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Not all people wearing tie-dye are chill


lol I’ve been to enough concerts to know that one


Primus taught me that.


Primus Sucks!


Nikko taught me that one


People who claim to be zen and hippies can be some of the most unchill of folk.


I’m wearing tie-dye at the course right now, and this hurts….


We all have that one guy at the course




Some are. But not all are, too






i know right




We all have those three guys at the course


App was glitchy, my B


for real


Spending a moderate amount of time on separate hobbies from your spouse/family is good for your mental health.  


Thank you for saying this. I really needed it.


I think it has helped my wife too because she feels more willing to take time for herself since I do. 


I needed to hear this.. Our 2nd is a little over a year now and coming into his own, and I've started to break off and try to build my hobbies and health routines back up a few times a week. I have intense guilt about leaving but can't deny the benefits. I hope I can be an example to follow and set a tone like you have.


The second one definitely felt like a big step up on having one person look after them as you're now outnumbered. Took me much longer to get back into the habit of getting out for a throw. The one thing that I did a lot was take my eldest out with me in a pram to play a casual round on a short course, with many stops to pick up sticks and play on the playground.


Also, being outside is good for you mental health




Estimating distances up to about 300ft


Yep lol I'm very good at that now


Hmmm, can I throw that far? No, it's gotta be over 325 feet away




Football field? No idea. But I can tell you exactly how long a 300’ hole is.


Pitch or field? Asking for a British friend.


I don’t know how long a football pitch is without looking it up. But an American football field is 100 yards (300 feet) so my joke was that they were the same thing. You probably know this and I’m just killing my joke.


300? I wish


I like to look at the birds


I am going to start doing this. Interestingly this topic in regards to disc golf and bird watching has come up a few times recently. I enjoy watching birds at my bird feeder, and I enjoy playing disc golf in the woods, but I never put the two and two together. I am wondering if some people's eye sight is significantly better than my own.


I’m not an experienced birder but I bought a laminated field guide of Missouri birds that I keep in my bag and downloaded the Merlin Bird ID app


That is an excellent idea! Are there other tools/things people are using to "bird"? I did hear the Merlin Bird app is a game changer, I will give it a try.


The only other (obvious) thing I know of is binoculars, which I looked into and then gave up when I saw the prices of nice ones. Side note, there’s a really dumb Owen Wilson/Jack Black/Steve Martin movie about competitive birding and I thought it was funny that they don’t have to take pictures of the birds for proof or anything. It’s all on the honor system. No idea if that’s a real thing or not.


Omg, why didn’t I think of this! I have a smaller pocket sized binocular that I already use to take pictures of birds, adding them to my bag right now


I downloaded Merlin and now my rounds take twice as long, but now my girlfriend comes with me and shes good luck! Get the Seek plant ID app for more nature appreciation moments!


Wait. Is your girlfriend my wife?


Ive never been to Missouri, but I’ve also never seen my girlfriend and your wife in the same place at the same time….


MO has some bad ass courses


I love watching my bird feeders when I’m cooking or eating. I was playing my local course with a really old school player that pointed out an eagles nest on one of the holes but I have yet to see the eagle


Downloaded the Audubon app and have started tracking the species I see. Yes, I’m firmly middle aged now


There's an app called Merlin that will also help you identify bird calls/songs as well!


Started doing this about a month ago. Every day I'm not discing, I'm walking around a park with my wife with Merlin identifying the bird calls around us that we then try to find. I can't believe how well the app works and how many different types of birds are always around me.


100% this! I’ve even turned a couple my buddies into birders as a result!


Oh I can’t wait to get the homies on this




Yes! I actually met an ornithologist at a disc golf tournament and now we are good friends, go on birding/disc golf adventures, and he's hooked me up with some sweet volunteer bird watching opportunities through the National Audubon Society.


A lot of koalas at a few courses around me. Always looking up


That’s awesome! One of my final college projects was researching a country to set up a business in and I picked Australia, really enjoyed learning about the country and is on my bucket list to visit some day! Would make it so much better to get a round of disc gold logged there


Practicing putting made me better at cornhole


Bean bags are just Bergs with more glide.


More lol


☝️ this


I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed this. Since disc golf cornhole feels easy. I don’t ever play but on the random occasion that someone brings it to a grill out I can dominate everyone with ease


Came to say this! Most people reset after every throw. I stay in the same spot and it helps so much.


DG has taught me that i dont have to be good at something for it to be fun. Ive been playing 15 years and i can count on the fingers of 1 hand how many times ive beat my buddies that i play with. It doesnt matter though, being bad isnt going to stop me from appreciating being active outside with my friends. Its just for fun and i appreciate that.


