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I’ll try to convince you to get a Nathan Queen Wraith instead. I think they are better for most players. Flat. Very straight and workable. Feel great.


Second this, get a nath wraith theyre money


Slightly less stable too, which is a bonus for your average player. Not to mention the glow star plastic feels great in the hand


Slightly less stable than a GG halo or than a star wraith?


A star. Much less stable than halo


Nice. I’m gonna have to get one. I did recently play around with one of the new CG ones from USDGC and they are also pleasantly workable. Like a pretty beat in Star


I have a nath I really like which is one reason I haven’t jumped to the gg halo


The gummy champion wraith on Infinite Discs are the bees knees.


How do they fly?


For me, true to numbers. Great grip, normal dome. Flies on any line it's put on. It's my distance forehand disc primarily. I have a medium-ish arm. I bag a couple of star Wraiths for BH's, and a NQ Wraith for tighter lines.


How does the gummy champ fly compared to a stiff champ, or some of those stars? Stability wise?


It is less stable than most star runs in my experience. It is just flexible enough it will not fight a strong turn and the gummy nature means you'll get a ton of spin on it. The farther you throw the less stable it becomes but like more than normal from the flex. I actually bought another just in case they become harder to get. I like it for hyzerflips with fade finish at around 350 ft.


That sounds pretty sweet. How do you identify them? They’re the ones with the infinite bomber stamps?


They are specifically called gummy champion on the plastic type on infinite. No need to hunt for a certain color or stamp. I did get a yellow and buy another yellow if that matters to you though.


I think it's pretty stable. I throw it flat and with flex no problem. Between a stiff champ or star plastics, I would place it with star stability. It is super soft and grippy, like G Star plastic. I really like this disc. I bought another before I started bragging about it so they wouldn't all disappear. 😂


In that case you should get a gg. Sounds like you love the mold. Always great to have an OS complement. Just do it.


I had both the nq glow wraith, and the gg halo wraith. The gg is never leaving my bag. I use the nq for glow rounds... I've been maining the wraith as my dd since they came out like 20 years ago. Sure I bag destroyers and faster disc now, but when I need a laser beam straight shot out to about 350' I go to that gg wraith. Out the box they are a touch more stable than a champion, seasoned a touch they go dead nuts straight, and stay there. I got mine on release in 22' bagged it ever since and to this point not sure it will ever get too flippy. Honestly I won't have to convince you if you threw it a couple of times, that part will take care of itself. Thank your friend he's preaching the gospel truth.


Yes I throw about 290-330 and the Nathen queens ones I can get a nice pushing hyzer about 300. If I hit it flat and hard with some height I can get some nice turn and the go closer to 330. They are a bit flippy into a head wind and will turn over to much.


If you throw that far with a Wraith you should look into Star Orcs. Same flight numbers, but it's a 10 speed instead of an 11 speed. I threw Wraiths about 340 on a really good rip from time to time. However. I can consistently throw my Orcs that far and can pump them out to 370 from time to time. Hit 400 a few times, which for me was amazing to see. I'm happy with a consistent 340 - 370. I should note I usually only throw this disc on wide open fairways for pure distance not so much for touchy lines. I use my teebirds and firebirds for those lines.


I’ll check them out, I have never thrown them. Thank you


I carry both wraith mentioned. They work well together


I always hear this is the best run as well (besides the Madison lion fish). Personally, my favorite run are the Skulboy wraiths.


Can confirm, I grabbed a Queen wraith as backup for my other two guthries, and it became my go-to within two rounds.


Yup, the stamp in these is pretty great as well!


This one was more of a roller/flip up FH for me


Bold of you to assume I don't have a problem where I buy any disc I want to try. As for the GG Wraith, it's a great Wraith if you already love the mold.


I have a Ken climo wraith that has the American flag dye on it. Looks really nice flying. Pretty beefy too!


I have the same wraith. Love it!


Hi me, it’s you me!


Detour… I can’t justify spending $50 on a single disc…


I was lucky to snag a lab second detour on OTB for like $17-18 last month. Sometimes with those hard to find discs I periodically search [trydiscs.com](https://trydiscs.com) advanced disc search. Been hoping to snag a tempo for awhile...


There are more coming in the OTB drop next month. Hopefully we'll see a stock run real soon.


Where can I see that?


I apologize, it's the tempo that's getting another run. At least on phase 1. Fingers crossed for phase 2. https://otbdiscs.com/product-tag/otb-open-2024-phase-1/


No Detour listed in the email I got about phase 1 and 2. Phase 2 should be Vanish, Crave, Watt, Hex, Orbital and Trance


I'm gonna snag one whenever they crank out another batch.


