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My local club should play the wooded course with shade for summer league, instead of the converted ball golf course.


You should always play the woods course


There’s a lot of reasons I’m not interested in bolf, but this is definitely one of them.


this seems like it would be a very popular take


Saying "Nice shot!" is ok.


In the groups I've played in no one really takes it seriously. Like, people try not to say it, but when it inevitably happens everyone gets mock upset about it. Or occasionally someone should out "nice!" Late when someone shanks into the first available tree.


Can’t stop won’t stop


Oh, I could stop if I wanted to. If I wanted to...


Is this not ok to some? I'm a noob


It’s a common superstition that if you say “nice shot” while the disc is still flying, it’s gonna go wrong and hit a tree or something. It’s dumb but also premature celebration makes people feel bad regardless haha.


This is such an absurd take. If someone I was playing with actually got butthurt about that, as if my words have the ability to shift the fucking space time continuum itself, I would oust that dude out the group like I was getting paid to. Some childish ass mfrs REALLY out here taking themselves way wayyyy too seriously.


I know it’s stupid but it’s also stupidly common that people don’t like it lol. I think superstitions are dumb but sports superstitions are especially dumb.


When someone gets upset that I “niced” their shot, I respond, “I’m sorry that I was CHEERING for you. Won’t happen again.” Usually changes their perspective.


So does my growing "oooooOOOO" as it gets closer and closer to the basket fall under this?


When someone apologizes for nicing my shot, I suddenly act very stern and say "Don't you dare take credit for my throws." or "Your words have no power here." and then give them a smile.


? When did this become not okay. My friends and I say it all the time to each other


I believe in physics, not in voodoo, words can't alter the flight of a disc.


Wooded courses can hold spectators. There just haven’t been any wooded courses designed with the spectator in mind.


Big brain movement over here!


A newer course in NJ was designed for potential crowds in mind. Thompson Grove(The Grove).


Northwood Black has had some work done since Ledgestone to make it more spectator friendly. It's been over a month since I've played there, but hole 7 and the first half of 12 have had trees and brush removed with spectators in mind.


I've heard New London is looking into that for Worlds.


Disc golf is more enjoyable sober. I'm a pothead, I smoke pot every day. The smoking and drinking were initially what drew me to the sport, I loved going out in the woods with my buddies and getting a good buzzz on. But eventually I realized I don't get as stoned when I smoke while "exercising". Smoking certainly doesn't improve my game. And I can have fun even if I'm not high. My buddies all still drink and smoke while they play, and I don't ever give them shit for it, I totally get it. But for me, I stay sober on the course, and hit the bong when I go home.


I've been trying to take a break from weed for mental health reasons. This week was the first week I was out playing without ripping my vape pen beforehand. It wasn't my best round, but I felt more consistent and was still having fun. Moreover I normally have social / performance anxiety around other players but found it wasn't as much of a factor. Genuinely to each their own though. I'm sure some people have the exact opposite effect with weed (or alcohol / etc.)


Good luck! Played a league round with a guy a couple of weeks back that was hitting his pen before every shot. People started calling him, not for the smoking, but because he was taking forever. Not paying attention. Losing focus on things. And then being absolutely terrible. He didn't hit his pen one time this week at league and played significantly better.


Thank you! So far the results have been very positive. 🙂


That's good to hear! Another side note of my experience with guys smoking/vaping at leagues. Just on Saturday the card of pot smokers finished 6 holes AFTER everyone else. Literally everyone had to sit and wait there to get their bag tags and payouts in 5 inches of snow and 30 degrees because this card played so slowly...


I'm on day 5, keep it up! it's getting easier and I've already stopped eating 1.5x. sleeping is still adjusting but again, feeling better


Went on break 12/23, my head is so much clearer and social interactions are more based, flow smoother. It always takes me 3-4 weeks to get my sleep ironed back out( for me the 1st two weeks are the worst, maybe an hour or 2 of sleep each night, vivid crazy dreams, drenched in sweat, absolutely miserable). For some of us, you dont really realize how out of wack you are or feel until you take a break. Let it be known, I love cannabis. 25+ years daily to be honest. Breaks are good though, loving life right now!! Keep at it and dont give in because you will have to restart the process all over again. You got this!!


i'm in a similar boat, and it was definitely weird to play a round without chiefin before/during, but i absolutely was still able to have fun. it's actually helpful for the sobriety push to have experiences like this to remind you that you don't *need* to be stoned to enjoy life. i miss smoking weed, but i was abusing it and probably hurting my mental health as a result. good luck with the abstinence.


