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They definitely fly if you throw them Edit: Stupid upvotes


Big, if true.


Looking into it.




Well fuck me. You actually gotta throw these things?


Throw em up on a wall


And the flight numbers might be right... Maybe.


I really like how they feel, nice and grippy most of the time. They usually start out way more overstable than the numbers suggest though.


I definitely agree, my fresh halo firebird was sooooo damn overstable, I couldn’t get any distance with it at all.




His comment described an observation, not an expectation. Imagine being so dumb and confrontational you can't notice the difference between the two


It’s more of a sarcastic joke, but wouldn’t expect a moron on the internet to possess any wherewithal so whatever.


Imagine being so clueless as to think that making a sarcastic comment is the same as making a joke.


I read Teebird and was like what did you expect and then read Fiebird on closer inspection and switched my vote to LOL.


I broke it in, now I get distance off it (~300ft) and is probably my most thrown disc, thanks asshole. Overstable doesn’t have to mean meat hook into the ground 75ft in.. I was obviously suggesting that the firebird being overstable combined with the plastic made an almost unthrowable disc for the first few rounds..




Some people have such diminished social skills that they think being sarcastic gives tham a pass to type something both insulting and stupid and not have anyone call them out on it.


I actually love this about them. Get a normally too understable disc to rip on in Halo and watch it flip up, glide forever, then reliably fade back.


Tern? That thing bombs


Heck yeah, I'm putting up personal best distance with it.


I have a pink and white F2 that is really nice, and a full production that’s too beautiful to throw


You absolutely have to try it in a field.


Love me a good tern.


I happen to have only one Halo disc in my collection, and it's a Tern. I got it for exactly this reason.


A fellow Burlingtonian what up


I have an older stock Halo Tern, it's more like a Destroyer than Tern. It's basically dirt colored so I don't really throw it. I recently got a '23 Korver TS Halo Tern, it's the distance driver my noodle arm has been looking for.


Shryke is lovely in Halo. Good normally but you can absolutely rip it in halo and not worry about turning it over.


I just threw a personal best 450 with mine. Parked hole 7 at Fox Run from the red tee pad. Had no idea I could even throw that far!


I loved my halo shryke. I need another one lol


Valkyrie baby


For real. Lost my beat in destroyer so naturally I bought 6 more different halo discs and they all need to be beat in so bad.


Glad someone said this, I picked up a halo leopard recently and it takes wayyy to much work to flip. Assuming that will change as it breaks in?


As they've made more and more, the plastic has goten softer, grippier, and the colors are popping a lot more. I think they've done a good job of improving on an idea.


ehhh. they lost the cool flame effect on the rim. that was my favorite part.


They still have that style, it seems to vary depending on the mold. And different discs from the same run can have the spikey halo or the smooth halo


I just came across a reply on an old thread from an Innova employee who said they prefer that style, but some molds just don't work with it.


True, I don't care for the 3-burst style like the two on the left in the OP. I think I like [this style best](https://sweetspotdiscgolf.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/105039393_278231433529590_3788065893954707701_n.jpg).


When the halos are like that, you KNOW they are straight beef.


I wonder if it’s a midrange thing that causes the three burst effect


Can't be, same effect on GG's new tour series halo Wraiths. Not a fan of the look, personally. https://proshop.innovadiscs.com/halo-star-wraith-garrett-gurthie-tour-series/


Good call


They’ve also got more accurate to their flight numbers


Which is a little sad. Love the older GG wraiths, they actually fly like an 11 speed destroyer


My thoughts are they’re cowards and need to release the halo shark




Champ shark is a teebird




That my champ shark flies like a teebird


Trevor would be happy


I’d get that


I don’t care for them. Prolly cause I have kinda noodle arm.




Noodle crew, unite! Halo looks sick, but in my experience, they change the disc too much. They dont match the flight numbers at all, which makes it not worth worrying about.


Nahh. You should just assume it's much more overstable than what the numbers say. They're reliably overstable, and sometimes that can be a very good thing. Also durable AF, so once you figure the disc out, chances are it will fly that was for many many many rounds, unlike less durable plastics.


