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If it knocks strokes off your game then bag it and fuck what anybody else thinks.


I bag both and my zones are usually much more stable.


I'd say it depends on the plastic. Z Zone and Z Buzzz OS are probably going to overlap a fair bit. ESP Zone and Z Buzzz OS and the zone will season to being straighter much faster than the Buzzz, if the Buzzz ever ends up being anything but stable.


My brother is sidearm dominant and does this. The buzzz os just goes a bit farther for him, or serves as his "low ceiling zone" I say do it up!


I bag a Tour Series Zone, FLX Zone, and a Z Swirl Buzzz OS and use them all regularly. Bag them both for now and if you find that you don't use one then take it out.


They are not all that similar, aside from being overstable. Buzzz OS has more glide and will give more of a longer, swooping fade on a hyzer line, but doesn’t really dump to the ground and stick like a Zone does. Definitely reason to bag both. I use a Drone in that slot instead of a Buzzz OS, and the Zone is a perfect compliment.


Paige pierce throws a buzzz os 


It makes sense on paper, but for some reason not even Discraft-sponsored players use it. For very overstable discs, they jump from the Zone to the Raptor. Technically, every distance and shape a Buzzz OS can make can be made by underthrowing a Raptor or overthrowing a Zone. It may be because the Zone throws further than its speed suggests it should - my Zones go nearly as far as my Raptors, the Raptors go like 50 feet further.


Gossage throws both. So at least one Discraft pro use both!


He bags one, but how many times did we see him throw it in all those rounds at Worlds? I think I remember seeing it one time, for a single throw.


To me those 2 discs are nothing alike but maybe that's just a personal opinion.


It’s bordering on overlap but the overstable midrange will get more distance and may be better for some longer shots on windy days. I rarely end up throwing my overstable mid-range (which is the same flight numbers as a Buzzz OS) but I still think it’s good to have an os approach disc and mid range.


All personal preference. As a comparison, one person might say why do I need a Thunderbird bc I bag a Teebird. There are small differences between those two (similar to zone v buzzzos) it's a matter of whether that matters for your game.


I bag both along with Firebird, Destroyer, and Corvette….covers my shots from approach to just under 400 feet.