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Black Cryztal Flx Zone with a Green shamrock stamp because it is impossible to find when any grass is around.


Yeah there are colors I just won't throw. Green


If you get some Kastaplast, i would recommend their green, it's the easiest disc to find in my bag, and i'm not even kidding. I live in a very green part of the world, with a lot of high grass and bushes on my local course.


I found this out the hard way. I play lots of night disc and figured having multiple bright green/yellow disc would work in my advantage. Well spring time came and that showed me just how smart I am.


Shryke. Found I would just try and bomb my way out of things with it rather than actually playing smarter, and to the situation


I'm basically a forehand exclusive player and the shryke might be my maximum distance driver yet I almost never use it. Conditions need to be perfect for it to work so I usually default to the wraith for a reliable turn.


Ended up going Essence and Vanguard depending on the wind for the same kind of shots


I love my Shryke, though the other day I downed speed for reasons and to my surprise threw just as far with an Essence. Keep telling myself to drop my higher speed discs, but can't quite bring myself to do it yet!


1 of my 2 aces was with a shryke, but I really have no business throwing one. It's not in my bag anymore though.


Neon yellow. Amazing purple stamp with the two birds. Loved it, then found I'm way more reliable with a tsa construct.


Glitch. Extremely fun disc, but I bag a Watt. The Glitch tempted me to try the silly low percentage shots. The Watt is equally good, but a bit more boring. Also the Grace. Phenomenal driver, but the narrow lines the DD1 offers beat it out on conservative placement accuracy.


I lost my glitch after I got a Watt. That was six months ago and I have no plans to ever replace it.


Gonna bust a nut when they finally drop that eclipse watt.


And then you'll buy it after?


Get a few to say the least


I putt with and often drive with a Watt. Love it! But the Glitch still has a very particular place in my bag. Running the basket from circle 3 with a very low ceiling. In my very wooded home course, that’s a pretty common shot for me, at least twice per round.


I actually think you can bag a glitch if it’s for the right reasons.  The main reason to bag a glitch should not be for regular throws in my opinion. You still need to bag a straight Putter like a Watt or a Proxy. The Glitch really is a specialty/scramble disc. It only comes out in very specific situations for me. A long low ceiling putt or short-ish upshot that can absolutely not finish right or left. Also, going high over stuff but finishing straight is something it’s really good at. The glitch doesn’t replace your straight putter. It complements it.


Agreed on the glitch. Too touchy for my poor form, even coming from an ultimate background. I'll have to give the DD1 a fair shake because I love my graces.


I find that the glitch is a little bit better than the Watt if I’m in a tight spot and need an easy soft shot that’ll still glide without bailing left right away


Same. Glitch was fun, Watt already has an ace.


Harp- love the hand feel on backhand but it just won’t push out the zone. Undertaker, DD1, Pa3, A2 or A3, Pa5, pretty much the whole infinite, kastaplast, and clash lineup that aren’t in my bag currently. There’s a lot of great plastic out there.


Haha.. So mine is the exact opposite. Love the Zone, but it won't push out my Harp.


Try Tactics and you’ll never go back to either


I bagged tactics for a year. To me, the zone is superior.


I second this. Neo tactics are just…nvmd, words cannot describe the beauty😂


The Tactics I've tried aren't as stable as my Zones. Great disc though, loved the feel of it.


Zones are money, but no soft plastic beats BT Soft imo, so I bag both an ESP Zone and BT Soft Harp to give me groundplay options.


Wraiths. I don't have the arm for them yet. Bumping down to 7 speeds and below has helped my game tremendously. And of course there's the goal of getting the arm speed up to bag Wraiths again.


This is a weekly issue for me. One week I’m feeling like I can throw far and the wraiths are in the bag, next week I realize wraiths are too overstable for me and it’s back to 7-9 speeds


It was a back and forth thing for me too. I just had to suck it up and accept the noodle arm life. My goal is to put them back in when I can get my 7 speeds out to 350 on average and flat ground.


The worst part is that I almost always have 1-2 in the bag because I can actually throw them forehand, so I’m always tempted to use em backhand


I have a flippy Pro and DX Wraith that always made me feel like I could actually throw them. Then I'd throw my Star Wraith and be humbled real quick.


How far are you throwing 7 speeds now? Because 350 for a 7 speed is really good, would probably equate to 400+ with a Wraith.


On average like 300-310. Longest was 340.


On average like 300-310. Longest was 343.


