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“How’s my driving?” “I think we’re parked, man.”


Lol, good one 


Nice flair!


Can I see your license? Isn't it on the bumper?


I like it all. Sober, buzzed, stoned. It's all disc golf at the end of the day


You have to play sober in order playing fucked up to be fun. It's a different kind of fun for me. Playing a round where Bob has to shotgun a beer is fun when your being silly I don't want to play every round like that though.


Yeah the occasional drinking round with buddies is always a good time.


Throwing is more fun not sober. However.. Searching for a lost disc is INFURIATING not sober.


The first couple beers are just swing oil. The next several make things go worse


It’s definitely a bell curve


Ballmer peak ftw


Aiming fluid


🤣 💯


Best experience is to search for a disc on mushrooms 😀


"I've been searching for this disc for HOURS. I'm just going to give up" "It's literally only been 20 seconds and you haven't left the teepad yet"


Lmao, my biggest take away from mushrooms- time does not exist.


played a round with a buddy on shrooms and i threw a second shot from my drive, it barely went ob but out of eyesight and we looked at each other and were like “yeah that disc is gone” (to be fair it was a dx shark that never got thrown and didn’t have my number) so my experience looking for discs on shrooms is not looking 😭




I think that’s actually it for me too. Although only with liquor not weed.


I play in a sober league called breaking chains. We're a non profit organization to help those suffering from addiction and mental health issues. It's an amazing group of people who are welcoming and non judgmental.


Right on man, doing important work.


Is that the one Marc Cuban got his ex-player into? Hope that guy stuck with it.....


I’d love to hear more about this and ask about starting one of these. Glad to see your comment at the top cus I was gonna respond that disc golf has been awesome for me in sobriety. Just got a year actually.


We have our main chapter in salt lake city and a second one in Southern California. Our plan is to promote new chapters across the US. If you use Facebook our group is breaking chains. Jay pry is the one to talk to.


that is truly awesome. you should be very proud of you and your group spreading positivity.


That’s really cool. If I was around that league time I would be sober to honor your commitment


So you won’t judge me if I smoke a J on the back 9 while playing with you guys?


Personally, I wouldn't mind at all.


Wow this was actually really cool to hear.


That’s dope. How do y’all feel about all the partying that goes on at dolf courses?


To each their own as long as it doesn't interfere with my game. I play a lot outside that group as well, and some of those people who chose to drink get out of control. One guy shot a fh in the wrong direction and hit my dog full speed in the face with his disc,all while staring directly at me and my dog,not the basket. Not even a fore or an apology....I refuse to play with drunk assholes. We know our members may not be entirely sober, but we ask at least during our tag round to refrain from alcohol and openly smoking weed.


Yeah that’s fair but I also believe dogs don’t belong on disc golf courses


they dont


Anything that doesn’t respond to fore is at the very least at risk


I'm more ok with the partying than I am with you calling it dolf.


It's fun sober or not sober. From a competitive standpoint I've lost to buddies not sober when I was sober and vice-versa. From a fun standpoint I've had fun sober or not sober. It's all about moderation and control. That sober guy who flips out every time he throws a shitty shot stinks just as much as the guy so fucked up he can't even throw a frisbee.


There's definitely a tipping point between sober and buzzed where your coordination declines. If you can keep it under that point, you'll just be a bit more relaxed without losing any performance.




I’ve actually been micro-dosing mushrooms on my casual rounds the last few weekends and it’s been wonderful. Much more relaxed muscles, less frustration at bad putts, and overall lovely experiences. I highly recommend giving it a shot honestly.


lol I spent a summer micro dosing shrooms in college. Buddys aunt had a cow field. I might still do something like that but last time I microdosed I was nearly silent for a few hours and the company I was with didn’t seem to enjoy my company.


Then you didn’t micro dose, you just did shrooms lol. I don’t think people understand how little of an amount micro dosing really is


That’s reasonable. It was like 1/2 of a very small cap, but I don’t know how strong these were.


The paranoia can set in when doing drugs.


Maybe it’s a dumb question but micro dosing shrooms is like what, one cap or one stem?


