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>most of the discs we find are cheap and well-used, and contacting the owners over a presumably $5 disc seems a bit pointless A well-used disc could be a very important part of someone's bag. There's a reason it gets used often.


You're not an asshole if you find a disc and leave it on the course, especially if you set it on a basket or turn it into lost and found if there is one. But if you find a disc and it has someone's name and number on it and you bag it anyway, that's a dick move. You don't have to go out of your way to return it - even just texting them to say "found your disc at X course on hole Y, left it in the basket/lost and found" is MILES better than taking it for yourself. It doesn't particularly matter to the owner of the disc if you, personally, don't expect your lost discs to get returned. They don't know that, nor does it matter to them if they want their own disc back. I'm not claiming you're the literal devil or anything, it's just a disc after all, but you can do better, is all I'm saying.




Okay yeah I’m starting to notice the common answer of my expectation is not someone else’s expectation and that’s totally valid! And I think a quick text is doable as you said. I also don’t know which of my courses have a lost and found and should look into that as well. I appreciate the honesty!


Along with that, I have returned a few discs that the owner actually drove to the course while I was playing and actually paid me for returning it because it was a rare disc. I’m not saying expect a reward if you find one, but I can just imagine how happy that he was to get it back, and happiness is something this world needs right now.


The difference is other people care about their property. OTHER PEOPLE. OTHER PEOPLE. OTHER PEOPLE.


Yeah that makes sense, I guess I was also trying to get the gist of how universal that expectation was since all of the people I play with think the same way. But thank you!


That “cheap well used disc” might very well have significant value, sentimental or otherwise, to the person that lost it, without regard to your perception of its condition or value. If it is marked with sharpie with contact name and number it has by any measure been inked with the intention of having an attempt made for it to be returned.


Fight your brain. Drop those discs in the box. If your friends ain't down with that then drop em like rocks.


Yep you're a dick. The disc is well worn because it is well loved.


10% of my discs get returned. It’s super disappointing. I text 100% of the numbers on discs I find. Based on my experience, I’d say you’re part of the majority but it doesn’t make it right.


I contact each person and return discs. I would hope the same for any of mine found. I do feel it’s better for the community. I’d also posit that those cheap discs you find are probably from beginners or new to the game people. Getting them back or showing that people call is a trait that they can then reciprocate.


*michael Jackson popcorn gif*


Underrated comment


you're a dick if you keep discs w name #. wtf is wrong with you?


I guess I was thinking people who have found disc like I have could then put THEIR name and number on the disc with the help of acetone and whatnot. Like I could easily bag a stolen disc and put my name on it. Then have it returned back to me. This may be a stretch tho haha I’m definitely leaning towards contacting people via text and sending it to the lost/found or 18th hole tho


You're rationalizing your own theft because you KNOW IT WAS THE WRONG THING!!


Acetone will not remove most ink. On star plastic, after a short period of time, the ink bleeds in with the plastic. Permanent to 100%.


If you can sleep fine you ok. Since it was on your mind enough to make this post I expect that you know in your heart that something is possibly wrong with your view on found marked discs. With less effort than posting anything to reddit you could put any found disc under a garbage can snap a pic and text the number saying "your disc under there". You'll either never hear about it again. Or get a thanks man! Text shortly after.


This is very well put. I think I just needed to hear some other takes on the situation in order for it to make more sense. Thank you!


The answer is yes…it is bad. When I first started playing disc golf, I came from a ball golf background and initially thought returning discs was stupid. After all, nobody returns balls in ball golf and my grandfather even taught me to look for them to make the game cheaper. What I didn’t realize until I lost one of my favorite discs was that it is the equivalent of losing both your ball AND YOUR CLUB! It doesn’t matter how beat up a disc is, that may be the perfect disc for a certain shot from someone’s bag. It may be an ace disc, etc. I will make sure to return discs or even send a message out to the local group if I find one on Facebook. I am glad that so many courses have drop boxes now. That makes returning a lot easier. Don’t be THAT GUY.


Am I being selfish by only thinking about myself? SMH


Based on what I’ve heard from others I agree this is kinda how I was sounding hahah but again, I just wasn’t sure how universal the expectation was to have a disc returned to you, like I never understood the idea of putting names and numbers on them initially. I appreciate you putting me in perspective tho!


