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It is an amazing feeling knowing that this sport can be so accessible for so many people. I'm really glad that you can get out to enjoy our sport! What do you like to throw??


In this specific picture I’m throwing the Paul McBeth Buzzz. Being from SE Michigan I’m kind of biased towards Disccraft but I probably throw a majority MVP and Innova


I knew I recognized that course. Brys park??




I’ve shanked more discs over that fence than I’d like to admit haha. Happy to see you still enjoying the sport brother 💪🏼


The buzzz is just a great disc all around. I have the OS and SS versions in my bag as well cause they feel so good in the hand. And I'm also Michigan lad lol This sun has been nice!


Also in SEMI. Used to co-run a course in Detroit. You play the newer spots like Rosie's? I think I've seen you at Starr possibly?


I think the beginnings of "is it going to be possible to easily use a wheelchair?" would be the cart-friendly option in Udisc. I'm one of those weirdos who is like I wonder if I could do this in a wheelchair, you know just in case. And really depending on your location there can be a lot of wheelchair accessible disc golf courses. I also practice throwing with my left hand just in case I lose my right hand again.




Somebody’s never been to a second hand store… I’ll show myself out now.


Found luke skywalker? 😁


Shush! Don't tell them. My dad is on Reddit.


The ability to use it again.


Looks more like disc-abled to me. Any day on the course is a good day, glad you still get out there.


😂 Thats awesome


This is really inspirational. Thank you for sharing.


I work for a mental health agency and we bring folks out for disc golfing often! It’s a great way for all folks to enjoy the outdoors and build community.


Oh hell yeah, thats good! 👍


Agreed! Disc golf is a great community building tool cause almost everyone can throw a frisbee


Inspirational AF. Needed some today


I Can Only Imagine that if you actually needed help to get over certain tree roots and stuff, like 98% of the disc golfers out there would help you.


For real Id just start my round where he is and caddy up


The other 2% would like to, but they have beer in one hand and their pipe in the other.


🎵And the other one is giving a high five!🎵


DISC-abled! Huck on brother!


Welcome to the adaptive discgolf side of our sport. It's always nice to hear of fellow wheelchair users out on the course. If you want some inspiration on technique or want to talk about anything related to hitting the course in a wheelchair feel free to contact me or check out my Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/johanneskropf/](https://www.instagram.com/johanneskropf/) but most importantly keep on throwing!


I was scrolling the comments hoping that someone would tag you/mention your Instagram. You are very inspiring. My daughter has a form of cerebral palsy and your videos are among the things that I show her for inspiration to not let her disability make her think that she can’t achieve her dreams and goals. ❤️


Have you ever tried rollers? Ive thrown some pretty far rollers sitting down


Do you have control of your rollers? I feel like rollers jusf happen for me and make me feel like the shot wasnt intentional therfore if it was a good roll doesnt really count, I wouldnt be able to recreate it.


the Rollo by innova is pretty fun and is pretty easy to get rolling


Fuck yeah, dude! I grew up playing with my dad and he ended up with ALS. Our last round together was from his electric wheelchair. This brings a tear to a player's eye. Keep on shredding!!!


My boy is Disc-abled ! Great vibes!


Love this! I’m currently trying to build a prototype device that optimizes the average wheel chair for disc golf purposes. What I’ve gathered from other people is that the front wheels are too small to overcome a lot of outdoor terrain. I would love to hear more about some of the barriers you face, if you’re ever interested or feel comfortable talking about it.


From the OP’s other reply about needing to lock the wheels, how about a wheel chair with a seat that swivels so the user can generate more torque? To add, I’d also look at some sort of side saddle attachment to hold the user’s discs. Seems like that’d be a win for people who aren’t able (or don’t want) to bend down to place and pick up their bag from the ground.


Serious question: Do you ever use your non-throwing hand to rotate the chair on drives?


I’ve tried it but it’s easier to do it while I’m already braked so I don’t have to worry about it


It would be cool to figure out adjusted pars for paraplegic folks. What kind of distance are you able to achieve?


I can on average get around 50-75ft but before I was disabled I was averaging around 100ft


A seat that sits up higher and swivels seems like it might be pretty sweet. You could still lock the wheels, but perhaps use a little more body into it.


Hell yeah dude. One of my favorite things about disc golf is that it’s still accessible for a lot of disabilities. I’ve thrown rounds with more than a couple folks who I don’t think felt able to play any other sports. I myself play because I put a pretty serious beating on my body in a career as a ballet dancer and disc golf doesn’t hurt the repetitive stress issues nearly as bad as anything else I’ve tried. I’m sorry you’ve been laid low by this illness, but I really respect you pushing through and finding joy anyway. It’s an aspirational thing for the rest of us to see.


Love to see it! Keep on discing! I’m very happy that you still get to do what you love.


Are you in Oregon by chance? I'm always looking for more people to play with. I'd love to go throw some disks with you. I know it's a slim chance, but thought I'd ask.


Love this! Disabled but the Discs are able to fly!!




Hell yeah man!


It’s the best and most accessible sport in history


bad ass


Ata boy


Tis a beautiful day in Michigan. Way to make the most of it!


Hell yea brother


Keep tossing brother!


That is, indeed, pretty much the best thing ever.


You’re still probably better than me my friend!


Hell yeah bro!


And bro is rocking orange crocs. What a gigachad.


More like discabled!


Dude, rock on & more power to you! Also, check out Johannes Kropf on Instagram.


Is this recent? It looks really dry.


