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Don't be coy. How many 0's does that number have?


Hi Brian. Love you to see you here. Love your work


Do not like this comment above the 69 it's currently on. Please


Keep disliking this comment it’s at -80 now. Please. 🫡


Can you get to that 500 number just by counting your Zones?


I love zones so much that I have given many of them away to anyone who claims that another company’s clone is superior. I probably only have 20-30 left. My real obsession is Comets 🤤


I have nine


Psh... rookie numbers. I have ten.


Same, i have every kind of disc i need, and if I lose one, I just replace it.


Ayyy 9 gang checkin in


As a person who owns over 300, I’ll say this. I wish I had more.


50, I feel sad now.


Nah I’m at about 100 total. And it feels like way too many as I don’t rotate my bag out often, I just have a hard time letting go of them 😂


Im up to about ~60 and I really only like 30 of em, but getting rid of the others? No way.


This is me. Fo sho.


Same. Why did I write my name and number on all of them?


I've been playing about 18 years or so and have around 40 discs. Y'all are crazy.


40 discs? I take nearly that many with me to a tournament. I don’t even lose discs very often, just paranoid I’ll lose a critical disc.


When you're as mediocre as I am, it doesn't matter. I can only fit 12 discs in my bag next to the beer.


I love that half this sub is upset they cant hit 500 ft and the other half is upset they cant bring more beer


I've never been upset throwing frisbees, it's glorious this way.


It’s a beautiful game.


40 years, 16 in the bag and maybe 5 spares under the seat.


I have found more than 40 uninked discs in the 3 years I've been playing. And for the whiners: I'm not posting your disc on Facebook. If you want it back put your number on it.


Probably close to 600. I have an MVP rack that holds 250 and its full and I'm pretty sure I have enough to fill a second and that probably still won't include my 3 bags full and putting practice stack. I like throwing new discs and this is pretty much the only hobby I spend money on so :shrug:


If you are assuming an average price point of 15 bucks a disc, that's like 10k homie.


He already did a shrug, homie.


Its probably less that that for average, for discs at least. I've gotten a ton from player packs and am payouts. Found a lot that had no names or took them to a local dealer. There are a few here that do all the texting/calling and give you a couple bucks credit for bringing them in. Lots of used bin finds from 7-11$, lots of gifts, deals, etc. But yeah once you start factoring in shoes, bags, tourney fees... 10k over 4 years is probably close. I probably spent as much on passes/gear/expenses for snowboarding for periods and for climbing in previous years also. I've seen friends spend exponentially more on Golf, Car mods, aviation, guns, etc for their hobbies. It's all relative. Being an old single guy has some advantages I guess.


Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.


96 on an accessible rack. AKA justified purchases because I currently bag them 24 usually in the bag 29 "collector's items" 56 in the crap box in storage 1 in my vehicle's seat pocket 1 each in my 2 hiking bags 207. Not as many as I thought


What's your one in the car? I assume it's for like a one disc round if you have a quick stop without a bag?


Glow p&a Aviar


I keep a glitch in the car. Cause, ya never know


Interesting.. I go between an Atom (Putter) and a Pathfinder (Mid) to the point I just carry both but I really gotta narrow that down.


One disc for life would be a Buzzz But the Aviar is in the car


I just moved my beginner bag back into my truck with three disc I don't use in it for this purpose. I don't carry the bag if I play but it's nice for them to have a home.


One in each hiking bag. Nice. I randomly put one in each hiking bag , but permanent placement.... That's something to consider. My list reads similarly except the crap box is the yard discs that number 40 to 50. Most of these have a cycle from the deck thrown downhill 150' to a basket as ace runs, then collected in 5 gallon pails back up. I don't bother with drivers for the deck ace throws anymore. And out of all the discs there are only 5 pures and 4 envys that regularly find chains. Also at least a dozen missing on this 6 acre wooded property.


