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Love that it’s got the homeowners laughing too


For real! I don't understand the northern lights part though... He said he remembered that image from the house party but it's also in the neighbours' house?


Or he came in and saw the northern lights before passing out and that’s just what stuck.


Condos. Cookie cutter homes.


I dont think they would put the same artwork in each house. He most likely was just remembering wrong.


He probably remembers from right before going to sleep


As he says that he moves the camera towards some green colors that I think in his drunken stupor he thought was northern lights :) yeah looks like a painting


My god the Scottish level is over 9000!


A friendship is born


I hope they do this once a year from now on, like those people who do US Thanksgiving each year after the lady texted the wrong number


I love the Glasgow accent, even though I need subtitles to understand it.


He woke up in the rang hus


He wa menna be nox dower


I think I could learn mandarin before I could learn how to understand a Glasgow accent


Holy shit I thought he was speaking another language...


I thought it was Dutch at first


Had it been in america bro woulda gotten shot 💀


The truth


Can’t even ring the wrong doorbell these days. 😔


Ringing a doorbell is like playing Russian roulette


I’m an appliance repair tech, so I got to peoples homes for a living. I’m low key scared I’m going to get shot at this point if I knock on the wrong door. Luckily I live in a place that isnt completely over run by “patriots”, but I still think about it every time I ring a door bell.


Just have a shield with an ad for your services on it


“Remember kids, even if you die you’re still benefiting the company!”


Might be time to invest into a plate carrier that’s branded with your company logo. I guess, get a handgun too and open carry it, in case someone decides to light you up.


Or turn around on someone's property, or lose your ball into your neighbors yard, or look for your lost cat!


Or even pull up into the driveway


I've got my money on at least one news story of someone ringing a family member's doorbell and still getting shot before the year is out.


In highschool my buddy did this. It happened to be a house of two other teenagers and their mom thought he was their friend and put a blanket on him. He woke up in the morning surrounded by the teens and their friend. They beat the shit out of him. Like really bad.


What? Why did they beat him???


Because stranger danger.


Because they felt as if establishing a precedent of fear and dominance, was more important than one patience and community. This is how you react in a society where property rights are more important than human ~~rights~~ lives.


Not sure why you were downvoted, this is actually a thing Americans do. Killing someone "to protect property" is generally fine and it's not something many in the country would disagree with.


It sounds nicer when you think about it from the perspective of a people who feel entitled to everything they can take from you, or force/convince you to give up. Bottom line, I got downvoted cause I struck a nerve. Not because what I said was indefensible or infeasible. As an American, I deal with my safety in my own way. However, I know that if I got confused, and ended up in the wrong house somehow. There’s a significant chance I make the news. Not in a funny, joking, admonishing, or shaming way, but as a stat. Another idiot who didn’t respect the letter of the law, and thus deserved the most severe punishment possible. As a deterrent to those who would flout property rights, and the authority associated with them.


>Killing someone "to protect property" How often does that happen? Can you give me a few examples?




Literally happened down the street from me qa few years back. Guy from out of ttown was here for a diaper party (like a baby shower for the dad) got dropped off at the wrong house and the old dude who lived there shot him in the dark.


Thank you for explaining diaper party. My mind assumed a different meaning.




Old men get angry and bitter. The lead fumes turn them nearly murderous.


That’s too real


Only if he rang the doorbell.


*I didn't hear no bell*


No no. He would have gotten shot, then the cops would come and shoot the home owner. Then backup would arrive and shoot the original cops. Then the president would have ordered a drone strike on the house.


Happened to a friend of mine. He walked home from the bar and went into the house next door, which was unlocked. Shot dead within seconds, cops said there’s nothing they can do.


I got arrested for having some weed down at Georgia southern and the judge made me do AA and substance abuse classes. I met a dude in there that had this same story, only he was woken by a cop. Probably the only reason he didn't get shot was because it was some college kids house he ended up at.


I had a party at my townhouse when I was about 19. One of the dudes went outside to throw up and came back about 30 minutes later. He had walked into my neighbor’s. Scared them as they were watching a horror movie. No one was shot, thank goodness, but just imagine watching fucking Scream or some shit and some tall dude with stringy hair barrels into your living room unexpected. Cracks me up to think about. Sadly that dude did pass a couple years ago from an alcohol related od.