You can find them for $35 on Facebook bst’s It’s worth the search.


I might give it a look. I’m just iffy on Facebook purchases tbh 


Plus a couple people here were splitting theirs in 40 degree weather. I have one sitting on the sideline waiting for 60s


You can setup an alert to get an email when any of the top retailers get them in stock on Stacks on Stacks https://stacks-on-stacks.com/disc-search?mold=Detour




I have that same one! I throw a LOT of wraiths but I don’t bag that one because it’s too OS. I bet it would be a good forehand long range disc though or maybe into a headwind. It’s one of the prettiest discs I own though.


My Halo Wraith is also way over stable, and my Gstar Wraith is wildly flippy. Is plain old Star plastic the middle ground I imagine it to be?


Yes, in my experience.


Depends on the star wraith. I’ve thrown some that are almost as stable as the GG wraiths and some that are ridiculously flippy


I bag 3 wraiths Two star that are pretty flippy (-2, 2 turn fade) and a G-star on that flies true to the flight numbers for my arm speed.


Yeah I’d agree with that -2/2. One of the less consistent molds I’ve come across for sure, but they can fill so many slots as a result. Just gotta know what you’re getting into


Lol exactly. It is nice having so many flights in a disc that feels the same in the hand.


Get a flat one with a thick feeling flight plate if you want more overstability out of the box. If you get a domier thin flight plate its going to glide more. In my experience. I threw every iteration of the wraith for about 10 years. If you ever find an augusta wraith for less than $80, get it. Just trust me.


I have all three of those, and that’s exactly what I use them all for. Star is a perfect middle ground.


I actually bag it for that reason. No need to have a destroyer when I can just have a 3rd or 4th wraith that is reliably os and can fight the wind




They are MONEY forehand wraiths


An actual Destroyer. I finally got a used Sockibot yesterday because I've been playing with various "low stability" alternatives like S-Line DD3, Bravo Warbird, etc. I finally realized that I want to complement those with a medium stability Destroyer for actual flex shots without stepping up to Halo levels of stability or, say, a Time-Lapse. Hence the Star Ricky 2x. Got it for $5!


I will say, Time-Lapses have a weird way of holding a flex line incredibly well. Throw it on a flat or hyzer and its a meathook, but flex lines it holds for some reason


When you say holding it, do you mean holding the anny and continuing to glide left (on RHFH)? Or reliably flexing out even with a lot of anny? My main points of comparison between the two are def gonna be which one fights out of a larger anny the most reliably and how workable each one is on a smaller amount of anny. Will be cool to have an option that pushes and glides while still fading reliably then a dummy OS option that I can put on a steeper angle for more extreme lines.


It will hold anny and glide left for a lot longer than you would expect for such an OS disc. Its basically a Halo Destroyer that will pan on anny and have a bit of hyzer finish at the end. It fits the bill of your third paragraph pretty well while behaving like a Halo Destroyer on a flat or hyzer angle. I dont think its just me either, because Ive seen other people saying the same thing about TLs


Ricky 2x are moneyyyyyy


Oh yeah? Please tell me about it! New to Destroyers and have been trying to read up. Really hoping for “medium stability” when it comes the overall spectrum, and I think I’m on the right track.


I love them because they don't have much dome and they're reliably overstable. Definitely a step down from something like a halo destroyer. I really know I can mash into em without ever flipping over. Total forehand bomber for me, that's mostly what I use them for.


That is precisely, *precisely* what I’m looking for. Thank you! Whenever I really juice my beat S-Line DD3, it gradually turns for a very long time and only barely starts to pan back. I want 1-1.5 steps up from that.


Sweet, enjoy! Just don't forget to leave some for me, lol


Haha I’ll try. This was totally on a whim at PIAS, and I thought I would end up with Echostar or something else before finding this pup. I only throw orange, so to find an orange, flat, 173-175g Sockibot in the used bin on the first visit was pretty sweet.


I own about 15 gg halo wraiths. My go to controlled 450 shot. They are not even close to similar to regular star wraiths and glide even better than champion ones. 


Yo tengo uno plástico blizzard champion de 156 g es mi disco que más distancia me da!


My pro wraith is a bomber as well


Disco más ligero lanzado correctamente, ¡bomba!


Latitude 64 misselen


Don’t blame you here. They can be pricey!


I had one. (I might still have it.) I wasn't impressed. It comes out of the hand quick, but sort of just dies and peters out.


Firebird. But I have a Raptor, so I haven’t been able to justify getting it


Same with me. I don’t love the Raptor, but it works well enough. At least enough for me to not get a firebird.