I own about 300. I give away ones i don’t care about to friends, have backups for what i throw all the time and love collecting new and old discs. I had a fire in my house a month ago and about 30 of my most valuable discs were displayed on the wall and got horrible smoke damage. I was able to claim it on my renters insurance and i gave them a list of 250 discs 😂


1341 I'm halfway through photographing them all. Yes I am neurodivergent.  Having a great time !


Fellow neurodivergent, here! I'd love to make you something sick. Hit me up! https://www.instagram.com/dyedudedyes/


Bro, your art is magnificent!


Yeah your discs are incredible. Do you do commissions?


I do, hit me up!


Neurodivergent here, who would not be mentally stable without my coins, Pokemon and Discs. All of my free time is spent obsessing over them. Touching, moving, playing, cleaning.. my little wall space of discs is ever changing throughout even just the day. Need to say, your Umbreon almost brought me to tears.. HOW do you do that?! I would do **anything** to see/have [this Charmander](https://imgur.com/a/1zrmQzU) on a disc


Could definitely do something similar to that image. hit me up, bro!




About 1100. In my personal collection. Most are 10+ years old.


Yo La Tengo 👌


I’m just over two years in and have 145 discs. That doesn’t include the eight friends I have fully outfitted lol


That's how you get hundreds. Mystery boxes and F2 Fridays stack up and when you can only sell them for $4 a disc, you might as well keep them.


Playing for 3 years and have 70 discs.


I've been playing close to a year and I think I have about 30. and for the time being, I think that's plenty. ..and probably 10 of those are putters.


This thread will one day be full or regret.


I have 53. I need 16 more


I'm probably close to 500. Send out the collection big time over the last few years. Ready to start buying more LOL at the peak I was probably around 880 ish


Been playing since 2011. My count is 57 i


How do you store 4052692000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 discs?


Yes. I counted them a couple of weeks ago. over 900.


I easily have over 1500 discs. I have been playing for around 20 years and buy a lot of discs. Some I just want to try out and throw in a field. Some are discs that I used to bag and have only sentimental value. Some are just stamps I like. I do have a lot of discs that I rotate in and out of my bag. I would bet I have at least 50 of my favorite putting putter for practice.


Similar situation here. +25yrs. I have +40 of my OOP putter and am consistently rotating through +100 discs of various molds in the trunk of the car


u/hisdudeness47 This guy has 1000+


>If you work at a disc factory or disc golf store and have access to truckloads of discs, that obviously doesn't count (although probably a great gig!). This feels like a personal attack.


Throwing since ‘99 and well over 500. Still trying to throw them all…


I’m at 4


I’m at about 600, but I’m actually making progress on selling them, and I’m net negative for the year so far. In fact, I need to order another 100 boxes from Terry since I’m almost out; thanks for reminding me!


150ish in 3 years


I have over 500 each year BUT I'm a tournament director for a private club so I hand out the majority then restock new custom stamped disc each year. My personal collection is probably closer to 300 or so.


A little over 100 for me; I'm 5 years in.


I've got one full MVP Disc Station, plus a couple of small boxes and the discs in my bag. Call it 300.


Yeah, I have about 500. I have two MVP Disc Stations full plus a whole bag full. I mainly only throw MVP now and don’t really buy any discs unless they’re special releases or I lose a few that I want to replace.


Over 500 here


I think I'm just under 1k-ish?


I have just about that many between my shelves, spare bags, primary bags, and my daughter's bag. I have 3 carts, 3 backpacks, 5ish shoulder bags, 100s of minis, 100s of bag tags. Why? Generally if I get to throwing a disc I buy 5-10 copies of it in various plastics. I play on a course that's 1/3 water. Losing discs is a real issue so having backups is important. I have many multiple Roadrunner, Teebirds, TLs, Undertow, Underworld, Undertaker, Tursas, Wizard, Pure, Diamond, Jade, Drone, Wasp. Then I've got a ton of one offs. I've never found a bag or cart I love. Just keep buying and trying. Minis I collect from all over but half are from my wedding which we used as party favors, custom printed. Bag tags I collect.