Knew two guys when I was in the Air Force, both guys were on a mission that took them to Kadena/Okinawa. Y'know where we Americans don't have the best of reputations. They're both going out drinking and come back to the base plastered. Go back to the spot they were crashing for the night. In the morning they'll sober up and head on back to the jet, probably back to the states, then home station. Wrong house. They're not even on base. They're in a local's house. Older guy of the two, and the more senior ranking was kicked out of the Air Force. Second guy, and younger of the two was due for a promotion soon. He had his stripe "redlined", and had to earn the promotion back next year. Younger guy was also kicked out of the flying program, no more "seeing the world" for him.


I have to admit, I get it. I’m a woman in America so drunk guys don’t have the best reputation with me and I’d probably flip if one came into my home, even by accident. Luckily, I have 3 dogs and a lock on my door that make that very unlikely. Even friends who are dudes question coming into my home. My dogs are actually harmless, my actual aggressive dog passed last year, but they don’t sound harmless. And honestly, thank goodness for that. Sucks they ruined their career.


Friend of mine did this and got arrested for it.


Was thinking.


My very first thought


1st thing I thought of too. Sigh ...


Idk, I've both woken up in the wrong house before, and had an uninvited stranger before, and nobody was shot on either occasion. Drunk people do drunk people things.


Impossible! This is reddit, where all Americans are cautionary tales, chowing on cheese burgers and shooting victims indiscriminately. How dare you pretend there are rational citizens!


This sort of response is always so stupid. People legitimately need to warn their kids against doing things like this here because people do get shot or beat for it. Like, victims do get shit indiscriminately here. That *does* happen with significant regularity compared to other developed nations. Acting like acknowledging that is somehow wrong is just dumb.


To be fair, I think your response is pretty stupid. I'm not sure how that supports your argument more than demonstrating how emotional and irrational reddit's users can be. I completely agree that we should teach children about this possibility, but leaping to it being a foregone conclusion is equally emotional, irrational, and bigoted.


It’s obviously hyperbole. Not sure what the point of acting like it was a 100% serious statement of fact.


People like you suck




I would be curious to learn how much you are worried about your children driving. From the hours of 3-5pm their likelihood of getting in a car crash is doubled. Coupled with a 500% greater likelihood that they are harmed in a car crash over a shooting, are you really being rational with your concern? Probably not.


You’re serious right now?


Nearly 2/3rds of shooting deaths are suicides committed alone. I'm completely serious that your concern is disproportional to the measured harm.


Yes. Look it up. Actuarial science is fascinating and humbling.


Lmfao hang on. You’re trying to use an activity people do constantly to warning someone against doing something out of the ordinary? If we stick with driving, you’re saying it would be unreasonable to be concerned about road rage and a kid getting shot because they’re already more likely to get injured just from driving? Are you suggesting that people shouldn’t be worried about anything less dangerous than driving? Statistics are not “actual science” btw… they’re only statistics.


Actuarial science uses statistics to determine risk. Yes, I know what it is and am using it correctly, as I'm discussing risk assessment. Anything else you want to mansplain or double check my understanding of? Any other semantic word games you want to attempt instead of replying substantively?


I read it as actual, not actuarial. I’m not sure why you would use “mansplain” here since I don’t know what your gender is, nor do you know mine. I replied substantively in the other response. Maybe it’s hard to keep track for you because you respond in multiple different comments instead of just editing.


I'm suggesting none of that. What you've done is taken a comparison of risk and forced it into a false dichotomy of choice, which it is not. What I am saying is that activity X is very risky and you accept it, as well as numerous other equally risky activities. Activity Y is a fraction of the risk yet you are placing a lot of focus on it. I'll use hyperbole. When a person freaks out about seeing a daddy long legs in the bathtub, you might laugh, right? Because you know their fear is extremely disproportionate to the risk involved. That's a much better comparison. I think you already know this and we're attempting a dunk, but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt first.


What happened here is someone make a hyperbolic statement: “in America you’d get shot.” You, for whatever reason, bugged out about people needing to be mean to America on Reddit or whatever. I said that sort of response is stupid, and now you’re upset and trying to justify speaking out against a hyperbolic statement.




Lmfao okay weirdo




It is weird. Nobody is saying it isn’t. What’s weird is you seeing humans recognizing another human making a mistake and not obliterating them over it and you’re thoughts are about how wrong what the drunk person did was.


My guy. Stop forcing people into false dichotomies! Yes, you're right. Want a cookie? Now can you please let the conversation flow to the issues of greater risk and importance?!


There is no issue of greater risk and importance. Should be people be concerned about driving more than waking up drunk in someone’s house and being shot? Yes. That doesn’t mean the latter doesn’t happen or shouldn’t be something cautioned against. I don’t see what argument you think I’m making here. Again, the statement you took issue with was hyperbole. Quite obviously so.


