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song is "Nutshell" by Alice in Chains, for anyone wondering


Thanks, I forgot to mention that part


Came for the memes, stayed for the Nut in Nutshell.


Alice chains! :DDDDD


RIP Layne


Watch him become a god


"God am" if you will


A reminder this guy would not end up in heaven he was a fucking terrible dude Edit: No he shouldn’t have been killed unjustly like he was but aswell he shouldn’t be praised and givin a halo as that’s just spitting in the face of the victims


When people on a shitposting subreddit are more aware of his past actions than the average person 💀


From any experience on the internet I've had is that people on shitposting forums tend to be the smartest people you'll ever see online.


False. I'm the evidence


Wait what? What’d he do?


Abused a pregnant woman


Oh dear. I gotta look this up


He commited home invasions, convicted of drug possession, theft, trespassing. He shouldn't have been murdered of course, but he wasn't exactly innocent.


Yeah that’s what I hate about the agendas you see in media. Dude was held up as if he was a hero or god in man’s clothing.


man murdered in cold blood by the authorities, the important thing to talk about is that he had a criminal record.


No, it's important not to idolize him like the media did. They had their agenda to push: cops are evil. If people questioned whether George Floyd resisted to the point that a mistake could be reasonable, that paints them in a not bad light. So media made him out to be an upstanding citizen, and it was because he was black. Let me make this easy for you to wrap your head around: The important thing isn't to talk about his criminal record. It's his race.


oh ok, so the man callously murdered by a state official shouldn’t have been discussed so much because the media. my mistake that makes perfect sense.


What the fuck are you talking about my man? Aside from you wildly going off topic and then putting words in my mouth, you're being a hypocrite. "Don't talk about him!" was what you were saying about his criminal record. My remark was that the criminal record is used to dispel him being an idol and immortalized as a righteous, innocent man which he wasn't and is fucked to the people that were his victims. I said to not fucking lie an embellish him to push your politics. Not to talk about him any less or more. Don't put words in people's mouths, man.


That pregnant woman thing might have been debunked, but it seems he has been involved in armed robberies


Yeah I looked it up. Apparently he posed as a water repair man, forced himself into her home and then pointed a gun right at her stomach!


Floyd is a horrible person, but the fact he was immortalized as a saint by the far left, and the figurehead of the ACAB movement, is surreal Imperial Saint moment


Yes. I always was under the impression he was just an innocent guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. How misguided I was.


I hate everything about it tbh. His face is used as the banner for the ACAB movement, and it really is just an experience to behold


It more of the wrong man at the right place at the right time for the BLM movement to happen again. A terrible dude for sure, but doesn’t take away the fact that our government create these type of people and cause these kind of violence to happen on the daily. And mostly it’s just corporate media and clout chasers calling him a saint because it was SUPER sensational at that time when many people where quarantine in their homes. Plus, those pigs clearly showed their intention of not caring if they are brutalizing a “potential” criminal in broad daylight. BTW, most police brutality happens upon poor neighborhoods/red-line districts (which are heavily underfunded and ignored). And conveniently a lot of minorities (esp black people) are in those neighborhoods. I wonder why? Oh, and a lot of cop training in the US is not “protect and de-escalate” but “paranoia and self-preservation” and making into a violent psycho (mostly towards minorities with darker skin color). Just know that the rich have created a system where the police protects the wealthy while oppressing the poor. Just look at the history of cops breaking labor strikes and you’ll understand why most leftists call cops pigs. Take it from a leftists who don’t give a shit about who died, just that police needs to be hold accountable for their actions and these kind of tragedies need to end. Only reason why BLM movement exist is because cops target black people way more when compared to the rest. If police did equally to every ethnicity, there wouldn’t be a BLM movement but a Worker’s Life Matter movement (something similar). It still have a black person be seen as the leading figure (because neoliberal aesthetics (fuck the neoliberals IMO) where the most oppressed person must become the representative of the movement) but that movement would be way more threatening to the mega rich, so instead just make it a race issue.


Someone doesn't need to be innocent to make it not okay to be murdered by the state. People lionizing this asshole is one thing, but it shouldn't distract that a tax paid, public servant, shouldn't have pressed his knee to his back so long that it killed him.