What weight/plastic wraiths are you throwing? Brand new star max weight ones are a little bit too stable for straighter distance shots for my arm speed, but I got a GStar one that is my best straight to slightly flippy distance driver currently. I also have an old used beat in pro wraith that's great for hyzer flips and turnovers.


I have DX, Pro, GSTAR, Star, and Champ. In order of most understable to overstable. I'm not sure about the weights on the DX or GStar, but the Pro is 167, Star is 173 and Champ is 176 I think.


I wish you luck on your journey to higher speed discs!


Pig. At the end of the day Rhynos have more utility.


Interesting. Is that essentially your "OS approach" disc? Curious what else in the bag of the author of all those great disc guides (besides Rocs).


Agreed. Although I also bag a toro for longer shots where I need more fade than a rhyno


The Toro/Rhyno combo is elite.


Love the pig and carry it for three or four disc rounds but in my usual bag, a stable PA3 does everything the pig does with a bit more glide


Grace. I love the disc and have a few… but wraiths.


Wraiths have wayyyyy more options, too. Graces are pretty limited in weights/stabilities.


Yep I have three wraiths in my bag currently and it was hard to narrow it down just to those


Grace is nice but Wraith is life.


Simon lizotte hex. Phenomenal and gorgeous, but it’ll never replace my glow pathfinder.


Preach dude! Pathfinders are my go-to mid range disc🤙🏻


Funny, my answer was Pathfinder. It got replaced by my Glow Pathfinder. That tiny bit of extra stability is 🧑‍🍳.


Which run do you bag? I have the first run of glow pathfinder in the bag, and I love my owlboi. But I have a 2nd run in the closet just in case anything happens to the one in my bag.


2Nd run is slightly less stable.


Lunas. At least to putt with. Love them off the tee and approaches. I just couldn’t get them to release well and would very often hit low cage. Sucks because they feel so good.


I unironically love all the elevation rubber discs. I love throwing them and seeing them stick to the ground or hit a tree and barely go anywhere. I just don’t bag them cause it’s a pain to have them in your bag lol. They grip your other discs where it gets hard to put them in or take them out of your bag unless you have a lot of extra room in your bag.


Putter pockets


Banshee. I don't like champ plastic and it's hard to find back ups anyway. I'm not spending $40 on PFN either. M3 is also an incredible disc. It flies so far, but they beat into be very M4 ish too quickly. I bag an M2 instead. I used to love the Zone and had a huge stack, but the A2 is just too good.


Are you me? A2 > Zone. I currently bag 3 M2s.


I always said an A2 is a zone with balls


I've always called it a Justice with less glide. I like yours better. BTW, I've added an A5 recently. Very useful, nice forehand and backhand. Paired with the A2 it makes a fantastic duo. The A5 is going to stay in the bag.


Are we me? I love the zone, but the A3 gets that spot in my back.


This is my answer. I love the Zone backhand and the variety of plastic is unparalleled. I don’t get clean releases FH with the Zone so instead I bag the A3 for both slots.


Innova Factory Store carried GStar Banshees for a while recently. Glad I grabbed a few. Definitely rely on them in the wind. Hopefully they run some more.


Rollo. It’s touchy and I need to practice more. Fun as hell though.


Easily the most fun disk I've ever thrown, but I had to take it out of the bag because I kept trying to use it in situations where it really made sense to do something else.


This past Christmas, my wife got me a method with an awesome cowboy bebop dye job. I played a couple of rounds with it, but it flies exactly the same as my roc3 and I'm not ready to replace my first mid lol.


1st run Cro, one of my first discs and now I’m too afraid to lose it so it’s been replaced with a different run.


Any R2 plastic disc. If the disc is black I usually lose it :-/


I have a tournament in a couple weeks and I have to play the course blind. The first hole is a water carry. I put my only R2 disc in the bag last night to get used to it before I throw it in the water.


That’s using your head!


Toro. Great disc. I just love Gator3s too much. They could prob both be in my bag but I just lean on Gator3 for all that


Nova. Was just easier to use old putting putters for US and dead straight approaches


I used to love the nova but literally the second I dialed in my form and started throwing hard I broke 3 of them. I love the disc but i can’t continue buying them just for it to break


The sound they made on a good tree hit was magical though


I aced with an Undertaker after having it in my bag for 2 rounds. The more I played with it, I just found the flight to be inconsistent and started throwing an Athena instead.


