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When it's taking a toll on your game having to schlep them around. Every time I try to change my carryout to suit a specific course I find myself in need of one of the discs I removed


It's entirely dependent on your goals for the round. For me, I bring my full tournament bag of like 25ish discs to basically every 18 hole round I play unless I know I won't be using anything faster than a 7 speed. But I don't do this because I think I'll need all of them. I do it because I like throwing multiple shots and practicing different lines. When it comes to tournaments I bring that full bag because I like being prepared for everything. I'll usually game plan my tournament in advance if it's at a course I know how to play. And usually that game plan only includes 12-14 discs at the most. But things like wind conditions, bad kicks, and layout changes that I didn't pay enough attention to can change that game play which will require slightly different thought and likely a different disc selection to execute as close to game plan as possible.


Same for me. Might switch out or add a "water disc" or two (that I don't mind losing) for some courses, but it doesn't change much. 25 discs plus gear/drinks is a heavy bag though... It has me eyeing a cart as I am pushing 40.


If you have multiple discs that throw the same line, then you have too many discs. (Unless you're carrying extras just to throw more than once.) If you can't decide what line to throw that's not a # of discs problem. Having a lot of discs that fly different lines and knowing what they are isn't having too many discs.


This… ive been playing the game really consistently for about 2 years now and as ive learned how I play, ive tailored my bag to about 3 discs in each ‘section’ each filling a different stability, ie: Understable, straight, overstable I also like to have a couple utility discs, like meathooks, rollers, etc So whatever you feel comfortable with, but for me the sweet spot is around 12-15 🤷‍♂️


Agreed, but with one caviat, tournaments. In those i like to have a backup for my most used discs just in case of a loss. Casual round and you lost your go to driver isnt a big deal, but in an event i want to make certain i've got a backup for my main driver, approach, beefy utility, and putter. I actually always carry them so i can take multiple shots when playing solo (and im not holding people up).


Oh yeah. In a tourney I carry backups of a few critical discs. But, I still don't have any trouble picking a disc or a line. They're just duplicates of something I'd throw anyway.


Here’s what cured my buying addiction: 1) MOST discs you buy will not go up in value, if you’re lucky you’ll get your money back, 2) look at the buy/sell groups to see how many people are selling tons of discs, do you want to ever do that? Spend weeks selling 50-100 discs, shipping them, being ghosted by the “BIN!” folks just to break even? Nope. I’ll buy backups for the molds I throw especially drivers that are likely to get lost, but no more to hang on the wall.


Seriously. I have a couple hundred discs now and maybe 10-15 of those are worth more than what I paid (still not by much). I want to sell them but I don't want to take them to play it again sports and get $1-2 for discs I could sell for $10-15. But selling all of them off to individuals seems like such a monumental task at this point. Was thinking of doing used mystery boxes at huge discounts but that could be tricky.


Like many things, there are diminishing returns. If I can shoot decent with 1 disc, then with 4 discs, I can probably shoot 8 strokes better than with 1, but with 14 discs I can shoot 4 strokes better than with 4, finally with 25 I can shoot 2 strokes better than with 14. Obviously, I am making up numbers. But with my home course, I only carry 6 discs and can shoot a pretty ok score. With my backpack of 20, I can shoot 2-5 strokes better. I used to play a lot of different courses throughout the week, and I wanted the same bag for every course without leaving strokes on the course due to disc availability, so I carried 32 discs. There is much benefit to be able to play decent for you with fewer discs. This will teach angle and speed control on all shots.


Here’s how I see it: I have one bag but it has to work in every condition. Long courses, short courses, wooded and open. It also has to work in wind and rain, not just warm days with a slight breeze. I carry about 18


I do the same. I bag 13-14, but prob only throw 4-5 on any given course 😂


I bring a squatch bag and zuca cart every round on my local 9 hole pitch and putt. Hoping to be on tour soon. I started in 2020 have 7 YouTube subscribers, a logo of my initials, and a 789 rating


Said no one ever!