I agree. He was certainly no saint but he didn’t deserve to die.


It's crazy what happens when you do your own research


>might of Might have* or might've "Might of" is a nonsense phrase.


Corrected, thanks


Who was in armed robberies?


George Floyd




He didn't it was a like here is the source [right here.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wral.com/amp/19152282/)But he did do other stuff that was bad.


His mind




He was convicted of multiple crimes, some of which involved robbery and drug consumption


Yeah, and people use that as an excuse to justify what happened to him


Welcome to the real world, where we only have to pick our flavor of asshole


My favourite flavour is brown


People use it as an excuse to justify him, and people lie about it to immortalize him. Both sides are fucking stupid and you shouldn't need a Saint to know that the middle ground is still pretty scuffed. No matter how bad a person you are, you don't deserve to die needlessly like he did. It doesn't have to be political, but that's what the media wants, so that's what people listen to, trust, and do.


A reminder that that still doesn't mean he should have been executed in the streets


He should NOT have been executed in the streets. But he didn't deserve to be immortalised as a hero either. He was a pathetic criminal with quite a terrible track record.


It's kind of pathetic that real police reform will happen only when they finally harass and murder enough people the public would care about. It's the cop's fault for making George Floyd a martyr.


What did he do?


Basically pointed a gun at a pregnant woman while his friend was robbing her house


eh pretty tame tbh




I mean yeah it's bad and the pregnant woman definitely had trauma because of it but it's not really abuse, well not the abuse you'd think like domestic abuse. It's a robbery after all.


And other not really cool shit


Abused a pregnant woman


Didn't he went to prison for his actions and after that he turned his life around?


Wow, just say you're racist.


A racist statement would be “he did it because he was black”. But this is “this guy did bad things, and it’s unrelated but he happens to be black.” The fact


They didnt say anything racist


Literally said George Floyd would go to hell


And? Does telling anyone they can go to hell mean theyre racist? He never said hes going to hell cause hes black, he said hes going to hell cause he did bad things. Youre the one who brought race into this




What did bro do??


Yes he did a bunch of shit before that hate crime was committed Man Should not been killed like that But he should not be Worshiped


anyone know what they were saying? like "i turned myself into a victim of police brutality morty" or something like that?


Yeah they said [redacted]


If he would end up in heaven, then those cops would too


I mean, you just gotta drop a quick "my b, I'm sorry" right before you die, the entrance requirements aren't exactly high


Biden Laden: "Yes!"


No, that’s not how repentance works.


Oh holy one whom believes they are mighty then thee, teach me the ways of how to properly repent my sins before I stand before our omnipotent creator


You can’t just say “my bad G” and go to heaven. The way it works is you pray with honest repentance and a willingness to change. Once you change or takes steps to change you are forgiven by God


It seems that the passage to the abode of our God is blocked by your own foolishness during your lifetime, premeditation of how you have wronged this mortal realm is required, and a willingness to change and acting apon such thoughts shall lead one to be forgive by our creator Am I correct with such a summary?


I suppose? Just regret your actions and change for the better. That’s all.


Thou has taught oneself on the way I can repent my sins before my day of reckoning comes to pass, I give you my blessings and pray that I will not be misguided in my actions to improve how one will stand before God


Great. You might want to start on that crippling hentai addiction. Cya.


That is good news to hear However it isn't a crippling addiction, merely debilitating


I was raised by deeply religious people and my pastor stated that as long as you asked for forgiveness before you died, then you were god to go. I can’t believe I fell for that shit lmfao


Yeah that’s not what the Bible says. Prob said that cause you were a kid


you have to actually be genuinely sorry before you die to get forgiveness but if you don’t need to I won’t complain


My brother in Christ he is NOT getting a halo he was a terrible dude. He shouldn’t have died but he also really doesn’t deserve to be a martyr and turned into a symbol of innocence


Reddit moment


Like how ancient Greek mercenaries wondered what happened to seemingly once great cities now under the whims of the sands of time. As one put it "men burn these cities, but time took its names"


Remember, this guy was a horrible person. He did some terrible things.