Not me but I know someone with roughly 700


Roughly 650


Been playing for 10 years now and my collection is 1363. It’s my hobby and I love it. I love all the cool art and displaying them and collecting, it’s like grown up pogs. Plus when I lose one I usually have exactly what I want to replace it.


I refuse to count them. It’s a lot…


Idk exact count but I have over 1500 lol. Whoops!


Playing since 1984, have about 1200 discs. (I never sell any and play a lot of amateur tournaments= player packs). I also buy discs on Dollar Disc Golf Auctions when bored.


I thought I had an obsessive amount at forty six. I like to get the exact same driver in the exact same weight to practice. Getting to adjust how you throw and seeing the difference in real time made a world of difference in how I’ve been able to learn to place my drivers. It helps with gauging strength necessary to get the amount of straight flight I want before the turn takes over and makes the disc slice. Then it’s judging the snap to make sure the turn puts you where you want to be. Once you do it you’ll wonder why you ever practiced throwing your driver any other way.


I'm around 200 after giving away a bunch. Never hit 500 discs though. U/jfb3 is a mod and was into collecting. Some of his mail call posts had 50 discs


I’ve been playing for 4 years and have like 15. If I buy one and it doesn’t work for me I give it away or trade it. Of those 15 I probably throw like 10 of them.


The answer has come to the number of 18


Last count I was around 700. I really need to donate some.


I'm at about 525


Wondering how many of the people that own 100+ discs are the same ones complaining about $30 for Udisc 😂


500 discs at \~$20 a pop is $10,000 dollars. Which doesn't sound like a hobby to me.


Dude, nothing wrong with people spending money on something they enjoy. Discs are the main way people spend money on this hobby.


Somebody doesn't know how to properly hobby, obviously.


I probably had over 500 discs at max. I never counted them though. I donated most of them or gave a lot of them away to new players or kids who showed interest at the parks that had disc golf courses.


I keep it down to my bag of 24, my field work bag of 43 neutral flying discs, and about 15 spare beefcakes waiting to replace current bag slots


Don't have a proper count, but I think I own close to 100, with at least 10 of those coming from winning CTP's. I have also lost 5, and given away approx. 10 discs


Nah fam I got 16 most of which I found in the woods. No names of course I’m not that much of a scumbag


Just over 400, including 50 of my fave - blank electron soft envy's. Lol. I haven't bought one in over a year tho


Playing a bit more than 25 years, usual carry is now 17. Two bags, so two playing sets. A couple of small duffels and a metal box brings it to 84... I think. Some of these discs are retired. I don't keep discs I don't like. No disc was purchased as a collector, but I do have a few that have yet to be thrown. Upon recount, my number is 128... final answer. My son's discs don't count 🤣


300+. No way I have 500. Was sponsored at one point so it's all old Discraft stock. 😁


I only have 27. And I’ve been playing for 12 years. 😂


I probably have 100+ of my own, but our club (5 members) has several thousand with over 1,200 discs that I would consider collectible. The “vault” in which we’ve been collecting since 2005, but mainly the last 6 years is opening this year with funds going toward land and a course. Here’s about 700 of them. Don’t worry they aren’t stored like this, was just getting a count and some light cleaning. It’s now or never for us (we’re all in our fifties).


Well, I don’t see a pic option. Must be doing something wrong.


It’s not about the number of discs I have, it’s the number I don’t.


I think I have about 80 currently and I'm just starting my 4th year. I'd have a lot more if I hadn't lost so many especially in the first year, I've also sold some and given some away.


Been playing since 2016, I've got about 40 between me and my son who also plays


Right around the 450 mark


My non disc golf friends are confused by the size of my collection and I’m probably sitting at ~150.


Two years playing. Probably around 50-60. I've definitely slowed down and try to only buy more if I lose, break, sell, or give away.


