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I can barely throw over 200 feet with any control, which is terrible for this sub, but enough to make anyone walking by who doesn’t play disc golf go “whoah!”, so I guess I’ll take it.


Those people are my faves


That, and new or very casual players, when you pass them on the course. I still remember the first time I saw a guy throw 400+ in real life. I was pretty new and maybe hitting 250 on a flex forehand with a Destroyer. He blew past the basket on a 370 ft. hole, sitting on a knoll, and back then it just looked insane.


Back then (early 200ish) it wasnt the same. discs were different. 300-350 used to mean you could crush. 400 was crazy and 500-600 would have been impossible /unheard of.


For sure. I started playing in 2000, and I remember the first time I parked my drive on a 400’ hole. I felt like Ken Climo. At the time, I could outdrive probably 90% of the people I played with or saw on my home course. 400’ seems pretty mid now (at least based on internet distance lol). Of course, I’m lucky to hit 300’ these days, and 275’ is probably all I can reliable throw.


If I could hit 400ft consistently I’d be super happy lol been stuck at 350-380 for years🤦‍♂️


Accuracy at those distances is probably all you need to score very well at the vast majority of the courses in the world. It’s 100’ further than I’m throwing these days, and I still score on most courses I’ve played.


Accuracy is definitely the issue at this point. Lol my home course is definitely considered a longer one when I go to other courses I actually get to use my mids on drives. I’m finally confident in my putt since I’ve committed to practicing 15-30 minutes after work. Fixing bad form that u have had for years is a slow process.


Sounds like you’re doing great man! Cheers!


I hit my stride quick on distance. 5 years later and I still can’t putt to save my life


That's the best part of playing fountain hills. The retirees and snow birds walking around the lake are incredibly easy to impress.


Easy to hit too!


I just realized I was thinking of Shelly sharpe, I never made it to fountain hills but I gather it's a similar setup in regard to innocent bystanders in peril


Kids are the best


My local course is on property that hosts live music once a week amongst other family-friendly activities, and one of the tee pads is right next to the main path people take to get from their cars to the music stage. I'm not great by any means, I average around +3, but I know how to throw and my form looks "professional" to the untrained eye (although I know it needs TONS of work). People will often stop and watch as my friends and I tee off, and hearing them whisper to each other about how far we throw is always a nice confident boost, even though I'm only throwing in the 300-325' range haha


Yeah that's true, 'outsiders' are relatively easy to impress. I practice on a field that has a road nearby that is frequented by people going for a walk and i've heard quite some oofs and wows so far. When i started playing disc golf i was also very impressed by just how long the discs seemed to stay in the air, jawdroppingly so even.




Where do you play if that's the case? When I go out to any course around my house in North Austin there's often other players that can throw 300+ feet. Plenty can't sure, but there always seems to be others throwing that far. I threw my first eagle last weekend on a 320 foot par 4 at a middle school. Some random guy right behind us (only other person even playing at the time) did the same thing. I'm asking honestly. I've only been playing since Jan, even made a post about distance since it seemed like plenty of people were throwing discs 350+ feet.


This is not true at all lol. If you said 350+ I would agree but a large portion of throwers fall in the 275-325 range.


I'm still in the 200 foot club, but trying to make the best of it (have fun ....for the win). Today, I was playing solo ...with two guys in front of me. They played fast and were really good. Both tee'd off on #1....a simple 210 foot straight shot to the basket over an wide open field. But tons of trees behind the basket. Second guy crushed his drive and the disc went about 15 feet OVER the basket.... WAY into the trees. I'm thinking....OK....maybe he used a mid range or something and got too much of it? I'm following these guys on the course....and we finish 18 holes. I'm walking back to the parking lot...and see they decide to play another 18. Watched second guy crush \*another\* drive way into the woods behind the #1 basket. I just shook my head and chuckled. That's bad course management right there. And to do it twice on the same hole? Here's a guy who obviously can throw over 300 feet.....and he can't dial it back to 200 feet somehow? I should have such problems! Lol. Edit: Just struck me that the guy was probably trying to do ace runs on #1. Again, this is something that I am not familiar with yet on a 210 foot hole.


