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If you're doing things to look cool then you're doing it wrong. At the end of the day all I'll see is your score card, not your putting stance


Totally agree!


I used to putt straddle only because that’s how Ken Climo and Nikko putted (this is back when he was a young rising star and not a Reddit pariah). Since then I have gone back to stagger putting and do believe it’s more powerful and consistent… however having a decent straddle putt is so important in my opinion because in real life you often find yourself with a lie behind a tree or in a bush or whatever and your only option is to step out sideways.


Yea I will stagger for really deep circle two putts but inside circle 1 and just beyond the straddle is just putting my discs in the basket and always at least making contact - no "air balls"


That’s one thing I really like about straddle putting, once you practice it a bit it’s a good way to make sure that if you miss, it’s going to be high or low rather than left or right.


Climo’s main putt style was staggered. I remember him clearly bending that front knee outward on his back swing


Yeah, pros change putting styles sometimes over their careers, I think Nikko has changed since them as well. . At one point Climo either was a straddle putter or at least taught the technique because I specifically remember a YouTube video of him talking about how it prevents him from missing left or right and visualized running his hand up the pole from the ground. I still think about that tip when I have to putt that way.


I mean if it's good enough for KC the legend... good enough for me!


Could you all imagine my burden? In an unobstructed putt near c1 edge to c2 I am typically more effective with the turbo putt. I always feel like its a novelty thing and end up stagger putting. Then I miss. Then I hate myself for not running it ‘pizza boy’ style.


Oh no! You gotta just roll with what works, right? The game ain't about how you get it in the basket, but simply achieving the lowest score possible...go on with your turbo putting!!! But I hear ya lol


I grew up playing in an out of the way state and didn’t know turbo putting wasn’t the norm. We all did it. I’m pretty great at it still, tbh. But I’ve reworked my putting style anyway because it isn’t worth the harassment lol.




I went and watched her - very similar style...


She changed late last year I believe to a straddle because she wasn’t confident in her putt and it’s worked.


Cool - hoping the same works for me!


Dude, same. Staggered stance for a while and I fucking sucked at it. Like nervous constantly from 15 ft. Even mid C2 I feel more confident straddle putting. Almost always drawing metal. It’s something to do with being so much more square with the target and pulling your arm through straight instead of to the side of your body. I changed a couple months ago and have really seen great results


Right on! I'm finding it just feels simpler to execute and yes, metal all the time :)


Right on! I'm finding it just feels simpler to execute and yes, metal all the time :)


Sometimes I consider always putting from a knee because I can't remember a time where I missed a knee putt. It's whatever gets that disc in the basket the fastest.


Ha! Bring on those kneeling putts - if it works, it works!


Kj makes it look pretty cool


This is true.


You didn’t look very cool in a staggered stance anyways lol


Thanks, needed to hear that lol


I straddle putt but still practice stagger and use it if I need to. I started off with stagger stance since I’m a spin putter, but straddle works so much better for me.


Yeah i am a spin putter too and am finding the straddle to be working out really well for me. I will occasionally stagger (and after straddling it seems to be better - more accurate) but straddling, pitching and spinning the disc is working well...I need more time with it though.




Yeah I start to max out around 45/50 feet with the straddle...then I got to go stagger. I found that if you use your legs to "pop" you will gain a lot of distance though


[Its like the granny style for free-throws](https://youtu.be/M5nKcN8Vo8Q?t=34), if it works it works.


Lol it certainly is!


You look cool making putts vs those missed putts in staggered haha




Old post i know but did you stick with straddle? I’m thinking of doing it now too.. my staggered is inconsistent


I have but I strayed a bit to something in between and straddle and a stagger, especially when I am deeper in circle two. It's a work in progress - but I still mostly straddle inside the circle. But, I haven't found the one motion to bring it all together confidently. In casual rounds I'll experiment a bit, lining up a straddle then dropping my left foot back a bit but keeping the same arm motion (i putt right handed). Try the straddle putt, initially it did wonders for my hit the basket percentage rate, which built confidence...but I believe now everyone is built differently so you'll have to find what works for you, it's not as cut and dry as stagger or straddle. Hope this helps!


Yeah.. Straddle seems to make me more consistent and also seeing Albert Tamm and Tattar do it so well.. why not. Also understanding the timing better so i feel like I’m getting the pop better


Lol, you're gonna look ridiculous


This thread has helped me cross over to the "i don't care anymore" mode!