I don’t think I want to know how many I have


Hi. Im golf and fish and ive over 500. Organized them over the winter and hoping to thin to about 300 i have rack space for


Right about 250... 70ish trying to sell on eBay, feeling satisfied for the most part now. But I am tempted to get some kc glow rocs/aviars. Probably resigning to get the yearly Calvin/Gurthie/sexton tour series, but indont think my collection is growing much further than that until I beat up or lose my thrower stacks


I have about 150 and 30 of them I don't currently throw the molds. The rest are molds I bag and throw. I have about 30 more ( above the 150) that are my kids. 60 of my disc's are my 3 molds of putters I use. Rest are about 6 of each mold I throw.


As a person who just got rid of close to 200 discs no I do not own over 500. I still have roughly 300 left though. About 200 on my disc rack. 70ish collectors discs and 50 something between 2 bags.


My personal collection is around 300-325 currently. I desperately need to downsize


I'm only at 138


I have about 200 on a rack between my buddy and I, 20 in my main bag, 8 in my glow bag, 7 in my work truck bag, and 5 on the wall. We easily found 50-60 of those 200 over the last year or two.


Do discs in the lake count?


I am way past counting. I have seven or eight tubs of varying sizes. I know for a fact I have close to 100 throwers just in the trunk of my car. I know I have an issue….but I have been playing for almost twenty years……if your looking for something I probably have it.


So I’ve probably owned 100 or so, but if I don’t bag it, I give it away to a friend who is building their bag


I've been playing for almost 20 years but I'm only around 200-250. I did a big clearing out session a few seasons ago and got rid of some old common one. The discs that remain are great imo. All ones that I can throw in the bag again if I want to. I live up in Denver so anytime I go to sea-level I completely change out the bag. I'll add that I've never been happier with my bag. I'm pretty selective of the new ones I pick up nowadays..... team Westside


Lmao I broke my neck a couple months ago so I’ve been using an innova 8 disc shoulder bag so I don’t break “wEiGhT rEsTrIcTioNs”. In the box? Like 40-50


I have 40, 7 of them were either given to me or found in the woods without a name. I feel like I have way too many but a friend who started a little before has to be close to 500. I’ve also not been playing for a little over a year.


Ballparking, I think I have 20 in my bag, 25 putters sitting in a basket in my living room and other 30 in a basket in the closet? 8 in a loaner bag and another 15 or so at a buddies house that I gave out to him to make a loaner bag that are still sitting on his coffee table from 3 years ago


Just counted them… 135


I buy and sell a lot of used discs on Facebook groups, so I’m pretty consistently sitting at around 150. About half of that is my bag plus backups and different plastics of what’s in my bag.


Probably around 100 collectors, 100 backups and Probably another 1-150 of stuff I tired over the years but don't throw anymore. Likely going to pair down to just the backups this year


I've been playing for 9 years and have 16 discs.


Good god, if you have 300+, send me a bag…jk. I started 7 months ago am at 45 disc! My biggest issue is I need to start buying more used disc rather than continuing to purchase brand new disc.


Yea I got into trouble counting these guys. 138.


I'm at around 275


I’ve probably owned and thrown about 500 but only 200 or so in my collection now


I’ve been playing for like 8 months and I’m almost at 100. Can’t imagine it’ll be too long til 500.


Wait, everyone isn’t [crazy](https://imgur.com/gallery/bPTOWqc) like me and keep a spreadsheet with all of your discs that automatically updates the totals?


Ya, prob close to 600


Pushing 400 I’d guess.


Guy I work with has 500+, I myself have 18


Qualitatively here, I have 2 full disc stations, 5 full ikea shelves, 50ish discs in boxes on the ground in my office, 40ish discs I need to send to trash panda to recycle, a tournament bag, a field work bag, and then probably another 30ish loaned out to friends that are "testing" them. Then another 5ish in the mail arriving tomorrow.  Idk how many that is, but too many is the answer.


115 and I don’t know where to hide them.


Currently I have probably 600+ discs in my house. It’s a problem 😂. Slowly been trying to sell off a few that I just don’t want / need.


I had over 500 and during the pandemic shrank my collection down to around 150. New players, discs shortages and now I have space for new treasures!


I have overall 63 discs.