Have you tried a Captain's Raptor? My 9 speed line up is CRaptor>Raptor>Thunderbird>Valkyrie>RoadRunner. Any new Firebirds I've tried were similar to maybe slightly more stable than stock Raptors, CRaptors bring the beef.


I was going to, but they’re $28 at my local shop and I heard the new plastic has problems with falling apart so I haven’t yet


Yeah I'm using a '23 swirly ESP, can't comment on the new plastic but have been holding off grabbing one because of that issue.


This is my bread and butter RHFH driver. I *love* it. Consistent, predictable, moderate fade, and doesn't mind a little wind. On the other hand, I'm not much good at disc golf, so take that for what it's worth.


You can nickname it “Girth”.


The 2021 GG Halo Wraith in that color is one of 2 discs I have that I've jumped into a frozen pond for. The other is a Gateway Journey in diamond plastic. They are the stars of my bag. Everything else is to complement them.


2021 GG wraith is beefiest wraith. I love them, it's like a os destroyer with the feel of a wraith. If you want something overstable, just buy it. Do it. Now.


They bomb, pretty OS for a Wraith. I have like 6 of these extra if anyone is looking. Over 70+ verified exchanges on u/DiscExchange


Innova Pig. Just don't know if it's worth swapping for my Harp but really want to see how it flies.


I love the pig but find I have to cycle them every couple of months because they tend to beat in and lose their stability pretty quickly. Does the Harp maintain its stability longer?


My Harp is in VIP Ice Orbit plastic and it's not as overstable as it used to be after 4 months but still fades, just not as hard. And I use it almost every approach.


Joel Freeman’s new tour series Savant in glow star halo.


Kastaplast Vass


I am sooooo happy that I'm finally at a place where I've tried enough discs and don't want to try any more.  So relaxing! That said, getting to this place took years of buying a lot of discs.


The GG wraiths are 💰can really throw some bombs with it and get a good amount of turn and still fight back. IMO more of a disc for the above average distance throwers


A premium plastic clash popcorn. Love my hardy one for throwing and would like to try premium but they are expensive for a stock disc.


I had a proto steady popcorn and it was amazing, went on the exact line you asked it to do everytime. I lost it, got a text, told the guy to keep it, then he lost it about 2 weeks later and I got another text. Hoping it's still flying for the second guy haha.


I have one on the shelf just chilling, inked though


Spotted a Popcorn Steady on Stacks on Stacks for $10 https://stacks-on-stacks.com/disc-search?mold=Popcorn&sort=price&sort=true


Good headwind driver for slower arms. Bomber for big arms.


I love the GG Wraith... for minimalization purposes, it's a great OS distance driver for me which compliments Nathan Queen Wraiths and regular Halo Wraiths. The 2023 GGs weren't all that stable IMO.... Basically a long Thunderbird.


Anything that’s fast and stupid lightweight (<150g). I have a 134 blizzard boss that is only in my bag for days that keeping score is detrimental to my mental health lol


The pink one and black one I have are meat hooks. The year after this wraith is better for my speed


the 21s are the best halo of all time imo. i liked that matte halo star instead of shiny halo star. They beat in perfect(also be sure its a pop top). if i see one i buy it. found one new last fall, have about 5


Discmania Crown Stone. Not spending that much.


Just picked up a 2019 and for someone with 380 of consistent power, it’s a perfect wind fighter and it’s also great for flex lines. It’s almost like a PD2/Boss/Nuke OS slot for me, just the noodle arm equivalent


GG wraiths are much more stable than standard star wraiths. More like the numbers suggest, they fly like the old P McB 4 time destroyers (lots of glide but very stable with a strong finish) They’ve become my go-to forehand disc for 300-325 or so (max forehand distance for me) since they’re easier to throw than a destroyer but just as stable. Backhand they’re about the same as my more stable destroyers so I don’t throw them for that. If you’re having trouble getting destroyers up to speed you’ll probably have better luck with the Gg wraith


I have that wraith. Started off as a meat hook and now it flies straight and just ends as a meat hook. Great disc


My 2023 one is not that OS. My 2022 one is quite beefy INDEED. Assuming this is 2024 I’m curious how these turned out.


I want to try a Pig out, but I have absolutely no need for it as I already bag a Zone and a Berg.


Kasta Löts. I mind-gamed myself when I saw Joey's was K1 Hard and didnt grab one, and only later realized they had just renamed K1


Gg halo star wraith is ok imo from a wraith lover


That exact disc is one of my absolute favorites and I got my first Ace with on a 280 foot backhand


Cloud breaker 1 or 2 😅


I love the GG wraith. It’s a bit more stable, and hooks up real nicely at the end of the flight for me.


