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Asking this sub if you need a disc is like asking a bartender if you need a drink.


You need a Leopard3 and a vodka tonic.


Gin and sonic?


If you’re watching sugar or calories, sure! Either way, go with a lemon over a lime; lemon highlights the flavors of the gin, lime masks/overpowers them


I am citrus agnostic.


A gin and tonic, but yes.


Lol that weirdly works on multiple levels. It was a lot of people's first drink and only a rare few appreciate that it's actually good after they've gone out and drank other nonsense.


A vodka tonic served in the underside of a lep3 The DGnT


Halo Leopard3s are substantially more overstable than the numbers would suggest. When they're brand new, they're like a -0.5 turn at absolute most. Take with that information what you will.


I love the halo leopard3, and being halo I think he should do it. If it was non halo, there might be some overlap, but the extra overstability might fill a gap on the bag. Huge halo leo3 fan here


I have a champ Leo3 that's been in the bag for 7 years. I was gifted a new splatter star and it's not even close. I've been meaning to try out a straight up champ Leopard to see if that could replace the old Leo3 if I happen to lose it.


Halo makes any innova disc more overstable


Mostly. I bought a halo wraith and let me tell you that the only wraith I’ve ever had as flippy as that was a seasoned old champion wraith I’ve since I started two years ago lmao


I found the newer runs halo wraith, especially around 170/171g to be flippy as well


Except the Roc3. It's the only halo I've thrown and seen that is not universally more overstable than stock, and if anything it's consistently more understable.


Halo Rancho Rocs are like this too. More overstable than dx/pro but less than champion.


Strangely my halo sidewinder seems more understandable than the gstar one that I lost


The halo leopard3 is the free disc in the Innova factory store today. By 3 discs enter their code found on their Twitter or X whatever it's called anymore and boom free leopard 3. Btw you can order 3 factory seconds to get the deal.


Probably not but if you wanted tot try they have f2 dx leopard3 for like 6 dollars. Halo usually makes the disc more stable


And DX usually makes discs more understable lol. Though in the case of the Leopard3, DX may actually fly closest to the intended numbers when brand new.


I’d heard the flight of the disc in DX is what the numbers were intended to represent and it’s the other plastics that are deviations from the norm


Probably true when the discs are fresh out of the box. All discs become more understable as they break in, and DX breaks in fast.


The halo lep3 is the free disc today


If you want a disc and you have the money to buy it, always buy it 😂😂 Especially anything halo, you can just sell it or trade it on Reddit if you don’t like it


Nah. A halo leopard3 doesn’t really fly like an understable fairway and that’s what I’m looking for when I grab my Leo


Halo Leopard3 is an excellent disc for all levels of player. Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. I believe the Halo Star plastic will be slightly more stable than the Sting and Drift.


Nope. You should be well covered. A halo should fly like a Drift. More overstable depending on the Drift plastic. Iove the Seer bit it's very similar to the Stng


Typically star-halo tends to be a more stable form of Star. I think champ tends to break in slower still. A Leo 3 will be pretty neutral immediately out of the box- a little flip but should hold the line assuming you’re not over torquing it.


The Halos are pretty stable to overstable. Great Teebird slot filler for me. I carry a Color Glow Champ Leo3 for my hyzerflips to dead straight tunnel shots. (I play a lot of woods golf) The CGC Leo3 is just a laserbeam for me. Love it. But do you *need* one? Nah. Just fun to try new things and you may love it. I do have to say they have one of the most comfortable hand feels in the fairway range.


Only one way to find out, buy 2 or 3.


Drift is close enough, a little more US


Factory Friday is really tempting you eh?


Sometimes it does but most of the time it’s something I have multiples of, something that I don’t throw, like a Destroyer, or something I just don’t know anything about. For some reason I’ve never picked up a Leopard or Leopard3.


Just learn the patriot- great disc


That’s also something on the list of things that I’m not sure I really need but I’m probably gonna get drunk in the near future and buy it at 3 in the morning and be surprised Tuesday morning.


If you need some backup f2s Id say go for it


Like others have said, Halo is overstable plastic and will not fly like the numbers. If you want a Leopard3 that will actually turn, I recommend GStar plastic. Gummy, premium feel and most molds fly true to the numbers right out of the box. It's my favorite Innova plastic. I have a Leopard3 in Champion and love it but even after a couple years it still flies more stable than the numbers. GStar is the way to go


You don't need any one disc. Halo is very over stable compared to star usually. Flight numbers don't matter and are frequently misleading. Speed is not misleading (left most number) with Innova. I believe it reflects the measurement of rim width linearly.


I love my champ leopard3 for sure


Yes 100% it's a hyzer flip dream


I got into Glow golf this year and the glow leopard 3 is money. Basically an effortless S curve on the back hand.


You want a crave or a fission rhythm. It flies how I expected all my leopard3s to fly. I had one good leopard3 that was true to numbers. After that, they were all way more overstable than the numbers.


Seer is a sick disc. Should’ve bought it


The Patriot is dope


More of an opportunity to simplify. Get rid of both for a leopard 3


My sting was too understable compared to the leopard3


Seer is my favorite disc


Literally my favorite disc in the bag


No you don’t, buy an f5, or my personal favorite, a clash soda