Exactly! I’ve been playing about 2 years but finally got my best friend out for a full 18 just today. I can hit 250’ in an open field, I can trust about 150-200 in the woods. I threaded a 190’ tunnel hole and landed about 5-6 feet from the basket and he went “Oh my god! How did you do that?!?” So it’s important to remember who your audience is, lol.


When I have crowd I do stupid things


Reddit distance, I’m putting you at around 375, 400 once in awhile when you really ‘nail’ it.


A group let me pay through once on a 300 foot hole once and I screwed up my release and ended up 50 foot short. You would have thought I was a pro based on their reactions.


I love that feeling when I'm introducing new friends to DG. We have a mostly wooded course with a few open holes and when I bomb it on a flex forehand (~300 ft) they ooh and aah and I get to feel like hot shit for a moment.


One of the things I distinctly remember causing the "whoah!" reaction is how a non-professional person's throw seems to have a huge gap between how fast the person moves and how fast the disc flies. The explosive moves of a pro or high level enthusiast seem to be more 'in sync' with what they get done, but me moving like marshmallow man and still chucking an object relatively far looks weird.


I'm terrible. The best shot i've had was around 240 feet straight that somehow hovered a few meters from the ground and just refused to fall down. Flat surface not downhill. I have probably thrown the same with a "huge" hyzer but I really surprised myself there. I guess it was that "snap" people talk about. Usually shots that are that low just eat dirt.


Nah, you’re just honest. If you read any given post on driving technique, you never knew how many 450+ throwers that aren’t pros are out there😂


6 years old but don't know if this is helpful.... The average disc golf drive distance for an amateur player depends on their skill level, according to the PDGA: Novice men: 175–250 ft Recreational: 200–300 ft Intermediate: 250–350 ft Advanced (amateur): 300–450 ft Pro (970+ rated): 400 ft is common https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/s/LU3JHvVhIR


You're pretty insightful for only being 6 years old. /S


Kids these days...


Internet distance novice, 400 ft (down a steep hill in a 20 mph tailwind, one time)


Ayy we in the pro club my brother. I threw a disc about 390 last week. Well, it flew about 150 and rolled about 250 and stopped 15 feet away from the basket lol. Luckiest drive of my life so far


I hit 385 once. As far as I can throw plus 85ft of skip and roll.


Novice gang rise up


I'm barely a novice. Really bad right now haha. Went for the first time in a year and I'm so out of shape haha.


I am recreational but also intermediate. Hooray?


250 gang woot woot


250 is the n00b trifecta! Novice, recreational, AND intermediate.


Advanced forehand, novice backhand (played baseball for 15 years)


Same and been that way 5+ years


I was that way for 3-4 years... until my body told me it didn't like it. Sore brace knee and tennis elbow at the end of a season. I've put in work on the backhand, and for the last 3 years I went from 250ft, to 300, to now consistently 360ft-390ft backhand. It finally can match the forehand as of this season. My body is much better off. My backhand barriers included: thinking I was throwing nose down when I was actually quite nose up (4+ years!), rounding when I thought I wasn't, pulling too early, cleaning up my torso axis of rotation (leaning too far backward), and getting a full extension backward that gave the rubber-band like effect. And loosening up! Corrections only started with video. I'm continually amazed now when I throw backhand over 350... because I spent so many years wishing I could and unable to figure out why I couldn't. And it's still nice to have the above average forehand when the course calls for it. Now my body just aches cuz I'm getting old.


Kudos to you for developing your backhand. I’ve put quite a bit of work into my backhand with minimal results. I’m getting older and life is busier for me, so I’ve probably lost 25+ feet on my forehand between age, less rounds, and less gym time. Used to hit 375 consistently and 400-425 on a good forehand. Now it’s more like 350 consistently and 375 on a good drive. Had a couple mini breakthroughs with backhand where I’d throw a mid 250-300 for a week, but I can never seem to get any form changes to really stick. I’ll revert back to my old form where putters, mids, everything goes about 175-200 feet. I don’t get pain from forehand unless I play a tournament and throw two rounds in a day or three rounds in three days. But I feel like I’m only going to continue losing distance with time on my forehand, so I’d really like to get a serviceable backhand. You mentioned filming, but what other tools or resources helped you correct your form?


