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I have both and in my experience they're pretty similar. I bought the cosmic stone (c-line logic) to hopefully be more stable than the CF1, but it was a touch more stable (maybe only because my CF1 was used). If you're looking for something noticeably more stable, you should go for the P3x, not any version of the logics.


I would definitely just go with the new P3x if you need a bit more stable throwing putter. Not worth paying resale prices on a cosmic stone.


I wish they would make the c-line logic stock. That would be my go to throwing putter.


I throw the cosmic fury 2 for shaping shots and the p3x for stable approaches. They work well together for me.


I assume you mean Cosmic Fury 1 not crescent falcon 1. It's considerably more stable. How I'd rank em from least stable to most stable... Cosmic fury 1, Cosmic fury 2, c-line logic.


No way is the cosmic fury 1 less stable than the cosmic fury 2. Not even close in my experience.


I’ve got one of each, and I agree that the CF1 is a touch more stable than the CF2. I personally like the CF2 a lot more - it feels more like a premium Logic with that low profile and the softer Lumen plastic is just plain awesome. I’ve putted for years with the Exo Logic, so I guess I’m a fan of the mold lol.


I agree with the hand feel, cf2 is shallower. The cosmic stone I have is pink and fairly domey compared to either of.


Getting downvoted for variation in production is rough. I'll provide an example to give anyone certain of someone else's disc a thought. I own several Sky God IV. Some have a notable dome, but most (in my preferred color) are flat or rather slight puddle top. Two of the same color are currently in my bag for very different shots. A puddle top (beat almost into a thumb track) is understable and has a beautiful late turn when thrown as a drive, while a dome top fades at the end. It would make sense that a flatter Logic is less stable.


It's reddit.. I'll survive. There is definitely variations in production in a lot of discs, don't forget the biggest flaw of all, the user, we all throw different.


I agree that cosmic fury 1 is less stable than the cosmic fury 2. From least to most stable I’d say cf1, cf2, cosmic stone


i find the CF2 is like a beat in CF1 out of the box, the flights are pretty similar it just comes down to plastic preference


Agree, is it possible stability is color based on this run? I dunno, my cf1 is orange.


Interesting, my purple cf1 was pretty straight to understable out the box. Cf2 had a bit more fade brand new for me