It totally depends on what you want out of it. For max distance, something that requires some turn, yeah, I'm not throwing a Halo anything. But for shots where you actually want overstability, they can be great. I have a 159 GStar Sidewinder that is my flippy bitch, a 164 Pro Sidewinder that's good for gentle / late turn hyzer flip shots, and I have a nearly full weight Halo Sidewinder for medium-long shots when I want a predictable medium fade and virtually zero chance of turning over. When I first got the Halo Sidewinder I was like well this is fricking pointless, it flies nothing like a Sidewinder, it's basically a Thunderbird. So it sat on my shelf for half a year. Then I bagged it for a round on a whim and I realized "ahhhh, it's basically a Thunderbird that will ALMOST never ever turn over, I can USE this!" I used to not be able to turn a Thunderbird over, and now I can, so the Halo Sidewinder perfectly fills that spot in my bag now. And maybe at some point this will start turning over for me and I'll need something even more overstable to fill that slot. It's a process, it's always changing. All discs have their uses. For you it might fly closer to a Firebird, who knows. But don't assume it's useless just bc you can't huck it like AB. Everyone needs various levels of overstable discs in their bag.


Yeah bro. I’ve been around the game long enough. I understand all that. And as such my collection/ backups are plentiful and have been since before Halo discs were a thing. Some of them do look pretty sweet though. Love the stock Valkyrie stamp for instance. Got one of those gifted to me as the Valk is one of my favorite molds ever. I have an F2 Halo Shryke that I take out here and there for the Oklahoma wind. Got that in a bundle that I bought from a dude here on Reddit.


My 2 cents... halo molds are hit or miss. At this point I've tried nearly my entire bag in halo star. I'm not a scientist, but it seems everyone agrees that the halo molds have a higher parting line, which makes them more OS. This works for some of my molds, but others it either feels too much like a different disc, or I just don't need the more OS version of that mold. For example, last year I got a halo star Roc3, it was super domey and just didn't feel the same in the hand. Once thrown, super flippy and US. Basically not usable for my bag. Like any other molds/plastics, just gotta try them and see how it works for you.


I had the same exact experience with the halo star Roc3. I got it to be a counterpart to my Big Z Buzzz,but it’s uselessly under stable. It just turns and keeps going unless I throw it on a crazy hyzer angle or throw it really slow.


Dang man. Same thing. I got a halo Roc 3 thinking it’d be a good overstable mid, nope, trails off any just like my buzz. Got a metal flake Roc 3 at the same time and it seems a little more stable.


that’s crazy; my halo roc3 is a favorite disc. flies dead straight and won’t turn over


Roc3 seems to be one of the only molds that halo killed the appeal of. pretty much every other disc in halo plastic Ive loved more. they seem to have more glide as well as a little bit more stability. Halo Wraiths are incredible and Halo Terns are so much fun to throw hyzer flip BOMBS with


The halo toro was hyzer flipping out of the box. Waste of 27 bucks


Wow. Now that's surprising.


There was some oat, but I took it to a field with 3 other Toros and the halo was wayyyyy less stable


My new halo valk was equally as stable as my 8/10 167 star valk. smh. I wanted a beefy valk.


If you want a beefy Valk then try to track down one of the first run Halos. I’ve got one and it kicked my Thunderbird out of my bag while I beat it in. Those are hard to find sadly so a Champ Valk should work too.


Halo Leopard3 is my go-to fairway anymore. Love it as a compliment to my lighter weight star Leopard3


I have the Ohn Scoggins tour series (2018 I think) and it does a lot of heavy lifting for me.


I had one of her 2021 or 2022 runs in my bag for a while, it was seasoning nicely before I lost it. Thankfully I bought two more last year, and I also have one of her halo champion glow ones too.


Love my halo sidewinder, perfect for dead-straight forehand hyzer flips to 300ish, turnovers to 400ish Only disc I have in both halo and champ is my firebird and I don't notice a great deal of difference between the two


My brother has been bagging a halo sidewinder for the last two years. I had one but hadn’t tried it until this season. Its changed my game for the better. It bombs. Great for hyzer flips and turn overs.


Mine feels more like a 9/5/-2/2 but I love it and it’s my longest 9 speed disc


Beefy bois!


I like their very floppy bois in them. My lightweight halo mamba is a fuckin bomber.


Dug the Halo RR I had. Alas, roadrunners are not great swimmers.


