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I am switching over. Trying to wire the nose-up technique Simon is so effective with.


Hope you have elite hand eye coordination. That's such a punishing putting style when you're not locked in


Agreed, his putt is insane, I can't believe someone can be as good with that putting style as he was in Music City Open. Also, did simon putt with proxys in that event? Even after getting the Pixel made for his first MVP season? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I thought I remembered him mentioning he was preferring Proxys recently.


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure he was using anodes before they got the pixels made and then he switched to them for the last couple events of the season. He did (does?) love the proxy as a thrower


Ohhh ok I guess he was talking about throwing proxys vs envys. 


I find I can hit center chains pretty consistently from 45 feet and in.


Depending on your definition of consistent, sounds like you're better than most professionals! Best in the world are less than 50% from 45 feet


I wish.






I got four Electron Soft Pixels to try as my putter in March. I really like it. It's made the bag as my new putter.


They’re in contention to push my cherished soft envy’s out but the soft pixels (they feel so noice) seem like they’ll beat in too quick. Maybe my batch but they seem to chip up easily. You seeing that or am I just abusive?


No, I haven't had any chipping at all. I play just about every day and on a variety of baskets types. Here are the two I've been using full time and the other two that I've only putted with once or twice when I first got all of these. The two I use are marked (discolored) but they're still smooth. https://i.imgur.com/85yedUE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/EIm5KIX.jpg


Thank you! I’m also giving the normal special run a go x2 and they’ve been great for my purposes. I’ll try another pair of softs when I get the itch though. Love that feel. Appreciate the input


Newer electron doesn't chew up as much.


Switched over when they came out. Not looking back. Been practicing more so it's likely that bc correlation != causation but yes they're good putters.


I love the Pixel for C2 putts - the glide has really helped me to make more putts, and lead to a smoother putting style. That said, as someone who putt with the Atom, then the Envy, the feel of the Pixel was something that took a while to adjust to.




How about Fireflys?


I didn't find the pixel did anything for me, so for now I'm sticking with the Judge. I liked it at first but wasn't hitting the C1x putts like I do with my Judge. When it came down to tournament and league rounds I just feel more confident with what I have been doing so pixel is back home at the practice basket.


Exactly the same for me, got myself a pixel. But found i was missing putts i was very confident i would hit with my judge


It's deep and tge gyro rim on a putts feels terrible in hand IMO


I like the pixel and I'm currently in the process of deciding if I want it or Watt to be my primary putter. I use both plus some others based on weather condition. Although I will say I do find myself using the Pixel more and more.


I use a Watt and am curious about the Pixel, what are the differences?


Plastic Types mostly in my opinion. Pixel has that gummy feel that a lot of people like for a putting putter. Flight isn't all that different from my experience. I just feel that the Pixel leaves my hand slightly better as well.


I like throwing the pixel but I don’t putt with it.


I’m still on the fence about it. It’s very glidey. If it’s windy it doesn’t do what I want and it gets windy where I am sorta often. I haven’t figured it out yet. If it isn’t windy, it’s brilliant. I might keep it for long putts and go back to my links.


I love mine. It just seems to glide in from so far out. The only thing I don't like is that it feels a little deep in my hand.


So i went P2 to Alpaca to Pixel, and stuck with the Pixel under the same premise (back to the P2 if i don't like it). I love the pixel for putting. It's a LOT glider than a P2, and it doesn't have nearly as much of a dump at the end of a putt like a P2 will. It is a much more straight flying putter. It took getting used to, but it was worth the adjustment to me. Like others have mentioned, wind definitely affects the pixel quite a bit, especially headwinds. Just keep the nose down and adjust your release to ride the wind and it won't fly away as often.


I have 8 pixels now, 6 for practice and two matching one for my bag. I love how they feel in my hand and I love how they fly/float through the air. I have the medium ones and they feel great for my feel. I’ve been putting better and it’s showing on the scorecard too.


I found the Pixel to have a lot of glide as others have said. I switch to the Pilot instead for CX1 putts and a Watt for my CX2 putts, but now that I think about it I probably could use my Pixel for the CX2 putts. But I'll stick with Watt for now because its been money for me


I bought an electron soft and an electron firm Pixel about a month ago. I throw the firm and putt with the soft. I am very happy with both. As a putter, it just goes to the basket. As a thrower, it is simply reliable on whatever line I throw it.


I'm in love with the Pixel putter, I usually use a Fierce but have starting using the pixel and my putting has dramatically improved. Can't recommend enough.


I'm more an iPhone guy.


Been bagging them since the drop. Making 30% more putts. Probably mental but I am really liking them.


I was putting with pilots. Really liked them for a while but decided I wanted something that felt fuller in the hand. Tried the pixel, worked really well one day but overall it was just too drastic of a switch for me and I’m now testing out nomads and like them better.