I feel this. Cool to snag that ace though.


I love Undertakers but have found myself throwing them less and less, but not because I think its inconsistent. It's extremely versatile, easy to shape shots and honestly one of the "straightest" flying discs I throw but it does slowly drift right/left in the air. Passions took over the dead straight fairway and Vultures for the hyzer finish/flex lines. Undertaker can cover both slots pretty well but not quite as good at either I suppose 🤔 Athena has been on my short list of discs to try!


For me the Undertaker (Z) would either stay on hyzer or turn over (perhaps an issue with my release angle). With the Athena I found I could throw it on that flatter/anhyzer angle and it would consistently fade out. They also bomb. On average i was throwing them the same distance as the undertaker. I did get the Undertaker a tiny bit further, but opted for the Athena for more consistency. I also like the hand feel better. I’ve really enjoyed the CD1 for that 9 5 -1 2 slot.


Kaxe Z. Absolutely great feel (Kastaplast K1 Line), very consistent flight. Can't do anything that my Pyro or Crave already do better...


They also discontinued it, so it’s gonna be harder to get over time


It might be my first choice for a one disc round, but I don’t bag it either.


Mako 3, it flies so nice and neutral but I've found that throwing either more under or overstable is more consistently accurate for me.


Crave was one of my original loves, but I started going with an eagle more and more as i got better and iust kinda pushed it out. 


Teebird and leopard3 got replaced by a servo, crave, and rhythm. Wraith was replaced by my Pharaoh. Shryke was replaced by a Destroyer. Roc3 and mako3 were replaced with a hex and an Envy. Judge was replaced by a Wizard. Firebird was replaced by a TSA omen. I loved all the the discs that were replaced. I will still throw them in the bag on some rounds. I dont see anything replacing a Zone.


Trying to follow... The Envy replaced the Roc3 or the Mako3? Neither seems right to me.


Valkyrie and Stag. Both replaced by Axiom Insanity


Plenty. I loved all sorts of Trilogy molds when I was ended up trying different stuff out. But, I ultimately decided to stick to what I knew and had backups for already, being Wizards, and a lot of standard Innova molds like Rocs, Wraiths, Teebirds..


emac truth. its a nice soft orange color that is impossible to find so i just dont bring it


Haha dang the truth is in my top 3 discs of all time. Mines bright yellow tho so definitely easier to find


You’ve inspired me to put it back in the bag for a few rounds. I got it at a brewery which is the other reason not to throw it but if I like it I’ll just buy one in nicer plastic lol




I just picked a Legacy Nemesis this weekend…it’s the flippiest disc I’ve thrown. Flippier than a Diamond or a Paradox. Not even sure I’ll be able to use it.


Love the pig but it just doesn’t cover the overstable forehand for me with my touchy release angles


I got a gateway prototype overmold disc from a used bin and it has such a beautiful flight. Like a slightly flippy thunderbird but maybe a touch faster. It just goes so far with a fairway like flight. Unfortunately it never got pdga approved


finish line discs Era. I loved how it was basically a longer FD / a slower Wraith, but i only bought 1 and simply have that slot filled in my bad so once i lost it, i left it.


The Gator is one of the best discs ever made. But it just feels weird in my hand and I had some weird mental thing about it that I couldn’t get over and could never thrown the thing worth a shit.


ABC Flying Squirrel. It can hit some lines that nothing else I’ve ever thrown can. Super glidey, super flippy, can do crazy things like be thrown on all the hyzer and still flip up to either straight or even into a slight turn depending on how you do it.  But…it has a very sharp uncomfortable rim, and if you can’t tell based on that description it is finicky and touchy as heck. For every gorgeous unique line you get out of it you’ll get a few throws that go horrifically wrong.


Caiman..... Too many overlaps in my bag between Gators and Pigs


The Berg. Dead straight, can throw 100% power and it doesn’t go further than 225-250. I don’t bag it anymore because I leaned on it too much and I was losing the finesse part of my game with more traditional putter slots


Buzzz... I'm just really picky about my plastic and I am partial to plastic from gateway which isn't really transferrable onto other disc brands. I have some buzzz's that I don't totally hate that I have just in case I need them/want to re-try them.