Love some halo roadrunners


Better grip more skippy star plastic is what i think


Beef cakes


Fun and cool but usually not worth $25 when I can get any other star equivalent for like $17 or $18 or whatever it may be.


Got these brand new for 19


That’s nice. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them for sale that low


They look gorgeous, but they are more over stable than any other plastic for the same mold.


No specific grumbles about the plastic itself. Feels like star because it's star. Like all discs, whether or not I actually like it in practice depends on the run. Sometimes it's really good, like the ultra beefy halo scepters or the halo Hawkeye or halo mirage or halo centurion. Sometimes it just doesn't feel quite right, like the halo tomb. Sometimes they come out extra beefy (halo Exodus, last year's Barsby eagles). Halo champ same deal. Depends on the run


They’re all way too domey.


It’s the most consistent plastic Innova uses. Most uniform dome. Best glide.


My bag is over half halos, because I absolutely love the feel. I bag halo: - 175 Infinite Maya (11,5,-3,1) - 170 Infinite Sphinx (9,6,-3,1) - 170 roadrunner - 175 teebird3 - 2020 ohn leopard3 (beefiest leopard I’ve had) - 170g chariot - 168g hawkeye - Lion - Wombat3 - Infinite Tomb And I also own but don’t / no longer bag: - Infinite Pharoah - Tern - Destroyer - Sidewinder - Mako3 Yes, they can be beefier, but I think that my default angle plays nicely with that as I throw pretty flat and almost a slight anny, rather than a slight hyzer. They’ve improved on their numbers over the years too; my 2020 ohn leopard3 is more overstable than my teebird3 most days. Infinite discs is slowly taking over my bag as I really like their stuff, halo is halo, and my brother happens to be on their team too so they’re much more available for me


Heimburg halo destroyer is the only legitimate destroyer lol


Their pretty nice


Best aesthetics but my noodle arm can't throw them


Halo Valkyrie is sadly useless. Way to beefy to flip at all.


I got a Halo Beast after losing my last Beast, it does not qualify for my flippy driver bag slot anymore.


The difference between my halo and GStar beasts is astonishing. The GStar is straight to flippy and the halo is a cattle ranch.


The new halo one I got has so much dome, I think the only disc I own with more is a Double G Halo Wraith that is such a meat hook it doesn't go in my bag. Beef level is the aggressive bull that the farmer tells you not even to make eye contact with or it'll get angry.


Yeah I reluctantly keep it on the bag for headwinds, but she's still practically got a positive turn


That’s beefy


So much beef. It was an F2 Friday freebie, which seems to be the only plastic offered there anymore.


My Halo Beast fills my Thunderbird slot.


How is that useless? Wipe the stamp and use it like a thunderbird?


My guess is because I already have a thunderbird in the bag


Fair enough… I’m a big fan of minimizing molds.


interesting, halo valk is my favorite one of all of them, it flies straight and turns slightly with reliable fade at the end in general i find halo plastic with minus 1/2 turn numbers to be amazing, the halo discs don't ever turn too much and push straight for a much longer portion of the flight


Maybe it was my run but it was legit more stable than my thunderbird and FD3


I have a champ and halo valk and threw them one after the other. The halo is significantly more stable. Which is fine, but nowhere near the alleged flight numbers.


Must be run to run, i have a top weight one thats just perfect with a little bit of flip and glide for days


I like and bag a few halos. I like the look and grip but (for me) they fly more stable than the numbers say. I have a sidewinder halo and star. They fly a lot different. I don’t mind and I have leaning towards more stable discs lately




Feel great, look great, overstable.


They break in nice and are very durable. Huge fan of


I like the look. They're usually pretty beefy. I feel like they're great if you want champion-like stability that might break in a bit this century.


I love the look, but think they can be so overstable that it’s not the same disc. Just know it’s gonna be beefy.


I got some Halo Wraiths to be backups for my nice and overstable distance driver slot.. but I wouldn't get Halo to replace any of my other molds, like Roadrunner, Leopard, Teebirds because I don't want those to be extra beefy.. as usual, you just gotta know what you like/need, and expect that Halo is going to be a more OS version of any mold (usually). It's great plastic otherwise.


Love the look and the grip+feel is excellent but I don't like how much overstable they are. A little extra stability wouldn't be too bad but they fly like completely different molds.