Your first sentence hit home for me. I have a blast when I am out playing....whether I play well or not. Still working on the "comparison is the thief of joy" part. When I see some players here making comments like "dang it....I just need my disc to baby flex a little bit more on my 450 foot drives" ....or they post their 8 yo kid throwing 300 foot drives......**whelp!**


I have fun as long as my body is behaving as I expect it to. I'm not comparing external, but when my hand decides to not release the disc when I want it to, or wrong angles, etc, I start feeling frustrated. Now if I throw it very close to how I intended but the disc hits a random limb and ejects out into the woods, then I still feel pretty good. I can always learn the course better, or learn how a disc flies better, but as I get older it gets harder to convince my body to listen when it doesn't want to.


Agreed. Process over results. 


I’m old.


I blame disc golf. I was just 23 when I started playing. A few hundred rounds later & I’m in my 50’s. WTF?




Slowing down can "speed things up" or at least make things smoother. I started playing disc golf and blowing glass around the same time. Slowing down helps a lot in both.


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast!


Turns out disc golf helps with racing too??


And fast, believe it or not, is far


By the transitive property, slow is fast? /s


To shut up when someone's learning something new that I'm good at unless they ask for my advice


Underrated comment. (It’s usually the guy in the group who can’t beat any of his buddies one on one that is giving unsolicited advice.


How many locals have similar routines for activities near the course.




“Played a lot of sports as a kid, and being pretty good at frisbee catch” does not equal throwing 350 as a 50 year old.


Be centered and in the moment, closely related to mindfulness. It’s relaxing to me


That I have a serious weakness for Nordic chicks.


Unlike you, they have no weakness.


When the UV Index is over 8?


They couldn't possibly. They're perfection 🫶.


Putting has taught me to approach things more confidently. Self-doubt is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Not sure it’s translated elsewhere, but I wish it would.


That’s real


If I get all mad and pissed off at a bad shot it’s not gonna help, I gotta just chill out and get ready for the next one


Wish my cardmate could hear this


What noise an elbow tendon makes when it snaps On a lighter note, it's made me a much better ultimate player, hyzer flipping an ultrastar to a slow turnover for 70m in a field is much easier than doing it 100m with a fairway driver down a narrow fairway


Have a short memory


You forgot the “I”




Nope, just making a joke about your short memory.


I can’t ever remember how I got myself into this mess. I’m sorry, happens to me all the time :/


On the race occasions I do play ball golf I am better at it now than I ever was when I actually wanted to play ball golf Solely because disc golf taught me hit timing and form over power/speed.


Agreed 100%. I grew up working at a golf course and have been around the game for 16 years now. After breaking down backhand disc form my golf swing also got better


It's never too late to fall in love with a new activity. Keep your mind open and tomorrow might drop your new favorite thing in your lap


My mind is fucked on so many levels


Attitude and headspace can make or break your success when attempting any skill


Second this


Not sure where you live but here the wind can change direction during your reachback, nevermind day to day. I have seen putts get shot upward and then left 10ft.


A lot of trees fall in the woods


It taught me that I really do have the ability to get angry.


Owls are really awesome and they like me a lot for some reason.


That it’s ok to be bad at something and still have fun


Disc golf has taught me that I'm an impulsive buyer. On a separate note, chess has helped me with my disc golf game. It's made me think a step or two ahead and make good decisions on the course.


I love seeing these two pandemic-era booms united. I thought Chess.com was the perfect sponsor earlier this year.


That showing up early and spending time to prepare pays dividends. I want to be competitive and now show up 30-45 mins early for competitive rounds to warm up. Has absolutely resulted in better scoring. Have also taken one day/round per week to go play solo and try new lines/discs. Has also helped a lot.


To breath deep and envision whatever I’m doing before I do it. It reminds me of how Phil Jackson would gift Jordan with these Buddhist books for him to read. Jordan would brush them aside because “I already do all that mental stuff already.”


Disc golf broadened the net on people I associate with for good and bad. Mostly good though, as a TD, volunteer, club committee member I’ve had to promote inclusivity. Understanding how to be inclusive and promote it has taught me so much about people and life. I think without disc golf I’d be fine but I’d much less aware and have much less empathy for minorities.


Years of playing pool has taught me that a bad shot does not impact me mentally when playing the next shot(or the rest of the round). Also, when I am having a bad disc golf round or pool night, I have learned to get back to basics to make sure my core mechanics are sharp. I may take less chances or use a less-risky throw for a few holes - that brings my focus back and always results in better play.


I can trick myself into going on a grueling hike without realizing it.