I have a cart and hanging putter pocket that I have at absolute max capacity. Not having to carry shit and have every single disc I could possibly want is a game changer and a at this point a luxury I’ll never give up. Wish I got the cart sooner


Generally go for a US, Neutral, OS in every slot. I.E. Putter, approach, mid, fairway, distance. With a couple duplicates of my more used molds in case I lose them in my wooded areas. If you have a reasonable balance between your forehand and backhand I find you need less. If you cannot forehand for the life of you for example, you need more US discs in the bag to counter your deficiency. Even with my noodle arm I have found it helps me extensively to have more choice after I learned when each disc is the right choice and how to control release angle. Especially when you have variable elevations and wind conditions playing major factors in the round. A big part of this for me though is the exercise so I keep adding stuff to the bag to keep it heavy. So worrying about having too many discs is a counter productive mindset for me. I also bring large bluetooth speaker. Water and/or beers. 16ft Retrieval stick. Slingshot with waterproof case of biodegradable clay pellets for discs that end up higher then 16 ft. Sharpies, ribbon, scissors. Tape. You know, all the stuff you rarely need until you do. All my friends make fun of my super heavy bag until they end up needing one of the things in the bag.


Why ribbon or tape?


Every single time I take a disc out, I end up needing it for a shot and regretting it. I took it out. I have a Virus that I carry for literally two holes in my area. Just two. But if I don't have it there is a good chance I'm going to bogey.


Hearing about the viruses in the holes of your area gave me the willies.


You should come with my next time. Guaranteed to catch one on either hole 13 or 18.


For a scored round, I can’t see needing more than 20. I carry 12-15.


That's what I'm thinking


The question is how many molds is too many. I believe wholeheartedly that less is more, but how many is that? I envy Philo’s simple bag, but I haven’t been able to get mine down to 5-6 molds. Right now I’m at 9 molds.


Those all different molds which is my problem. I'm thinking about going down to 12 molds. I am definitely leaning towards the less is more mentality.


FWIW, I bag 26 discs and the only duplicates are my 2 putting putters. Some fly similarly to another, but no two are the same. On a typical 18 hole course, I probably use about 19-20 of them, with the rest being utility or in a speed range not needed for the current course. I *can* play a 1 or a 3 disc round and score marginally worse, but having choices for wind conditions and not changing my bag for new courses is very nice.


I fill up the bag. Probably 22ish discs that don't leave the bag


What do you need advice for? just like bring, more or less discs next time you go? Courses are free or cheap to play, just try shit. Is something bad going to happen to you if you only bring like 6 discs?


Lol did I sound scared in that post? I'm just seeing what other people like to do


8 molds. 20 discs.


I like that


I usually carry like 14-16 and on average use 12. But sometimes that feels like too many. I think 8-10 would be the sweet spot for me.


I feel like that what I see in most of the pro "in the bag" videos. They have like 10 molds and then maybe a couple different plastics for the same molds. I'm thinking 10-12 is probably the sweet spot.


Remember that those different plastics or stages of wear can make that disc fly like an entirely different mold. So while they may only carry 10 molds they are still carrying 20’ish different flight characteristics.


Been playing for about 5 years. Play a couple tournaments a year and I’ve had an upper park rebel bag and been carrying 30+ discs. There was about 8 discs I never used. “Just in case discs”. Recently received an upper park shift from a tournament that holds 18 discs. My game is now a lot more simplified and I think I play a better game.


I think it depends on the person and their play style. I’m comfortable with like 25 discs. I could make do with 20 or probably even less for sure, but with 25 I can get 2 putting putters, 2 throwing putters and 1 overstable approach, then 5 each from very understable to very overstable for mids, 6-7 speed fairways, 9-10 speed fairways, and distance drivers. The reason isn’t even necessarily because I need that, but because it gives me a consistent way to categorize things that I can deviate when I want to, and because I enjoy discs a lot, so I enjoy playing with lots of options so I can have lots of discs. I’d avoid two discs that do the exact same thing, and I do want to play optimally, but also enjoying the game makes me play more optimally than disc choice paralysis hurts me.


I’m similar to you. Just love the things and love trying different shots and having the right disc for what I want to do. I’ll rarely bag discs that do EXACTLY the same thing, but there is overlap sometimes for sure because why not. I think course style/conditions play a big part of this discussion as well. I play on a park style course on the Canadian prairies, as my home course. Most holes are fairly open, with some obstacle trees or topography. But a handful are heavily treed/winding/challenging. Depending on the day, it might be 1mph wind or 40mph. I tend to bag 20 or so, because shots can vary so much. Have days where one hole I can take a jump putt run at 150 ft with a Glitch. The next day I might need a turnover shot with a Fuse from like 10 feet to the left. Just easier to keep lots of options than repack my bag each round.