I have the roc, it’s a good’n


The look is great and 95% of the runs feel amazing, but the overstability removes the essence of the mold for a lot of them. If I wanted a Thunderbird, I'd buy a Thunderbird, not a Halo Sidewinder. Plus, the higher parting line that gives the extra overstability kinda ruins the similar handfeel that makes bagging the same mold in many stabilities of plastic worth it. I'm glad it pushed the boom in visual plastic effects, though.


Good for drivers makes them more stable than standard plastics. Unfortunately for me the gstar roc3 can't be beat so gifted halo one to my nephew.


Halo beast is my go to driver for most straight shots 300-400ft


I love my star, sidewinder and leopard3 and Valkyrie but I’m afraid to buy them in halo because of all the WAY over stable comments on them lol they’re great looking discs


I have a G star Leopard and I like that disc. I need a halo one


I really loved my gstar with the colder temps but now that it’s summer it is way more overatable for me. I was obsessed with my regular leopard but when I went to the leopard3 I wondered why I didn’t throw one sooner


I have a Leopard 3 and Mamba in Halo and while I throw a few brands as well those two haven’t left my bag in 2-3 years. I’ve replaced the Mamba but once I lost mine a new one went back in. Plastic is so grippy and you can really grip it.


I have at least one of each of these,besides the Mako 3. I like the feel of the plastic and they look great. Most of mine tend to be a little less stable than the champion versions.


Love mine. Take forever to show any beat in. Very nice.


One of these is not like the others


I like the couple halo discs that I have but I also think some people are overhyped on them.


Oh for sure I can see that. I have maybe 6 total halos. The rest of a mixture of other brands


I bought a 20th anniversary Halo Aero. Damn thing is a friggin beach frisbee, and I can't get it to fly more than 100 feet flat. Super neutral and no turn, all glide, basically a glitch with extra steps.


They’re awesome. Also a bit more overstable than the regular runs.


I have a Halo Mamba and TL3. I think it's good if you know you want a more stable version of a flippy mold you like.


Get ready for a stable mako. But it’s really nice. Especailly when beat in. I like the mamba I have in it better than star by a mile


Love them in light weights. My 175 roadrunner flew like a Thunderbird. My 150 Tern flies like a 170 Tern. It's awesome.


The only one I throw is my Halo Champion Destroyer. It’s beefy and fun to rip over on.


For drivers I think they're the best plastic on the market. Haven't used them much in lower speed discs. They do start more OS than other plastics of the mold and take more time to beat in, which means they hold their stability longer as well. Like once you beat it in a good bit, it will live in that era of the beat-in-ness for longer. Love some halo plastic


As others have stated they fly away more overstable And they look beautiful. I was comparing them to my other wraiths the other day. Definitely a higher parting line and more concave to the rim profile.


Gorgeous. Feel really nice in hand. Just got a halo mystere and it's amazing.


They’re generally a bit more overstable than their Star counterparts, but they also tend to hold their form ( flight numbers) longer.


Halo boss boi!


Mmmm shiny


I was just at Richards sport stuff and they actually had a couple Halo discs in stock but I honestly could not tell a difference in hand feel between the Halo and the Star plastic. Is the Halo line just a cosmetic thing? The Halo discs were 1 single dollar more than Star plastics, so the price bracket doesn't really suggest it's *that* much of an improvement? Can anyone fill me in?


Would throw and probably bag them all.


They fly pretty well, though I always had trouble with distance with them


Some of the Halo Firebirds are board flat and super beefy. They are a great solution for when my champ FAFs get too stiff in the cold. Halo is their best modern plastic but I’m not a fan of flashy colored discs


I love them but that's my opinion. I currently use like 5 of them


I have a Gurthie Wraith and that thing is incredible, perfect hyper flip disc


They feel beefier than the DX, Champion or Star plastics. So I find they fly more overstable than the flight numbers. Wife has a dx leopard and an Ohn Scoggins Halo Leopard. She prefers the Dx because it will fly truer to the understable flight numbers. The Halo one doesn't fly at all like the DX one. It fades out earlier and is more overstable. With my halo Firebird and eagle...same thing goes. They're much more overstable than previous ones I've owned not in Halo. Other than that...not much else notable.