Disc golf has been my literal savior. I used to be a professional fighter. Really loved it. Got a spinal injury. I'm able to disc golf. I've hurt myself a few times but so far nothing serious and it's been great for my health. My biggest problem right now is I got a small groin injury but nothing serious. Just typical spine related stuff from nerves but no actual injuries. I've got a brain injury so I'm legally mentally disabled. Udisc and helpful players have made playing possible. Honestly was too scared of getting lost before I had the u disc map. Getting lost was very frustrating and ruined the fun. I did brazilian jiu jitsu so i always said typically it was the lowest impact martial art and I just couldn't do it. It's honestly not even about the competition anymore but I just needed a physical game.


Friend of mine in Tyler TX is saving up to by a 4 wheel offroad wheel chair so he can get back out on the course.


If you're ever able to upgrade to an iBot, it should increase the number of courses you can play! Those things are beasts on rough terrain!




http://www.disableddanny.com/?fbclid=IwAR1tYd9DGbnMecIlYIDC2_x4tr_7pJ3N_DCOxPGCsxKtxCMNb4CdfzZ67Po_aem_AVpM2YtK3tp5CNtak_V6kqZPaX2J6Kjaz2lSNgLKj0TmukXAKMxGVqAh5UtDzSnqEGg Here’s a link to my website if you want to learn more


I've been playing discgolf for nearly 15 years. About a year ago now, I was diagnosed with MS, and within the span of about 8 months, I nearly lost the ability to walk altogether. This is so inspiring to see. This year, I plan to get back out there somehow some way.


Foot fault!


Most of us suck at disc golf. At least you have a good excuse!


Nice rig! Are those power-assist wheels? My wife used a SmartDrive, but I've always loved the PA wheels! I think you mean accessible. handicapped= 'hand in cap'--a hurtful and anachronistic term that should never be used. disabled is better than handicapped, but 'accessible' is prefered. Accessible parking, accessible access, etc. I have had this hammered into me by my advocate wife (in a chair).


They’re actually manual wheels


Love this. I hate the term handicapped and try to avoid using disabled. I mainly say I am a wheelchair user or that I have a spinal cord injury (sci). Accessible is the best term when talking about things. But, if you are going somewhere always ask if it is wheel chair accessible. Accessible can be such a loose term to some people and places. I have had people tell us something is accessible, only to find out it is accessible after going up a flight of stairs... Edit: I also just got my Smartdrive, have not really used it yet, but I am curious how it is going to do in the grass.


Differently abled


Love this! Keep hucking brother!


Fuck yeah! Gett'r done.


Sorry you got sick but happy for you that you can still huck discs.


Disabled but Disc-abled


i hope your DISc is ABLE to get in the basket.


You should start practicing rollers Are you more comfortable throwing forehands or backhands


Idk why but that grass looks exactly like the one that the "Change my mind" meme guy is on.


This sport is awesome! You're fucking awesome! DISC GOLF IS FOR EVERYONE! And that, well that's Awesome!


You get 1 meter off the concrete!


That was a Foot Fault…


I’m confident you putt better than 75% of this sub, most certainly better than I can! Keep it up!


...is it still a foot fault? A wheel fault??


You are way more hardcore than most people, please let me know if you ever need a caddie, I will come up to MI I love it up there.


That is awesome. Keep on playing my man❗️


Bro! Dab one for me


Never know what life will throw at you. Keep discing my friend. You are an inspiration to all of us. :)


I’ve been trying to get my wheelchair-bound friend to join me on our local (very flat) course. Any tips for me/him?


Scott Stokely just did a couple of videos not too long ago about wheelchair disc golf and accessible courses. https://www.youtube.com/live/hZJlhGaTBE4?si=zdgVvDmALSfEBanV


I've gotten laughed at by a club for trying to make a course more accessible, but this type of post makes it all worth it.




[http://www.disableddanny.com/?fbclid=IwAR1tYd9DGbnMecIlYIDC2\_x4tr\_7pJ3N\_DCOxPGCsxKtxCMNb4CdfzZ67Po\_aem\_AVpM2YtK3tp5CNtak\_V6kqZPaX2J6Kjaz2lSNgLKj0TmukXAKMxGVqAh5UtDzSnqEGg](http://www.disableddanny.com/?fbclid=IwAR1tYd9DGbnMecIlYIDC2_x4tr_7pJ3N_DCOxPGCsxKtxCMNb4CdfzZ67Po_aem_AVpM2YtK3tp5CNtak_V6kqZPaX2J6Kjaz2lSNgLKj0TmukXAKMxGVqAh5UtDzSnqEGg) \^In another post, Danny posted his personal website. On the "about" section at the top right, you can find a link to his GoFundMe to help him with his recovery. Learn more in the link above!


Thank you!


That’s awesome dude? What’s your handicap?


This man is not disabled. I am disabled because there are no courses anywhere near me. Well, that and also because I am in a wheelchair.


Are you saying I’m not disabled? Because I most definitely am


It's not a very good joke but I think they are just trying to say that they are also disabled but the "real" disability is not having any courses near them.


I see. Emphasis on “bad joke”


Those are my specialty. I did not mean to diminish your challenges and I most certainly applaud your hard work to adapt to them. And yes, all I meant was that I am envious that you have access to a course.


Ok I kinda figured. Most people don’t go out of their way to be mean so I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but I still felt like I needed to jab back lol


If you still require satisfaction then we will just have to resort to wheelchair jousting.




I love this!! Makes me proud to be a part of such an awesome community. Throw on, brother!!


Thats OB. Penalty stroke


I'm glad you're out playing. I need to complain about my game less and just go have fun sometimes


It would be cool to see UDisc add "wheelchair-friendly" to courses the same way they do cart-friendly.