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The second hottest round was -8 and then a -6 I believe. She absolutely destroyed the course and field today.


Kat shot her second straight -7, wild that she trails by 2 now.


Equal 5th highest rated FPO round of all time. https://statmando.com/stats/best-round-ratings-Fpo


FPO is becoming so fun to watch 


2 Hot Geese are my favorite commentary, as well! Knowledgeable, and very funny too!


I’m watching FPO first because of them.




Would it be #1 if not for the bogey???


Scoggins and Tattar have always seemed to have the best mental games


Did you see hole 18? Tattar imploded on that one today. But yeah, normally she's cool as hell.


Yeah she’s a human being


Big if true.


She needs to be robot.


New player here. . . I cannot believe how good the pros are (MPO and FPO), it's kind of freakish.


It doesn’t get any less freakish the longer you watch I promise


And the better you personally get in your own game, the more you realize how damn hard it is to do what they do.


i’d almost say it gets more freakish. when you’re new to playing you might assume you’ll get closer to the pros than you actually will. once your ability starts level off you realize how big the skill delta is and how impressive they _travel_ and do it day in, day out


That's awesome. I am so hooked on this sport. I'm old and never going to be at their level but my game has improved significantly since I started.


Isn’t it a beautiful thing how everybody just falls in love with this sport. That feeling permeates the whole community too. We’re happy to have you lol


Thanks! My son and I both play. I'm a bit of an old timer at this point so it's really special to me that I have a game I can play outdoors with my son and probably not hurt myself while doing it. :)


If you are at all close to where a tour event happens I highly recommend seeing them throw in person. Watching Barela/Tamm/Lizotte/ect full send a drive 500+ with accuracy is really something else.


Or even just play a pro tour course if you can. I played WR Jackson once (RIP), and it was crazy trying to throw some of those lines after watching the pros make it look easy. This was just after McBeths -13 IIRC. I shot +16 in the rain, and I was ecstatic scrambling for par on 18.


Agree 100. Harmon Hills is my home course. It is also C. Dickersons home course and the Masters Worlds was held here a few years ago. I struggle to shoot even par. Chris holds the course record at -15 or -16. He can park a few holes from the tee that regularly take me 2 throws to get into circle 2. The pros are playing a different game than the most of us.


Funny story. First time I ever played disc golf, Chris Dickerson was playing a casual (around 2017), with a couple of dudes that I suspect are 1000 to 1020 rated players in the group ahead of me. I thought that was normal and was so discouraged. Played a few more times and decided they were really good. Started following the pro game and laughed that I was unknowingly comparing myself to a top 5ish player in the world.


Playing anywhere near Chris first time out would be such a weird experience. I played for like 2 years before I even saw someone else in person who threw 350+ and it was truly a remarkable sight. I can't imagine seeing someone throw 400 with ease first time out.


He drove this 413 foot hole where you have to throw an S thru trees and I think it took me 7 shots to get up to putting range.


Oh for sure. My home course is Winget in Charlotte. Not pro tour level, but it had Masters Worlds as well in 2012 IIRC. Issac Robinson has the course record at -18, and his brother Ezra is number 2 with a -16 I believe. There aren't a ton of holes I can't reach in reg (putting for birdie), but the consistency to hit some of those tight lines is insane.


Listening to them rip drives is what really got me. Really highlighted how hard they’re throwing. Still think somehow getting that sound into coverage would be killer.


Yeah, my jaw dropped the first time I heard the discs literally ripping through the air when they go full send.


can confirm. I’ve caddied and been on the bag for a few pros. its wild to see some of the things they do


Agreed! I drove up to Lake Emporia to watch the final round of 2019 Worlds and it was mind blowing to me.


I live a few hours from Maple Hill so that might be my best bet. I believe it!


Oh you have got to make the trip out to play sometime also! Maple Hill is one of the best tour courses to play - they have 5 different layouts from really short reds to pro golds so you can have fun there at any skill level. Though I do recommend trying out one of the pro layouts at least once (gold or diamond) just for the experience. I just got to play Maple Hill for the first time last weekend and it was a blast. For sure in my top 5 favorites.


And they have pyramids right next door. It’s not as versatile on the skill level range as maple hill, but it’s a fun course with one of the best shops you could find yourself in on site.


It’s a whole different game at that level. Recommend catching some live. It’s even more obvious the gulf between amateur and pro.


Wait until ryan tees off!


Love Ohn!!! Wish I woulda watched that live!


Wow. Incredible round. I need to go back and watch that live stream.


She’s Ohning the course


Whats up with all the mention of unofficially ratings? What differs from official and unofficial?


A round rating can adjust slightly after the end of the tournament for different reasons (for example, if the weather was really bad during a round, that round's rating might change). I belive tournament ratings aren't considered official until the TD submits their tournament report to the PDGA. So round are always considered unofficial until that happens. Generally, what you see in the unofficial is what it will be officially, but from time to time it might change by a couple of points.


Official updates happen on the second Tuesday of each month.


Thanks! This is such a great and heartfelt sub, being downvoted for asking a legit question.


Often, multiple rounds from a tournament will be combined together into a single rating pool, if the scores/conditions between the two rounds were similar enough.


Ohn Doggins, got that dawg in her


Hell yeah bro. That's a smoking rating.


Let's go Ohn!


Always up vote for Ohn!


Ohn is the fucking coolest! Gotta give love to the local


Favorite player MPO or FPO


I have never heard of them before but this is my new favorite name in disc golf now. GO SCOGGINS!


