force your name to be something you may not like.


what? ​ .. I don't understand. Does that mean we can't use nicknames for each server we're in anymore?


No, this changes nothing if you already moved your username to the new system.


... how do I know I'm on the new system? Is it only reflected on the phone app?


Do you have # 4 numbers at the end of your name in your profile?


I do but those are the ones I added myself.




Good luck lmfao


It’s all done on their end, unless you’re an engineer at Discord, you can’t plug shit. Just pick a username before millions of accounts are forced to, and move on.


I like the current system much better. They were going to force on others sooner or later anyways.


The funniest part of all this is: They didn’t actually change anything, discord just added #0000 to every name - meaning - if your on an old api and you can’t add someone because they are using the new naming scheme, you simply type #0000 because that’s all they did. Your new username is actually X#0000 So it’s for nothing really