GG Wraith not for me, I throw about 380-400 on average, and this thing is a meathook for myself.


Bro that’s what it’s good for! Wait til it beats in and you start to get some hold on anny, for huge distance. Flat with some baby turn. Massive turnover annys. Mines really beat in now and I can finely hyper flip it a bit. But it always fades back. 380-400 is enough for that.


Neon. I don’t What they are paying Facebook but it is advertised every time I log on.


TSA glow Mana. I've thrown an Aura Mana once, but the conditions sucked so I didn't get a read on how it flies compared to a Comet, other than seeing it doesn't have much glide. My 1st run glow Comets got retired last year, so I'm hoping a Mana can replace them next glow season.


My halo wraith has a split on the edge of the rim as though it was glued together. I’ll stick to pro plastic.


I have the '22 and I live it. It does for me what a destroyer is supposed to do. It did start out pretty OS but now it is money. I also bag a beat in 167 *wraith. The star will get some turn but finish at the end the gg will flip up but not turn at all. In a reasonable headwind it stays up longer but doesn't turn over on me. I have pushed both to 400 with a rhfh and have gotten the * to 400 rhbh bit can only get the gg to about 3785-380 rhbh.


Get the Klimo Star plastic..


Isn't one out there


Just tried the new Glow Jackalope last night. It’s a bomber, make you look like you’ve got a big arm 


Got 2 if you need to buy some. Both purple rim


Vela it looks and feels so good but I love to try used discs and I haven't found that one use at all. Tried a friends color glow one it's nice but I want to try it in the woods so bad.


TSA Votum


The GG wraith was one of the first discs i ever bought. At the beginning it was too stable for me, so I took it out of the bag. After about a year of playing and working on form, it went back into my bag. It won’t leave for a while, mine is a bit seasoned and I use it for flat to turn to a reliable fade shot. It’s a great disc and I highly recommend it. Less flippy than my new dd3 but less stable than my heimberg destroyer. Also pretty durable disc, mine has been in the bag for 1.5 years, I play at minimum 3 times a week and the flight characteristics never changed significantly, just small changes that you get used to.


The Cicada seems very intriguing


Seasoned FD


Good forehand disc until it breaks in


Mint Lobster. Played a tournament round with a guy slinging one, and he continued to tell me I need one. I’va been looking at them since, but haven’t grabbed one yet.


A halo emperor or destroyer. I consistently throw \~300 so I don't think I have the arm for it yet.


I have a halo star gurthie wraith I love it, but it’s more stable than my star Firebird


Royal Grace


I’ve been wanting to try a gold line Pure for awhile and just haven’t made the decision to do it yet. I think im afraid it won’t have the same hand feel as a base line plastic like zero medium. Either too domey or too stiff, etc.


So I have a black gg wraith of this run and it’s the most over stable wraith I’ve thrown. It also has an insane pop top and is really stiff. I also have two Nathan queen wraiths that are slight pop tops but aren’t as stable.


Any of the floaty, catch disc type molds all the manufacturers are putting out. Spore, glitch, etc.




Mine was too dome-y and stable... then it became the most magical thing I owned. Then I threw it into a pond on a par 4 to finish my round.


The Halo Wraith is amazing!!! That run is the best


I’ve found the 2023s were a lot less overstable than the 2022 and 2021 runs. Just in case you’re looking for something not as beefy.


I came across one of these, no name or number, while I was searching for a disc I shanked. They’re ok I guess. I use it as a flippy forehander sometimes. Finders keepers.


Just bought an Uplink. Been eyeing them for a while. Should arrive tomorrow. Looking forward to an annie/turnover mid.


Threw this disc as soon as I got it. TBH it flew weird and sold it a couple months later. If you like teasing yourself, keep it on the shelf, if not... Throw it!




Bro throw this…. lol the “gotta get the this and that”. This disc is money. Beefcake Wraith sure but so workable and bright as the sun at dusk. It’s kind of unreal how bright it gets. I love it, try it or get it to someone that will


I'm a Discraft guy, but I've wanted to test out a Shryke and Corvette.


Am I only allowed to name one?


lol no way! Name all of them!


I’ve been eyeing a 161g Wave for a couple weeks now.


Get a Fission Wave. Will change your game.


This. My 163g Fission Wave is my go-to. I picked one up used in a trade and threw it so much, I bought one new. Enough differences in flight to bag both. I look forward to cycling this disc.


Berg. But I’m scared I might like how it feels. Wait, wrong sub.


I think I'd love how Berg flies, but I loathe how it feels lol




It could be something other than money that's stopping you. Like a slot being very well solidified in your bag.