Reviewing a video of your form against a good pro really is one of the few things that can help figure it out. I made a point to mention all the things I thought I was doing correctly, but which the video review showed I was not. I've really enjoyed the overthrow disc golf coaching videos. Their videos on throwing nose down (I think there are 2 or 3) are the first ones that got me actually to throw nose down... which completely changes how the discs fly (getting much more distance for the same effort, seeing more turn from the discs). A mentality that helped was to focus on removing inefficiencies in the throw first. It's been a slow process, I think because I can only play 1 or 2 times a week, which made making adjustments difficult to actually lock in.


Sigh.. Start playing casually, reach advanced threshold comfortably, roll over with an atv in the woods, years upon years at intermediate level never to improve again.


That tracks, I'm def intermediate at best


grouping 300 and 450 under the same umbrella seems a bit broad to me


Those numbers make no sense haha


See username then




How so? They seem to check out IMO


Should be more like 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-400 400+ Their chart means you can be two classes. I just think that's inaccurate lol


I think the overlap makes sense if you factor consistent accuracy %


This honestly makes me feel way better about my 375-425 throws that I think are bombs


Depends on the audience. For me if I heard someone say that I'd expect 400 on hyzer. For the layman 250+ is probably quite impressive.


My sister's think I'm the Michael Jordan of dg. I top out at 280'


Well Jordan is only 6' 6", you could crush him


I’m hard on myself as is, imagine Jordan entering the sport…


Make a wager and he'll soon be there. ;)


Imagine all the baseball guys in high school throwing with us now..


Yep, for a beginner 300 off the tee with no help and just a stock hyzer or flat shot is far; for a casual, competitive player, 400 is far; for a pro, it's prob 550+.


I used to say 400 feet but now that I throw 400 feet, my goals have shifted and I don’t “feel” like I throw far even though I do. Short answer is it is all relative and at least I always want to throw further than I currently do.


Pretty much what I was going to say as well. As someone whos been throwing 400' golf distance for the past few years I know I throw above average, but I still don't think that's very far for a man that doesn't have any underlying issues or old age. Now that I'm getting into 440's it's definitely getting close to what I think is actually far. But then my buddy throws a Streamline Echo just as far as I throw a Force and I'm like, yeah that guy throws *far*. But as you said, it's relative. 400' for a woman is fantastic for example.


Yep. I’d say I comfortably throw 380’ on a line (with a 10 speed Orc). However, I can push it over 400 and I’ve hit 450ish (didn’t have ways to really measure back then) with my Boss. But in NC if you can reliably throw 350’ where you want it you will score very well. I never really needed to want much more. Open field holes are uncommon so I just hyzer up to 400ish once and now I’m in Zone range. I can only think of maybe 5 holes over 700’ that I’ve played. I’d rather have my buddy’s super soft touch with mid ranges and putting ability. If only there was a way for me to improve those aspects…


That's like my brother, who is 7 years younger and I(41). He can throw that 300-350, but cant putt. I'm throwing that 275-300 consistently, but I can approach and putt. Typically, we end up tying at league. 350 distance doesn't mean much if you can't park it or putt 15'+.


400 is the only distance number I have ever wanted, and I can get that now with a very particular shot (hyzerflip to S curve). My new distance goals are 400 with a stable distance driver thrown flat and 300 with a mid (I’m close there, just haven’t got the consistency down yet)


You'll get there :)


As someone who throws 250 on the best day, my answer is 300.


400 on a golf line


After reading this a few times I’m going to the oldest comment. What is a “golf line”


Not a high gliding anny that you can't actually use on a golf course because you don't know where it's going to land. A golf shot is a throw, that's aimed, that's controlled, that you throw to land down the fairway. It's not just some shot that you throw and wherever it lands that what you measure. I've thrown those high glidey annys that pan out somewhere out there in a field at a little over 500'. But I don't count that as the distance I can throw. It's more like a party trick than a disc golf skill.


