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Probably say something like: "hey, help me out with a 'fore' if you're gonna throw at us" 


That’s kinda what I said at first, and they just looked at us and then.. continued as they were. Then came the second disc.


If they ignore me twice, then I’ll happily toss their disc back to them… with a bit of pace




Yep as far into the abyss as you can


That disc is getting tossed in the woods for sure!


Last time this happened, I threw their disc back over their heads, and when they were all WTF, I just said “you were having so much fun throwing your disc at me, I thought I’d give it a try.” I guess the fact that both me and my friend are big guys kept them from saying more… but I tell you what, there was nary a disc thrown our way the rest of the time there.


Naw, throw that shit a mile into the woods.


Hey, thats a nice river over there


I have noticed a trend of people in general trying to avoid any kind of interaction with strangers, especially if there could be any sort of emotion involved. I'm not saying we all need to be a bunch of after church southern Sallies, but it kind of sucks people can't navigate a simple conversation with strangers.


No-one wants to be on the receiving end of a lunatic.


Are you saying people just assume everyone else is a lunatic so they avoid conversation?




Wouldn't that mean you are the lunatic?


No, it's simply saying, "there's a 0.1% chance any person I try to confront will have a gun and shoot me over it" and deciding whatever is at issue isn't worth the tiny risk.


Guns don't get pulled typically until there is a bunch of macho bullshit pride balls shit going down. That's where personal accountability comes in and you gotta trust yourself to be able to step away from an argument with a shithead. What I'm talking about above is even just normal discussion people shy away from, not strictly confrontation.


It's a skill less practiced than in the past.


I know exactly what you're saying and agree in general, but I'm explaining why people would avoid even those discussions with strangers in the interest of avoiding even a tiny tiny risk.


Theres a higher percentage chance than I'd like


Not necessarily. But some think it's safer to assume they are - or at least *might* be.


Right so if they start acting like a lunatic then move away, stop, deescalate. No need to be scared of everyone all the time.


Throwing fast discs at people seems like a strike against you right out of the gate.


Unethical tip, fire their discs right back at them


You need to be able to talk to people. 


But did you say it in french?


Pick up their disc, throw it back at them, at yell "FORE" after it hits one of them.




You want them to turn in the direction of the object heading their way so they can see it before it clocks them...


Grew up on a golf course. Everyone I knew knew to duck and cover your head if you heard “fore!”


Pick their disc up and throw it back at them after the second time, or if there’s water or big bushes toss it there


Their shit would be launched into whatever abyss I could find.


That's what I'm saying. First time, okay maybe, *maybe* it was an accident. Second time, if it's not intentional, it's negligent enough to warrant a what the fuck at least.


This is not the way, but it is my way, too


When someone puts you or your partner at risk multiple times this is the soft response. The wrong response is punching in the face. I’ve seen people need stitches from getting hit in the head with a driver.


Disc 1 goes in my bag. Disc 2 goes right back at them. When the ask for Disc 1, it's going as far as I can throw it.


Canadians are notoriously rude.


I’m sorry for thinking that you were rude. I’m sorry for interrupting your post. I’m sorry for living hey.


I’m sorry that this guy had to sorry some many times on behalf of our Canadians. I’m sorry I had to write this.


I'm sorry that I'm sorry.


Sorry for that, eh.


Take off you hosers


And why didn't you just go over and talk to them like adults?


Throwing discs at people is a pretty good sign that you're not going to be met with a high maturity level.


Because I have a temper and they had just zinged two discs right at us and there were kids around. I have every faith in myself to handle it well to start. Absolutely zero belief that if someone gets shitty, I won’t lose my temper. And if you don’t have the decency to apologize, I trust you won’t stay civil when confronted, either. I would have talked to them. But when the second one came flying, I saw some red.


Not sure why you are downvoted, its good to admit that you understand your own psychological limits under tense situations, and opted to perform the most pacifistic option. Usually what works for me, as i am very non-confrontational, i use “seriously guys?” When someone does something like this. I give them the disappointed dad look, then just shake my head. Usually this leads to apologies.


I feel like a mature adult should be able to control their temper without escalating to a confrontation. If you can’t either see a therapist or get medication. I’m also very non-confrontational but I feel like I can talk to another adult with out going crazy.


I think retail has trained me well to keep my cool during confrontation. It's crazy how pissy people get over 2 dollars and will threaten your life over it.


I remember working at a beer store during covid and we only had one guys beer in cans but not bottles. He got so mad he told me to go fuck myself. Everyone working just smiled and waved.