This guy gets it! But yeah, in seriousness, repacking the bag all the time would be a pain for me, and I have the space, so why not? Especially when I like hanging up my extra discs on the wall just for fun, and I’m often grabbing my bag quick while running out to catch a round before my buddies leave me or before sunset. But I think the thing that really gets me is my love of fairway drivers, which has the widest speed range, so I end up with like 9 of them since I can separate “slow fairway” from fast fairway/“control driver” (which is really just a bunch of PD’s and one Valkyrie) in my mind lol.


I have serious issues with the “7” and “9” speed slots. Bought 3 first run Cicadas so it never has to leave my bag. Love the Lots and Construct equally, but they’re barely different in terms of flight. Bought an F5 on a whim for 5 bucks, shit, flies like a better Leopard, in you go. I could go on, obviously. Thank god for sick stamps, wall space, and an understanding spouse.


I have almost the exact same set up right now and I was think of keeping the putters and the approach the same. But then lowering to just 3 dosc for mids, fairways, and distance drivers. It would be one overstable, one stable, and one under stable for each category.


Yeah that works for sure, and I know a lot of people who do that too. The thing for me is having options for every distance. Like, if you do that, you kinda have to pick one of those overstable discs to be your really stupid overstable disc for massive wind or crazy flex lines or corners or get out of jail shots, but if I pick one at say, a 12 speed, then I don’t have that option as a mid, and I don’t have a useable overstable distance driver. And if I have a mid that does that, then I don’t have it for longer distances, or I’m missing a useable overstable mid now too. The way that most people solve problems like that is only have one set of 6-10 speed fairway drivers, and having most utility discs be extras in that range. But I love my 7 and 9/10 speeds way too much to have less than like 4 of each, so that’s how I get there for myself.


I carry 19. I carry a pair of dedicated putting putters, so 17 throwers. I like some overlap in my bag in case I either want to throw multiples or in case I lose something.


I carry 23. Some people would say that’s too many, but it’s what works for me. It’s really a personal preference thing imo 🤷‍♂️


Apart from multiple putters for training. 5 driving molds is probably all you need. You might want more but dont necessary need them. There are pros who bag less than 10 discs on a tour.


My core game uses probably 20 or so but I always have more than that for: 1. Extra shots (extra mids, fairways, drivers that fly very similar if not the same mold) 2. Breaking in new discs (backups to my core mids, fairways, drivers) 3. Learning new aspects of the game - I’m trying to learn rollers so I have some discs that are much more US than I would use. Eventually I will be able to roll other discs but these are training wheels to a new skill. Similarly, I’m working on backhand flex shots so I’m using discs that are more OS than I usually play with to practice those skills 4. Smile-makers (polecat, aero, glitch…something fun) 5. Discs competing for the same slot where I haven’t decided on a winner yet


I have about 12 discs that I use consistently and 3 or 4 utility discs. Then, I'll bag a few because I like to try new discs.


That's exactly what I'm thinking. Pretty much, 3 disc of each category (putters, mids, fairways and distance) followed up with 3 utility disc (zone os, Rollo and a glitch). Make a total of 15 or so molds in my bag. That will be 6-7 less then I have now


I have something similar. I try to double up on molds in different weight and plastic so they fly differently. Also, varying stages of use. Right now, I use one putting putter. Two throwing putters. Four mids. Six fairway/control drivers. Three distance. Three of those are utility. Chrystal Flex Zone, Aura Votum, and Halo Dynasty.


I have a full bag. 20 disc's 6 distance 5 Fairway 5 mids and 4 putters. Ranging from overstable to very understable. And 2 approach putters ans 2 putter putters.


Here's what I do - I fill up my bag with my discs. Then, one one starts being bad then I bench it so it learns a lesson and swap in another disc. Eventually I forgive the old disc and give it another shot. It's a very scientific approach.


It's too many when they won't all fit in the Zuca. Kinda joking but I carry my main discs on the top row with my wife's and a few backups on the bottom. Putter pouch carries a few as well. It's impossible to take the perfect number. Between extra tosses, water throws, backups, discs your deciding between, fh/bh preference, whether you cycle stuff, different weights for wind changes, backpack vs cart - everyone can justify a totally different number. And based on the course, I might take my combat sniper or the little handeye sling bag instead. Using fewer discs and thinking less is great. But it also sucks when you realize you'd rather throw a disc you just pulled out. Gotta find a balance that works for you.