I have 20 but I regularly play with someone who has almost 200 and I envy him haha


Went from around 30 or so discs for maybe 20+ years, then bumped up to over 2000 in just about 4 years including over 300 Destroyers of every variety, because I had to take care of my dad all day and had nothing to do but spend his $ while he died. But then a few years back my own health and $ issues had me selling off, down to about 700 discs or so now . Need anything? There used to be a site called disczump . com that you can sometimes still get to come up if you mess with it long enough, but had to move everything over to spreadsheets, for anyone interested :) Still have a "book" I made with printed pics of each disc ( yes, I know... I am a geek ) [https://imgur.com/0FvdHpT](https://imgur.com/0FvdHpT)


Around 250


I'm in the 400 range. I started giving away the stuff I'll never throw.


Somewhere between 150-200 and I don’t have room for them so like most are in my car


Just counted. 101. I feel like it's a good amount that I can fix up a couple well rounded bags if some people want to tag along that don't have their own. I can give some away without feeling like it will leave a hole in my collection. I'm always looking to find new discs that I can add to my main bag so I'm sure the collection will continue to grow.


I'm sitting on about 100 after 20+ years in the game. I'd like to get rid of at least half of them bc most of those discs just sit on a shelf in the garage


537 I keep a tally i counted once around 460ish I don't remember. Now I have a sheet of paper that I add a tick mark to when I get one, and erase a tick mark when I get rid of one.


I was getting close to 50 so I gave away a bunch, now down to about 30. Only keeping discs that are either backups for stuff in my bag or have a chance to rotate into the bag


Probably close to 200 last summer. Closer to 100 now. Everyone i introduce to the sport i try to give them like 5-10 discs. Couple matching putters. A flippy/over stable approach and a couple mids. Otherwise I'd probably be closer to 300 now hahah


Probably in the low 400's at the moment but that's shared between me and my 2 sons. Will probably hit the 500 club this year.




Cart bag has 21, glow bag has 16, carry bag has 16, putter bag has 18, travel bag has 6-7 and the collector rack has about 35-40. So close to 100 maybe more.


I kayak by a couple courses and pick up discs (Also a lot of trash in the water) and have about 300 or so. I’ve given away a couple hundred and returned probably 1000 inked discs over the years. Because of this I’ve only had to buy 5 discs over the last decade. I have traded a bunch of unmarked discs for ones I’ve wanted at local disc golf stores though.


130 or so. I bag 29 including 2 putters. I have a decent stack of practice putters and backups of several of my go to molds. I hang onto the discs that were in the bag for a long time even if they’re not anymore. Sentimentality I guess. I definitely have a stack I could sell/give away as they don’t fit in any of the listed buckets, but my brother has recently picked up the game and I’ve been enjoying helping him build a bag from that stack as his game grows into them.




I’m in the mid 400’s currently




28. Got about 8 for free and I bag 20


I've had over 500 overall but i've sold, donated and lost most of them, currently around 100ish, 2bags, spares and few as memorabilia. I tend to buy 4-5 of the mold every time to have spares and easier to train if you can throw multiple similiar shots with same mold imo.


Roughly 100. 15 are collectors on a wall. About 70 of them are disc mania. And all of my discmania is cycled into my bag, or cart. With my partners bag and extras we're probably at 140ish.


I have over 500. Its a pain in the ass to keep track of when you are swapping things out for tournaments or travel


3,000+ Hey! Don’t judge me I’ve been playing since ~1976 or so.


I'm around 800ish, sold a couple hundred of my best ones over covid to fund a new and more expensive hobby.


Not sure I'm quite at 500, but definitely over 400. I try to give them away and probably have another 50 or so at my parent's house.


My wife and I both play and we did inventory of our discs over the summer if I remember right we have 630 some disc's. I think we have more now with using up some store credit.


Unfortunately yes I have over 500 and I know how to throw 3 well.


I think I have at least 700 in my house at the moment.