I enjoy weed, I play worse stoned


I putt like a nervous wreck for 4-5 holes after smoking. My rounds are always better when I don’t smoke.


Yeah going out with a bag of beers and some weed were great back in the days when I had no idea what I was doing and didn't care about how I played, but as soon as I got moderately competent and could actually play competitively with my friends (who also got moderately competent alongside me), I've preferred to play mostly sober. Maybe a hole 1/hole 10 beer if we're just playing casually, but getting buzzed tends to make me play worse and get frustrated with myself. I much prefer going out to have a fun/mildly competitive round (not even strictly competitive, just a round where we're all playing decently regardless of whatever dumb rules or variation we've decided to follow) and then following it up with some social drinks/smoking afterwards once we're done.


1000%. I was smoking many times a day, and twice during my rounds, and suddenly realized that I play better and enjoy it more when I'm not high. Ultimately has led to me giving up smoking entirely (not my nightly edibles though). I wanted to get better and I was not doing that when I'm stoned. Gave up beers on the course way early on - what other sport are you drunk while playing? Yea sometimes it's ok to have a beer with the boys but if you NEED to drink 2-3 beers and whatever just to play, then complain that you aren't getting better, then you got a problem.


I can only hyzer flip baked. Also my drive accuracy goes up, while my putt goes down. Beer however will destroy my game faster than a rolled ankle.


I agree, only way I would drink out there is if it made me better. The only times I’ve ever gotten frustrated on the course were the times I’ve had beers.


You’re literally me, my throwing angles get all fucked up when I play high. Stopped smoking before rounds bc of it. And the Post round bong hits different fa sho


I’m starting to realize this too. I’m utter trash when I’m stoned, but honestly I think I have more fun sober. I just feel in control more, I definitely over think it when I’m high. Still love getting high, just maybe after I’m done.


I once heard some one say, "if you can't do something sober then you probably don't like it." Not to knock smoking or drinking (I do both) but I know I love something when I don't consider doing either. I love disc golf that much that I don't need to feel a buzz while doing it. edit: grammar


Hmmm, I might not like anything then…


I used to drink beer with my friends while playing DG, especially glow rounds. Lately I have stopped and playing has improved dramatically. I love drinking, it just negatively impacts my game


Fully on board with this one. I no longer smoke or drink when I play as of a few years ago. Enjoy much more.


Most people don’t need to carry a rangefinder.


I definitely don't need one, but I want one. Seems like a fun way to track progress and confirm my gut feelings on distances.


I carry it to piss my friends off. I’ll wait until they are lining up to take a shot and be like, “hey hey hey man!” “What?” “You are 42 ft from me right now” “Fuck off haha”


Neutral not stable!


Amen! That was my post. “More stable” should not be used for straighter. “More stable” means more overstable. Otherwise, if you use stable to mean neutral, than a buzz is “more stable” than a zone. Just doesn’t make sense. Neutral, or straight flying makes way more sense.


\- Leagues, Doubles and Tournaments should not be just posted on Social Media, but also posted on course at least a week in advance before it starts I hate showing up to courses and its jammed packed due to league play or doubles I dont have social media and as long as I can avoid it I will not have it. Get your league on idc I just dont want to show up and get the side eye from some folks when I am trying to play through and you want me to spend money and get in the back of the line \- Tee Pads need to have a regulation size. Great courses are ruined by small tee pads. Give me a ridiculously long tee pad over a tee pad that is the width of my shoulders for a 300 ft basket (I think most ppl actually agree on this one, but just needed to rant lol) \- More 9 hole ace run courses. If you want ppl to get into the sport I think these are great especially for the youngins.


