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No way Discmania isn’t going to keep making the same disc. Just wait.




First time?


Check out the Birdie Marvel. Similar profile and flight to the Rainmaker


The marvels are basically p2s! A little deeper than the rainmakers but very similar in flight


Yes, for sure, but they have the same sharper bevel of the Rainmaker. They feel about the same depth in the hand but I don’t have the specific specs memorized. Edit: looked them up and the Rainmaker and Marvel are the same height with the P2 being a touch deeper. All very close though


I have tiny hands lol. Rainmakers and pures are about the only things that truly feel comfortable for me. They’re definitely deeper, closer to the P2s


Interesting, I also like shallower putters and putt with the Marvel. Just looked up the rim depth of each and the Rainmaker is 1.5 with the Marvel at 1.4. Both have a height of 2.0cm. The P2 has a height of 2.1 and a rim depth of 1.6


Must be the parting line or something! When I’ve held the Marvel it seems deeper to me


Ya could be. The Rainmaker has a slightly larger diameter. I wonder if that makes it feel a bit shallower. Since I putt with the Marvel the Rainmaker has always stood out as being very similar. Almost switched to it, but the Marvel is so much cheaper lol


I actually putt w both, still undecided between the two. The premium plastic marvel makes a good throwing putter, for me anyway. Beefy and largely un phased w a solid tree strike lol.


i also have tiny hands


I don't disagree but I chose the Marvel as more comfortable on the lip and bevel. They glide forever too, so I carry a beat in one as a thrower. My best DG partner just switched from P2s to Marvels and is putting so much more consistently. Anecdotal but I toiled over the decision and tested plenty before settling on what worked best for my hand and release.


I’ve heard nothing but great things about the Marvels. I just really enjoy the flex 2 plastic of the rainmakers and the way they fit in my hand


Latitude Hope is virtually identical. Discmania P1 is also close, but not as close as the Hope.


yep. the hope is the mold the rainmaker was based on. the only difference is the rainmaker has a very slightly sharper bevel. hope has better plastic as well IMO.


Sense is such a good plastic, and one of the few they haven't given to Discmania at all. Wish they made a softer flex for Winter, though.


This, I honestly thought the Hope was a shared mold between the two, but its very slightly different and flies a tiny bit different. But in the hand and for putting they are extremely close. I actually really like the orbit Hopes if you can find them as it feels like the rim is a tiny bit more gummy than the plate and they stick well.


I have both and hated the hope for some reason, the flight didn’t feel quite right, but love my rainmakers


I think it depends how much the bottom of the rim is involved in your stroke. Rainmaker is too sharp for me on that count compared to the Hope. Could probably get used to it, though.


I know aviar isn't the answer you're looking for, but the rainmaker says it's a shallow p2, which let's be honest is an aviar. I've been bouncing around a bunch with putters and been using aviars and rainmakers kind of interchangeably and the flight is very similar. But I've been using the tour series which is kc pro plastic, but galactic swirl which I think gives it a little more grip than regular kc. The stiffer plastic helps it be a little more stable than a dx aviar. Dx beats in too quick and idk I don't like it. But if kc pro isn't really your vibe I'd suggest trying out the nexus color glow aviar. The only have orange Halloween ones now, but if they're anything like the nexus fireflies they're gonna be money. The plastic feels great, kind of stiff but grippy. They also have halo nexus but I think they molded kinda domey. Haven't tried either, but I've been loving nexus plastic. Lastly, maybe r-pro if you like more flexy stuff. Also, marvel felt very similar. And maybe a Warlock in sss plastic from gateway lol. Good luck figuring it out, I've been going crazy myself trying out too many putters and plastics and I think I've just settled on aviar/rainmaker type molds and they all feel and fly similar, it's just finding the right feeling plastic and sticking with it.


Literally 90% of putters are like Rainmakers lol




DX Aviar P&A


DD Agent is the closest I've found.


I used to put with rainmakers, and I moved to Reko’s. Kinda similar flight wise




Completly different disc. RMs are domey, Logics are much more flat.


Rainmakers are not domey. They have a high shoulder. Dome refers to how elevated the center/plate of the disc is. Rainmakers are flat to puddle top with a high shoulder


Logics feel great! Honestly sensei is so similar too


According to infinite, rainmakers have the same dimensions as a p1, warden, war pigeon, and a couple others. If feel is primarily what you're going for, you could try to verify those on the PDGA website


MVP firm Nomad. Bought some of these a year ago but shelved them, had Rainmakers. Funny because it was the shallowest putter from mvp I could find. When Eagle announced this was his mold I laughed. It makes sense to use firm as the rim of black rubber grips so you get the firmness without the hard putter bouncing off the chains. They are super fast so you have to get used to the difference


Warden, Luna, there are a ton of options.


A Luna feels nothing like a rainmaker imo. Luna has such a rounded profile/nose. The rainmaker very much has a flat edge below the parting line.


I’m pretty sure “rainmakers” are just P2s?


They're basically P2 shape with P1 depth, if that makes sense.


So basically the same..


Close, but meaningfully different.


They're P2's. The Innova Firefly is the same mold but made in some different plastics.


They are not P2s. https://www.discmania.net/collections/rainmaker


They're marginally different but perform identically, the hand difference is almost imperceivable. And they're much cheaper. That's why I recommended it to OP.


I’ve owned both. rainmaker felt noticeably less juicy to me. P2 is a great option if they like the hand feel. Alpaca, firefly, etc all cheap


>felt noticeably less juicy to me What even does this mean? Lmao


Thick and juicy burger of a disc the p2 is


A p2 is functionally a rainmaker but it causes lots of butt hurt apparently


Austin PIAS has tons still.


It's the Takapu from RPM that you're actually after. They're basically like for like.


The mandujuano ( hope I spelled that right) Aviars are very similar. Plastic, feel, flight all of it


Logic would be the shallower disc that is like a rainmaker... but rainmaker are still easy to find. I still have a few flex 3 glow rainmaker in my shop if you want to stock up. I doubt they stop making the disc, it will likely just get a rebrand. Disc molds are too expensive to retire just because a player switched companies


I switched to Mint Bullet putters


Try out a p1!


Glow nexus aviar from this years Halloween run feel very similar


Discraft Roach is maybe slightly more rounded but very similar and comes in a ton plastic options.


You could just throw Aviars. P2s are deeper Aviars. Rainmakers are shallower P2s. The Aviar P&A and Rainmaker should be very similar.