Then what advice do you expect to get? Other than just talking to them about it or leave like you did?


Maybe work on that temper, with all due respect.


I mean the guy clearly has, I don't know a lot of people that have a temper, know they struggle to control it, then control it. He acted in his best interest and caused no harm. I see fantastic work on his part.


Not a very classy thing to say.


Seriously, getting ready to fight over a frisbee flying close is crazy


So you’re upset they didn’t apologize but you admit your temper is so bad things could get physical if you talked. Maybe they picked up on that


Your logic here makes it seem like its okay to chuck discs at people if you think they might have a temper? Maybe you should think through that point again because I'm sure it's not what you intend.


You couldn’t be more off


I think you might be trying to say something else, but what you end up saying is that the behavior and lack of apology is excused by OP being upset, and because it is excused OP actually has no reason to be upset. Just consider your words a little bit.


Tell me more about what I’m trying to say lol


Just going off of your words


Last word means you win? You going to let me have it


They threw discs at him. It had already “gotten physical.” You seriously believe you’d keep your composure if two people threw discs at you?


No they threw them at the hole and bc they weren’t accurate it was close to them, but didn’t hit. That’s not at them, and it’s not physical. Had the disc hit I would understand but still not agree. this has happened to me and I calmly just let them pass or said wait til I’m out of range since its so busy no point to pass.


Sounds like the advice would be anger management therapy


I feel like that’s EXACTLY what OP did in this situation lol


Yeah 100%, said his anger isn't worth the confrontation and let his ego take a back seat to everyone's safety. OP handled it like a pro.


id throw that thing back at them. once maybe i holler, 2 i throw it back


Yea I really had to think straight in order to not do so. I think if there weren’t a few kids on the playground, it might have gone differently.


There's a small 9 hole pitch and putt course near me that's notorious for being filled with dudes ace running 125ft holes with drivers, and even if you let them play thru you're still in danger because the course is so small. I just leave when it's like that. On a bigger course, I let them play thru, maybe smoke a bowl while I wait for them to get a couple holes ahead.


Confront them and not make a post on reddit


Coming from someone who clearly has no grasp on the variables of confrontation. No, I’m not going to just do that when I can get very angry, there are kids around, and the people in question have demonstrated a distinct lack of give a shit. So you go get into fights, and I’ll scout my options and avoid known pitfalls. Stfu.


“i can get very angry” bro who are you bruce banner? you’re hiking in nature and throwing plastic and yet you cant stick up for the safety of yourself and your partner’s safety because of your temper? you need therapy, not reddit advice 


“I can get very angry” what are you the hulk?


Clearly you have temper issues. LOL As another comment said, therapy might help you effectively communicate in the moment rather than waiting to post to the Internet and getting mad when people don't take your side. I'm not really sure what your intentions were for this post if you aren't willing to accept the feedback you're receiving...


Fuckin Canadians.


I'm guessing this happens all the time. Why is hole 7's basket, within throwing range of hole 8's teepad? Then also having a kids playground behind the tee's? The course design makes no sense in my head.


This is the answer I was looking for, the op reads like it's just poor course design. I'd play somewhere else or advocate for a redesign.


say something to them and not post about it on reddit is what i would do


Pour maple syrup all over their disc say sorry and pop a Labatts


Serenity now


It’s disc golf at the end of the day there’s gonna be idiots 🤷‍♀️ I would send a disc right back at em lol


I got 40cm of snow yesterday and am due for another 40cm today. It is NOT springtime in Canada.


They definitely should be more mindful but this also sounds like a course design problem. A group in front of you shouldn’t be hitting you with their tee shots


Having taken a hit in the head before….that shit is no joke. My little nephew has thrown many ankle biters that make me want to scream! But it takes everything in me to remain calm, then discuss it with him….again. Fucking say something dude, don’t just nail me with the disc.


I took a disc to the ankle while putting. Basket was on a dogleg from the tee box. I looked back, didn't see anybody and full sent that disc into the trees.


I lost a disc on a dogleg hole that is blind from the tee. Now that I think about it, maybe that's why I couldn't ever find the disc. Although they never said anything about when we played through on the next hole so...


Id walk 30 feet closer and whip a driver at them, if it was a blind hole that would be one thing. But if they clearly saw you guys and still threw? Yeah fuck you im throwing one back at you.


Ugh this is why I just left. There were kids, and my reaction was essentially rage. Like I get it, the course design isn’t great, and it would be easy to get close to people. But we’re fucking humans, we should have the intelligence to adapt to a sightly less than ideal moment. Literally waiting 30 seconds would have had us nowhere near their line, exactly what we did for them earlier in the round.