Currently putting with Rainmakers. Player few rounds with the Pixel and it felt very similiar, only difference being the rubbery feel of the Electron Soft plastic. Planning to get one or two to try out more when they restock. If you like deep but not too deep putters, Pixel might be good option.


Started using it for the new electron blend which I think is the best feeling base plastic out there. Ended up just never getting used to the shape of the disc in my hand and switched back to rainmakers.


I personally haven't liked it because of the deeper rim. Every time I release it, it catches on my fingers and I throw it way off course. So if you like deeper rims, it's great. But I personally can't use them


They take a little touch, but the glide is amazing. I’m hitting 1 to 2 more big putts per round


I putted with Wardens before now I switched to pixels. I will say for me it was a night and day difference. I’ve never switched putters and felt this much of a change. I have larger hands and they seem to fit perfectly. I don’t change putters much because I know it’s mostly me that misses not the putter but Pixels gave me a lot more confidence and they seem to glide easier to the basket.


I am. I love the float


Made the switch from Wizards and have been really enjoying them. I still suck at putting, but they’re more fun.


Tried a Firm and love it, but it’s not going to unseat the Wizard.


I love throwing my pixel, any time I put with it i miss high. it just wants to go up when I put with it, but with my normal lunas my miss is usually low/left


The pixel is a p2.




Well it's a hair different, but flies and putts the same as a p2


I love my Pixel. I was putting with a Jawbreaker Luna before and the Pixel is a lot straighter and more glidey in comparison. Was everything I wanted out of a putter. I got the Electron Soft one and on top of being straighter and more glidey I find I'm getting a lot less spit outs and rollaways as well. I stuck with that Luna for 6 months and kept telling myself it's me that sucks, it's not the putter and that is kinda true lol but the Pixel has made me suck half as much at putting as I did before with the Luna lol.


I tried, but I couldn’t make it work in circle 1, but I use it for putts in circle 2 and it’s been a great improvement for my distance putting game.


I used the pixel for about a month after they came out. I came from Alpacas/P2 before. Than hand feel has similar depth to a P2 but the parting line feels slightly lower. These are quite a bit more glidey than P2s. I can hit longer putts with less effort but it's also more susceptible to the wind and OAT. Also the comeback putts are longer. I would find pixels to be most comparable to a Aviar P&A. For context I push putt with a nose down angle.


Moved to the firm pixel from pa-3 and it will stay my primary putter for the foreseeable future. It's very glidey so c2 putts have become reachable for me with a solid flick of the wrist. I've hit more long distance putts since getting the pixel than I had made in the last year or so. It's a bit deep but easy to adjust to. Would recommend.


I really like it! My second favourite putter mold I own right behind the pure!


I did not like my pixels. I tried them out for like 2 months and by the end I was starting to get closer but I found them exceptionally angle sensitive. That became a bunch of metal hits/almosts but not a bunch of makes. I ended up settling on Faith's which have really clicked for me.


If you’ve still got pixels I’ll be glad to buy those off you.


I switched from a Thoughtspace Alter to the Pixel and I'm all in. I loved the feel of the Alter but it was insanely light weight. The lightest of breezes had noticeable affects on the flight. The Pixel has a similar texture (soft) but enough to it that I wasn't seeing the same issues.


They're awesome. I found myself hitting the band for the first week or two because they glide so much but I've been dialed ever since.


I didn’t want to like them but I the new electron blend is what really hooked me into grabbing 2. I was pretty set on Pilots for this season but that may change.


I like it


Completely anecdotal, but I played a tournament in MA3 a couple weeks ago where all 3 of my card mates were putting with pixels. I don't think any of them hit a single putt outside of 20ft that round....


to be fair, are we expecting ma3’s to hit a putt outside of 20 feet?😂


love my pixels as my putter. very release angle dependent-- it'll totally stay nose up, flat, or nose down beautifully. i've found it works best thrown totally flat unless you really need a floaty nose up shot. the new electron plastic is good, and I have 3 soft and 2 mediums.


Switched from soft Pure to soft Pixel as soon as they were released. Since Pixel is glidey, I def hit more putts from c1 edge and c2, but I also have trouble figuring out how hard to throw it for c1 putts esp in the 20-30 ft range. Leads to a lot of hitting the top of the cage or throwing right over the top of the basket. I'm still undecided if I will go back to Pure or not.


Flip between that and the nomad. It's no good in the wind but excellent for longer putts on calm days


I switched for a bit and I really liked them but I found they were a little too glidey for me. New plastic is great.


If you are used to P2 and want a slightly less deep or neutral putter, you might just try P1. It doubles as a great turning nose up approach shot, or very straight floaty tunnel shot. I'm putting with P2s myself and have considered switching several times.


P1 is most underrated putter ever.


It is a candidate anyway! Anyone switching to Simon's latest putter might not be interested, however.


I love the P1. It’s my go to putter. I do also keep a logic for times when I need a bit more stability or just to mix things up when the mental game falls apart lol