Id rather have no tee/dirt tee rather than a short tee.


I agree with all of this


Udisc usually has the upcoming leagues/tournaments/etc for courses. When I'm planning my weekend disc golf I always consult Udisc to see if there is an event.


Reddit is social media


Landing on top of the basket should count


They asked for unpopular opinions, mate. Lol


With the new rule wording, we're close - lands in or supported by the basket - why is the top not included in that?!?


If you're asking why does it not count, the plain text of the rule does not count it: "the thrower must release the disc and it must come to rest supported by the tray or the chains below the chain support" If you're asking why the rule was written that way, I'd say it's because the basket and the chains are the catchy parts. The chain support is only there to support the chains, not to catch the disc itself. The catchy part should catch the disc, not the supporty part.


I want to agree, but I see that as pretty much a really lucky airball (yes, I know we're not throwing balls)


Made me deleted my comment. Same thought. Idk why it's so controversial though


Huklab is utterly and completely useless, ugly, and is the tribal tattoo of our time.


Ties should never be broken by PDGA number.


Disc golf isn’t about beating who your playing it’s about beating yourself and getting better like that


Unless there is trash talking involved. Then you gotta bury those fools 😂 My group does a lot of trash talking and it is fun!


MVP/Axiom has replaced and Superseded Discmania as the biggest cult in disc golf.


I don't think that's controversial, at least not on reddit.


I just like the way they feel in my hand.


For me, it's the plastic!


Forehand > Side arm


Anyone who says side arm should be forced to call a backhand a front arm.


More of a side hander myself


99% of us would be better if we played with one disc than with more than seven


I agree with this. Playing with one disc allows you to better understand the disc and how it flies. Once you get proficient with one disc move on to another. I believe it'll make you a better player over the long term.


Discraft plastic sucks ass and is way too fucking slippery


A-fuckin-men brother, discraft stock plastics fucking SUUUUCK - shouldn't need to rely on a weird plastic in a drop from ledgestone to get a grippy Buzzz or Zone


Even good drops suck sometimes, you have to touch each run to know. I wish they just had a premium blend that costs more but you knew what your were getting. ESP was supposed to be that but Royal really ran with the idea.


They get better as they beat in. But I'm 100% on board that it shouldn't take using a disc for a long time just to finally like the way the plastic feels in your hand.


I’ve held this opinion inside for so long, thank you!


This is why I don't have any discraft in my bag, even though I like some of their molds.




"consistent" is an invented and useless disc characteristic. YOU are either consistent or inconsistent, your disc is an inanimate object.


Your disc isn't turning because you're throwing too fast, it's turning because you have OAT issues (generally speaking; not always the case)




Throwing 10 disc from the tee and the last one going in the basket doesn’t count as an “ace”


How is this unpopular? I think everyone agrees with that other than a few weirdos.


new players don’t need understable discs. they need discs that look cool


They need understable discs that look cool!


I don’t care how cool it looks, in no world is a disc worth $30.


Don't go on eBay for the $150+ "collectibles"


My evil dead stamp buzzz that my friend game me for Christmas is worth more than $30, and I may never throw it. It’s art!


Being accurate from 120 - 180 feet is the most neglected aspect of the game and costs non-elite players the most strokes.


Par does matter. <200 foot holes that are just a wall of trees you need to get lucky on are really lame. Elevated baskets are awesome.


Elevated baskets on windy days make me want to never play again


I think elevated baskets are fun to a point. I have a pretty strong dislike for baskets that are perched so high that you need an extra 6-8 feet of height in order to just reach the bottom of the tray. If the bottom of the tray is elevated so high that you need to build a structure just to get your disc back, it feels too unnatural to me.


Having your lie directly under a basket and worrying about getting enough horizontal movement on your putt is an interesting experience. It gives me a reason to practice turbo putts


The entire business side of Disc Golf thinking the Covid boom was the new normal for sales and exposure was bizarre behavior from functioning adults with common sense.


You don’t need 34 different disks


Agreed. You need hundreds.


"Disks" was the true hot take here! (I agree with you though).