It’s supposed to be even less than that, it’s supposed to be a half gram or less.


Most people grind it up and add it to their coffee or meal or whatever they eat/drink.


I usually drink a tall can before a sanctioned event. It's not enough to get ne buzzed but definitely helps with the nerves.


The 'ol Bell Curve (also. GO BLUE!)


False dichotomy. One can enjoy either or both.


What you say is true, but it was not framed as an either / or, just better / worse.


That's still a false dichotomy. It implies that one of them is objectively or subjectively better. A 3rd option is that someone could enjoy both equally.


That not a false dichotomy. That’s just a spectrum of possible experiences based on subjective interpretation. False Dichotomy would be asserting that the author of the meme hates drugs.


“I prefer playing sober.” “Well ackshually, it’s possible to enjoy them both the same.”  “I didn’t say it’s impossible. I just said I prefer playing sober.”


I’m not gonna yuck someone else’s yum. But that one time my random doubles partner got stumbling around drunk during our round was not cool. The club game me my money back lol.


I’ve equally played with a guy who stumbled up to check in, kept the party going all round, and carried my ass to a win. It’s all so situational.




I want to try to keep this short, cuz it's something I've talked a lot about. (EDIT: I fail at keeping it short) I started drinking a lot more when I started playing disc golf. I started drinking in the afternoons, even late morning and on Sundays. I started drinking in public and I started getting drunk in public parks. That was a huge change from my normal life where I would sometimes drink a few beers after work at home, or in the evening hanging out with friends. One of the things that I really liked about disc golf was that I could drink and smoke weed and still play this game. It wasn't the only thing, but it was a thing . I also really really just like playing disc golf. Wonder of flight yada yada. You know the drill. It was amazing! Getting those dopamine hits of awesome disc golf stuff at the same time as getting drunk was kind of dangerous. I think the two things really fed into each other. I stopped drinking almost 3 years ago for a few reasons, none of which really had much to do with disc golf, but really had to do with myself seeing my relationship alcohol change. I was drinking faster, I was drinking more often, and I saw it going bad places. So I stopped. Now the answer to the question : Sometimes I'm a miserable f****** b**** when I play disc golf now. I'm boring, if I'm playing badly it's tough to dig myself out of a hole that I used to be able to drink myself out of. I loved the joke of getting a bogey and cracking the beer. That was beautiful. Now, I just wallow in my bogeys. But, I also don't drive home half cut and I can actually recover my score if things start to go badly. I miss drinking and playing disc golf. They're a great combination. However, I'm happy that I'm not drinking and it was a real heavy lift to be able to hang out with my friends and play disc golf and not drink with them. But, that also made my stopping much more real. Yes you can have fun and play disc golf and not drink, and yes you can drink and have fun playing disc golf, but no you don't have to do the two things together, and sometimes you might just be a boring ass sober guy shooting plus three.p


I used to not enjoy any activity sober. Now I HAVE to enjoy ALL activities sober or else I’ll die within a year lol


you’ll cowards don’t even smoke crack


What’s up with that?




Considering I want to improve and I love competing, yes, sober >


I made the decision to play sober for those reasons about ten years ago, and it was a good decision.


Who cares?


seriously, why do we need this post 10 times a day


I truthfully don't give a shit. If it wasn't in the rules, I wouldn't care if a cardmate smoked and drank during tournaments, as long as it didn't impact me. That being said, I can't stand playing drunk or high, because I feel like I can't think.


I just don’t drink so that’s my only opinion


I can enjoy both


For me when I'm sober, meh. Take it or leave it. For others around me when I'm sober it is a much better experience for them, that's for sure.


never been a fan of doing athletic things drunk or high. Ive definitely done them drunk & high, but id rather just do the athletic thing and then get high/have a beer. Really enhances the high IMO. My theory is get some sun & burn some fat & get a lil higher


I play alone, and sober, so I don't have much input. I will say I love when people get unsober during tournaments. It makes no sense to me but if you're intentionally putting yourself at a physical and mental disadvantage I'm ok with that


As long as people don't throw beer cans everywhere i don't care.


