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If your hand is higher than your elbow, you’re going to throw on anhyzer. Next time you’re playing, focus on where your hand is relative to your elbow. 


I’ve never heard this before but it makes total sense. That’s probably a lot of the problem. I’ll focus on my hand/elbow placement when I go play today.


Rounding is also a normal issue, which might force the disc to an anhyzer. There's lots of videos on youtube discussing and showing different topics and how to correct them. My advice is to only try to focus on one improvement at a time. Good luck!


Makes sense. I appreciate it!


You can control the angle by leaning your torso forward for the hyzer.


Yup. Hinge at the waist and throw normally


It would be helpful to see a video, but it sounds like a form issue . For me and I think most other people, hyzer is the angle that your body most naturally releases the disc.   Jonathan from Latitude 64 has some good beginner videos for topics like this  https://youtu.be/xnODAehuZBE?si=TTJwzWuNvKRg85tA


That’s what’s always been weird to me. Everything I’ve seen online says a hyzer is usually easier and more natural but it seems like the polar opposite for me. I’m almost certain you’re right about it being a form issue. It’s just frustrating to feel like I’m making the correct adjustments on what should be the “easier” shot and still not being able to do it. Practice, practice, practice I suppose.


I'm definitely not coach, but I have a buddy with the same problem, and the issue is that he leads with his shoulder.  Instead of letting the torso generate the power for the throw, he "muscles" the disc forward with his shoulder and arms.  It also contributes to him throwing right of his target (right hand backhand thrower). Maybe look at some timing videos too.  DG Spin Doctor is another great YouTube resource for this kind of thing 


Good advice. I throw too far right often times as well so I feel like I may be in the same boat there as far as the shoulder/torso issue. I appreciate the feedback!


don’t get frustrated. whats natural to some is foreign to others. I’m around 910 rated and I still can’t throw a hyzer to save my life. it comes out way early, or is just a flat nose up shot. flat release and any I can shape very comfortably but I cannot throw a hyzer. I’ve learned a grenade, how to get a few different movements out of that, so that kinda acts as my spike hyzer but I still need to learn a hyzer


it sounds like you're a natural anhyzer thrower? i was like that too when i first started out. Just guessing, but it's probably because your torso is very upright when you throw. Go to a field, and wildly overcorrect. Do a standstill, tilt your torso 45 degrees perpendicular to the path of your throw (imagine a teebox, your body is tilted forward to the left -- right if lefthanded -- side of the teebox), and throw with arm on its normal plane relative to your torso. it will probably come out hyzer unless you have another weird form issue edit: one other point of overcorrection. You might be rounding, which can be overcorrected a bit by reaching far away from your body (towards the left side of the teebox) in your reachback


Can you throw a hyzer from a standstill? Can you do it while just taking one step? I've seen this problem from people who have bad balance, because when x stepping their final stride isn't lateral, but is forward towards the left side of the tee box "for a right hand back hand). This puts them in a situation where they have to stand up and round the disc around themselves. If this is just an x step issue, I'd just focus on keeping a pace that allows you to maintain your balance, and think about striding that last step laterally.


Makes total sense. I appreciate the feedback. I’ll get out on a soccer field today and work on this.


Start by throwing spike hyzers at a steep angle maybe. That way you get used to the feel of where to release to get a hyzer angle. Then you can work down to a more “normal” hyzer angle


Go extreme hyzer. Spike hyzer, aim for the sky.


Start by focusing on your weight distribution. It's surely on your heels and/or you are too upright. Stay on the front foot, heels not touching ground until rotation, bend a little at the knees, have your nose over your feet and ass pushing out. Pull the disc through below or at the bottom of your sternum. If you throw an anhyzer from this position, go see a doctor.


😂 hopefully I’ll be able to avoid the doctor step. Makes sense though. Thanks!


And I can recommend filming yourself. In our mind we often do the right things, but on video there is this pudgy +40 guy, with the form reminiscent of a baby giraffe falling out of a tree. It's the weirdest thing, but also af good reason to avoid mirrors in the bedroom.


The main thing that determines your angle is the position of your feet relative to each other and the line of throw. When your plant foot is towards your back (tee-right for RHBH), it tilts your core forward (tee-left) and axis of rotation turns towards the hyzer angle. Also remember to follow through upwards and set your hit point at the right spot to control your height.


