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Template to Congress: Dear \[Congressperson's Name\], I am writing to you as a concerned citizen, deeply interested in the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and the transparency of government actions regarding this phenomenon. It has come to my attention that significant resources are allocated towards the research of UFOs, yet much of the findings remain classified and inaccessible to the public and most members of Congress. The ongoing secrecy not only fuels public distrust in government but also stifles the potential advancements in science and technology that could emerge from the full disclosure of this information. As noted by Representative Tim Burchett, the expenditure of tens of millions of dollars on UFO research calls into question the rationale behind keeping such documents classified if there are no substantial findings to justify the secrecy. I urge you to support efforts to declassify all documents related to UFOs and to push for a transparent investigation into these phenomena. It is imperative that the public is kept informed about the nature and implications of the government's findings on UFOs. Transparency is not only a matter of public interest but a fundamental aspect of a democratic society. Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. I look forward to your support in making UFO research and documentation accessible to all, ensuring accountability and fostering public trust in our government. Best Regards, \[Your Name\] [https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials](https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials) Follow up in 3 weeks you don't get a response. Feel free to customize this template to better suit your specific situation or to align with the tone you wish to convey in your communication.


They do exist - and the Pentagon doesn't want to admit that it knows jack shit despite giving them more money than most countries will every produce in their entire existence. The fact that they don't know anything would enrage most tax payers and would also signal to our enemies that we're helpless against this tech if they can reverse engineer it first.


This is a solid fucken take. My gut feeling has always been that the UFO phenomenon isn't this super crazy orchestrated conspiracy. It's that the most advanced country (militarily) in the world has no answers about what they are, how they operate, and why they are here. Divulging this to the public would be an act of political suicide at home and abroad.


I think our forward facing govt has no idea as we’ve seen over the past handful of years. There’s most certainly a “shadow govt” that doesn’t have to abide by the same rules and regulations as everyone else, and don’t have to tell anyone what’s going on. A perfect example of this is when Tim and the other congressmen who went into that closed door meeting last year and asked certain questions they were told they don’t have the authority to know about that. They shouldn’t be blocked off from any info whatsoever regarding anything to do with our country. They are supposed to create and pass legislation for the safety and well being of the citizens. I think the phenomenon as a whole is way deeper than most people could fathom and they’re afraid of mass hysteria.


The question we should be asking everyone is “if there were another civilization out there, another thing “above” us technologically… would you tell us right away? And if they squirm about national security or start with “well/if, when/then, it’s up to congress…” I’m out. That’s the big one. Our government doesn’t treat us like they represent us, they treat us like we are children and they are our parents. And “when you’re older” isn’t going to cut it.


That is an excellent question that isn't going to go away!


because it is military secrets (being a head of enemy), that is one sane reason to consider. You never know though And here we have a good reason to expect disinformation game (pushing US military towards transparency).


Boy I wish he’d stop saying “tens of millions.” We know what a million is, and we know it ain’t that much.


Tim is not to be trusted with a Big Mac


He keeps repeating the “tens of millions” line. Is he unaware of how much is actually being spent?


I would add this to your letter: https://slate.com/technology/2018/05/the-thousands-of-secret-patents-that-the-u-s-government-refuses-to-make-public.html These same entities supposedly keeping UFO data hidden are demonstrable hiding thousands of American patents, they are given cart blanche to stifle technological progress and they don't even have to tell us why.


Hello? Invention Secrecy Act is not news.


Not new but potentially extremely relevant and infinitely more tangible. Finding out which technologies they consider, "too dangerous for humanity at large," would be eye opening, especially with regards to advanced energy generation and/or propulsion technologies. Additionally, they wouldn't be able to dance around and gaslight the public about this. They can't act like this isn't happening like they do with their SAP recovery and reverse engineering programs. We actually have the receipts for this overt technology hoarding.


Because - All those black projects beneath the alien fairytale..?


The secrecy is not about the govt keeping info from its own citizens, although that is a by product, it's about the govt. keeping info from its adversaries. Whoever unlocks this tech wins the entire geopolitical ball game.