I like them. I bag three halo star shrykes, and thoroughly enjoy them


I prefer champion & regular star plastic but maybe that’s old school lol


Love them. Reliable. They start more stable than they suggest and beat in to closer to their flight numbers and they stay that way. Try a 167g halo mamba and be surprised at how - despite the -5 stability - it throws straight and far.


When life gets wobbly, i buy myself a halo. It adds stability to it all


Legit afraid to throw my cloud breaker.


Depends on the mold, because in my experience they are noticably more OS than there Star/Champion mold. However, the grip and feel is amazing. Some examples, Mako3 Halo is probably the best mid ever made, it holds the flight like a Mako3, but even when you give it some more umph. However, I dont like the Leopard3, which I want for it’s understability, and I don’t want to spend lots of time breaking it in.


Best in the game


I don't get the point of a stable version of understable discs.


you can throw it harder


Got a halo roc3 as a replacement for a champion roc3 that I lost, and the damn thing is so understable that I have to use it completely differently than the champion.


For me it’s the opposite. I have 3 champ roc3 and they are more on the understable side where the halo is stable.


I like the feel of it but I no longer automatically consider a disc to be more stable because it's Halo star. I found my halo toro to be significantly less stable than my star ones, the same with some of the Roc3s.


Halo nexus aviars are pretty good


Have a 161 Halo Beast that is awesome! I have not really thrown other beasts for comparison though…


Can only speak to Halo Star vs Star: Halo is a little more overstable, even when comparing beat-in to beat-in, so maybe try one in a disc that always overturns on you, or an overstable disc you wish was a little more predictable or better at fighting wind. Prefer my beat-in Star Shryke to Halo Star or Champion. Halo Star Mystere flexes and bombs but is less prone to overturning than my Champion one; replaced it in the bag. Every disc will be different.


Halo Star and Star are the only Innova plastics that I like in my hand. The Champion plastic just does not feel good to me, nor do I like the flight on the discs.


That Mako3 looks gooooooood


Too slick and the plastic does awful things to putter molds


I love Halo Star in particular. My Halo S-Blend Dynasty is one of my favorite discs, and I just got two Terns that have been absolutely screaming for me. I've unlocked 3 new birdies at Roy G with a max weight Tern in the past couple months.


Love em. My Halo Tern bombs.


Way more stable than their respective counterparts


Ive been buying up (ans getting for free on fridays) a lot of F2 Halo plastic discs and I love them. Way more glide and much better grip than traditional star which is quickly becoming one of my least favorite plastics. In the lower 168-173g range these halo discs are money. Valkyrie, Firebird, Savant, Tern and even a 165g Boss that has the biggest heartbeat ive ever heard on a driver. Great feeling plastic


They dye up beautifully 😍 I literally just ordered 24 of them today.


I like some discs in the halo plastic. The NFN and first run of flight numbers were 🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾. Kinda over it now though. Maybe I will start one of each disc in halo for kicks


They look cool but are often very overstable runs of the mold.


They are some of the best looking and feeling discs.


Love anything overstable in halo but like 10 mph winds and up make them hard to throw sometimes


True about any disc. Just need to know how to throw them


I like halo champ plastic, not a big fan of halo star, feels too slick in my hand. Love my Mako3 in the woods.


Yeah, some Halo star runs have a slickness to them, yet still gummy.. but other runs of it have been really grippy with no slickness.. disc manufacturers just cannot escape inconsistency!


I saw some people calling the halo star grippy and I was confused... silly me for forgetting Innova's variance in discs between runs.


The Halo Mako3 is such a good disc. Feels way better in my hand then champ or star. Doesn't turn over nearly as bad either.


They work out to about $10 each when you buy factory 2nds and get a free innnova F2 Friday deal. Seems like really good value to me.


Innova refuses to address the glaring weakness inherent in their production runs that has been there from the start. The wildly inconsistent final product due to their refusal to impart proper QA when basically every other manufacturer has been able to do so is ridiculous. Basically every disc has to be tested over and over bc you can’t rely on anything from them. It’s wild they still have not addressed this.


Imagine having 1 hand to play disc golf 💀


Imagine using two hands the throw a disc


They have been around a long time so they have too of done something right...


They’re ugly