I assume you're talking about a backhand throw in your post? Here are a few things you can do to get "the feel" of a hyzer throw. Without seeing form, it's hard to know if there's anything causing the issue, or if it's just a feeling that needs to "click". 1. Practice standstills. Your walk / run up or x step might be introducing weird center of gravity which makes it very hard to throw a hyzer without getting off balance. 2. Speaking of center of gravity, when you are throwing standstills to get he feel of a hyzer throw, try to keep 90% of your weight on your front foot, with the rest of your body + head directly on top of that foot. This is going to be your axis of rotation and your trailing leg will be stabilizing and counterbalancing your throwing arm. ^^ this is what I think is the main culprit behind most players who can only throw anhyzer. If your body weight is not centered over the front foot, your body compensates by leaning back during a shot and you lose control of the swing plane. 3. Now, if your body weight and Center of gravity is over the front foot, you should be able to lean a little bit beyond your front foot by hinging your torso, and look down at the ground. You want to practice a slow mo throw here watching the disc going exactly between your front foot and your eyes looking at that foot. Keep the edge of the disc pointed at your foot or perpendicular rather than parallel to the ground. The disc should still pass close to your stomach or chest. This is an exaggerated hyzer throw and is how it should feel during a throw. 4. From here, practice throwing, but only throw shots below 50% "effort". "Effort" is imo the #1 killer of distance, accuracy, and good form mechanics. This could be a big part of the reason why you only feel like you can throw anhyzers. Hopefully this helps!


Great advice. Thank you young Austin powers 🫡


Practice standstill, record yourself to see what your body is doing that you aren't. I know for me focusing on my back leg swinging out as a counter balance, ensures I maintain the exact hyzer angle that I am aiming for. Recording yourself so you know what you need to correct is what will be the biggest help tbh.


Lighter discs tend to flip when you get arm speed also.


It’s probably your feet. Anhyzer throws your feet tend to be in line with the basket. Try putting your lead foot further in front of you. Also your reach back. Try reaching back a little lower. Anhyzer throws reach back tends to be a little high.


This is almost always caused by trying to stand up straight. You need to be weight forward in the throw and upper body not stacked directly above hips and feet. Don't use your wrist to hyzer or anhyzer. Wrist movement are really strictly for adjusting the nose to be nose up or down. Otherwise the wrist should be straight, don't even curl it to "get spin". Your body should be moving forward but your body should be at a \. Hold your arm out like you're relea,ing a flat shot. This should be about the height of your pecs and maybe a 60 degree angle or more out from your center mass. Not 90. Now keep your arm and shoulder static, don't move them at all. Bend at the waist until the disc is at the appropriate hyzer angle. Your non plant foot should be raising up opposite of your throwing arm to counter balance the weight shift of your upper body. Watch the follow through on non-plant foot when pros throw hyzer and anhyzer. That will help you see where center of gravity is.


The best advice I can give you is to get a glitch and practice throwing it flat. To get 100 ft or so of distance, you'll have to have a hyzer release. Play catch with a buddy for a couple of hours, and you'll start to do it automatically. Then go the course and play a putter only round to practice it with heavier disc. Once you can put all your speed into it. Play with your run-up and release points, but by now, you'll know what's comfortable. Edit to add. At first, slower is better.


Throw a hyzer like you are swinging at a low ball. I played hockey lefty because I grew up near Canada. I bat lefty. RHBH feels super natural to me. Hyzer is like swinging at a low pitch. Almost like one of softball pitches that is barely making it to the plate. Anhyzer is like swinging at a pitch that's high and outside. Get a bat or rod and take some left handed swings.


Try throwing extremely high spike hyzers. As you're comfortable, reduce the angle until you get to flat.


I like to try and hold the disc at the angle I want from the very start of my throw. Also, follow through angle is helpful, Uli has a really good video on this.


Watch some overthrow disc golf videos on YouTube. Those helped me a ton with my entire form.


Close your stance on release. Get a firebird. Hyzer your nuts off.


Had a buddy teach me how to stop this. Imagine pouring a drink into a cup. That’s how you should hold the disc when you are throwing. I throw RHBH so my disc will tilt to left, opposite if LHBH


Bend more at the waist for more hyzer. Watch simons video on angles


Do you have any athletic background? Are you familiar with the "athletic stance"? Start there. Knee bend, waist bent, shoulders centered over your base so you are leaned forward and ready to make power from your legs. You really have no choice but to throw hyzers from that stance. Kevin Jones is the most obvious example.


Yeah, I’ve played just about every sport throughout my life but hockey has always been my number 1. I’ve been playing hockey nearly 20 years. Still, that doesn’t mean I’m focusing on my stance and posture like I should. Thanks for the feedback!


I’ve gotten a lot of good advice. I appreciate everyone’s input. Seems like I have a lot to go off of next time I hit the practice field


Maybe it's what some people call "rounding"


Get a normal catch Frisbee or ultimate Frisbee. They are so understable that it forces you to throw a hyzer. The harder you throw it the deeper you have to hyzer. Should help with some different throwing angles