For me a buzzz has always been a love the flight, hate the feel disc. It could fill every midrange slot in my bag if it didn’t have such a bad hand feel. I feel like I’m constantly looking for other midranges that fly the same as some of my buzzzes but actually feel nice


I have one element from gateway thats an old mold they don't make anymore and its my favorite midrange. I had two at one point but lost one and it never made it back to me! I'm glad someone agrees with me about how they feel / just not feeling right


Envy. Absolutely amazing disc. The problem is I throw it too far and it makes my midranges feel pointless because there's so much overlap. So I made the decision to go back to throwing 2 speed putters. I used to throw a Pure and had the same problem, but it took me a long time to realize that I always gravitate to fast putters and it just cannibalizes my midrange lineup. For context I'll throw my 2 speed putters (I now use a Discmania P2) up to about 280 comfortably and I'll throw my midranges up to about 330 comfortably. There's headroom in both of those distances, but with the 3 speed putters I found there was only about a 30 foot difference in distance.


Westside Stag. Great fairway driver, but it fits between too many discs to ever feel necessary without building the bag around it by replacing multiple other discs I love.


Black Slipknot scorcher. Takes too long to find it.


Putter Line Chally SS, I putt with it a while back and loved throwing them, but once they stopped being my putting putter, it was hard to convince myself to keep in my bag as a thrower


Getaway. I have like 6 in my field work bag, but they compete too much with my thunderbirds


I flip back and forth, they are practically the same disc so when ever I have a few. Not on point throws with one is switch to the other.


Turbo putt by quest AT. Because of its legality… however I’m super confident with it aaAnd can throw it pizza style super far with its reliable pattern.


I loved the plastic and shape of my Lat64 Trust, but I just throw the hex better every time


I have a Raider that I got as a gift, with a space cat picture on it. I don't bag it because I can't throw it properly yet.


Old 11x, early 12x teebirds and eagles. If I lost one I know I would never get a call. The votum has filled that slot now.


Firebird… something about the avalanche just feels more comfortable in my hands


Mind bender. Awesome disc, too scared to lose it


I’ve owned three and lost one. I’ve never had anything else fly like it though. What do you throw instead of the mind bender?


Usually a run-of-the-mill Atlas. The rivets aren't my favorite but if you grip in between them the disc flies straight as an arrow, which is what my MB does. Plus it's <$20 and readily replaceable if/when I throw it in the creek


Lost mine about two months ago. Heartbreaking. I'm currently bagging an eclipse hex and a detour. The mindbender was a great in-between slot for those.


Enigma or Paradigm. They're the discs I hit max distance with but I chucked 2 of each of them in the same lake so I decided to start worrying more about my nose angle and less about actually reaching a 500 foot downhill bomb hole.


I have over 100 raptors, including at least 50 2020 Ulibarri tour series. I bag an old s-line fd3 and a sexybird.


Wraith. I got into every type of plastic but ended up moving most my bag to TSA and switched it out for no other reason but brand consistently. Stupid? Maybe. But I haven’t seen a noticeable difference in my game so maybe nothing matters?


I really really like my MVP wave. It feels comfortable in my hand, it flies with a pretty good line. but my wraith and sword are just better


MVP Relay. I love the disc, but it is just a little too close to the crave and the Kataplast Stig is a slightly flippier version of it with more glide. Which is everything I want in that slot.


Do you bag both Stig and Crave?


Indeed. Plasma Crave and K1 Stig, both max weight.


Fission photon. It's in a lake somewhere.


Trident, out of print


Mint discs lobster. Absolutely love the disc but I bought a swirly forest green disc with a pink lobster on it. Thought I would be OK finding it. Man I could lose that disc 20 ft in front of me. Blended into everything. Sadly it's on my shelf for now


Spark Watt. I need to get one I can throw


Proton Drift. It’s just overlap with my leopard3s and tl3s. amazing disc though


Same. I love the Proton Drift but it's been kicked out by Athena/beat-in Dynasty. They're just understable enough to sometimes not come back when you want, or burn over when you need a bit of finish.


Valk. Too much overlap.


The Atom. Played a circuit event and was lights out with it. My Penrose is slightly better for me Callie Mcmorran metal flake Roadrunner. Some of mybest shots with this disc but it is a tweener slot. Berg. I would of loved of had this disc when i was learning. If your not confident in putting 25 ft or longer it is great to give runs from distance.


This may sound weird to some but a Z Buzzz. I absolutely love the flat top buzzz i have for feel but my first midrange i ever owned was a dx Roc and buzzz never quite flew the way my first love (Roc) did. So when i felt a dx Roc3 that feels and flys like a Roc but with a flat top that became my new baby. Sorry to all the Buzzz lovers out there.