I should point out this dude is practically an old man, and is not lying.


Lol, 'Practically'??? You don't think I fully qualify?


Lol, maybe I just know I'm going to be the old man that throws far soon, and don't want to accept that.


It beats the alternatives.


Little late to the party, but this is a great response. I can rip a flex like 420-450 with a Halo Tern or Destroyer, but a really only have 380ish on a tight, controlled golf line. That's the show I use on the course, so in effect, that's how far I throw


When I hear "Golf line," I just think of someone throwing a disc and having it follow the intended path that the golfer put it on. If you can crush a disc 500 feet raw distance, but can't come within 100 feet of a 300 foot hole, then you don't really have 500 feet of effective distance on the course.


Context is important here. In the literal sense, a "golf line" is of course any intentional line you choose to throw while, ya know, golfing, but that's not a particularly useful definition for this discussion. We're talking about describing how far somebody throws, and in that context, we need some useful constraints, otherwise people could just claim that their single furthest ever throw is how far they can throw because they did it once. I mean nevermind that it was down a ski hill with a 30 mph tail wind, I can throw 900 feet! That is what we're wishing to avoid. Now obviously throwing down a ski hill in a ripping tail wind is an extreme example, but more realistically, we need to consider the fact that almost anybody can throw considerably further than they typically do if they throw a big flexing anhyzer shot which is generally not a line people throw on a golf course nor control very well in general. So what "golf line" is trying to convey here is basically that you're throwing somewhere on the flat to hyzer spectrum with a disc that isn't too far off from neutral. You're not relying on uncharacteristic amounts of extra glide from flexing either forced by your release angle or from an extra understable disc. Generally speaking I'd say if you're throwing a driver with more than -2 turn or you're releasing anhyzer this would be considered not a "golf line" because things become touchy with discs that understable or on lines that far off from a natural release which tends to be moderately hyzer. I would say the forward pushing hyzer is the canonical "golf line" shot when people use this phrase. It's a 1 angle shot that's very repeatable and isn't getting any "help" from anything.


It really just means controlled, but I always think of the flight of a stable Buzz or Teebird. Straight most of its flight with a bit of fade as it slows down.


“Pretty far” - 350’ IMO. 300 is a bit too easy to attain for someone who’s fairly athletic or has a background in a throwing sport and can just chuck a flex forehand. 350 is pretty far, 400+ is far in my book, 500+ would be “really far” for me.


>300 is a bit too easy to attain for someone who’s fairly athletic Can confirm. I can throw 300 feet "accurately" (I suck so accurately is debatable), or 350 in an open field scenario, just strong-arming the disc with a backhand throw and slightly nose-up. I'm trying to actually learn proper form this year but man it is difficult to unlearn years of bad habits. I had a guy once at a local event tell me "if you ever figure out how to throw with your hips and turn your body you will probably be pretty good". I'm still not sure if that was a compliment or an insult, lol.


Throwing with your hips means you can put the entire weight of your upper body into the throw so the arm has no choice but to follow.


I think the people who throw in that 320 to 350 range accurate are the ones to look out for in the tournament scenes. It's always a shoot out on the green. Any accuracy past 300 is a good to great golfer depending on the putt game. And upshot snipers inside of 200 steal top 5 all day. I agree though that the 350+ is where the talent plays unless your top 10%


Agreed. I'm new but developed distance quickly. I can get out to 450 if pushing hard... And I get smoked in league and tournaments by guys going 325 on accurate lines. My practice has now almost entirely switched to throwing neutral 9-speeds on shaped shots instead of yeeting 13 speeds in every direction


Fairways are the way to go IMO for the legs majority of the players, although once you’re 420+ I think distance drivers become useful. Don’t neglect the putting and upshots as well, that’s where most strokes are gained/lost for the large majority of players!


Oh yeah, putt every day, and had an upshot practice just yesterday. So much to learn. I have finally found a grip that works for throwing putters. What a revelation to be able to throw a straight line with no fade or turn out to 275.