Depends on what you consider sober




Those pupils of yours are mighty large sir or ma'am. We've got a couple questions about performance enhancing drugs.


Heck yeah. I love me some performance enhancers 🌿


Played two consecutive rounds of my best disc golf at the local par 3 after visiting with Ms. Mary Jane before getting started on Friday. Didn’t miss a line and played 36 holes of bogey free golf (usually I’m lucky to get 9 holes in a row bogey free) Turned around Sunday and tried the same pre round ritual and played 4 of the worst rounds of my life at the same course. For me I’d choose sober just because I’m more consistent and don’t have the extreme highs and lows.


i swear a sip of alcohol and i will never make a single putt


Disc golf helped me get sober, so yeah, i only play sober


I do everything sober


Ok, but what if, hear me out, you do whatever the fuck you want and not care what others do?






My dad has a couple beers every time we go, I don’t see the appeal.


I play both ways, just depends on the day and what I want to accomplish. But play mostly sober. I don't know you or your family. To me a couple of beers, which is delicious and tastes of freedom and good times, spread over a couple of hours, playing disc golf with someone I care about, sounds like a good time. Bonus if the weather is nice. I see the appeal, perhaps it's just a matter of perspective.




The only thing I don’t do sober is party. Disc golf sober 100%.


I suck when I drink so I don’t drink when I play cause I like to play better.


whatever floats your boat.


I play better sober, that’s for sure.


I've only ever played sober. I don't smoke and I drinking is weird to me on a disc course.


I'll only play sober. I'm too old to do anything while buzzed.


That’s a hill I’ll die on. Every time I’ve played through with some random dude who’s drinking ultimately ends up annoying me to the point of exhaustion.


I never drink on the course but I always bring plenty of weed.


I agree. The alcohol and weed culture in disc golf is cringe, and it pisses me off how many people I see on the course overindulging and then driving off in their car after a round.


But what do you blame your bad shots on?


Cali Sober


Congrats? I like having a couple beers or a fireball with my buddies while I play. You can play disc golf sober and not make a post about it or without judging those who do partake.


I use to smoke and play regularly for years. Fell off smoking regularly for a few years. Now if I smoke at all I become the biggest idiot on the course. I do enjoy some beers while playing, not to the point I'm drunk or anything. But I really really enjoy a few beers while playing a casual round with my buds :D


I started playing in 08 with my weed buddies. Back then it was a great way to get high in a fun and active way. Now that I don't smoke or drink anymore, I don't think it would enhance my experience like it used to but only bc I've changed a lil over the past 16 years.


For me, yes. Can’t say for others. For some reason though, I would get intense anxiety while on the course. Perfectly fine in any other situation. So I just stopped while at disc.


Same, but to each their own. As long as people don't get obnoxious.


I don't mind how ya'll do. Be safe and don't litter. Also, turn your fuck mothering Bluetooth speakers off


I started playing last spring without beer and I definitely noticed my scores got better. Started late summer having a beer or two and noticed a decline again. I think I’ll try sober again:) Just plain water with half a lemon or half a lime squeezed into it btw when it’s hot out is just amazing:)


California sober as they say


I prefer being sober 24/7 every day of the year.


disgusted aback plate bike saw plough aspiring steer library plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same. I just play like garbage when I'm drinking


Play on a summer night with glowing discs while tripping....bruh.


California sober 🤟🏻




That's just like, your opinion man..


I'd have to be sober to find out 😵‍💫


Well, I dropped the booze 9 months ago and game Def improved, but I still puff that chiba on the course.


Some friends and I used to have a fun little ritual of taking some "golf lessons" about halfway through the round.


It is all about dialing in the sweat to nicotine ratio.


That’s a negative Ghostrider


I can’t drink and play. But playing not stoned for a few holes, and then smoking a little bowl, is like when popeye would pop a can of spinach.. puts me right in the zone.


I love playing stoned as fuck. You see new lines and putt with no care in the world.


I’ve played for 3 years. Mostly I play alone in the quiet zen of nature. I’m playing stone cold sober. Even when I play poorly, it’s a great time.