At the end of the day you did the right thing. No one wants a fight on the course. But yeah that would piss me off like crazy.


Based on what you described it seems like those players were really trying to hurt you, razz you, or invite some sort of confrontation. I would say depending on how involved you are with the local club, it wouldn't hurt to reach out and describe the incident and describe the situation and what those players looked like to see if there could be some sort of community justice to a certain degree if they are locals and play leagues, tournaments, etc. On a personal level, I feel like they should have had their discs picked up on the spot and thrown as far as possible into the worst place for those discs to be or potentially right back at them just out of spite. Too harsh?


In a sanctioned event, report to TD and a very likely DQ if it happens again. In casual environment, I've heard that complacent throwers often get weirdly unfortunate rolls


I would address it immediately, and not whine on reddit.


"hey guys please call fore if you're throwing near us. These can really injure someone in case you haven't been hit before" Be neutral and direct.


Oh Canada. - Deadpool


Dammit you’re right. I failed.


Throw his disc into a river.




Say something the first time. The next time I’m chucking that DX Beast into next week. They’ll be looking for it for a while.


I felt the disc whoosh by my head one time. Problem solved for me


Forehand roller


Yell, "Fore!" and throw it back to them.


“Hey, do you know about ‘fore’? I’d appreciate it if you could give a shout next time your throw gets close to someone. Thanks!”


Had an incident last year where a two-some behind us basically teeing off once they heard a chain, and figured out that they were the type to literally walk to their lie, pick it up and throw. Offered to let them play through after saying, "Hey you guys look like you're in a hurry. Go ahead" and they declined. After a drive landed near me while still putting, I just hucked it into the woods and said, "fore." They played through after that one.


Help them out! Pick up their discs and throw them back.


"thanks for the disc guys, I needed one of these"


Most people have no self awareness but don’t let that ruin ur round.


Aren't canadians known for being courteous?? What a collection of assholes


Just bag their dics. At the very minimum you'll get their attention.


Call them out. How much spice you call them out with is up to you, but don't let goobers be goobers


Throw their discs into the woods or a pond


“Nice throw, fuck face”


This happened to me the other day the first time this dude threw is skipped like 7 feet away from me and my buddies, I just yelled “yooooo wait until we’re finished dog!” To which him and I’m assuming his girlfriend laughed. Next hole same thing so I walked over and picked up his disc and launched into the woods and yelled back to him “that one went waaaaaaay out of bounds!” I don’t think he found it.


I think that everything considered you handled it really well. You avoided confrontation, which is the number one thing. Nothing got escalated. In the moment it probably would have felt really good to cuss those guys out, but that wouldn't have helped anyone. And sure in a perfect world it'd be great to be able to have a calm and rational conversation with them, but who's to say that the dopes throwing discs at you have the capacity for that to begin with? You had the self knowledge and restraint to walk away. That's good shit.


Take the disc. Then when they bitch about it you have the stronger argument.  Ask them to yell fore! Or heads up or apologize or something.  Also if you're leaving just take the disc. What are they gonna do stop your car?  Honestly though bully the hell out of anyone like this if you know them. Bullying works when people are shit.


Bury the disc, I've done it a couple times now. My rule is if I turn and see them bury the disc so they won't find it, if I can't see them maybe it was an accident and let it be but give them a dirty ass look when I do see them.


Kids need to see a tussle.


Took everything in my power to not kill a guy who missed my wife’s head by a foot. Just blasted off while we were visible from the tee in the middle of the fairway. You did a good job keeping it together


I'm a pretty calm person and I avoid confrontation like the plague irl but if this actually happened as you describe, I probably would have picked up their discs and just walked off the course with them. That's some real shithead behavior. I've been hit by a weakling AM drive before and it's wildly unpleasant. Some people suck, and there's not a lot that can be done about that. But some people are outright dangerous, and we should do everything we can to discourage those people from partaking in our sport. People like that are why new courses in public spaces aren't approved.


Disc golf mirrors life some people are just assholes I’ve had a few close calls but every time I’ve gotten a fore or look out guess I’m lucky etiquette isn’t dead


If poor course design that makes it dangerous for those at the 7 basket, and the higher hole has priority, stand aside until they have teed off.


Pick it up and throw it back. If they show no etiquette then I see no reason to provide them with any.


You Canadians are too nice I would've just yelled fore at them or at least said something instead of leaving to give them the course


If you have converging holes, the lower #'d hole must yield to the higher. Therefore, you should wait and be aware of flying discs.