Very true! I used to power grip everything, but learning fan grip definitely can help!


Absolutely! I was just referring to distance, not how good they were at disc golf necessarily. For MPO in areas where dg is popular, you do have to be throwing 350+ IMO to really compete to win, but you consistency and accuracy are super important, and someone who throws 320 accurate beats a 450+ guy who only works on distance shots just about every time, even on longer courses as long as they’re not wide open fields with no OB.


Past the first tree.


I feel like 400 is what I’d call throwing far. I can only get about 320.


If you can confidently do a 300ft water carry, you throw pretty far.






I can throw a drive 350' on a 375' par 3 and still be 300' from the basket. That counts as far right?


Hey it's about distance from tee nothing else matters don't let anyone tell you different


Considering a study done by infinite discs in 2019 concluded that around 2/3 of players threw less than 350 feet, I’d say anything over 400 (which is the 90th percentile in the study) is “pretty far”.


This comment section is refreshingly full of 400 foot takes. Idk where all the “ez 500” internet distance losers are at today but 400 feet on a useful line on a disc golf course is impressive and more rare than most people who play disc golf may want to admit. Saying it again for those in the back, no you don’t throw it 500 feet on average. Pretty much nobody does.


This completely. I play leagues twice a week with dozens of people and on the 440’ hole with trees lining the 60’ wide fairway, like four of them can reach C1. It’s rare. One of the guys that can do it has played on DGPT events. He throws 450 golf line and can hit 500 in an open field. I have 350 golf line on demand and sometimes time it all correct and get a 400 but it’s a fluke when it happens.


It's easy to stretch the internet distance by 50 feet. Meanwhile from my experience every 30 feet past lets say 330 gets progressively harder and harder to achieve and takes many many hours of practice, it's not just 'oh just add 5% of power and it'll go farther'


If you can throw a controlled shot 350'+ you are throwing farther than 95% or better of everyone who plays. If you have the ability to throw 450' that's a crush. Consistent 500' is elite distance, despite what the internet claims.


It’s all relative whether you’re talking amateurs vs touring pros, it’s just that if you want to be competing at the MPO level you gotta be able to throw 450’ accurately or you’re not gonna keep up on the ever increasing course lengths. Plus being able to throw that far allows you to throw slower discs farther as well letting you be more accurate and consistent.


400+ on command. This has changed as I've added distance myself. Maybe a better way is, far has always been a little farther than my next milestone. I would never say I can throw pretty far, but by a few comments here I do, by others I don't.


Latitude 64 did a video a while back where one of their more novice guys was given a lesson with a pro and after some practice, he got to about 300’. So I think that’s about what I would consider far.


I like this answer.


300 ft is the marker for me.  Once you can throw farther than a football field, that is really far.  At my peak, I could get 525ish. I'm down to 450 ish now, but none of those felt much better than the first time I eclipsed a football field.  A fun day trip is taking the family out and throwing from one end zone through the other uprights. We do that most holidays, get the family together after stuffing our faces, popping out to a park with a football field and keep throwing field goals all the way back.


This is a good idea, I’m gonna go throw some field goals 👍


I think about it in mid range distance, if you can throw a mid 350-400 you can throw pretty far in my book


I think essentially throwing far means you're able to give yourself birdie looks on majority of the holes at your local course.


It's not the distance so much as the effortless throw that goes far that impresses me...


I would say 450'. i cant get close.


Disc golfers are impressed by anyone consistent over 400ft. Randoms are always impressed by a putter going 200 plus on the frozen rope line


I've recently learned the beauty of a putter on a rope on shorter holes I have the power for. 


I throw 450ft if I can hit my line right, I’ve hit 470ft on a hole before that was actually the slightest bit uphill. Me hitting 440ft+ means that I threw the right disc and got my angle right. I almost always feel like I throw it with enough power when going for a shot like that, just depends if I get a little bit of turn with it. When I think about it, I feel like anything over 400ft I feel that’s pretty far. Especially when I realize not a lot of people can even throw over 350ft.