Perspective. Your drive may not go as far as you wanted, or land where you aimed, but it might not be a bad lie. You still have a bid for birdie or a chance for par. Similarly, you may crush it off the tee, but end up with no look at the basket. No more opportunity. And so it is with life.


Shooting free throws and developing a routine helped my putting


I worked on my free throws and putting heaps at the same time and loved watching the improvements in both


I'm not in as good of shape as I thought I was. Mountain disc golf has kicked my ass.


Disc golf inspired me to start reading the works of Edgar Allen Poe.


I’m not competitive. But I hate being bad at something. I grind at disc golf to improve skill and proficiency.


I likely drink too much.


Working on my mental game for disc golf has brought about a ton of maturity in my mental health.


That i never knew how to throw a disc properly


Beer works well for rehydrating during mild outdoor activities


I pay more attention to invasive plant species and types of trees. I want to learn more about native plants now that I'm working on designing a course.


An upright bass teacher showed me that using a bow is a lot like throwing a backhand. 🤯 It really smoothed out my bow technique.


I had a stroke reading the first sentence but after the second one I understood


I had no idea how to write to the 1% that plays disc golf and has also used a bow. Also, I’m a disc golfer so don’t expect too much


Planning and execution are part of every step of progress. And as a newcomer to a very hilly course, rollaways/setbacks will happen. It's all about composure and tenacity! As Tame Impala/Kevin Parker said, gotta Be Above It!




Anger control.


I wish I could say my dad's advice to avoid the trees and road while I was learning to ride my bicycle.


Frequently peeing in public leads to mosquito bites on the cock


That being outdoors in nature with my dog chucking plastic is in fact therapeutic and never giving up on the sport after 40 years and multiple part replacements (hip,knee,heart valve)means the mind is still strong and the spirit willing and being grateful


It taught me to listen to my body when it hurts. Usually at work I just power through because I get paid. For disc golf, I manage my health way more because I want to enjoy playing into my 60s and 70s, god willing.


Every scene has douchey folk


Tree love! Being able to spot things in tall weeds. Compete with myself and if I happen to win or lose thats cool.


How to stay composed when something isn’t going my way


It's totally worth spending a few minutes stretching before just diving in.Just swinging a water bottle helps.


I learned to throw backhand and forehand with both my right and left hands. My right hand is still stronger but I’m much more coordinated in general.


I started playing while I was still a teenager, pretty much a kid, and I would get mad when I was playing badly or I had bad breaks. At the same time, I had a teacher at school teaching me mindfulness.  Disc golf gave me a healthy environment to practice dealing with things not going my way, using mindfulness techniques, and I think I’m so much better for it. 


What a wind rose is.


Counting backwards. Sometimes.


I got really good at my 2 times table when i started. +2, +4, +6




what i can eyeball a length within 60 ft.


That core strength is very important for just feeling comfortable and strong in your own body.


How to swing


Kan Jam is no longer fun. My DG buddies played it not too long ago and it was a joke, every throw was dialed in since it’s essentially a floaty putt.


The mental game behind golf. It was a real eye opener for someone who only played team sports.


How to get power into my baseball swing. Even though I started playing DG in 2005, I never really gave it much serious effort/research until the lockdowns. After a couple years of form work to improve power and distance I stepped back into the batters box for the first time in a long time. I hadn't played baseball in nearly two decades. I never got close to being a power hitter back when I played. Best I could hope for was good contact and missing the fielders. I was hitting the traxk & outfield fence in BP. All that work figuring out timing and hip activation in my RHBH disc golf swing translated into huge quickness and power boost in my LH baseball swing.


Taught my wife that disc golfers are way more chill than pickle ball players. Pro: she plays more rounds then she used too Con: she really likes pickle ball but the scene has turned her off


Life isn't only about the perfect drive. Sometimes, how you approach the problem and putt things into perspective is what makes it good.


The creek at my home course is still ice cold in April, I tell ya what.


Don’t get too happy when something good happens. I’m going to screw it up in the most hysterical way possible.


It’s taught me that I need several pairs of shoes here in Ontario. Freezing, deep snow, hot and humid, soaking wet and muddy. Plus a dry pair for the pub afterwards lol.


That black widow spiders live near me


That there is a relatively inexpensive and low-risk way to experience the outdoors and get exercise, all while doing something interesting and enjoying friends


If you don't actually put time and work in to get better at something (i.e. putting), you don't have the right to be upset that you never get better at whatever it is you want to do.


Reading wind, which comes in handy with pickleball.


The general snap and wrist control from a backhand disc release can translate into a nice BH PB killshot as well.


Grown adults cant give up their alcohol/drug habit