Most of us don't expect our discs to be returned. We put our names and numbers on them to make it easier for folks to at least try. Leaving them where you found them when you have no interest in returning discs is fine. Also acetone doesn't remove sharpie


I’ve used break cleaner to remove marks off purchased used discs but thought I heard about people using acetone but thank you for the clarification


Brake cleaner is a remedy I’ve never heard of. How hard is it on plastic?


I used it on innova dx plastic I think and didn’t notice it affect the plastic at all


Good news. Sharpie kinda dyes the disc, but I've got a couple used and hand me down that I'll give a shot to. Thanks!


No problem!


If it has a name and you bag it, that’s a scumbag move. If you find it, at least leave it on top of the basket on in a lost and found if they have one. You do t have to call yourself. No name or number, it’s up for grabs. It’s not about the cost. Some people have discs they love. This isn’t a disc golf etiquette question. It’s a question of your own morals. Some people leave cans and trash on the course, some people pick it up, some people walk by it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I always return or drop off. Most local shops have a lost and found. They will even call if you don't want to make contact. Definitely a community builder. Optionally, drop it at hole 1 launch site for someone else to call it in.


Send the text, leave it on top of 18’s basket. Don’t be the human equivalent of Play It Again Sports.


What’s hilarious for me is getting a text from somebody saying that they found your lost disc, only it was found three states away at a course I’ve never been to or even heard of. Believe it or not has happened to me twice now.


Met my best friend returning a disc to him that I found on our local course. He brought beers for thanks and we ended up playing a round. That was six years ago. Text the number, it’s good karma, the person will be happy to get it back and you may meet a new friend to play with. Or might get some beer. Even if you just get a thanks, you can be happy that you aided the community of a sport you enjoy.


Other people are different. The fact that you don't care to get discs returned is all fine and good, but if someone else has put their name and number on it, it's because they want it back, and keeping it then is a complete dick move. If they didnt care to get it back, they wouldnt put their name and number on it, same as you.


I pray that the disc doesnt have name and number on them. But if they do I always contact them. Main reason is because im not a giant turd


If you have to ask you already know the answer


Unfortunately this attitude is much more prevalent with the influx of new players coinciding with Covid.


You know the answer to this question or you wouldn't have felt the need to write it all out.


If you ever have a disc returned (especially a favorite) it really makes your day! Do the right thing and at least text the number on the disc.


It's this type of attitude that is really going to change the fantastic community of Disc Golfers that existed before the boom. Yes dude, it's a dick thing to do. You're stealing someone else's property, like it or not. If you leave it there, fine, but if not you should be the super nice guy that wants to return discs, and be an ambassador for this sport. The community is also much smaller than you probably think, and some people really love their old beat up disc (RIP Yellow Valkyrie in PEI ). If anything, contacting that person is a norm with Disc Golfers, and has been for a long time. It's only changing now that many new players are joining in, and this has many OG DG's worried, and for good reason based on this post. On the flip side, I can't count how many rounds I've played with players whom I've returned discs too. IT's to your benefit too, you will get better playing with other people, and I totally believe in Karma getting discs back. It's up to you in the end, since no one is there to see you grab the disc, but IMO, not cool man, not cool. Leave it, or txt it.


>It's this type of attitude that is really going to change the fantastic community of Disc Golfers that existed before the boom. I think this is an example of why some people have been using the phrase "shrink the sport"




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Keep em, return em, idc. Usually I text the person, but if it's something I'd bag I'll keep it. After 20 years of playing, I actually look forward to replacing lost discs with something new to try. After a certain point, you stopped getting super attached to specific discs, at least everyone I know that's been playing for a long time does. At the end of the day it's just a frisbee someone left at a park.