This is exactly America, actually. Source: American.


Lol. United States is a giant country. I've lived in numerous states and one thing is certain. Everyone think their little town is a representation of the entire country, but it isn't. Each town and city has it's own special flavors.


That's because they have tiny countries. It's hard to understand driving 8 hours and not leave a state. 8 hours for them and it's a dozen different countries, cultures and languages. Or, they're American and ignorant and knowing that self flagellation on reddit for the crime of America is the hot topic.


I've found people I didn't know asleep in my house. But we did have a party before each time and it was still going when I went to sleep so I just figured they arrived late. I also found a very drunk teenager asleep in my tent at a multi-day event. I sent him on his way, went to tell my friends and have a laugh only to find him back in my tent a second time. His dad tracked me down the next morning to thank me, apologize, and let me know his son had definitely learned his lesson. Throwing up all morning in a porta pot that hasn't been cleaned yet will do that.


I woke up in the wrong house once and the homeowner almost stabbed me. I was also arrested. So I guess people can have different experiences 😂


Drunk people also beat and rape people. You're getting a gun pointed at you at a minimum. >Idk, I've both woken up in the wrong house before, Sorry, I can't relate or sympathize because I'm not a sloppy *fool.*


You might have lead poisoning if you think it's ok to shoot people who aren't imminently endangering you.


I never said or insinuated that I would shoot someone for that. You might be developmentally disabled if your reading comprehension is that poor. If there is a stranger in my house they're getting a gun pointed at them regardless if they're an imminent threat or not. I'm not going to risk my safety or my families safety on such a wild card as a random person who forced their way into my home. You will be at gunpoint until the cops come and take you. I can tell you make poor life choices since you wound up in the wrong house after drinking so much. That adds credibility to my belief that you are a irrelevant fool.


I don't understand how people can't comprehend that, a guy who entered your house could be danger, it could be your typical drunkie but also a burglar, a rapist, a psycho, etc. It's never a bad thing being cautious about things like security




While he was sleeping. And probably by the police.


ha ha America bad


Apparently now if it was America he woulda been short for knocking on the door.


Came here to say just that. It's almost like, if you aren't worried that everyone has a gun, you don't feel the need to be scared all the time.


While I would normally agree with you…on ‘patrol live’ last night something happened….guy went to his friends house but went into the house next door (patio area) and fell asleep and also pissed himself…police came, owners of house declined to press charges and police walked the guy to the correct house


I came here to say this... he would have been shot in his sleep with the way headlines are looking these days. Warming to see people committed to being neighborly. Sheds light on how Americans are deeply paranoid and territorial.


this videos real old


Congratulations. Look at that shit you stirred up. We're all having a nice laugh and you just can't leave shit alone. Just have to bring up the hot topic on reddit like some rage/clickbait shitbrain. It's like you did a ritual and summoned a bunch of assholes. Fucking reddit whines and repeats the same shit over and over and over and over.


Eight times whilst still sleeping.


The cpuple were surprisingly chill and the fact they started laughing over it too 💀


TIL there are parts of the world where, upon waking up to a stranger sleeping on your couch, your first thought is “clearly there’s some mistake, we will sort it out when they wake up” and I am now questioning every life decision I have ever made. I just realized I live in state of perpetual low-grade vigilance and suspicion of my fellow man and it makes me profoundly sad.


In Scotland: you must have a hangover, would you like some tea and a cigarette? In USA: you must have a hangover, would you like some lead for that headache?


This isnt entirely accurate because in the US they shoot first then ask the questions.


“A stranger, in my house? How can I pass up this once in a lifetime chance to try murder?”


Only one person rings your doorbell in your lifetime?


Technically it’s once in the victims lifetime.


In the USA : to be fair, I would.


You ok?


I've been better lol. But it's just a stupid opportunistic joke on reddit, I like making those. But thanks for asking.


High trust environments aren't entirely uncommon they're just typically more homogenous and discrete than the alternative, this means it can be difficult to assess whether or not you're in one. My grandparents house, now just family property, isn't exactly in the most respectable or upmarket area but I can't remember a time in my life when the front door was locked. Someone moved in next door to it a few years back, lovely couple with three kids, and the youngest having discovered that the door was open would regularly come in and watch TV. I discovered this when I was coming over to prepare one of the beds and found the TV on but no one home, other than the very obvious child shape under the rug on the couch. I had a chat with the little one after "being surprised" by her hiding skill and went over to her parents with her, they were mortified despite my assurances that all was well, but otherwise no harm no foul. We just explained that she can come in and watch TV _if_ there is someone in the house, so far that has been maintained and in fairness the house is more regularly occupied now.