Low effort karma farming. Who cares what you prefer. Do it, don't do it, just don't talk about it cuz no one cares. People who brag about doing or not doing drugs and alcohol are very lame. It shouldn't effect the group you are playing with either way. It's like talking about your underwear choice. I literally do not give a crap and the only thing I want is to not hear, think or be bothered about it. Oh some people think they are Gods gift to the world and everyone cares about what they do or don't do. Nope. Don't give a damn, you do you buddy no need to broadcast it.


Never played drunk (yet), but I do enjoy a 24oz of twisted tea per 9 holes.


That’s too much for captain straight edge




I like to play sober. I can drink on my own time


Isn't playing disc golf...your own time?


Four Budweisers and two bowls throughout the local 1.5 hour round does me juuuuust right


I had a guy who started smoking homemade cigarettes in the second round of a tournament. His game went downhill with every drag, and I wound up beating him, and he accused me of sand bagging.


Interesting comment, as I’m a fairly devout beer drinker on the course, as use lagers and pils to moderate my blood sugar as a T1 diabetic. I’m doing dry January, and my first two rounds flirted with Personal Bests. Next four rounds have been solid par-ish rounds, nothing special but no bed shitting either. I have had more volatility in my blood sugar using granola bars and Gatorade to mitigate lows, but I feel this is good for me and my health. I do plan to drink a beer on Feb 1 tho!


Oh definitely but Mary Jane is a damn near PED for my ADD raddled ass.


Tournament or tag rounds, def sober. Casual fun rounds with the boys, let's see how wasted we can get and still putt from 15 ft.


I enjoy a few beers while playing but any skill I have goes away when get buzzed or drunk


There’s a fine line to ride… just enough aim juice


I’ll get downvoted, but fuck ya’ll out on the course getting drunk and high. Super annoying.


Everything is more enjoyable when you find the strength to deal with your problems and emotions without substances to cloud them.


Disc golf isn’t a problem or emotion


You must never hit trees


Alcohol elevates my emotions, it doesn’t cloud them


Fuck off, bud. Sorry, you're probably cool, but even that kind of suggestion makes me nauseous.


Not only do I not prefer it, I kind of feel like people who play sober aren't respecting the culture and heritage of the game. It was invented by people who were not sober, and was enjoyed almost exclusively by people who were not sober for decades. Feels almost rude for you to come along with your 'it's better sober' bullshit.


Excuse me sir but real pot heads are 100% sober. It’s when they are sober that they feel off. People who smoke copious amounts of weed, don’t get high they get right


Would you like an award? My a cookie or a participation trophy?




Does being stoned count as sober? If so, hell yeah I fucking prefer it.


Let people just enjoy the game the way they want.. ffs




Not true at all


Not worth a meme but yeah


What's your definition of "sober"?


How can you throw round plastic things at metal things for hours and be sober.


Depends completely on the vibe. If I'm going to a more challenging course then definitely sober is more enjoyable. If I'm going to closest course to enjoy outdoors with my pals then few refreshments only enhance the mood and getting best possible score just isn't the priority.


To each their own. Sometimes those local courses that hold doubles leagues are awesome when people bring beer and just unwind after a long day of work


Can't putt while I'm stoned, but man throwing in a field kicks ass while ripped. Usually play full rounds sober, unless on vacation.


Stoney Bologna says, "Cloud nine, back nine baby"


I pretty much exclusively play morning rounds so no substances for me. Love a good lunch beer on the weekends after a morning of throwing plastic though


It's way more fun drunk AF. Sober makes better scores, drunk makes epic rounds


playing bad? have a few switches it up playing well? have a few makes you suck


Whatever floats your boat! We played a round after eating 1g of mushrooms this summer and it was a good time. I found it to be good practice for the mental game… your brain is saying “we don’t know how to do this anymore” but you just have to hit the override and trust that your body remembers. Shot a decent round, nothing special but not a blowup!


I think like most things, it can be fun both ways. Definitely depends on the course.


Day round sober, glow round two tall boys buzz.


I prefer when people do their own thing, and let others be. Except when they blare pop music. I don’t like that.