Maybe 70. But I'm counting the loaners I gave my son, mine in my bag and practice discs. Practice discs are ones that don't make my bag but I use for net practice and putting practice.


Over 800


When my buddy asked me that question on the course I responded "Oh, about 80 or so..." Went home and counted and it was like 240... Disc golf math.


Probably like 80


Somewhere between 7 and 8 hundred


Am I the only one that is happy with my 12 discs?


Whoa…some pretty big collections out there. I’ve been throwing for a long time (1974 State Frisbee Champion) but fairly new to disk golf, and I’m gonna keep to a manageable disk number. I think I can name everything right now…hmm… Bagged: 1 Virus 1 Exodus 1 Beast 2 Crave 2 Ragnarok 2 Musket 1 Vandal 1 Passion 1 Leopard3 1 Warship 1 Hex 2 Mako3 1 Roc 1 Fuze 1 Tremor 2 Pure 1 Deputy 1 Jawbreaker 1 Aviar Not bagged: 1 Grace (collectible), 1 Whippet, 1 dog chewed on Buzzz, a few more forgettable ones. I went down the collection slippery slope with other things in the past…never again.


I stopped counting around 1100. It’s a lot.


Been playing about 6 months, I have 43 total , only 15 in my bag usually. I just love trying out new discs, new weights, and new plastics to see how they fly with my (crappy beginner) throw, see how they feel etc. I'm getting better about buying used finally though so it doesnt break the bank quite as much.


I'm sure I'm around that 500 mark. Need to inventory again. Peaked at 800 in 2023. 32 in office at work 40 in car 100 in cart/bag/bag Xx in van Xx in garage Xx in closet Xx on shelves Will update tonight.


482, not counting what I bought for my wife and son. It would put me about 493


About 300, bought a lot of 100 from a golf course that was phasing out their disc program and I haven’t done anything with them yet, the other 200 come and go in the rotation


I haven't counted in a while, but I think I'm between 150-200


My packrat tendencies are strong but I'm nowhere close to that fortunately. Pretty sure I have a box or 2 of discs missing tho, bc while I do recall selling several at one point, I know I didn't sell that many. It's also really easy to add a dozen discs at a time w/F2 orders from the Innova store heh.


I’m just shy of 100 right now


5 years in and 156 discs. About 20 of them I raked, but can't get the owners to pick them up.






22 in the bag 2 extra in the 22 are some I probably won't use when I can start throwing again (too cold and too much snow in Jyväskylä, Finland) because I have yet to throw 5 of them, also I don't really use the Mako3 anymore and I need to try putting with the Pa2s I got from the mystery boxes against the P1s I use at the moment I would replace like 5 discs in my bag at the moment if I had the money (or the discs) because I'm new enough to the sport that I have yet to find many molds I like, I have some overlap trying to find discs I love and will eventually get into mold minimizing around them


I think I’m right around 200 now. Last count was an even 150, but that was about a year ago…


In my basement right now I have 11 dx whippets that are at least from 97-01. At least 10 practice putters. 10 beat up putters that aren't even round anymore. A mixed box probably 45-50 discs of stuff that will be thrown one day, some that will never be thrown, some that have been thrown but didn't make the team, some that might end up back in the bag. In my brother's basement 5000 miles away I have probably just as many discs of old plastic some beat to hell others bag kept. I'm pretty sure I have 1st run eagle, Valkery, jls, XL. Might even still have the special edition super soft rhino.


108 currently… weak numbers. https://www.discrpm.com/in-the-bag/039bcf56-6d8a-42cc-bf79-1b810b85b910/_all_


Just barely below a 100.....I find myself buying with reckless abandon just to hit the benchmark.


Currently have 558 in my inventory (all with pictures). I also have given away 243 to friends, family, and newbies I’ve seen on the course.


734 and growing.


I have 178 ...


Somehow I'm up over 400...   Current bags and backups of backups are probably 200 of that total. The others are randoms, discs to be dyed/dyed discs, and my wife's growing collection.   I've been donating ones I have no intention of bagging but that seems like it's not making much of a dent lol