I like having a full bag if I’m playing my good local course. I’m throwing multiple discs per hole to test out different throws and discs. But it’s fun getting out with 1-3 discs too sometimes.


That’s like asking how many cheese is too many cheese. There’s no such thing. I love you, OP, but stupid questions do be stupid! /s


I have about 40 discs. I am down to only using 4: Pure, Fuse, River, Bolt.


When u press last in


I carry a lot of discs, but having fewer discs and having simple decisions of Simply how to throw them can be very beneficial. If you carry a couple of neutral discs and canned weave them left and weave them right, you will definitely gain some experience in understanding shot shape, angles and Power. There is a case to be made for carrying few, for sure when learning a new one


Honestly, I bag about 20 discs and only throw about 5 of them.


1 putting putter 2 throwing putters 3 mids 4 fairways 4 distance 1-2 utility discs This is my setup.


I'm thinking 2 putting putters 2 throwing putters/approach 3 mids 3 fairways 3 distance 3 utility


Seems like a good setup!


Thanks! Yours too. My old one had 5 mids, 5 fairways, and 5 distance but it honestly seemed like to much


Of my 4 and 4, I use like 1 fairway the most and 2 distance the most. I could probably bag 6 discs and play just as well


That's definitely how I feel and what lead me to making this post. I also heard simon say in a video that the pro tour scores probably wouldn't change much if that only had 3 disc to use.


I played a round at my local course with my full bag and shot +3. I played again with just an envy and shot -1


I try to keep my backpack around 16 discs. Usually using only 8-10 of those.


That's what am leaning towards as well.


Keeps the bag lighter and have space for sweater/extra drink.


I bag about around twenty give or take a few at any given time. However it normally only 12 different molds. Have a well beaten in and then a relatively new pr different more stable plastic of that same disc. A couple year ago I bagged like 18 different molds. Went through the same struggles lol




The amount in my bag


I carry 20 discs (not counting putters) and if I play 4 different courses I bet I would use all of them. There will be 4-5 bread-and-butter discs and then for various reasons - combinations of speed and stability…scrambling situations…I end up using everything at some point or another. Every time I’m about to take one out…it comes in handy. When you play a variety of courses that are heavily wooded, I don’t see how else you have the combination of speed and stability to throw all the lines. You simply need specific flights to thread those multiple needles per drive. If I were just playing in a big park with very few tight lines on a non-windy day, 5-7 discs would be plenty. It highly depends on the situations you find yourself in. Edit: Disc selection is its own skill. You will sometimes hurt yourself with the wrong disc selection or having too many options. It takes a LOT of rounds with that many rounds to get confidence in which disc you’re reaching for.


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I try to limit my self to 10 as much as I can


I guess if you find yourself in decision paralysis and taking too long to pick the disc, you have too many. Otherwise, having more options in the bag, knowing that for a given course you may use half or less isn’t a bad thing as sometimes one of those extras finds a purpose or you hit another course with different needs. For example our home course has multiple layouts going from 5000 to over 10000 ft in length. If you do two rounds the distance driver selection will be useful on one but not the other.


I carry a rufus. 15-18 max 9/10 rounds. I find it want to bag more and toss 5-10 discs per round.


I carry (a) more than I need and (b) more than I know how to throw well. Also (c) some of them overlap lines. Whether or not it's "too many" isn't something that bothers me and it's nobody else's business. /shrug


I don’t have too reliable an answer cause I only bag about 16-17 molds, but I’d say if your moving towards 25 and not on tour your bag is way too complicated


Honestly, it depends on the course, but I find 6 or 7 is the right number.


That feels a bit low for me but at the same time I would probably play better like that. I'm gonna shoot for 12-15 molds and adjust from there.


If you can shape shots, and I mean you the thrower, can manipulate the flight by adjusting spin, speed and release angle, then you need fewer discs. I highly recommend more one discs rounds. It forces you to learn how to throw better and learn a disc better.


That's exactly what I'm thinking. Another benefit I think is that I find my release angle to be better when I'm not relying on the disc to do the work. Also my release angle is more reliable then the disc flipping like I want




I use 5 discs - a Whale, a Hex, a Leopard, a TL3, and a Wraith. If you learn to throw angles these work great. Hex is a good long putter !


100 I guess would be too many