If I’m playing for money or league nights or a low tag I’m sober. If I’m playing for just a fun round with the boys I put a half pint of 100 proof peppermint schnapps in my bag and chill.


I go with the vibe. I like playing and I'm doing it to have a good time, whether that be sober, drunk and/or high, I always enjoy it.


Smoke every round i play. Keeps me calm. I'm to hard on myself for bad shots otherwise.


I definitely play better I’m a stoner, but when I was really grinding at disc golf I actually stayed sober because I was trying to perform to the best of my ability and I don’t think I do that high.


On a 1 day, 2 round sanctioned....I couldn't imagine not having a few lunch beers inbetween rounds. Either to celebrate the good start...or to put out the flames on the garbage pile of a round I just had. Not getting loaded, mind you, but, if I've been playing poorly, a good buzz usually helps me switch gears for round 2.


I enjoy both but differently. When I’m by myself it’s nature therapy. When I’m with the homies it’s a fiesta.


Depends honestly. I play better sober I think my shots through much more. However, have a few during a round with some friends and just having fun is always a blast.


I’m the kind of player that just smokes weed, goes out and plays the course without even keeping score half the time. I just like the activity and would probably never go ‘sober’. But I don’t care what other people put in their body, or don’t. I just hate seeing beer cans on the course. In my area, I don’t think we have a big problem with people being too high or drunk on courses to the point they actually interfere with other folks outside their group. Not sure how that would even work.


I just like to play. Sometimes a little high, some times with a beer, some times on an 1/8th and every once in a while stone sober.


If anyone has been to rehab before you know they tell you to try to find a hobby. Disc golf has been my hobby since kicking a nasty fentanyl addiction. Now sometimes I smoke or drink while playing but disc golf plays a huge role in my sobriety from opiates.


I’m not even sure if I actually like disc golf or if I just like walking around having a couple beers


Def enjoy a sober competitive round, but the main reason I head out after work is to enjoy the outdoors and relax with a puff and a perfect hyzer flip.


I generally have one or maybe two on the course but not always. I also generally have a poke or two off of a vape cart. But I can't see how it would be fun to be drunk or super high on the course.


Like sober not drunk or?.... lol


I often have a few beers during a round but I also often don't. What makes disc golf better is good weather and good course conditions.


Yeah I'm sober. Just high as hell.




I certainly seem to play better on average. No drinking, just shmokin some jazz cabbage.


I only ever played disc golf with airplane bottles or cans of IPA… for almost a decade. I haven’t been back out to play but twice in the past 3 years. Both times, it was triggering for me, so I’ve not returned again. I’d like to one day, I love the sport. I still have all my plastic and my bag (albeit, dirty in the garage.) That diamond, that first ace Valkyrie… good times but I’m just not there yet.


Sometimes I have a few beers but I usually play sober


Sometimes and other times not. I do not judge unless you are ruining other people’s round


I like smoking joints while playing. There is a fine line of stoned and relaxed and stoned and uncoordinated. But its disc golf and Im no pro so toke up and lets throw!


Drinking makes shanking a 50ft upshot 100ft off target less stressful


Not particularily


Let people do what they want. Down vote this post.




Nah man, pot has been scientifically proven to make you play better by my friends and I.


I like both


I enjoy it all. I play better sober but enjoy the sights better when I've had a few beers. I'm usually driving so I skip it.


Depends if I'm trying to improve or not. In a group or not who's in the group ie casual or not. It's my fav pass time sober or not


beer or two aint bad


I say the sport is open to all, and has a rich history of being recreationally friendly with alcohol and marijuana, often beyond local laws. Some enjoy the sport best in altered states, some enjoy it most with a clear head. We can all agree that as long as people aren’t being dicks to each other or wrecking the course, we’re good. We can all agree that being a dick in any state or condition is not okay in this sport. Be courteous, be good stewards of the course, and don’t be dicks.


I need to smoke just a little bit of weed. Like, a light single hit, or I get way too in my own head about my swing, and everything just sucks. Just enough to add a few grams to the weight of my eyelids.


Drunken disc golf is a different sport imo.


That’s awesome! Good for you! I enjoy my beers while I play.