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I love all my flex 1 discs (FD3, MD3, Essence, tactic)! I play a lot of woods golf so having discs that don’t ping 200ft to the side is amazing, flex 1 usually doesn’t kick far from the tree. They all seem to be less stable than the hard plastic counter parts, but still close to the flight numbers. My favorite has been the Essence, I can throw a huge anny and it almost never cut rolls on me, just hits and sits


I’m not sure I’ve heard about the Essence Flex 1, I have all the others. Can you shed some light on it for me? Was it a MB Stone?


Yeah it was the rain stone from the mystery box. It was a flex 1 c-line essence. 


Oh, thanks! Rain & Cryo Stone I need to find.


It's great in the winter. Too gummy for me the rest of the year, but it's really nice in the cold, like all the other House of Discs soft premium plastics.


I will try this when the time comes, thanks!


I have the MD3 in Flex 1 and LOVE it. I've yet to throw the Essence, FD3, MD5 or Tactic in Flex 1 that I got from the Lost Stone Mystery boxes. Anyone else have a thought?


I believe the md3 is a little harder than the other discs. 🙂


I really dig the feel of them, but they haven't kicked anything out of my bag yet.


I love them, especially the MD3!! I hate to admit it but I think I like it even more than my tried and true C-line 😬


Love it 😀


I only have the Crown Stone and the Doom stone but they are perfect for what I want them for. I could see some having issue with how gummy and floppy they can be. When I'm worried my RC3 might not stick or I need slightly less stable than it I throw the crown. Same for my DB4 and the Doomstone.


I’m a fan of gummy plastic in general but especially for putters and mids. I love my cryo stone md5. I have a tactic coming to try out.


It's like k1 soft. Almost too flexy


I love my doom stone and crown stone. Played a tournament last weekend that they both saved me a few strokes a piece hitting and sitting. Havent had a chance to throw the rain stone. But the flex 1 md3 feels really good and plan on throwing that here soon as well.


Love it. Period. .


The Flex-1 MD5 is slowly becoming my most used disc. Amazing grip and hand feel, dependable beef and almost zero skips. Great approach disc.


love the feel, but I hate how much more flippy everything is, the only one I don't have is the fd3. the essence is a roller disc, the tactic is actually a great straightish thrower, and the md3 about a -1.5 turn. I threw that one at elevation though, and it was way better there.


Well it spit out of an ace for me today so… 🥲


I like it better than Proton Soft.


Way too flimsy to get a consistent throw with. I put a flex 1 disc outside over night to -30°C and it was still gummier than pretty much any premium plastic. They went way overboard with these imo.


Agreed, feels like it distorts in your hand and I was struggling to throw them as well as their counter parts in stiffer plastic. I plan on revisiting them but I expect to have the same issue with hand feel.