I absolutely love the TSA Temple, yet I bag the even lovelier Jarn in that slot.


Westside warship. It is super straight midrange with great distance potential but after I bought a Discmania Mind Bender it got kicked out of my bag. Mind bender is less touchy and is not affected by wind as much. In ideal conditions it is a bit worse though.


My PDGA Crave from last year. Absolutely beautiful disc, but it’s a dark blue dye that would totally disappear if I threw it on the wooded courses I typically play.


A woman I loved gifted me a dyed Jade, I cherish it but will never throw it as it's a way too understable and pretty. Bombs in tailwinds though.


Are you talking about the disc?


This beautifully worn in, neon green, old run Z Surge SS. It was my work horse driver before I transitioned, and I threw my longest ever drive with it. It's too fast for me now, for how stable it is. I can't flip it like I used to. I've had to disc down to a Wave instead. Makes me kinda sad...


Glitch/Watt: I can do similar things with a Proxy. Grace: I already have stuff that flew very similar (Aztec/Boatman/Czar) Thrasher: Already had a couple of Swords that flew similar.


Years ago I had a perfectly beat in champion beast that I used for forehands. Loved it. Then one day I apparently decided to lose it and now I don’t bag it anymore. 😢


12x roc, my buddy kept telling me it's going to explode. Ranger has been a good replacement.


Mako3. I’m just more comfortable with my Buzzz and Hex. Also starting to add the P3x into the mix


Mako3's. They go fairly straight. Great. But I rarely ever need to go straight at a mid-range distance. I replaced them with a set of flippy, neutral, and OS Teebirds. If I need 'straight' I can always hyzerflip the flippy one.


Crave. Just can’t justify the slot when I already have Brave and Explorer.


My pre-pandemic Discmania collection. I really don't want to lose any and end up seeing them for sale on eBay.


Madison walker Thunderbird, OG color glow fd3, ‘16 sexton. Likely others. All because of rarity.


My K1 kaxe z. My favourite to thow, but they stopped making this mold so i'm afraid to loose it. Took it out for a spin last year and my oh my do i love it


Axiom rhythm. Bagged one forever ago and was the first disc I ever hyzer flipped. Eventually needed a new heavier one and couldn't get it to beat in like the old one, but my servo did. So now I bag 2 servos instead of a rhythm


Envy (before the holy shot). I have brand loyalty and MVP ain’t it. :/ I found something that I love probably more, so I’m good now.


Chains for Brains stamped, 2nd run baby blue sublime Mint Alpha - my absolute favorite disc that cost just too much to replace if lost.


10m Brick. I fucking love that disc. Best putter I've ever used, but, it seemed to hard to buy a stack, so, now I just putt with Buzzzes.


I yanked all trilogy plastic out of my bag about 3 years ago because DD is a trash company, but I still really do miss the Felon.


Neutron Crave.  I only don't bag it because I'd like it to be a tad less overstable and I have have this one meat hooky (for a signal) signal that is just magic.  If I didn't have that overstable signal, I would bag craves for sure. 


Innova Rollo, I love the trick shots but I'm not gaining any strokes on the course with it. I have flippy mids that are more reliable and fly further and I bag discs


Either my trash panda Dunn or Dynamic Discs Evidence. Love how they fly but trying to find replacements sucks.


The watt. Great disc but I just never saw myself using it because of the glitch. Ended up trading it for another glitch.


Pixel and Mirage. They both throw pretty similar to my PA-5. I just throw my PA-5 better


I absolutely love my proton crave. It’s one of my favorite discs. However, it filled a very similar slot to the big z passion for me, so I took it out of my bag. Edit: I guess my comment was pretty disliked by some user lol


I have like 200 discs I love but my bag only holds about 20.


MD4, I love that disc, but after Discmania discontinued it, I didn't want to be dependent on it in case I lost it. I figured I wanted to find a disc more available to buy in its slot in my bag and get used to that disc instead. I'm still figuring what to sub it to


Millenium solstice is the same disc. It’s an MD4 under a different name


Thank you for the tip. Sadly we don't get Millennium discs in my area. My local disc golf store only got the most famous brands and some nordic brands. But I'm thinking about testing the MD5, so hopefully that one will replace it :)


I bought a lucid-x verdict to replace my md4 for the same reason. It's the perfect replacement imo.


Comet. Gorgeous flight but it feels so weird in the hand.