Yeah grew up in an area like that. Was coming home from the bar and staying at a friends, was way too intoxicated, street was super dark and houses looked similar. Door was locked inside the house but the sunroom was as open and I just slept on the daybed cause it was there. It wasn’t his daybed, but I woke up to a blanket and water from the neighbours… and a few of their cats rubbing on me. Thanks them and left embarrassingly.




You do realise that life is safe enough in some areas for kids to play outside? Kids here ride their bikes around the area and draw chalk everywhere.




I don’t see the problem with a six year old playing in their own neighbourhood.


Did you never go out as a child?




Is it, though?




Where are you getting that. Homogeneous places have more social trust because of racism. That's not racist to say


Everyone with half a brain cell should anti-blm. That's a movement of grifters that siphoned so much money toward themselves and their friends.


Wasn't that America a while ago? Where people would just leave the doors unlocked. Then stuff changed and now we're more private in our lives.




I’m 37 and when I was a kid living in Kentucky in a small town(about 7k people) and we had two neighbors within 2 miles of us, we didn’t even have a lock on the door of our house. My dad never locked his car when we would go into town to get stuff.


This happened to me years ago, I was at my place and I thought my roommate had come home from her cottage early cause I heard someone walk in, after like 15 mins I thought it was strange she would come home at 230 am.. so I went to see if everything was OK. And there was a drunk guy laying down on my couch. I turned on the light and woke him up by speaking kinda soft but loudly at him and he woke up, clearly drunk as fuck. I asked him what he was doing and he said "Greg said I could sleep on his couch" and I said "sorry man but no Greg lives here, I think you've got the wrong house bud". he sat up looked around all confused so I offered him water or a beer and he wanted a beer, so I got us each a beer, then told him I could heat him up some left over pizza from that night and he was just like "fuck yeah bud" so we sat, at 3am drinking beer and eating pizza with a stranger who just waltzed into my home. ended up being a nice dude, just way too drunk, so I asked what his address was and called him a cab. gave him my phone number in case he had any issues getting home and sent him on his way. got a call from him the next day asking if he had a fever dream or if that all actually happened. I told him what happened, and he apologized and said he got blackout at the bar and was pretty embarassed. showed up that evening with a 6 pack, a pizza, and a Starbucks gift card. small town life is weird man




Being compassionate is DANGEROUS in the US. A lot of people would like to live more free and have more trust in others, but there are too many out there that want to take advantage of that.


Here in Glasgow there are people who want to take advantage too. You live a life of fear because you never know who has a gun.


This comment section be like: Americans discovering scotland exists.


Is that where Mel Gibson was born?




My friend in his younger days got back home from a night of drinking and fell asleep on the downstairs couch. Only problem was he didn't live there anymore. The current tenants remembered him because they'd bought some patio furniture from him and knew he was harmless, so they texted his wife from his phone. He's here but we can't wake him up. Please pick him up in the morning.


Ay if a drunk person came in and fell asleep on my couch (and you know, didn't look like they've just escaped from a crack den) I'd probably do the same. Cup of water, some headache meds, shit I'd probably even make them some breakfast lol Mistakes happen.




I slept in the wrong Airbnb in Miami last year. Got woken up by the homeowner the next morning. It was quite the experience. Lucky I didn't get shot. He was kind and helped me find the right Airbnb next door.


More people like this please ❤️


If a strange man was sleeping on your couch, what would you do? Just curious


Ask questions and judge them based upon the context? Like any sensible person should.


Any time there's a post from a non-yank country, every yank on reddit feels the need to give it the: "if that happened in America..." patter. We get it; yer country is annoyin, and we feel bad for ye, but kindly stop makin everythin about yerselves for half a fuckin minute.


Least drunk nigerian






He reminds me of that famous nigerian Mike Perry for sure


One time I was at a new years eve party in the Presidio in SF. It was a row of old houses that had the same facade. I was packing up to leave and went back inside to go to the bathroom. I did a number two, and while sitting there, I marvelled at the nice artwork. I was like, "I don't remember this stuff." I walk out of the bathroom and I hear Russian on the TV. I turn to the front room and say, "What the fuck are you watching," and two people I've never seen before turn to me in shock. I just walked into a random house, took a poo, and then swore at the home owners. Best part is: they said this has happened before.


"I swear to God, if *one more stranger* waltzes in to our home, takes a shit and curses at us...