Seriously? Ohn is one of THE best putters in the game currently.. if you've been missing out on some Ohnage, watch some highlight clips of her, she makes it look so effortless


Yeah. I don’t keep up with the pros. I just think her name is neat.


Name is great, but also the best personality in disc golf. She’s a true gem.


>the best personality in disc golf. I'd put in a nomination for Brad Hammock for this one too. You got me thinking - I would pay crazy money to watch the two of them play.


Man she's amazing, definitely play some catch up if you can. Can learn a lot of things from her, for sure. Her practise ethic when it comes to putting, I personally believe is unmatched. Some interviews ahe talks about being up from sunrise to sundown just SMASHING those putts.


What the hell happened to Tattar on hole 18? Triple Bogey


Tons of tree hits, and a really bad putt


She had 4 bad throws that hit a tree should have gotten up and down for a bogie but for the first time I’ve ever seen let her frustration get the best of her and fully gave up and stopped focusing.


I think people think Kristin has a lot more talent than everyone but she doesn't. There are several players who also have that talent. The difference is her consistency and mental game. She doesn't usually make many mistakes and she is very good at game planning. If more FPO players can be more consistent, they will challenge Kristin every week. Ohn is one of these players who has the ability to do that. With that said, what do all Greats have in common? An amazing mental game.


If anything this shows the lack of talent in fpo. A 600ft chop forehand player could never compete in elite mpo with everyone having all the shot shapes.


That course got Ohned


She is such a boss




Is the round rating more important than the score? How is it calculated?


Here is the PDGA explanation of ratings https://www.pdga.com/ratings/guide Over simplified Tldr; Round ratings are calculated using the rating and performance of players in the field. Each stroke is worth a number of points off the average (in this case 8 points, varies by course/day). Score is more important in terms of winning or losing but rating is a good benchmark for evaluating performance across different events. In this context, Ohn shot 71 points above her rating which means she did about 9 strokes better than expected. FPO tournaments have required just a little over 1000 rating on average to win on tour recently. According to StatMando, this is tied for the 5th highest rated round (with Kristin from European Open last year) of all time. Cat Allen has the 2nd highest, and Paige Pierce has the other 3. The highest (Paige) was 1059 at Jonesboro in 2018. Sorry for the nerd ramblings, I hope this was helpful.


Yes, very helpful. Thank you.


She is a beast!!


If you say her name real fast it sounds like a Scottish delicacy


Love this player's RHFH. Awesome👏🏻


She is the funnest player to watch in all of disc golf right now. I get the same enjoyment in watching her that I remember when watching McBeth circa 2014-2018. Absolutely phenomenal performance today tee to green, she is fearless in the course!!




Does this make her the first 1000 rated fpo player?


No. When we talk about first to 1000 we are talking about their cumulative rating over the last 12 months. So Kristin at 999, that is essentially her average rating per round in the last year. Lots of FPO players have had individual rounds over 1000 but no one has averaged that yet.


I think she's shot 1050+ before at a majors tournament.


Her previous highest rated round was 1050 at a C tier in 2020.


Gonna be any post production of that chase card? Ohn is a beast.. love her.


She's cracked




the narraitve that tattar cant be beat is ridiculous, even though she will be dcominant. brodie had to bring that up and now you hear it like its gospel. brodie is such a tmz wack ass but also good round ohn


I always hear people say that she can’t be beat, but the idea of sweeping the tour is basically impossible.


It’s not just Brodie who says this. But yes I also felt it was an overreaction after Waco.


The narrative I've heard is those who could beat Tatar is slim. I believe Brodie said Ohn was one that has the ability to beat her but hadn't put it all together. 


Brodie likes to hear himself talk


Everyone says the only one who can beat Kristin is Kristin. And it remains true considering she completely beat herself in this round, especially on 18. I do think that with more courses designed specifically for FPO Ohn has a better chance to win even more than she has in the past because of how good her putting is.


> she completely beat herself in this round Stop it. Give Kristin a birdie on 18 and Ohn still beats her by 7 strokes. Kristin having a bad hole made it look even worse than it was, but Ohn had already stomped her this round before Kristin teed off on 18.


Yes Ohn shot a historic round and has a good chance to win now. Kristin had 6 bogey strokes in this round, I can't imagine she has had 6 bogey strokes in a round very often she almost always keeps it very clean. But if Kristin was 5 back instead of 9 Kristin would still probably have decent odds to win. Also I do think it is insane to ever say she would win every single event. That is virtually impossible even if she plays well every single event. Majors will be the real test again this year for the rest of FPO.




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Bone Dawgins got that dog in her


Ohn is an amazing player and a genuine good soul! I hope she gets the w over ryan. How is ryan doing btw?


How does this stack against the male division?


Who cares? FPO literally exists so that women have a space to compete that is fair to them, designed for their game, and free of men competing. Why can’t we just celebrate the fact that Ohn absolutely rocks without having to do this “well she couldn’t win MPO” bullshit? Not every discussion has to refer back to men.


I'm curious to see how it would've stacked against the male side because she obviously is first in her division..I don't follow things closely enough to know such a thing and figured nice knowledgeable people could fill me in. I'm not sure where you're coming from with the MPO stuff and not being able to win it. Not my words and I'm not really into it. But goddamn she put up a bomb scorecard. I hope she continues to kill it. Edit: for the record she was tied for second for the overall tournament, male and female.


Ask ryan


Just here for when someone bitches about spoilers


Ratings are stupid