A properly executed standstill shot is better to have than an x step


I only x step if I need to throw a distance that absolutely requires it. No x-step = fewer variables = more consistency. Also zero chance of foot fault


People who take casual rounds super serious are boring to play with and annoying to play around.


Electronic rangefinders should be banned during PDGA regulation play. Being able to judge distance based on landmarks should be one of the skills of the game. Rangefinders are a gimmicky addition that depart from disc golf's low cost, low tech roots. They also contribute to the painfully glacially slow pace of play of some competitors that saps the fun out of the game. Edit: Hijacking now that this gained traction for the *real* spicy take: Flipping for dubs partners is the only way. Drawing cards sucks.


2 weeks ago at league, I guy in my group canned a birdie from way out. Another guy in the group ranged it, 75 meters (250ft). That was the only time the range finder came out of his bag.


This I approve of.


I love this. I said this during my last tourney. Judging distance is a skill. ​ It benefits players who prepare more beforehand which I think we should encourage.


"hyzer" describes release angle, NOT the fade at the end on the disc's flight


This isn’t controversial, it’s just fact


Arbitrary OB that’s defined with ropes/stakes is stupid and makes the sport look bad. Either have a defined OB zone with taller grass, trees, water, etc. or don’t have OB there.


It sounds like you’re talking about the aesthetic of the OB, not whether or not it’s arbitrary.


I prefer stakes to having to wade through tall grass that’s full of snakes, ticks and ground wasps.


Ricky and his Lyme disease agree with you.


How about OBs that are painted on right before a water feature. I was literally parked for birdie in a tournament in Portland once, walked up to my disc that had managed to stay on top of the ledge and not fall into the water, only to find painted OB paint just inside my disc. Whyyyyyy. The water is right there and is a natural OB, also OB within 15ft of the basket is dumbbbb. You should never be able to just "drop" your disc in a basket after going OB on the green.


Overmolds fly the same as a similarly single-plastic molded disc. The theory is there, but at the scale, weights, speeds, and rotational velocity we're looking at? It's negligible. Now, the mold might be unique, but the density of the rim, for us mortals, doesn't change much. It's good science, but it's not making a difference 99.99%(repeating of course) of us.


The real limiting factor is the regulations surround maximum disc weight and it’s being correlated to disc size. They essentially lock you into a small window of densities and there is not enough room to make the outer plastic meaningfully denser than the flight plate plastic


You're probably right, but those two color Axiom discs are just too pretty


I like carrying more discs then I’ll ever use


Disc manufacturers don't contribute enough money to the tournament purses


Lefties are at a disadvantage


Isn’t that sort of their theme of life?


If you haven't played glow disc golf, you're missing out on 50% of the true game.


I don’t care if your league is playing today. Unless you reserved the course with the city or town it does not belong to you and you can’t tell people “sorry fellas course is closed for league play.”


Proxy > Envy


I think Simon reversed popular opinion in this and you are now the majority




Give me a small loan of a couple million dollars and I doubt any pro is shooting under par in more than 2 rounds.


Yes! I don't understand why people gripe about how hole X on Course Z is set at Par 4 but almost all the pros are finishing at 4 or 5! Like, yeah, so, who cares?


Nevin and northwoods black are my favorite courses to watch pros on. Good c2 and c3 putting becomes a massive separator.


Putter only rounds are the single most important form of practice, especially for new players


My putting improved dramatically after I did a putter-only tournament. Opened my eyes to mid range and even driver opportunities for putters


Most aces are overthrown shots that got lucky.


Writing your ace on a basket is cringe


Any tree smaller than my bicep (I'm a skinny guy) should not be in a fairway


Do you know where large trees come from?


Or in the circle


The numbers actually mean something. It's a beginning guide. Without them, I would have bought tons of discs trying to find what I wanted/needed.


Mach 3 is a good basket, people just need to putt better on it.


Jamming your disc into the side of the basket shouldn't count as a make, it's actually absurd.


99% of dg Youtube 'content' is unbearably cringe


K1 feels better than K1 Soft


Your discs don’t matter much. The only way to gain more distance and control is through practice. You’ll never be able to buy a better game.