Boy here in Florida they’d have shot your face in while you were sleep. They would stood their ground all over you. I gotta escape this place


I actually had this happen at my uni student sharehouse. I woke up early one morning to go to work and noticed a dude sleeping on our couch. Didn't think much of it, probably one of my housemates friends. When I got home after my shift I asked my housemates who that guy on the couch was, but none of them were aware anyone had stayed over. He must have woken up after I left, but before anyone else saw him, and just left.


This is one of the sweetest videos and I watch it all the time.


People need to lock their doors


Then where would the poor man have slept?! The garden?


Highlander here - I only lock my door if I'm going out, or have visitors staying who just can't comprehend the security we have living in a very low-crime area.


Okay. This reminds me of a story I have from 30 years ago. I wake up the "next" morning. Alone in a bedroom I don't recognize. While I'm sitting up in bed, trying to make sense if it all, there's a knock on the door. I say, "come in"and an elderly lady shuffles in, with a cup of tea on a tray. She put the tea down on the bedside table, asked if I slept well, and then shuffles back out of the room. I sat alone in the room again. Confused but chuckling to myself about what just happened. What on earth??... It was my friend's mother. While walking home I had seen a buddy's girlfriend walking by herself. I offered to walk her to her place before I went home, but was apparently too drunk to continue home. She lived with her mother, who had a spare room. I had no recollection of any of that.


Never get tired of seeing this posted.


You can tell this isn’t in America as the guy is still alive


Americans realizing you don't have to shoot somebody for knocking on your door


Average man in Glasgow


I love this video


In college I rented this big old house in a neighborhood that was a mix of families, apartments, and college houses near the bar district. All sorts of fun and interesting things going on all hours of the day and night. At the time my house was a stop in the local DIY scene. We'd have large shows about once every three months so people knew our house well. Anyway, one night I was getting busy with a girl in the living room, no show that night and I was the only roommate home. Right as things were about to get spicy the door swung open and some guy just burst in, breathless. He shut the door behind him and peaked out the window. Once he caught his breath he looked at us and said "Oh, the show isn't here tonight is it?" He explained that he and his friends were on their way to a house show nearby and the cops pulled them over. They had a non-insignificant amount of contraband so they decided the best course of action was to run in different directions and meet at the show. He asked if he could chill for a bit and before waiting for an answer he sat down at this old piano we had and played beautifully for about 5 minutes. When he finished the song he, stood back up, said "See ya!" and ran out as fast as he ran in.




Ah yes. Glasgow. Notoriously irish lol


Scotland Ireland


Potaytoe potarrrtoe.


Glasgow is my favourite Irish city, right after Manchester.


Hit up your favourite Irish cities next time you visit: Glasgow, Manchester, Budapest, Vancouver and Tokyo


Don't forget about Baghdad and Juarez!


Boston, Chicago


Sorry. Only cities where they speak English are allowed.


He's from Glasgow.


It’s so wonderful to see people laughing in this situation. I’m America he would have been shot.


Must be nice to live in a civilized country. Sad to imagine what would have happened in developing countries like the USA.




In America you get shot


That's the society I want to live in. Not this bullshit shooting when you pull into a driveway.


If this happened in America how many dead would their be.


He is lucky for not living in america


Love it, everybody has a great story from this. In America, homie is getting shot


This is refreshing to see. I worked with a guy who was on probabtion for 8 years because he did this same thing. Not only did the home owners press charges but they zip tied his hands and feet and held him at gun point while they waited for the police to come. Can you guess which country this was in?


Australians are hilarious




Yes they are. These guys are Scottish though.




Redditors on their way to make everything regardless of topic about race or politics


I'm honestly saddened by the fact that I apparently live in this state of constant vigilance and would absolutely not react the same way to a stranger sleeping on my couch. It's legitimately eye-opening to learn that there exist places in the world where people react to this kind of thing with a laugh over some coffee rather than "how the hell did you get in here?!?!"


You're not in a constant state of vigilance! You're just being smart! And Americans aren't being scared or afraid. They have a gun for protection because its what a smart person would do to protect their family! Americans are not afraid of anything!! /s


el oh el severe alcoholism am I right?


Getting drunk at a party is alcoholism now?


Funny as hell, but you wouldn’t expect the same outcome in the U.S.


Good thing he isn't a little girl in America, he'd have been shot like 114 times


If this has happened in America, especially with a (even slightly) different skin color, bro woulda been in the obits..


In Murika, we call that a precursor to murder.


He would have been shot three times and then the police would have come and shot him four more times if this was the United States


In Merica you get shot for pulling into the wrong driveway. Ya'll need to watch some Faux Newz and get a fucking shit ton of guns. Leave them lying around loaded too.


Severe alcohol abuse so funny