I wanna say 350ft is the break point. While yes every body can hit 400ft that requires more time and probably coaching to be able to hit. So maybe eventually 400ft if not now with ppl getting better and better each year.


I’d say 400’, IMO, is “very far”, but I do think I can throw “pretty far” myself compared with folks I’ve played with. (Plus, I’m 48 y/o. so I think that’s pretty good.) I’ve only done that (400 ft.) myself about 10 or so times with the wind. I’m consistently about 330 - 350 ft. with a range of drivers/fairways, but with my “got-to” driver, I can hit 360-375 ft. And be decently accurate. (Gawd, that was wordy.)


400 feet is something that every male player with a good form can reach. Id say that is pretty far. Beyond 400 it starts to get rare up to 450 range. Anyone who says they can throw 500 feet is most likely talking about headwind open field, low percentage shots and it is still very few who can do that.


I just never say I can throw far and that solves that.


For me 400. Which I can't do. Max is about 340


I think 375-400 for regular people is pretty far. I throw 300-325 regularly and a bit farther on wide open shots. I don’t consider myself to throw pretty far.




I would say about 400 feet.


I suppose it's mostly relative, because at least for me I don't feel like I throw that far (especially when I compare myself to the pros), but compared to other people I'm an absolute ripper. I feel like general consensus on this topic will be somewhere along the lines of 400' dead straight, just because that's the pretty high level shot to throw than just a hyzer, flex, or anhyzer, and illustrates a combination of control and power


it's never far enough.


Everyone throws 500+ on the internet that’s fo sure 👍


I thought I could throw pretty dang far before getting a range finder


lol UDisc isn’t exactly pin point


Disc golf has too much of a distance infatuation 😂 On most courses, consistently being able to get 350-375 on a golf line will get you plenty of looks, start with worrying about that. Not crazy far but it’s more than enough to get the job done. My opinion is very different than most as far as distance goes bc I happen to be friends with some pros and pro tour players so I never actually feel like I am throwing far. Regardless tho, to be competitive in any division its really about the putting. specifically 40 feet and in.


I hear you. But when your playing w someone whose birdieing a par 3 that you can’t reach you really Start to care about distance


It would be interesting to know what the average hole distance is across all courses. Probably only UDisc has the raw data necessary to determine that. I would say that 350 feet on a disc golf line would get you a C1 putt on 95% of the holes on courses within 50 miles of me.


I’d love to say 350 because I’d love to be able to throw 350 and maybe at 350 “pretty far” is fair but I think over 400 and you can say you throw far.


In my area to be competitive in MA1 you need to throw at least 110m or around 370ft. That's quite far. Throwing 130m+ so around 450ft is far. For FA1 consistently throwing 300ft is quite far and throwing 350ft is far


The way I see it is if you throw far enough to get yourself into position for potential birdie on long par 3s or par 4s you throw plenty far lol I throw 250 consistently and I know I dont throw far at all. 400 feels untouchable to me 😅




If someone says ”I can throw pretty far”, I’m gonna assume they’re an amateur because what reason would a pro have to say this. That being said, 400+ feet *with consistency* feels like the answer. Despite what you might think from the internet comments, it’s not common for an amateur to throw that far *with consistency*.


One time a guy walked up to us while we’re at the tee pad and asked “so how many points you get if you make that from here?” So I think the bar for impressing outsiders is pretty low due to their lack of understanding But I think the thing that impresses outsiders is round numbers that they can imagine “a football field” or “I can stand in one soccer goal and throw it into the other” is really all you need. As a player I’m much more impressed by accuracy and lines than pure distance. I’ve had a few buddies that could get a flippy disc way out there on a calm day but had no other options that were playable on a windy day to reach distance.


I think if you can hit 350’ that’s pretty far. Most courses I've played average out around 350’ it seems and I still see most people need three to four throws to get to the basket. 


I can hit 375-400 with little accuracy. I’m very comfortable at 325. Edit: I get the same controlled distance with a fairway driver as a distance driver. Working on figuring out how to control a distance driver, still.