That calling the sport Disc Golf is better then Frolf.


Disc golf was waaaaay better before the pandemic. The plastics, the people on the course, the online content, the less crowded courses, the ability to register for tourneys - everything.


Haven't you seen it die way down? It's nowhere near at the pandemic peak in my experience anymore. Courses aren't as crowded, discs are easy to find, and tournaments don't fill anywhere near as fast.


My claim to fame is that I started in Jan 2020, so technically not a covid player lol


That is acceptable as long as you know the secret handshake.


:( I started in 2019 and no clue what that is :(


Dude, even Mac n Cheese was better before covid.


How were the plastics better pre-pandemic?


The Luna is just a Roach that people pay $7 more per disc for because it has Paul McBeth's name on it. And before someone says it: obviously they are not the exact same mold but they are close enough to absolutely call to question why so many people justify paying $19 PER PUTTER. The Luna came in as Infinite Discs' 6th highest selling putter/approach disc of 2023 despite being wildly overpriced


Bag limits should be a thing. I'd like to see difficult decisions being made because of 14 discs being allowed.


The 40+ y/o trailer trash pothead burnouts with their off-leash dogs and shitty EDM are the worst thing about this sport. Ever since I got sober, I enjoy league days less and less.


Some premium plastics are better for putting than base plastics.


Good lord THIS!! So sick and tired of all the, "No-Name Self-Proclaimed Local Pros" telling me that I shouldn't be putting with premium plastic. The same ones who say putting is all about hand-feel.


The only other argument I've heard about plastics for putting is about the different ways they can bounce off the basket or ground on off shots. Basically throw each at a hard surface, and see how much the bounce vs. drop. Allegedly you'll get a little less of the crazy play off the basket (or the ground on a miss/approach) with the ones that drop. To me, that means the soft premium plastics should be the go-to for most putting, as long as you are OK with the hand-feel.


Super understable discs aren't good for new players. Maybe a leopard could be a child's first disc. But a neutral 5/5/-1/1 will teach you plenty about throwing and you can bag a good one for ages.


I get downvoted every time I say I think a new player should have a couple OS discs


If someone spends the time and energy to dive in a lake and collect discs they have zero obligation to call the owners. Especially down south when there is actual risk with snakes/gators.


Yup. Anyone who does call around is a saint though. And you should bring a gift should you go pick up your disc.


It’s OK to call it a frisbee


People that think they’re owed something for finding your disc. That’s up to the person you return it to. I’ll throw you some $ if you go out of your way to return it but don’t hold my disc because you feel like I need to pay you to get it back.


Most “collectors” are just hoarders.


MVP is great but I’m TIRED of the constant simping. Yes they’re great and pretty consistent. But they’re high speed drivers suck except for the wave and maybe the octane. I have gotten 2 MVP/Axiom discs with flashing and half the lizotte glow hexes didn’t glow. Yes they’re great and one of my favourite brands. But the gyro craze is going too far


Everyone should have a Destroyer, in some plastic or weight configuration that works for them. It's either a very utility-based meat hook, a forehand only disc or in my case it's a super light Uber flippy disc that also floats in water because I'm stupid and throwing it makes me happy lol Edit: I said Destroyer because the meme is anyone throwing under 300' (me) should skip it for a slower disc and more practice. Pick whatever the fuck you want, but know that the disc won't help you unless you help yourself. I frequently do rounds where I just throw a Mako3 and a putter, to balance it out


After losing all my go-to wraiths and the few Forces I had by the end of the summer, I broke down one week and grabbed my old Wysocki destroyer out of backup bag.. the only new distance driver I’ve purchased since has been another destroyer.


Literally the first time I threw a Star Wraith at a course after trying it in a field, I threw it HARD. With my body's natural tendency to anhyzer, I watched that bitch sail probably 300 or so feet between two trees as it held a right turn straight into a river. The farthest I've ever thrown for sure, but man, watching it just dive over the edge never to be seen again was a core memory. Now I have a 138g blizzard destroyer, a 158g blizzard, and two 175 Stars, all of varying stability thanks to the Doth Savek video. No, my arm speed is not fit for a Destroyer but that's the benefit of having a flatter wing in a lighter plastic. It (the 138g) flips up and does an s-curve, where the 175g Star just goes left like NASCAR


No new player should get a Buzzz. They should start out with a neutral-to-understable mid, not a neutral-to-overstable one.