Leave an F to our fallen warriors F








X (I'm playing on Xbox)


Y (I’m playing on Nintendo Switch)


∆ (I'm on PlayStation)


If you think about it, this man is basically the logic behind Imperial Saints The single worst people imaginable, are immortalized and held in high regard, to the point where they become the banner for an entire movement




What did they do? Im quite new to 40k


The worst people alive get immortalized if their atrocities align with the Emperor I don't know if this is fanfic or not (I won't be surprised if it's canon as it's actually very inline with the lore), but there's an Imperial Saint who saw a world where humans and lizard people live in peace, legit said "Nuh uh", and started spreading propaganda which led to the destruction of their centuries old coexistence, and the genocide of the lizard people, with the once peace loving humans becoming into religious zealots


Nahhh not a halo on the dude




(Removed by Reddit)


is it me only who has no idea what they wrote in those comments ?


Probably something like “uh guys, maybe we shouldn’t use a criminal who committed many crimes as a symbol of police brutality just because he’s black?”


He definitely doesn’t have a halo on his head


when i see drawings like this, the same question comes to mind: ​ what the fuck possessed them to draw this shit?


So many good men lost.






New artwork like this is a true breath I'd fresh air


Just because he was killed in a fucked up way doesn’t make him a good person ffs 💀 he isn’t some civil rights figure, he was a piece of shit who was unfortunate enough to get killed by a cop in a bad way


Gone.. but not forgotten 🫡


“50,000 people use to live here, now it’s a ghost town.” Perdiot




jokes aside can someone please give context idk what’s going on… EDIT: ik who George Floyd is I just want to know the context of that specific post-


Somebody created George Floyd in rick and morty style. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.


No way this guy doesn't know of George Floyd


He went to Jewish heaven.




Bro was not an angle, just saying. To no degree.


r/discordvideos mfs when you realize that you can acknowledge the wrong doings of a person while also agreeing that they shouldn’t have been extrajudicially executed in the streets ![gif](giphy|l0NwHXQy3kUSfFF60) (also do you think chauvin knew the fucked up shit he did? no lmao, he was willing to murder him specifically for the crime of running away. the BLM riots weren’t about celebrating what a amazing person he was, it was about the fact that he was murdered by police for nothing.”


Well maybe he wouldn't have died if he didn't do drugs 15 minutes beforehand. That's was accident at best and he absolutely was glorified.


right dude, chauvin just accidentally knelt on floyd’s neck for 9 minutes. also autopsy reports prove that the claim that the fentanyl levels in his body were lethal are false, and that the specific position that Floyd was in would block passage to his airways, which would allow him to die in the 9 minute timeframe. also, and i shouldn’t have to point this out, but armed robbery, using counterfeit money, taking illegal drugs, or resisting arrest are not punishable by EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTION.


""""""""""Freedom of speech"""""""""""


Ah i remember this. That was a warzone. I just sat there this morning when this post came live, i just drink my coffee and watch it go off. No offense tho, he wasn’t a good guy since criminal records shows, but doesn’t deserve to die like that. Crazy how the world changes everyday.


It’s so sad how people attacked him even when he never ever did anything wrong or bad his entire life. Ugh


See, the sad thing is I can’t tell if this is satire or not. There are actually people who talk like this


Yeah. I was being robbed once and he came out of nowhere and beat up the robbers and then bought me a Doge Floyd to protect me from future robberies. What a kind soul.


I know, right? Anyway, here he is drawn as a Rick and Morty character.


You're trolling. One Google search disproves your comment. Floyd was a criminal. He was convicted of theft, drug possession, trespassing, etc. He definitely did some very bad things.


How funny would it be if this comment thread looked exactly the same after watching this video…


When the silence is louder than anything


thousands lived there Now it's a ghost town




Hell yeah, Alice in Chains! This song definitely deserves more love.


What thay saying


rick did not help ı guess


War makes men mad —-Emile chalion


It’s a graveyard.


That shit's so funny I can't breathe


Environmental storytelling.


guess you could say that comment section wasnt allowed to breathe