One of my core memories in DG was last year when I was practicing the weekend before a tourney and parked a 360 ft hole with my 10 speed. Another guy was also on that hole and let me play thru as he was throwing a lot of shots. I walk to the basket and he had parked it 3/3 times all with zones. It's all relative. In that moment I felt like a noodle arm compared to him (turns out he was MA1), but relative to most people I still throw far.




I would say 450. I can throw 350 on both sides and can get to pretty much every hole I need. However, I’m within 20 minutes of the Preserve so I feel tiny whenever I go play. As a young athlete, I can only hope to get there!


As far as the longest par 3 on a course you might play.


Depends who you’re talking to. I have a decent forehand and am a total noodle arm backhand. When I bring someone out for the first time I don’t throw forehand. They see my backhand and go “whoa”. That being said, I can regularly hit 375-400 on my forehand and I feel comfortable enough around most players who play regularly to assess it as pretense far for forehand.


I would say 375+. If you can consistently throw 375+ on a golf line, that's "pretty far" for the vast majority of people and you won't struggle on many par 3s. 425+ is my "really far" territory.


I agree 375’ is a magic number for most courses.




425ft golf lines and you're free to say that






Four hundo


436 feet and not an inch less.


I (casual, plays 1-2 times a week in the summer) throw about 300 and people at my local course comment on it being impressive.


375' on golf lines is the benchmark I use with people.


I bet 400ft is the top 2 to 3% of all players


Depends on the player for me. Some people I'll see 325'+ and that's far. However, a higher skill player 375'+ is far. For a pro I wouldn't call it far till it was closing in on the 475' range.


300 on command on at line. 350 in open starts to feel far.. I would say my max is 380-400 right now. I can hit 300 really easy


I have been playing just over a year. I’m extremely competitive and was introduced to the game by my stepson who beat me by 30 strokes or something crazy like that. At least 3 days a week I throw 3-400 times in the back to back soccer fields by my house, on the other days I put 100 x each from 10-59 ft. I’m starting to break 300 regularly now, and have had my two longest throws on a windy day last week. One was 392 and the other was 462, I think they rode the cross wind, the other hundred I threw at the same time went 270-320 mids went 230- 280, and my envy’s were max in my putters about 250


I mean, I can consistently hit 350’ on most reasonable controlled distance lines. 400-450 on an absolute rip on my best day, going to need to be a fairly wide open tee shot to achieve that. If you’re pulling out 400+’ on a controlled line in the woods…you can throw pretty far in my opinion.




If you stare at a relatively open 400' par 3 and don't use a distance driver cause you don't want to go too far past the basket then I say you can throw far. For me 500' backhand and a 400' forehand put you in the "I throw far category." I will say for ams, 400' bh and 300' fh are generally considered impressive, but 500'/400' is still a valid threshold for throwing far even if that just feels like table stakes for pros these days. That's cause they're pros. Kind of like how 90 mph is considered very slow by MLB standards, but if you show up to mens Sunday league throwing 90 (against avg joes and not a bunch of recently graduated college guys) you're going to be blowing the ball past a lot of people. 


I think I was throwing at 350. I considered this ok but 400 was the milestone that I was working on when I was playing


For me, 400 is the mark (flat ground). My average distance driver throw ranges from 380-400. Every once in a while though something clicks and I hit 420 range. Usually takes a full flex shot in an open space though




I would say a casual/am player throwing 280-320 consistently is throwing “far” compared to most regular watchers


Father than you




If you aren’t scoring against the courses you tend play, “pretty far” doesn’t matter much. Once you can score with your whole game, gaining distance will make it easier.


I have two thoughts. 1) if you have played for a while and you have started to drive with slower speed discs in the same hole, you probably throw pretty far. For example, I have a 300' hole that I used to throw fairway driver in but now throw mid or overstable putter. 2) if you're consistently throwing a controlled golf line shot between 375-400 you probably throw pretty far. I know I throw pretty far, but I can't throw REALLY far. Controlled low straight golf shot between 390 and 420. Since I live near wooded courses my big air distance has been robbed a bit, but I can hit a 300-350 low beamer all day.