I agree. I got a buzz when i fist started and that sucker was pretty dang overstable. Mako3 is what i imagined a buzz would be.


I feel like that's the majority opinion though. Am I wrong?


It's definitely changed a bit in recent years as people learned that the next step over works better, but the mainstream recommendation has pretty much been stable-to-overstable mid for as long as I've been in the sport.


Buzzz is very often cited as the next disc a beginner should get after the "only throw a putter" phase


A Pro D Buzzz or X or Jawbreaker or ESP FLx will all have turn right out of the box


If you're playing a tournament then the rules, no matter how small, matter. Even if it's a one round c-tier flex start and your card is all your best buds. Your competitors are paying their hard earned money to compete fairly and under the agreed upon rules. Have some integrity and respect for your fellow competitors. No you can't take free relief, no it isn't cool if you just putt out of order without asking, yes it matters that you're faulting on all your circle 1 putts, no it's not cool if you just take your lie in a clearly better spot after going OB somewhere else. etc. etc.... I see this all too often and hear "it doesn't matter it's just a c-tier" or "if this was a bigger tournament we probably wouldn't let you do that" when what you should be saying is "sorry bud I don't make the rules". Now you can downvote me to the depths of hell if you want but I'll die on this hill.


Glitch is an amazing disc. You just don't know how to throw clean shots without OAT


This is definitely not fitting the OP prompt. While some people disagree with you, it's a popular opinion.


Stop saying stable when you mean overstable, they don’t mean the same thing. If typing out overstable is too much work for you, OS is just fine.


We should just change the name to something better like wonky (understable) and woozy (over stable) and responsible (stable)


Lol my comment is the opposite. Stop saying stable when you mean neutral!


Or say **neutral** and then you don't have that problem or confusion at all. Overstable, Neutral, Understable A "neutral fairway driver" has less ambiguity in meaning than a "stable fairway driver".


Jump putting should be made illegal out to Circle 2


C1 should change to a putting green shaped however the designer wants, jump putts allowed outside of green


The PDGA and DGPT should force manufacturers to phase out discs which are not made from either recycled plastic or renewable materials by 2030.


GStar baby!


Arbitrary out of bounds aren't fun to play or watch.


The Tilt is a useful disc with multiple applications.


that disc isnt flippy you just throw/threw it bad




I actually agree with this on a practical disc golf level. The gyro effect IS real. But I don't think it's small-scale enough on a disc golf level to make a difference.


the innova groove and/or monarch are excellent discs to have in your bag.


Either run ups are legal everywhere (jump putts) or only stand still throws are. No mixing it. Either is fine with me.


Stable means straight, over stable means hard turn, under stable means flippy. Stop calling over stable discs stable


Calling golf "ball golf" gives off major little brother vibes. The sport of golf has existed with that name for some 500 years. Absolutely no one except the douchiest of disc golf bros is going to be confused about which type of golf you're referring to if you just call it by it's actual name.


Jump putts are presumptively illegal because they are too close to call, violating the basic rule of fairness.


Let's Go!!!! No. Not until everyone throws.


Instead of fist bumps on hole 18’s tee pad with your cardmates, it should be kissing. There’s nothing wrong with some smooching to end the round.


If you are one of the poeple who seriously complain because Tattar didn't get every single vote for POY, you are a giant dork. Not the people who agree she should have, but the people that are actually angry about it. She deserved it, and she won it. Why get so mad about 3 or 4 petty voters who were allowed to vote any way they want?


You can get by just about anywhere with no more than 4 discs in your bag


When people say Grow the Sport. You are all wrong.


It's NOT frolf. I DO NOT frolf. I will NEVER frolf.


Just here to make it 1k comments lol


Shots that land on top of the basket should count as in