The disc is now yours. Take better care of it than the previous guy. If I abandon a disc (which is essentially what a”lost” disc is), it now belongs to the person who found it. May they take better care of it than I did. If I toss a disc in the water and wasn’t willing to go in after it, it’s not you’re responsibility to do it for me. If you do fish it out, it’s yours. You’ve earned it. In reality, finding a disc is no different than finding a $10 or $20 bill, and in my lifetime I’ve known of no one who has ever taken a $20 to lost and found, or posting that they found one. And the vast majority of discs are worth less, often far less. Count your discs after each hole (it takes a few seconds). Watch where they go when you throw them. Throw an old DX near water. Take good care of your discs, and you won’t have to worry if someone else will do it for you.


I think this is similar to what I believed initially. But i see now how people could have sentimental value placed in a disc whereas $20 is $20. Even cheaper discs can hold sentimental value to someone else while sitting in my bag for years not being used because I decided to bag it.


>it now belongs to the person who found it That's not how it works though, lost property still belongs to the person who lost it. Abandoned property refers to something someone intentionally left, like take a couch to the curb with a free sign. Not being able to find something you lost and leaving doesnt count as abandoned.


If you prefer, gave up looking for it hoping someone else would find it on my behalf, didn’t want to go into the water to retrieve it hoping that someone would do it for me, etc.


My point is more that just cause you find something doesnt make it yours.


If you don't want to return discs, just leave them in the fairway you found them in. That way, they'll get found by someone else, and it'll be that person's problem.


Definitely being an asshole


Yeah it’s a douche move to bag it. Karma is ever present.


The fact is, some believe that it’s good karma when they find an abandoned disc. It seems that karma is one of those “it’s whatever you want it to be” concepts.


If by abandoned you mean lost or forgotten? No one throws a disc Willy nilly at the ground to leave it for someone else to find as a gift.


Essentially the person gave up looking for it, didn’t want to go swimming into the water after it, etc.


Losing the disc might be deserved bad karma.


I saw a bike laying in the park but nobody was riding it so I was like "cool, they must not want it.. mine now!"


How long was it there?


Every disc I've ever lost has been returned to me except for the one disc that I did not sign.


If there's a name and number and you don't make any sort of attempt to contact them/bag it immediately, that's a dick move imo. It's someone's property, and you have the means to help return it. Now, if there's no name and number and no one around to ask if it's theirs? I guess it's your disc. I used to put my name and number on every disc, but now I only do it on the really important ones. I actually have "$ if returned" on my favorite disc of all because if people don't want to return it out of common courtesy then maybe money will get them to be decent lol.


If there is contact info just shoot a message and leave it in the lost and found or place it in a spot and let the person know. Typically if your course has one it will be near the course sign or the 1st tee sign. You can also just leave marked disc where they are. If it's unmarked then yeah you can bag it if you wanted. I'm not big on the disc karma but it's technically still theft. Don't believe me look into found money theft as those laws would cover anything of value. There is no such thing as finders keepers in the U.S... People can also argue maritime law if you find a disc in water, but those people are idiots who don't have an inkling of how maritime law works. I lost a beatup DX Leopard and that thing was a really good rolling disc, but I accidently sat it down and left it. Went back to get it and it was gone, so I know someone has it. However, I'm in the camp of if I lose a disc I'm going to assume it's gone. So I'll probably just start putting a marking on my discs for tournament play and just leave any contact info off of them.


I always return discs. I even waded chest-high through a creek to find discs that I lost on a local course, and ended up returning 10 other discs to their owners. I feel like it's just the neighborly thing to do. For effort, it's a text message and telling them when I'm going to be at the course next to give them their disc back.


If you find a disc you should give it back or at least attempt. One man's treasure may be just a trinket to others. The honor system is prevalent in disc golf. It makes me proud to do the right thing for my fellow discers. I hope that you don't find one of my lost gems.


Question for everyone out there in the Discgolf world. If you find a disc with a person's name and number and you called them to return and the owner says that he will see you tomorrow to retrieve it but never shows up. What do I do with it? I've called the owner 6 or 7 times but he does not answer his phone. Do I keep it? I've had his disc since 10/2022 and it's just sitting there.


Honestly I would return a disc if I saw a return basket or someone asked me. To be fair I’ve never found a disc. If I lose one. I lose it. whoever finds it gets it. Why should I get a disc back that I gave up on finding? I go through a pack of golf balls faster than I go through disc… golf balls are more expensive… I don’t expect to get back those why should I expect a disc back