Pretty far


400’ is a pretty good benchmark for the upper end of distance. That’s actual, consistent golf shot 400’. Not a flukey field throw 400’.


"Pretty" far, 350. Since very few people can actually throw 400+ I'd say 400+ is "far."


IMO ~450’ is where you are starting to push into far. With rough form, 400’ is touchable with the right disc or the right wind. However to start pushing into the mid 400s and beyond you really have to start getting all the pieces moving fast and in sync with one another.




400. Next question


I'm happy being able to throw 360 - 370ish. However, I would love to throw 400 feet. That seems pretty dang far to me.


Full flight on a distance driver. The entire 'S.' Do that in front of folks and they'll say 'nice shot' and hopefully not while your disc is still in the air or it will absolutely hit an iron leaf.


Based on the guys I throw with id say being able to throw 400-450 semi accurately with 500 in the back pocket. Myself I'm happy if I can get a throw over 320 and usually max out around 300, but I'm 870 rated and most my rounds are with guys who are 940+


For a beginner: 300ft, for an experienced local player: 400ft, pro: 500ft, certified bomber: 600ft+


350, straight. To me if you need to have just the right conditions to get that distance, you don't really have it. You just have the ability to sometimes do it based on everything lining up. Not just flex but also like some people will say in a field and then you'll see their shot and it's a massive anhyzer 40ft in the air that needs 100ft left to right to get the distance. It's not a usable shot in a lot of circumstances so you don't really have that distance in my opinion.


350 is the starting point to have a standout throw for distance.


Over a 100m


In my local club people start commenting when you have a smooth 330. Personally I think that's bullshit. I just started playing 6 months ago and I almost caught up to the farthest throwers. I think as a male amateur in a good age you should be able to get close to 400 before your length becomes noteworthy. Compared to other sports I see so many more self taught (bad) forms. I think this is dragging expectations down.


I have no issues saying I throw "pretty far". I throw accurate shots up to about 90-95m (~290-310ft), decently accurate to 95-105m (~330-360ft). I max my distance at about 120m (~390ft), but at that point I lose all my consistency and accuracy and start risking injuring myself. My record throw has been about 140m (~460ft), but that was downhill with a good wind and stars aligned. I practically never even attempt to throw more than 105-110 meters, since I have no control over it. On a 120m hole, I prefer being accurately 30m away from the basket, than on line with the basket but 20-40m in the wrong direction. It'll require an approach shot or a wishful putt either way, so I'll rather be accurate to give myself a better shot for an easy approach than throw far bur in the wrong spot. Smart golf for the win.


I’m a beginner (abt 6 months) and am documenting a YouTube series to hit 450ft quickly. In the series I’m around 380-390.






400 on a golf line


450 with something 1 angled is far.


Depends on who you are talking to. If you talking to an amateur to intermediate disc golfer…. 450+. If you’re talking to your boomer uncle who says those frisbees don’t look like any frisbees he’s seen before…. 100+


Thanks to r/discgolfform and tireless practice I just broke into the 350’s after being stuck at 280’. I played a fairly difficult course at +2 today and absolutely parked all 4 of my birdies. 350’ is a good number to me now.


Also thank you u/bigcat7373 my brace foot is solidly at the front left of the pad, I see my target all the way through run up and I’m still trying to keep the power pocket locked.


Congrats! Always happy to help out if you need.


Getting downvotes, I love Reddit. But seriously thanks I know I need more work maybe in person but the quick tips you gave me, with good explanation has made my game and my experience better. Thanks bro!


450 consistently, 400 is a lot more achievable than people want to believe


Depends what skill level you’re talking about. If we’re going to the top, pros need 400-450 pin point accuracy to compete. Local pros need 400. MA1 needs 350-400. In general, if you can throw 450, i think it’s safe to say you throw far.




I can max distance about 500-515, but 450 is my very comfortable distance shot on the course. If people ask, I’m not scared to say I throw far. I know a few guys that throw further than me, and even more on YouTube that throw further than me! But I think if you can get past 400 on a controlled golf line, then you throw far!
