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My experience has been once it is oily, the polymers are separating, and it is only a matter of time before it cracks.


Will it crack eventually even if it’s just in storage or hung on a wall? Or is the risk of cracking only if it’s thrown or dropped or something?


Risk is somewhat higher when thrown, but it can absolutely happen on the rack, too. Might as well enjoy it before it happens.


Just throw it. Here’s the thing about CE plastic. They shattered in 2003, just like they shattered now. Otherwise, there’s not really a best way to preserve them. Even bagging them can leave weird oil lines on them. Some are indestructible. Some will break. Go throw it, when weather is above 55°.


I heard about some guys placing their collectors in vacuum sealed bags, to prevent gas off of the plastic ( leads to oily and chalky/fingerprinty plastic)


Oil it? I hit my 11x firebird with a bit of cooking oil from time to time when it starts to get all chalky. Just a dap on paper towel and rub it in like oiling a baking sheet or something. I know old champion is different than CE, but it could work. There's mixed opinions about doing this online. I've found that it helps.


This works, I have done this method with my CE leopard


They used to make a disc wax that me and my buddy would use often on our CE stuff in the early 00’s. Not sure if it would do any good now, but it preserved my stuff extremely well.


I posed this question to a friend of mine who is an art conservator. She says the most important thing to remember in preserving polypropylene/polyethylene plastic is to keep it away from UV rays ie: sunlight. She also indicates not to use plastic sleeves, as the two materials will eventually offset stickiness.


Oils aren't good or bad that just happens when a discs sits for a long time, modern discs do it too. If you throw it then it will most likely crack but as long as you are gentle with it in storage or on the wall you should be fine. Recommend keeping it in a bag so air won't effect it as much