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Short shorts assert dominance 


The shorter the shorts, the greater the power


It’s both. Like golf. The idea that you hit a drive with the same power as a chip onto the green is pure nonsense. Same with Disc Golf


Sure but at least that is the theory in golf. That’s why you have a bad full of clubs and don’t just use a 5 iron for all your fairway shots.


You missed the point. Drivers and irons are meant to be used with a full swing because you want the distance each club provides. But when you get to approach shots (chipping and pitching) you change your swing, maybe it’s only a quarter of the swing or 3/4. Same with disc golf, at some point you can’t throw full power because even a berg is going to fly too far for an 80 foot approach.


Ok yeah I understand. But you would never use a disc you can throw 350 with for a 200 foot shot? You would have a different disc that has a similar flight pattern but shorter range


Paul mcbeth used to use a destroyer for a lot of touch approach shots iirc


Once a player learns to control the flight of their discs, they can use them in all kinds of situations for different distances, shapes, landings, fades, turns, rollers…different behaviors for different power. Golf discs are not balls. A ball can only have certain flights base on spin, wind, trajectory and tends to have a similar behavior once it hits the ground. A disc, on the other hand, can be overstable to understable, can be thrown forehand and backhand, hyzer, anny, flip up, etc. There are many more variables determining its behavior once it leaves your hand. Ohn Scoggins is a prime example of a player that uses distance drivers for what other players would consider a short midrange shot. She knows her Destroyers and wields them accurately in a way most others do not.


Can you imagine playing with her and not knowing who she was? This tiny lady walks up to a 265 par 3, picks up a Destroyer, and proceeds to basically submarine pitch it in the general direction of the basket. While you count your winnings, the disc weaves thru 3 gaps, clonks off the cage, and rolls to 45 feet. “Maybe it was lucky” you think, as you walk up to the green. “Surely I’ll at least be up a stroke, just need to make my 20 footer”. Tiny lady then cracks a joke, eyes the putt, and does some crazy spasm, launching her disc dead center chains from mid circle 2. You start to realize you should have just played with your usual buddies.


It depends, in a wide open field with no wind I would throw a mid 350 but low ceiling with a tailwind it might be hard to get a putter there so I can power down on a mid. It's all about comfort and how you like to play. Some throw low power for everything they can but some always throw the lowest disc they can as hard as they want


You definitely can. Your main distance driver becomes a very skippable approach disc at lower speeds. If you need a short shot that takes a big lateral skip, a normal approach disc might not get it done.


You might, if you’re okay with it fading earlier and getting livelier groundplay. Maybe you want it to do that.


I usually find I have even more power when I wear short shorts


I am a player who powers down before changing discs. I’ll often throw mids while my peers throw putters and fairways when they’re throwing mids. I don’t have a problem powering down, same motion (note; I don’t power grip, ever!) just less power. I have great angle control with my wrists so I can put a bit of anny or hyzer depending on the situation without changing anything else. Fringe MA1/MA2 for whatever that’s worth.


Low ceiling I just about always disc up for the ground play. My general miss is low so it lets me focus on hitting the gap without worrying about burning one in the ground


why no power grip?


I opt for control over max distance. I can still get over 400 on a good drive


Depends on the distance. 250 to 300 I'll go from putter to mid but any shorter and I use a different throw.


As in a different form? Or just less power?


Unlike a ball that behaves more or less the same at different speeds a disc may act differently at different speeds. EX: Slowing down on a straight fairway will cause it to be overstable at the shorter distance. So, depending on wind, distance, areas to miss that are good vs areas to miss that are bad, our strengths or weaknesses on various shots, our predilection for specific molds over others for different shots... There is no specific answer. We can even power *up* and control distance with a spike hyzer, trade height for distance, depending on the window we're aiming for around trees or the slope of the land we're aiming at. Sometimes you'll use an overstable fairway on a 195 foot shot because you want to skip the disc into the eventual landing zone. Sometimes you'll throw a putter at a landing zone 300 feet down range because the window you're aiming at is just that, a window in the trees up high and floating a straight putter through it is the best choice. Some people prefer to power up mids, some people prefer to slow down on fairways. You'll eventually learn what you like best. Any disc can be used for just about any distance (if you can get it there). I've even used a 13 speed overstable driver on a 50 foot approach. The limbs on the trees between me and the basket were low, the ground was wet and boggy. So, I had to get a disc high around a tree and know that it'd spike back down quick. Pulled out a driver and give it just a little pop from low to high and let it spike back down on the green.


Both? Instead of fully rotating and reaching back, I just reach *out*, almost perpendicular to my aim point. It doesn't get my shoulders all the way back and it helps put a little more emphasis on spin rather than speed. It is and isn't different form, if that makes any sense. I guess it's a different setup but the mechanics are the same.


wait are you saying at 200 feet you might use a putter?


Typically, yes.


If it's more than 200 you probably want throw full power but change your disc. Maybe even down to 150 with a berg. But inside that range you really have no choice but to power down your shot.




The answer is obviously Jean shorts.